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The Chrome Wars (Read 9524 times)
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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #60 - 09/20/14 at 15:51:56

And that leads to the question  "How bad is the erosion of the Windows brand name right now?"

Checking into this has led to some interesting info dating back from 2008 and then again in 2012 when  it was recommended to MS that they dump the Windows brand name completely because they had turned it into a net negative value with Windows 95 and Windows ME and had done the name yet further damage floundering around with the first version of Windows XP (which if you remember wasn't very good at all until Service pack 1.2 rolled around).  

Ditto again in 21012 for Win 8 and Win 8.1 -- more brand name erosion has taken place in 2012 - 2014 to the point the brand name Windows means "screwed up" all over again.

Vista was the first "renaming" of Windows ---- and wow, what a bath that was.    "Threshold" per se isn't a fix in other words, making some really really much better software is the only fix that you can do that will get you where you want to be.

Right now MS is being told by some pundits not to call it Threshold or Windows 9 at all --  firstly it is really going to be Win 8.2 structurally AND if MS screws it all up up again they may kill off their Windows brand name entirely beyond any real hope of recovery.

Instead the pundits are saying "have a Preliminary Release with no name, give it away for testing for free  (or whatever) and leave it out there for a year and show some really dedicated and rapid activity fixing whatever the people tell you is wrong with it.  

Then, after the fixes slow down and people are actually happy with it, then call it Windows 9 BUT NOT BEFORE THEN.

In other words, prove to us that you are REALLY different from Ballmer's MS in some real, meaningful ways.

Show us that your OS is SIMPLY BETTER than Chromebooks and Linux and Mac and iOS 8.

Don't bullshite us .... make some truly great software and let it do the talking for you.

Roll Eyes

Four years ago, Windows was the #2 strongest brand name.    Last year it was ranked #34.    

This year it may fall even lower .....

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« Last Edit: 09/20/14 at 20:20:44 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #61 - 09/21/14 at 18:52:13

Intel ..... and Apple

Intel makes a lot of noise about how it is going to 14nm and how they will have no competition from anybody from then on.   Lots of brown vapor,  lots and lots of smoke and noise.

Apple/TSMC/Samsung simply produced the 20nm A8 chipset in volume and on time and shipped it this month.   No claims beyond 25% processor improvement and a 2x improvement in graphics are being made, but folks are noticing something about that 20nm chipset that was un-claimed, un-announced and not screamed about or touted at all.

Intel's much vaunted 14nm chipsets have 1.4 to 1.8 billion transistors on their 14nm dies.

The 20nm Apple A8 has 2 billion transistors on its 20nm die -- and that die is SMALLER than any of the proposed 14nm Intel stuff.

?????    Huh    WTF  ?????

I think that some pundit folks need to go back and calmly re-visit the design level advantages that RISC offers ARM designs vs Intel's porky x386 CISC design overhead again.

I have mentioned before that 32nm ARM equalled the performance of 22nm Intel and that 28nm ARM kicked 22nm Intel's butt all over the place ---- and apparently 20nm ARM RISC is going to kick 14nm Intel's CISC butt around some as well.

What do you think 16nm and 14nm RISC ARM is going to do to 14nm CISC Intel?  

Me, I think most of ARM will stay at 20nm until Intel finally gets down to 10nm and finally starts to put some real pressure on 20nm ARM performance-wise.  And remember ARM has several steps they can take with 16-14 nm being the first FinFET step.

Remember, at 20nm ARM is still using simple flat planar lithography that is SO SO SO much faster and cheaper to produce.   By the time ARM is forced to go to FinFET it will be all worked out to the point that the costs and production speeds will be there to support the ARM move.

The ARM RISC mobile products do not really require the extra processor power right now, a 28nm chipset is MORE than powerful enough and energy efficient enough to meet all of battery powered mobile and tablet needs --- especially since Android is getting both faster and lighter lately.

What MAY drive smaller 14nm ARM RISC lithography is IoT (internet of things) with all that tiny tiny tiny wearable stuff.

But, please understand -- Intel has 3 planned (one actually running right now) 14nm lines.   Between them, Samsung, Global Foundry and TSMC have 6 planned 14nm lines between them (with two up and running right now).

Intel's cost to product a chipset is still 2x what the ARM fab boys have for their cost.   The ARM fab boys post a profit every quarter and to date Intel has posted a net loss every quarter on its mobile business ever since they got into it.

