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0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly" (Read 6458 times)
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly
Reply #885 - 05/28/12 at 08:15:22
The wheat bread vs Snickers bar is just to show the blood sugar spikes unleashed by each.  Use a Butterfingers or a lollipop,.. the outcome will be the same.  

I suppose changing brands of bread might make a diff of a percent or two, but the outcome will be the same.  

The point is that wheat/grain products give you blood sugar spikes.  Very unhealthy.  Done repeatedly, you might as well take a tenderizing hammer to your pancreas, and sign up for your local Diabetes Anonymous support group.

What happens when you live your life with daily blood sugar spikes?,.....Pancreas/endocrine system damage:

  -- Repeated gushing of insulin, cumulative irreparable damage over time. Leads to diabetes.
  -- Leptin response abuse (satiety signal): gliadins create cravings and, therefore, addictions, leading to inability to diet, and the urge to overeat.
  -- Intestinal damage: Grains slowly wear away intestinal cilia, cumulative and (for some) irreparable damage over time that leads to leaky guts.
  -- Internal inflammation: Wheat/sugar cause varying degrees of inflammation throughout the body, leading to heart disease, arthritis, cancer, etc.
  -- Aging: blood sugar spikes accelerate the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that create irreversible damage in every body part, ranging from joints to lenses to skin to arteries; and leads to cancers.  
     --- AGEs lead to aging, making you feel old and wearing out sooner.  
     --- The insidiousness here: the damage is cumulative, but the effects build so gradually they aren't often noticed until things start to fall apart.  
     --- Most folks (like me) just assumed feeling gradually worse and worse was just part of aging.  
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly"
Reply #886 - 05/30/12 at 11:12:18
Yeah, I used to eat those bars while riding. Now, I'm not hungry, nor do I crave them. No more feeling "wide" when I ride! Wink
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly
Reply #887 - 06/25/12 at 08:25:10
What is the status on the few of you who gave wheat/grain free living a try?

My updated status is at
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly"
Reply #888 - 06/25/12 at 09:46:02
Well since you asked, I guess I'll rejoin the thread.  Hopefully non-cheerleading comments are welcome.

I have stuck with low-to-no wheat for some time now. It's still pretty much a positive thing. I don't get dramatic changes in symptoms such as headaches just by ingesting a small amount of wheat like you do. I would classify those type of reactions as wheat allergy; thankfully I don't have one. But speaking of headaches, I do notice fewer of those slept-too-long headaches, you know the really sharp ones in the morning. This is probably because I  boing awake early now. In fact, I have started taking melatonin because without it I won't get a full night's sleep. Even with the early wakeups, the overall change in energy level is positive and I like it.

My weight has leveled out and I am not losing any more.  I still drink plenty of heavy beer and have a little roll from that. I am sure I'd have a sizeable beergut by now if I wasn't eating low-carb to compensate for it.

I still also drink tons of coffee, but have enjoyed less heartburn lately.  So perhaps the low carb/wheat thing has helped with that.

Joints (particularly knees) are less sore/poppy. Some of that is due to losing weight I'm sure.

Sometimes I will just eat some wheat and see what happens.  Then I may have a symptom and not know the exact cause, because of the difficulty of isolating variables in a "balanced" diet.  For example, if I go have a conventional lunch, I'll think Hmm.. was that heartburn from the hamburger bun, the pile of tater tots I ate with it, or those in combination with all that coffee this morning? Good research requires good isolation of variables. That is why I am annoyed with Davis for trying to pin the addictive nature of grease and sugar on wheat.  

