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2024 Rides (Read 3215 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #450 - 04/21/24 at 10:03:29
Hopefully the stars at night are big and bright, (clap, clap, clap), deep in the heart of Texas.  Reminds me of the one I love, (clap, clap, clap), deep in the heart of Texas!

No traffic, but hopefully you don’t get road blocked by a 1000 traveling ‘migrants’!  You should be good.  Just don’t go any closer to Pierre’s Negras and Eagle Pass.  Eagle Pass used to be a fun place to go 40 years ago for a quick border crossing to do tourist shopping for trash and trinkets.  Got my first pair of hand made leather cowboy boots there for like $20 back in the day.

The Caverns of Sonora are pretty cool if you have a few extra hours.  Not too far from where you’ll be.

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Camp Springs, Kentucky
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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #451 - 04/21/24 at 19:36:03
Deb and I had a good ride today.  The morning started out at 44 degrees!  It warmed up quickly and we fixed bacon and pancakes while it was chilly, and rode off when it was in the middle 50's.

We first went to the Empty Cross sculpture garden in Kerrville - we should have done that while the others were here.  It was very nice.

We then took a long ride to Amalo Springs Cafe and arrived at 3:03, along with another couple in a van.  As we were taking off our helmets a young woman walked out to tell us they closed at 3 and would not be taking any orders - we could come back on Wednesday.  The couple in the van was from Hawaii and said they would be back in Hawaii on Wednesday....and we will be back on our way to KY.  When they say they close at 3PM - they really mean it!

I wanted to get some guitar picks from Luckenbach for my Assistant Pastor - so we swung by for a quick shopping trip.  They had a good band playing and the food truck looked like they did a decent job - so we got hamburgers and they were almost as good as Alamo Springs (and they were OPEN).

We then headed back past Alamo Springs and stopped at the Old Railroad Tunnel to see if the bats where back yet  The volunteer their said there were a few bats - but the big colony has not yet arrived and they are not yet scheduling the viewings.

We had a nice ride to Comfort, then Centerpoint, then Camp Verde and on back to Kerrville.

We have loaded up the bike and riding gear and will head out to Comstock in the morning.  It is a 179 mile drive - likely 4 hours for us tourists in an RV!
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Someday I will be old......But not today!

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Serious Thumper

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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #452 - 04/21/24 at 20:35:37
I got home tonight !   The Interstate turned into a parking lot just west of Memphis this afternoon ... so ... I got off and went the "OLD" way .

It was a pleasant way to drive the rest of the way home .   The craziness of the Interstate went away !!  Smiley    There were people running 80's mph in the 55mph zones zipping around traffic like they had no sense at all.   It was more than likely one of them that was behind the Parking lot problem  Huh.   I was just fine with the scenic route .  Wink

I see there is two pages of post to catch up on here .  Smiley  
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WWW MMRanch MMRanch   IP Logged
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Houston, Texas
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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #453 - 04/22/24 at 05:05:52
Glad to hear you made it home safely, MM.  It was great meeting you and watching you ride the Super Meteor!  You can really sling that thing around!!

Be safe Dave and Deb!  Keep an eye open for the coyotes.  For whatever reason, they like the desert plains area out there.  Actually they’re pretty harmless unless you’re a small dog or cat.
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Camp Springs, Kentucky
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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #454 - 04/22/24 at 05:37:52
MMRanch wrote on 04/21/24 at 20:35:37:
I got home tonight !   The Interstate turned into a parking lot just west of Memphis this afternoon ... so ... I got off and went the "OLD" way .

When Deb and I drove down here - we saw 3 areas where the northbound traffic was a big problem and the traffic backup went for miles.  One of those places was Memphis, and another one was Little Rock - I believe the Little Rock backup was construction related, and it was on a Thursday morning.

We are not going home the same way in an effort to avoid the interstate parking lots we saw on the way down - they will likely add hours to our travel time (and a lot of frustration).