With Tegra K1 and the newest Exynos Chromebook chipsets ARM has entered into the 2014 laptop arena with some more powerful and somewhat specialized laptop chipsets.

Apple's 2015 debut of their 14nm  A-9 is going to also enter into the laptop realm as Apple is building A-9s right now and Intel's loudly promised 14nm Skylake is still an undefined & undesigned little brown vapor poot as far as real production goes.    Intel is running a year plus behind on everything lately, so why should the just announced Intel Skylake be any different?

Intel has been warned and told by Apple publically now, and when Intel fails to deliver Skylake on time and on cost Apple will change over a lower end laptop or two to their own domestic production of their own 2014-2015 produced 14nm quad core A-9 chipsets.  

In 2016-17 Apple's A10 next generation is going to be fully laptop and desktop capable and they will never have to pay Intel's bulky profit margins ever again.

We will see a struggling Intel trying to make Apple A9 and A10 chipsets on a defined cost foundry contract for Apple before this is all over.

However, Intel at 14nm is supposedly able to make a real phone chipset (if their hiring of several design folks away from Rockchip and from Qualcomm bear the proper fruit that is).

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« Last Edit: 09/22/14 at 08:53:27 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #62 - 09/22/14 at 06:16:15

So, it's been a whole week now since Chrome and Android got married up, so what is Google up to now?

Let's see, Android L is going to come out in late October or early November along with the Christmas offerings of new, more powerful Nexus devices.   At the same time, Samsung will drop their newest 64 bit chipsets and phones and tablets and begin shipping them for Christmas as well.    

We are talking announce and ship on the same day.

Android L will be full 64 bit from the get go and it will carry all the Chromebook/Android mate up tricks from the get go as well as being fully encrypted by default from the get go.

What does this all mean?  

China and the NSA can't get into your phone or your tablet ......  (yup, not unless they can steal the encryption key when the phone is being built and first loaded that is)

Samsung and Google have been staying mute lately and holding off on putting out the new products and that silence has made some go theorizing that there were a few late burbles in Android L that took some extra time and effort to smooth out.

If so, then this was smart -- last major generation change Samsung pushed out the first OctaCore Exynos 5410 product that simply didn't work quite right because the software/hardware core swapping part of the A15-A7 generation simply wasn't fully cooked yet.   That was an embarrassing enough mess to be sure.

It is very important that there be no burbles at the 64 bit Android release.

However, words will be pushed out on October 30-31 saying when all the stuff will actually fly for real for Christmas.

Lastly, Android L may be called Lemon Meringue Pie or Lollipop and it will likely carry the Android 5.0 numerical designation as it is the very first 64 bit Android.

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« Last Edit: 09/22/14 at 08:44:01 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #63 - 09/22/14 at 07:41:47

Now, a few words on the digital divide between the USA/Europe and the Developing Countries.

Americans want to upgrade their stuff every 2 years when the contract comes up -- we don't HAVE TO but we certainly do WANT TO upgrade our stuff every two years.   It is a habit we have.

What we stick inside our electronics "dead stuff" drawer this year is beter than what some developing countries will ever be able to buy on their top end during the next two years, most likely.

Kit Kat 4.4.4 will remain active in the developing countries for several more years now as their cell services and phones are early 3G at best and they simply won't go past a 32 bit dual core processor for a few years yet.   Indeed, Kit Kat may even roll out a few more dot revs as the third world processors get a little bit better and better.    But Kit Kat will remain current for them to use.   As will Firefox OS.

Android L is coming out of the gate at 64 bit and the only chipsets out there that ARE 64 bit are pretty much powerhouses that can run a small laptop very nicely (and, BTW they are  actually being used for Chromebooks as we speak).

Intel is focusing on keeping ARM out of their laptop business and they are attempting to go after phones again this year.   Ain't got a chipset yet, but that isn't stopping the Intel vapor machine from puffing away.

Microsoft may or may not pull off a compelling Win 9 software this year that could help Intel do that.   Irregardless, Intel is running OK on Android right now and they are trying to get into all sorts of low end Android devices right now.

Why?   Why low end devices?    Intel is hurting VERY BADLY for some volume to fill up their big wafer fab lines and absorb some of the cost of their manufacturing operations.  