Sometimes when I re-wheat I actually feel better, and not in a druggy-addictive sort of way, where I'd "crash" later. More as if there was a vitamin or something in there that was missing and I finally got it. And since I don't have dramatic bad other symptoms, the occasional wheating is good. So, apparently I don't need to be a teetotaler to get a few of the benefits of the WB diet, nor do I get them all by completely eliminating wheat. I still think WB piggybacks heavily on Atkins (which is low-wheat anyway) and plain old common sense along the lines of "don't eat a bunch of sugar, exercise moderately and you'll be fine."
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly"
Reply #889 - 06/25/12 at 11:20:41
"Yeah, same for me. Everything in moderation. Sometimes when I smoke I have a reaction, other times no reaction. Alcohol, same thing. Seems to me if you want to feel 100% wonderful you'd have to give up all wheat and sugar...but I guess we'll never feel that way since we're not willing to give 100%."   Only Gyrobob knows how it feels.
I watched my brother walk after sitting in a wheelchair for four years because he gave up wheat due to my urging. Wheat free/sugar free=100% wonderful feeling. It's not allergies to wheat any more than it's allergies to sugar during a "sugar rush". You'll get what you give. A 6 month trial, giving 100%, 100% of the time will give you the truth. Or just go with, "Everyone's body reacts's a good thing I don't have wheat allergies because I like my burgers with a bun."
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly"
Reply #890 - 06/25/12 at 11:34:31
myrnasilva wrote on 06/25/12 at 11:20:41:
You'll get what you give. A 6 month trial, giving 100%, 100% of the time will give you the truth. Or just go with, "Everyone's body reacts's a good thing I don't have wheat allergies because I like my burgers with a bun."

What is the Official WheatBelly RecommendedTM trial period?  Now I've heard 1 month, 3 months and 6 months.  It's almost a religious sort of thing where if it doesn't work for you, it must be your fault for not believing hard enough or living it fully enough.

Also.  Diabetics are not "cured" just because they adjusted their diet to a low carb, low sugar one where the rate of insulin the pancreas is required to pump out has been reduced to something it can handle.
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly"
Reply #891 - 06/25/12 at 11:42:31
Your point is made...There is a G-d, there is no G-d, there is some "energy", there might be some "energy". Go where you're most comfortable and it's working for you. After all, you've only yourself to blame for how everything works out.
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Newnan, GA
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly"
Reply #892 - 06/25/12 at 15:04:12
Ask a diabetic what his life is like once he has adopted a healthy way of living that caused all his symptoms to go away, his meds to stop, his bleeding fingers to seal up, .... he is likely to say he is cured.

After all, if you have no symptoms unless you start eating stupidly, you can consider yourself cured.  His life situation is the same as the guy next to him who never had a bout with diabetes.  Neither of them have to take meds, or stick their fingers, or lose their toes.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly
Reply #893 - 06/25/12 at 16:09:06
Fair enough.  Though I would not say they are cured as in "as good a condition as not having the disease" I guess following a diet isn't too much of a crutch.

Plus, we're better off long-term.  By not working the endocrine system to death day in, day out, come Thanksgiving it's well rested and up to the task of eating pie, with the crust.

Strange how with foods and drugs, there is no benefit to exercising your body chemistry as you would your muscles. Chemical yankarounds seem to have the opposite effect, they make the body weaker.. I wonder why.
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old  tired

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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly
Reply #894 - 06/25/12 at 16:58:13
I tell you if I don't have my Wheaties with wheat germ on it for breakfast I might as well stay in bed,I'm no good for the rest of the day.
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william h krumpen
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly
Reply #895 - 06/25/12 at 20:04:37
bill67 wrote on 06/25/12 at 16:58:13:
I tell you if I don't have my Wheaties with wheat germ on it for breakfast I might as well stay in bed,I'm no good for the rest of the day.

for the rest of the day?
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly"
Reply #896 - 06/25/12 at 23:28:22
That's one h3ll of a Casanova !!!  Grin
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
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Newnan, GA
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly
Reply #897 - 06/26/12 at 06:43:27
Eureka!!  I have discovered the cause of bill's irrationality.

Many folks on the WB FB page have reported over the past few months of this malady.  There are some studies even backing up the idea.

No,... it's not called bill's disease or klutz syndrome or anything like that.   It's Brain fog.  Yes, brain fog.