The southern route home goes through Louisville, Nashville, Memphis, Little Rock, Texarkana and Dallas.  Mapquest says it takes 19 hours and 17 minutes of driving (without the traffic jams).  We can take a northern route from Comstock that goes through Abiline, Wichita Falls, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Joplin, St. Louis and Louisville that has 19 hours and 43 minutes of driving - about a half hour longer.  That will take us through places we have never seen and avoid the traffic issues we saw on the way down (hopefully the roads don't have their own issues).  The travel times for an RV are considerably longer than Mapquest quotes.  We cannot drive 75 mph and our average driving speed was 52.3 mph and includes the time spent in traffic, at intersections and driving through towns and driving to/from the fuel stops - the time the engine was on and the RV was moving was 24 hours and 42 minutes (Mapquest says that it should have taken 17 hours and 34 minutes without our stops for fuel/tips to Crackerbarrel parking lots to sleep, rest areas to stretch our legs or driving to the stop in Waxahatchie to visit family).  I was driving at 65 mph on flat land between Nashville and Little Rock but did slow down to 60 mph up the hills so the transmission wouldn't downshift to try and maintain 65 on the hills.  After we passed Little Rock I had to slow down to 60mph continuously as we were fighting a strong headwind.  We may be able to go a little faster on the way home if we have a tailwind to help us!  We are learning that owning/driving an RV just requires a bit of a layed back approach to travel - you can't be in a hurry!

Our house sitter called us yesterday and told us the fridge/freezer stopped working.  She had to clean out all the food and put it in a dorm size fridge she brought over.  When we get home it looks like a fridge repair/replacement will be needed.  The fridge is 17 years old - and so was the oven we had to replace last fall.  It is a shame how short of a life span modern appliances have - we had to put our third water heater in the house last year!
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Someday I will be old......But not today!

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Serious Thumper

Evil flourishes if
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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #455 - 04/22/24 at 08:31:41
 We are learning that owning/driving an RV just requires a bit of a layed back approach to travel - you can't be in a hurry!  

Hay ,

That Layed back approach , works on motorcycles just fine too  ... I've gone to calling Meteor 350 my "ZIN-Bike " . Compare's to a Honda 305 .
There is even a reference to a BMW in there somewhere .

Life in the "Slow Lane" can be  SO - SWEET   Cool  I don't know why it took me so long to realize just how sweet is can be.   Smiley

" When asked to sum up the bottom line of his philosophy in a 1974 interview, Pirsig said, “Pay attention to where you’re at right now and not where you’re going to be in the future.” Enjoy the journey, he told readers, and don’t fixate on the destination."  

Maybe I should get an RV and mount a bike carrier on the back of it ?   It sounds like ya'll are enjoying it just fine !  Smiley


Once again YouzGuyz did a wonderful job of "showing us the sights" , I was glad to see some of the old stuff and see some new stuff too !  
YouzGuyz , if you ever get a hankering to see TN.  I've got a spare room and can put off my regular chores for a few days .   After my son and new daughter get moved into their house I'll have a bunk-house available too.   It's full of furniture now  . heck , after they get moved in ... I'll have two spare bed rooms!  Roll Eyes

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« Last Edit: 04/22/24 at 19:05:53 by MMRanch »  

I see and feel the Holy Spirit in the world , as does anybody who has eyes to see.
WWW MMRanch MMRanch   IP Logged
Serious Thumper

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San Antonio, Texas
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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #456 - 04/23/24 at 05:19:30
MMRanch wrote on 04/22/24 at 08:31:41:
Once again YouzGuyz did a wonderful job of "showing us the sights" , I was glad to see some of the old stuff and see some new stuff too !  
YouzGuyz , if you ever get a hankering to see TN.  I've got a spare room and can put off my regular chores for a few days .   After my son and new daughter get moved into their house I'll have a bunk-house available too.   It's full of furniture now  . heck , after they get moved in ... I'll have two spare bed rooms!  Roll Eyes

Sounds like everyone had a good time here.   Cheesy

The shingles is starting to clear up a little, but the pain is still... interesting?  At least I can type for a little while.

MM ... sorry you missed the longhorns.  I finally found some for you.. and you weren't there!!!
There is a video of them from the bike cameras on the FB link I posted before, and I know others took pictures.

My situation does not allow long distance travels, but I do appreciate the invite to your home in TN!
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2002 - Silver (Thumper)
2000 - Green (Mad Hamish)
Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut between the seat and the handlebars. Make sure yours isn't too tight or too loose.
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Camp Springs, Kentucky
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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #457 - 04/23/24 at 06:16:16
Youzguyz:  Glad you are feeling better.  Hopefully this is a one time event and it will all just be a bad memory in a little while.