Irony right now is that if Intel had that larger volume right now while they are losing so much money on each chip produced that they could 'big success" themselves right into chapter 11 by having to pay out a great deal more of that loss leader contra revenue stuff.

So, Intel is gambling on letting TSMC build their low end for them at 28nm at a low cost position until they can get their 14nm lines running efficiently and at a much much much lower cost profile than they have running anywhere right now.

Plus, signs are now showing that the deep pockets of Intel aren't really bottomless .....  they are being very selective now where they go spray their bright red arterial blood spray.   Price supports on their Intel Chromebook chipsets have backed off by $25 just lately and the price of those Intel chipped items abruptly went up by that same amount.    The Arm chipped Chromebook products remained unchanged .....

Wink    Hey Intel,  Joseph Heller wrote a book about you called "Catch 22",  you ought to go read it sometime.
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« Last Edit: 09/22/14 at 16:06:00 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #64 - 09/23/14 at 04:51:45

Nvidia sues Qualcomm, Samsung for infringing on its ‘invention of the GPU’

Wow, I thought Nvidia had learned something from watching Linus's middle finger pop up in public -- don't be an arsehole.   Boy was I wrong.   Nvidia is being a bigger arsehole right now than it EVER was before.

This lawsuit is unfounded, Nvidia did not "invent" the GPU (the very first IBM mainframe had a graphics co-processor and all that software/hardware design IP for that has been donated to FOSS for over a decade now) and what is only amusing to lawyers is the fact that Samsung doesn't make (and never has made) its own GPUs.

Samsung is going to request legal support from ARM and VR Graphics (the folks they do buy their GPUs from) and let Nvidia's lawyers explain to them how those guys (who predate Nvidia in mobile industry GPUS) are infringing on Nvidia's patents.

ARM will be very very negatively impressed that their licensee Nvidia is going around suing people who are using ARM Mali graphics.    Nvidia is a relative newbie in the RISC world after all, coming from an x86 CISC background.

What's behind the story?   Nvidia isn't doing as well financially as they have been doing in years past (with the PC industry tanking and all) and they want to do them a Microsoft and suck a little profit from those who are doing well.

Issue is that they are being ridiculous in what they are attempting.   And only a ridiculous West Coast judge would even consider granting them a "stop all shipments" court order against a South Korean company who isn't even the maker of the GPUs in question.

Linus's middle finger is going to be popping up again, I can just hear what he's gong to comment about Nvidia doing this.    Also, do you think this will affect your sell through of your current Nvidia products somewhat, by any chance, with you being such an incredible arsehole just lately?

And do you think it is funny that Nvidia goes sues Qualcomm who owns Adreno graphics that they bought from AMD who bought it with ATI who merged with Bitboys who INVENTED 3D graphics back in 1990, three years before Nvidia was formed?  Can you say "big arsed countersuit"?,3117...

So, go sue some people who are going to sue you right back, you idiot, and very likely they will win when they do it.   Erode your shrinking bottom line a little more, you idiot.

And go get yourself a fresh phosphorescent green coating of "stinking arsehole" while you are going about it, too.

Nvidia .....  you'd snatch defeat from the jaws of victory doing some really stupid stunts like this.   Your Tegra K1 was doing very well, and your follow on Denver cored version looked good too -- but not if you are going around suing people for stupid shite and pissing everybody off.

Samsung cross licenses with Google and Samsung is the largest (or counting Apple, the second largest) customer of ARM, who is the one you are really suing with your nonsense BS suit.
Even Apple doesn't win suing Samsung and the tit for tat they have been doing for the last 5 years is a drain on both of them.   Apple and Google have agreed to drop all lawsuits between them since their tit for tat was foolish and draining on both parties.  

And nobody successfully sues ARM, aka Acorn which was formed by IBM, Sun, Apple and DEC way way back in the day to develop and further RISC technologies and was granted all the founding companies various RISC patents to go do so.

And you are really stupid, because Apple and Google are teaming up now to go after patent reform in the electronics industry as they see exactly what you are doing is a slow poison effect on all technical innovation as the successful innovators are being sued by the out-competed failures fairly consistently now-a-days.  

Nvidia, you may be the poster boy example for this patent reform effort, BTW.