There must have been 20 or 30 folks over the past several months that described how they think a lot more clearly within days of getting off of wheat.  This is even a higher number than those reporting disappearance of arthritic joint pain, and diabetes symptoms.

I know this improvement happened for me as well. It is hard to quantify, but I'm going to have to add it to my list of benefits.

Poor bill.  Wheat has fogged up his mind so much, he can't think clearly enough to understand what is happening to him.

(i wonder if there is any cause and effect situation for bill with klutz oil and brain fog and wheat)
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly"
Reply #898 - 06/26/12 at 08:00:46
OK, so I did read about the first 3-4 pages of this thread before skipping to the end here. So it may have already been covered but I will ask anyway.

I am young (27) and very active, I ride a bicycle around 50-75 miles per week, work outdoors for the Department of Natural Resources, play on a club soccer team, and play on a club ultimate frisbee team. I burn around 1k-2K calories per day in activity alone not including my resting metabolic rate. It is hard for me sometimes to get healthy calories, I find that bread and grains can be the only way for me to get the energy I need to sustain my activity. I am interested in the wheat belly phenom because even I have ailments. I have arthritis in my lower back from an injury and years of farm work when I was younger, I have a bad left knee from soccer which aches and pops a lot, I get sinus congestion from allergies especially in the fall, and I am wondering if the wheat belly diet is for me? Is it OK for someone as active as I am to eat carbs and are there alternatives i should consider?

Sorry if this has been asked, if so please just refer me back to the appropriate post.
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Serious Thumper

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Newnan, GA
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Re: 0-60 in 2 seconds less?  "Wheat Belly
Reply #899 - 06/26/12 at 09:23:38
splash07 wrote on 06/26/12 at 08:00:46:
OK, so I did read about the first 3-4 pages of this thread before skipping to the end here. So it may have already been covered but I will ask anyway.

I am young (27) and very active, I ride a bicycle around 50-75 miles per week, work outdoors for the Department of Natural Resources, play on a club soccer team, and play on a club ultimate frisbee team. I burn around 1k-2K calories per day in activity alone not including my resting metabolic rate. It is hard for me sometimes to get healthy calories, I find that bread and grains can be the only way for me to get the energy I need to sustain my activity. I am interested in the wheat belly phenom because even I have ailments. I have arthritis in my lower back from an injury and years of farm work when I was younger, I have a bad left knee from soccer which aches and pops a lot, I get sinus congestion from allergies especially in the fall, and I am wondering if the wheat belly diet is for me? Is it OK for someone as active as I am to eat carbs and are there alternatives i should consider?

Sorry if this has been asked, if so please just refer me back to the appropriate post.  

Great questions, Splash.

This is something you should try, for lots of reasons.

1. There is no downside.  If for some reason it does you no good, no harm, no foul.  If it makes any changes for you, they can be only positive changes.

2. This is a low-carb effort as much as it is wheat-free grain-free.  
-- If you are a big-time carb incinerator, you'll need more carbs than the rest of us plain folk, but that is easy to do with healthy carbs, rather than poison carbs like wheat.  
-- Lots of veggies, fruits, wheat-free baked goods, etc., can give you lots and lots of carbs that you'll burn off and yet not be subjected to all the nasty stuff in wheat.  
-- Dr Davis, the preventive cardiologist that started all this, is a marathoner, so he knows these things.  His wife is a runner too, so they are well up on the concepts of sufficient amounts of wheat-free grain-free carbs for athletes.

3. The bread and grains you have been eating for "energy" are hurting you in all kinds of ways.  I won't be surprised if you are surprised with how much better you feel once you stop.  You'll have to realign the way you get your carbs, but if your bod reacts the same way most other bods do, you'll be getting a lot more energy for what you stuff in than before.