MM:  The RV is nice in a lot of ways - it was a necessary change for us as Deb's health problems will not allow us to travel any other way.   Since you already own a truck - you may be just as well off to find a small toy hauler or get an enclosed trailer that you can sleep in once the motorcycle is taken out.  Owning an RV or dedicated camper is not any cheaper than driving and staying in hotels - but it does provide more flexibility in where you can go.

COMSTOCK:  Yesterday we drove to the Seminole Canyon area about 180 miles west of Kerrville.  The large Amistad Reservoir we passed had very little water in it, and the lady at the check in counter told us the area have been in drought conditions for the last 5 years.  The ranch land here is far different than what we saw in the Kerrville area - the grasses are sparce and the land is very rocky.  I have no idea how the animals survive in this desert.  We went for a hike yesterday and all the vegetation here wants to scratch or poke holes in you....everything has spikes or thorns!  There is an old rail bed from the Southern Pacific railroad going through the campground that was the second transcontinental railroad and it was built in 1883.  The wind here was intense yesterday and it made riding the motorcycle difficult - however we rode out and watched the sunset from an overlook at the high bridge over the Pecos was nice experience.

Today we will visit Comstock and the Judge Roy Bean museum in Langtry. , and the museum here at the campground in Seminole Canyon,    
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Someday I will be old......But not today!

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Serious Thumper

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Spring, Texas
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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #458 - 04/23/24 at 10:17:33
Glad to see all got home safe and sound and everyone had fun.

Neal, thanks again for all you do for us grumpy old men. We really do appreciate you very much.

Paul, it was great meeting you and riding together. Sure hope you will join us again in the future.

Dave, glad you and Deb are having a grand time. I think I am envious. Cool

Guys, as always, I love seeing and riding with ya'll. I'm so glad that we could all make it. Thanks to all for the good times.
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06 S40 seat mod, airhawk, HD muffler, Shinko 712 140-90-15 rear tire, Shinko 230 front tire, versy cam chain tensioner, Rotella oil, Volar brake pads, EBC clutch & springs
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Camp Springs, Kentucky
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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #459 - 04/24/24 at 06:26:39
springman wrote on 04/23/24 at 10:17:33:
Dave, glad you and Deb are having a grand time. I think I am envious. Cool

It certainly has been a wonderful trip, and is one of the first times we have been able to travel like an "old retired couple".  Thankfully we are both healthy enough to be able to travel, and we saved up enough money while we were both working that that allows us to do this.  There was a time when we were working that travel wasn't possible - Deb was a school teacher and she had summers off and I was busy in construction projects and we could not travel.  There was a 10 year period where the only time we got to go anywhere was for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to visit with family.

We are going to try and do more of this travel while we are still healthy and able to get around.......our healthy senior years won't last forever!
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Someday I will be old......But not today!

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Serious Thumper

Evil flourishes if
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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #460 - 04/24/24 at 07:30:55
Hay Dave and Deb

Remember the Natchez Trace goes South to North.   Smiley

I've taken it twice on my way to Texas ... No Three time .

Free Running water campgrounds at both ends and one in the middle.
Relaxed speed limits
No commercial traffic
Lots of Scenic Views along the way !
What's not to like about that ?

Ya'll take care and be careful !  Wink

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I see and feel the Holy Spirit in the world , as does anybody who has eyes to see.
WWW MMRanch MMRanch   IP Logged
Serious Thumper

Posts: 2233
Spring, Texas
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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #461 - 04/24/24 at 10:45:09
Enjoy while you still have your health. Very happy for you guys.
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06 S40 seat mod, airhawk, HD muffler, Shinko 712 140-90-15 rear tire, Shinko 230 front tire, versy cam chain tensioner, Rotella oil, Volar brake pads, EBC clutch & springs
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YaBB Moderator

Posts: 18275
Camp Springs, Kentucky
Gender: male
Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #462 - 04/25/24 at 05:14:50
MMRanch wrote on 04/24/24 at 07:30:55:
Hay Dave and Deb
Remember the Natchez Trace goes South to North.   Smiley

Last year we were using the Bluegrass Parkway in Kentucky to get us over to the Natchez Trace - my new Ford Explorer only had 1,100 miles on it and we had just passed the 1,000 miles that Ford wanted for a break in before puling a trailer.  I wanted the slower pace of the Natchez Trace Parkway so we could give the engine some more slow/easy going and not subject it to 75mph freeway speeds.  Unfortunately we were still on the Bluegrass Parkway doing 60mph when the engine decided to blow up.....with 1,252 miles on the odometer!