"Fwck you, Nvidia"       ...... mmmm, are the Nvidia Denver drivers in the Linux kernel yet?  
Remember what Linus said would happen if folks like you didn't cooperate and behave decently?
"Folks like that should be ignored ....."
I wonder just how long that Denver kernel work is going to take now.
And when the Linux kernel work finally gets done, just how long with the Chromebook board approvals & the software driver tuning take over at Google?
Stupid Nvidia, just plain stupid.

Drop the BS lawsuits     And it really doesn't matter what MS has promised you, they can't deliver on it because they are in the same boat you are now ....  a loser in the Chrome Wars.  

And they are really ARE asking you to cut your own throat with this one.    Remember, you were a WINNER last week, now you are a stone loser now, big time.
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« Last Edit: 09/24/14 at 07:47:07 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #65 - 09/23/14 at 13:51:51

Samsung stops shipping laptops of all kinds to Europe

Samsung states that they do not see enough demand for their laptop products in Europe right now.

They may return after the upcoming market glut has sold itself down and the OS wars have settled a bit.

Right now Europe isn't a predictable, viable enough market for laptops so Samsung will sell out NOW under controlled circumstances and get out ASAP.

Samsung intends to be sold out and gone by New Years.
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« Last Edit: 09/24/14 at 06:29:50 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #66 - 09/24/14 at 06:15:36

This Christmas is the dump all the old stuff, sell it all off Christmas.    This Black Friday is going to have some MOST EXCELLENT DEALS on the few surviving Windows desktop PCs and for all notebooks and laptops.

Lots of uncertainty in the marketplace combined with wholesale and retail channels sitting kinda stagnant & just slam full of goods that are getting ready to age out technologically.

No matter which way the Chrome Wars turn, there is going to be massive change at the start of 2015 and most of these warehouse stocks of existing units are going to be stuck on the wrong side of that change no matter what it winds up doing.

The new 20nm and 14nm lithographies are both going to say about the same thing for the equipment next year -- the new stuff will be FANLESS and it will all be very small form factor compared to the stuff getting sold off this year.  

You got a few canny vendors who are leaving the worst of the PC/laptop markets right now, intending not to take a year's end bath in those areas.   Those like Samsung will get out early by stopping production and shipments NOW and letting any existing inventory sell down naturally

(and admittedly they don't have a lot to sell down, Samsung isn't a big player in PC/laptops in Europe relatively speaking).  

The bigger players are a lot more exposed and they find themselves not having a lot of margin to play with for making up great sale prices as current prices have been pushed down pretty consistently over the course of the last two quarters.    Dumping this inventory is going to hurt them a lot.

Windows 9 is coming.   Microsoft is going to change from a "buy it once and keep it for 10 years" business plan to a "rent your software yearly and trust us to keep it current" model.

Chromebook has risen as a viable alternative to Windows.   Chrome has picked up Android and is integrating all of Linux to become a full function alternative to Windows that is always kept current and that is always free.    This is attracting a lot of people (especially in Europe/Russia) who are repurposing existing devices rather than buying anything new.

There isn't a lot of money to be made in computers any more -- the selling price has come down to only a couple of three-four hundred dollars on the low end, no matter which kind you are chasing.   Sub $350 is most common with some coming in at sub $200 now --- this huge price drop has got to winnow out some of the lower volume producers fairly soon.

Change, she comes .....        

Remember, this is a cell phone, and next year if you give its grandson a wireless keyboard and monitor then you could type a post on it.   Or do a spreadsheet.   This is the sort of AMAZING change that will happen inside the world of the Internet of Things next year .....  
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« Last Edit: 09/24/14 at 14:31:58 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #67 - 09/24/14 at 06:41:44
Seen a young gentleman with one of the "watches" this Monday, we were compairing my google glass and the watch.
His was bluetoothed to his phone much as my glass is to my phone.
We both have issues with battery power and his did not shoot video.
Wearable tech is going to improve, lets hope the graphene  batteries come about quickly.
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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #68 - 09/24/14 at 06:50:40

Both Samsung and Lenovo are coming out with their own relatively sleeker more normal looking Glasses -- yep, Google will have piloted yet another venue for their ads to take place (and invented yet another new technology).

Shopping with Glasses, with an app that instantly reads the bar code on the shelf label and instantly gives you the 2 day shipped Amazon price for the same item .....  plus gives you three alternative Amazon items for you to consider.