4. I'm 65.  For the past decade or two my joints were getting stiffer gradually,... sometimes to the point of being outright painful.  I thought it was just part of growing old.  
-- The biggy was the neck,.. it was getting to be unsafe for me to ride motorcycles and fly gyrocopters because I couldn't twist my neck to check for traffic.  I was gloomy,.. thinking I might have to give up these cherished activities.  
-- Then, Wheat belly happened.  ALL my joints (fingers, hips, ankles, knees, and especially the neck) got all smooth and loose.  This happened within the first few weeks!!!  
-- You'll know why after you read the book.  There are a few debilitating substances in wheat that keep the joint surfaces inflamed.  No wheat,.. no inflammation.  Well, less inflammation, anyway.  For me, my joints, including my neck, feel as good as they did 20 years ago.
-- This is why I am hopeful for you concerning your back and knee problems.  Wheatlessness certainly won't repair any permanent damage, but it WILL reduce the irritation from inflammation.  
   --- I'm building a couple of RYCA bikes. As you might expect, this involves a lot of kneeling and squatting beside the bikes.  A year ago my knees and lower back were in agony.  I'd have to stand up verrrrrrry slowly each time, and my knees sounded like a popcorn machine.  Now I can hop up and down like a kid,.. no pain, no popping.
   --- My boss (a good buddy as well) at Delta had permanent shoulder damage from athletics in school many years ago.  Several operations over the years.  Couldn't lift his right arm above his ears.  Constant pain even when still.  Bothered his sleep a lot. Then,... Wheat Belly.  It took a while (several weeks) but now he has NO pain when still.  Everytime he sees me now, the first thing he does is to lift his arm over his head with a gleeful smirk on his face!  His shoulder (seriously and permanently damaged) is still pretty much useless for anything requiring much force, but the pain is gone.  He has a reasonable range of motion now.  He says it is a lot easier to put on a t-shirt now.

5.  On the allergies thing,.. mine have just plain gone.  
-- Last year, before I would go out to mow the lawn I would take an allegra, do the work, then come in and try to recover.  If I didn't take the allegra, I'd be sick for a day at least.  Now,... no allegra, no allergies to pollen, dust, flying grass, any of that.  
-- No more seasonal allergies either.
-- On a related note, for the past few decades, I would get sick every few months pretty reliably.  Cold, flue, sinus infection, etc.  Knock on wood, but I have not had a sniffle since October of last year.  This is the first winter EVER, I have not gotten sick.
-- On another related note, ... I have always had a metal-on-skin allergy.  Since I was a teenager I could never wear rings, metal watchbands, etc.  Now,.. for the first time in 44 years, I am wearing a wedding band.  A few months ago, I bought my first ever watch with a metal watchband.

6. This Wheat Belly thing is more than a diet.  A diet is more of a fad thing that aims at losing weight for a while.  To me this seems more like an awakening to the idea that for many decades we have all been hornswoggled into believing that grains are healthy.  WRONG!!!!!!  Once you understand this, the changes you experience transcend that of just doing cabbage soup, or south beach, or weight watchers, etc.  Once you get wheat/grains/sugar out of your life the health improvements are,.... well,.... astounding for most folks.  

7. Some of the changes happen within a few days.  My headaches (something I endured for decades) disappeared forever on the third day.  Other changes, like joints, might take weeks.  Others, like atherosclerosis, blood pressure, and diabetes might take months.  A few folks with nervous system maladies (MS, FM, etc.) relate after a year or so, things were noticeably better.  These nervous system improvements, by the way, don't happen to every person,.. maybe 20%.  

8. Most of the benefits don't ever come about if wheat/grains/sugar is just reduced.  Having no wheat except for a bagel a few times a week is like having wheaties and bagels every day....  Unfortunately, a little goes a LONG way,.. so if a person wants to get the full effect, he should just blow off all wheat, all grains, all sugars.  Cold turkey.  Just do it.

9. Sorry for the novel!!  Jeeeezzz.  I got carried away again.  I guess you can tell I am pretty well convinced of how well this works because it works so well for me.  Here's a file I have been keeping on all the things that have happened to me.  There are so many different things happening, I had to keep them organized in one place.

10. Read the book.  Check out the Wheat Belly FB page.  Ask me any questions anytime.

Good luck!!  I sincerely hope you try this out.
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