Serious Thumper Alliance Member

Don't go around your ass to reach your elbow...
Posts: 7844
SW Washington State
I'm adding this note to this topic as a warning.
I know that we are often tempted to use different sealants, but Do Not Use the "MotoSeal® 1 Ultimate Gasket Maker Grey" sealant when installing the headcover. I picked up this stuff at Shucks Auto Supply (Parts America) and may be available at Auto Zone, etc too. It claims to be specifically designed for bikes and watercraft.
I tried this stuff as an experiment because it is easy to apply. It may work on engine cover gaskets, but it will not seal the headcover. It becomes hard and begins leaking fairly soon.
Using the High Temp RTV (or Suzuki Bond) is still the best sealer to use.
PS - Rob has informed me that the Permatex® Ultra Grey® Rigid High-Torque RTV Silicone Gasket Maker works just fine, so don't confuse the 2 sealants because the names are similar.