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #69 - 09/24/14 at 07:59:35


Don't see any Intel Inside over there at Rockchip at all .....    I do see another pretty much stock 64 bit ARM A53 octacore coming out though as Rockchip's heavy hitter for next year.

Do you think this poses any lesson for the Chinese supplier base in their future dealings with Intel Technology Sharing?


New stinky brown vaporous information has floated up about Intel's Sofia's brand new low cost dual core design team  --  to make this happen sooner (first half of 2015) Intel Singapore and Intel Malaysia have now been teamed up to attempt to create a 28nm 3G low cost low performance cell phone chip for Intel  which will land within the required 6 month time frame.

The new Singapore/Malaysia dual core Sophia will still be built at 28nm at TSMC, but it will not be fully integrated.  Instead, it will apparently be built from at least three separate chipsets, with mating hardware on the motherboard.    Contra revenue will likely be required to fund the additional hardware cost and there will be large amounts of Technology Funds spent to get somebody to actually use the awkward little abortion in a real cell phone or two.

In the same set of news releases, the CEO of Intel Bryan Krantz says he really does not want to pay contra-revenue on cell phones.   Read this to say he hates what he hears, but sees it will be needed again  --  or read it he's a gonna step on this little poot right quick-like before some of his over-eager crew goes and spends his company to death yet again over doing something just plain stupid all over again.

Neither Rockchip nor Rockchip's Chinese vendor base seems to be involved with the current Intel Singapore/Malaysia dual core design effort at all at this time.    They may possibly might be involved in a later on 2016 time frame follow on chipset, a 28nm quad core designed phone Sophia chip that IS supposed to be both 4G and fully integrated.   Right.

Since these later 4 core 2016 plans are lapping over into the same time frame that Intel says it will have its own pair of domestic 14nm Sophia chipsets available, then it all becomes somewhat vaporous, brown and very problematical.    We know that 28nm chipsets from the orient are relatively inexpensive stuff and the Intel domestic production off a brand new 5 billion dollar lithography line has got to cost Intel a lot more money ....

Key take away from all of this is that Intel still doesn't know how to build an integrated cell phone chipset and still has no single concrete plan to fix this lack.   Got lots & lots of brown vapor trails going out through year 2016  though ....  all named Sophia.

Roll Eyes       <poot>  <poot>    <poot>  <poot>    <poot>  <poot>     Hey, Brian -- when you go and name all your poots "Sophia" it gets kinda hard for us to keep them all straight, you know
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« Last Edit: 09/25/14 at 03:59:15 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #70 - 09/25/14 at 03:23:01

Installing Android apps on Chromebooks made easier by Chrome APK Packager tool

"Developer bpear96 has released an Android app called Chrome APK Packager. Install it on your Android phone and it will come up with a list of apps installed on your Android device.

Check the box next to an app you want to install on a Chromebook or PC running the Chrome browser, hit the “Generate Chrome APK” button, and it’ll create an Android app that’s compatible with Chrome (assuming you have the ARChon runtime for Chrome installed)."

My goodness, in just two weeks it goes from "you can do it" to "this is how you do it" to "here is a one click Android App that does it automatically for you from your phone".

Somehow I jest don't think Microsoft (or Apple) can match the reaction speed and general skills levels of the crowd of Googlites that are marching in formation towards Christmas.

CHROME STUFF IS GETTING BETTER at an incredible rate while MS still hasn't even got their base OS's operational 8.x brokenness fixed yet, much less tried to get it tuned to run any lighter, faster or better.

Young people who are up on all this techno stuff likely will buy into the free stuff that is rapidly getting better rather than the pay me stuff that is going to cost yearly subscription money just to stay the same 'ol porky slow stuff.

Plus, folks who know Android and the Chrome browser know all about how all this new works already ......

Since the Chrome browser is going to get all this goody built into it along with voice search and all the other good just invented tricks, then good 'ol Apple is still struggling to play catch up despite just having dropped iOS 8 out on the market.    

MS is so far behind now that their confused stinky brown vapor isn't even keeping up any more.

Roll Eyes          (feeling Scroggled yet, MS ???)
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« Last Edit: 09/25/14 at 04:52:01 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #71 - 09/25/14 at 04:43:30

I found this year old article that turned out to be VERY accurate in what it had predicted.   Having proven itself accurate over the last year, listen to what it predicts for next year.