Ford put in a new engine and at this point it has 5,000 miles on it and has made a couple of trips to Deals Gap without blowing up!

springman wrote on 04/24/24 at 10:45:09:
Enjoy while you still have your health. Very happy for you guys.

This is exactly what we intend to do.  We watched a Dr. who is doing a lot of traveling while he and his wife are young - he said that we all plan for retirement, and yet 1 in 5 people never makes it to retirement!  I have 2 younger male cousins who have already passed away, my uncle died at 74 from a brain tumor, my grandfather at 64 from a heart attack, my dad at 72 from alzheimer's.  I am in better shape than those folks and Deb makes me eat better - but there is no guarantee on the future.  We need to enjoy our health while we have it and enjoy life while we still have it.

COMSTOCK: Our 2 days in the Comstock are were great.  The land is incredibly rugged and harsh.  The land is so rocky that is is amazing that anything can grow or live on it.  The Southern Pacific laid rail tracks in 1893 that passed right through the area we were camped, and then later rerouted the track to a safer/easier route in 1892.  The old railroad bed is still visible and a testament to how hard the men worked to build the second Transcontinental Railroad.  The Judge Roy Bean museum in Langtry was fun.  The J&P Cafe in Comstock is the only place you can get food in the area  It looks a bit run down and rough on the outside - the inside is all OSB plywood on the walls and ceiling - but it is clean and it is the best hamburger I have ever had in my life!  It was so good that after we had it on Tuesday we had to stop on the way out Wednesday and have another one,,,,,,,,,and the French Fries are all hand cut!  The J&P Cafe' is a very special place~

On Wednesday morning we packed up and got ready to leave, then took a 10AM tour of the Seminole Canyon and the petroglyphs painted on the rock overhangs by prehistoric inhabitants.  It was the first time we ever got to see something like this - so even though it meant  we could not leave until noon on Wednesday we took the tour.

On the way past Comstock we stopped for another burger at the J&P Cafe' and got on the road around 1PM.  The first 2 hours of driving north out of Comstock was on very rural 2 lane roads through incredibly harsh canyons and rocky hillsides.  The speed limit was 55 but the roads were curvy and bumpy and 40 mph was often the top speed.  In 40 miles we only saw a couple of other cars - it was a bit intimidating to be in such a remote place.  We stopped driving last night just north of Wichita Falls and traveled 474 miles - we have 958 more to go!  The god of wind has not been kind to us - we fought a headwind most of the way down to Texas - and now we are fighting headwinds going the other way!  We were the only RV in the parking ot of the Cracker Barrel in Lawton, OK last night - the tanker trucks takes 15 minutes to suck the grease out of the waste tank at 3 AM, and the garbage truck empties 3 large dumpsters at 4:30 AM on Thursday mornings - just thought you might like to know.
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Someday I will be old......But not today!

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Serious Thumper

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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #463 - 04/25/24 at 07:17:04
  the tanker trucks takes 15 minutes to suck the grease out of the waste tank  

Huh Roll Eyes Huh Wink Grin

Put a bidet (  )  in so the "Grease ain't so thick" ,   Smiley  and to make your world a nicer place too !   Smiley Smiley

I'm glad ya'll can do some of our traveling for us ... I enjoy reading about your exploits !   Cool

If I ever get to the Big-Bend area  , I know where to eat now !    Smiley

Hay Marcia and I were at a Bike shop in Columbia yesterday and bought a pair of ridding jackets .   Waterproof , stage 1 - soft - armored , removable liner , and zipper-vents .   Marcia got the Gray and Black one .  They feel like Gore-Tex.  I hope this don't mean I have to get a BMW ?  Huh

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Re: 2024 Rides
Reply #464 - 04/25/24 at 09:48:28
You know that getting those jackets means that you are only a half step away from being a BMW owner/rider.
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