You will watch all of this happen in the next 6-8 months unless MS pulls thumb from butt and starts working on improving its OS product in VERY MEANINGFUL fashions.

"If we cast our gaze to the future and extend the lines on the graphs by a few years, it’s clear that this trend will continue until the PC is merely a specialized device for productivity and gaming. As tablets and smartphones close the performance gap, and input devices improve, the PC market will shrink even further."

Productivity and Gaming .... huh?    

Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes    Roll Eyes

Prediction time again --- inside of year 2015 Ubuntu/Mint will get integrated into current chromebooks in a more seamless and easy to use fashion
(no more awkward Crouton four finger keystrokes to switch over).

Ubuntu/Mint Steam games will come along for the ride, completing the general purpose FOSS OS system.

Chromebooks will be able to run MS Office On-Line, run all the rest of the major Windows style programs that are so quickly getting themselves on-line, run all of the old Linux softwares, run all of Android that is worthwhile and play them Steam games.

Chromebooks will be fanless and more powerful than they are now, yet with better battery life and be both physically thinner and lighter to carry around all day.

Cost will float in the $200 -  $300 neighborhood.

Look to see FOSS making up Ubuntu/Mint like flavors to do all these same combination/integration tricks if Google fails to do so.
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« Last Edit: 09/25/14 at 21:23:40 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #72 - 09/25/14 at 13:23:46

Toshiba and Acer each dropped in a new Chromebook today, each of which offers over 8 hours of run time on a charge.    The Toshiba has a full size laptop battery that gets over 11 hours actually, which is very very good.

By my count there have been six new Chromebooks dropped to only one "way way out of price position" Stream Book machine so far.    

I doubt there will be any more BingOS machines since the entire Stream Book class seems to have failed to meet the needed price and performance guidelines.  Plus, so far MS isn't "contra revenuing" the Chrome Killers enough price-wise to even get them down into the real Chromebook striking range.    

Seems like $50 is all the price support MS will allow, which ain't nearly enough to get the job done.

So far the Chrome OS has been improved twice since the war was started while the current version of BingOS has been
technically discontinued (the name, anyway) during this same very short period of time.

Roll Eyes         not much of a war really so far, kinda more of a dumb biatch slappin' actually.

Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin    Grin  

Cheesy    Oh my goodness, another metaphor for this ongoing struggle comes to mind .....

A skinny quick '60s hippy chick having a slap fight with a fat sloppy spandex street ho.

(yeah, MS sells it  --  charges a lot for it even though it ain't all that good.   MS's ho keeps giving you the clap repeatedly too).

Well, if MS actually can improve Win9 in several significant fashions, then that fat sloppy spandex clad ho might just slap that skinny hippy chick back some next week.

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« Last Edit: 09/27/14 at 06:23:08 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #73 - 09/29/14 at 18:59:00

Hp has announced two more Stream machines, bringing the total number announced (but still fully vaporous) up to three for HP with zero being real at this point in time.

Ya gots a 14", a 13", an 11" announced now, using similar chipsets to the Chromebook crew.   These puppers will supposedly cost $199, $250 and $300 when their vapor evaporates.

Christmas season starts tomorrow, so it is time to start with the Christmas Carols !!!

So, you all know the songs, so let's all sing along !!!


On the first day of Christmas my low end market gave to me,

7 actual real BRAND NEW FANLESS chromebooks,

a dozen in stock older chromebooks and boxes,

       and on the Intel side

3 still vaporous HP StreamBooks,

Two discontinued Surface tablets,

and a not real Asus Eee netbook in a pear tree.

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« Last Edit: 09/30/14 at 01:47:06 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #74 - 10/02/14 at 05:24:31

MS swung a meaty spandex clad arm and hit back today -- but the meaty arm was all vapor so it did NOTHING AT ALL to the little skinny hippy chick.    

No audible Christmas season SMACK sounds all so far.

Looking for the Win 8.x machine discounting to become sorta severe come Black Friday -- them MS fan boys can now see Win 10 coming and it might be good, so expect all the current stocks of Win 8.x to just sit unless the STEEP discount deals and some avowed "upgrade rights" to Win 10 are announced ASAP and are promoted strongly.

Time to clear the retail channels, boys .....
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« Last Edit: 10/02/14 at 09:32:24 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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