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More Fear (Read 777 times)
Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: More Fear
Reply #45 - 12/29/20 at 13:07:08
So, not KNOWING if there are sufficient bad data saying
Negative to be statistically important, that justifies KNOWINGLY keeping false positives.

I got My information from someone who has WATCHED IT HAPPEN.
Her Positive , false as they were, COUNTED, because Her employer is Washington State.
Until you show me where car wrecks and gunshots are all removed, I'm saying you're A cheerleader for insanity. Inaccurate data NEVER aided anyone. Unless they were selling bullshit.
Not Facebook
Not Fox
NOT once or twice
Deny the obvious that is your choice.
Stop wasting time trying to sell me bullshit
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: More Fear
Reply #46 - 12/29/20 at 13:36:58
Eegore wrote on 12/29/20 at 11:24:27:
"You can look at the CDC report and see thousands who died from accidental death, intentional or otherwise. Someone killed themselves or fell off a ladder when they had Covid and they’re on the list? What sense does that make? What percentage of Covid deaths were people over the average life expectancy?"

 Its provisional coding, from what I can gather the intention was to have more information than needed as opposed to not enough.

 You present an example here when you talk of the number of people who had SARS-COV-2 and were not recorded since they did not show enough symptoms to be seen.  The question in that situation is if they were spreading it?  I'm not sure any mathematical value can be accurate in this case, or the provisional coding at this time, but at least death certs can be audited.

Like toothpaste out of the tube (or election votes too apparently) no one’s going to listen to any provisional coding BS. The John Hopkins coronavirus tracker or CDC guides the news programs to spread the gospel that 336,000 have died of Covid. Doesn’t matter if it’s really only 150,000. Three years from now when they audit all their deaths with the kids and change the number. No one‘s gonna care and will barely get mentioned. Hundreds if not thousands of politicians across the country based decisions on facts which are true. That happens every single day and the topic of Covid is no different. They don’t care what you think, they care what Lester Holt on NBC thinks, they care what CNN says, that’s all they care about.

Now uncle Joe is going to appoint a climate czar who’s going to destroy the country and economy over “facts” that aren’t true.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8022

Re: More Fear
Reply #47 - 12/29/20 at 16:07:10
"I got My information from someone who has WATCHED IT HAPPEN.
Her Positive , false as they were, COUNTED, because Her employer is Washington State."

 Can I get this information somewhere?

 In CO we remove false positives once it is reported.  To be specific we are counting it as a false positive.  Once as a positive, once as a negative, once as a false positive.

"Deny the obvious that is your choice.
Stop wasting time trying to sell me bullshit

 I never said documentation was completely accurate.  It is provisional data and you pretend it isn't.  The CDC publicly releases this format and you say they are lying because "the news" misuses the information.  Who is delusional here?

 I post a video showing myself cleaning my carb with kerosene, go on national news with it an publicly document it.

 Webstermark tells you I clean my carb with Lysol.  

 You say I am the liar because Webstermark was inaccurate in what he relayed to you about my carb cleaning?  I lied to you?  Specifically I am the liar in this situation?
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8022

Re: More Fear
Reply #48 - 12/29/20 at 16:16:20
"Like toothpaste out of the tube (or election votes too apparently) no one’s going to listen to any provisional coding BS. The John Hopkins coronavirus tracker or CDC guides the news programs to spread the gospel that 336,000 have died of Covid. Doesn’t matter if it’s really only 150,000."

 My experience is that you are not the only human capable of doing that exact math.  

 As for legislation, my experience has been limited, I have only written national policy once and the rest has been specific to CO.  Not once did anyone look at anything on NBC to make a decision.

"They don’t care what you think, they care what Lester Holt on NBC thinks, they care what CNN says, that’s all they care about."

 I've sat 24 hour shifts at the CO ICC for months due to Covid, I have mentioned that here multiple times.  Not once was "the news" taken into account when I was there.  CNN actually was never on a single TV anywhere in that command center.  Epidemiologists, Economists, CDOT, etc. are the one's in there going over metrics and forging plans.  We didn't create a dual reporting system by watching NBC, we did by assessing the CDC's new method and finding it to be below our operational standard for accurate reporting.  

 Responses are sectioned by county, except for a few high density or low density areas so each level is managed more appropriate based off of outcomes in that county.  Not by CNN, not by Holt, by that county.  No amount of national news will reflect the infection rates of CO, so that news is useless to us.

 So yeah maybe some places are watching TV and using that to decide how to run their economy, but that's not what is happening in CO, unless they went to that strategy very recently.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12867

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Re: More Fear
Reply #49 - 12/30/20 at 06:03:05
I think you’re naïve if you don’t consider the possibility that the enormous reach of entertainment news doesn’t influence “science” today.

Did you use any WHO “data”? How about CDC? Both of those organizations resisted listing aerosol transmission as a possible Covid infection path for months until pressed by outside sources. They did this because, much like Trump and Fauci, they did not want to create a panic knowing how that news would be used. “It’s airborne” was a great line from Dustin Hoffman in that movie and they hesitated so that wasn’t re-enacted across the planet. It was only until forced did they add it to their list.

If you read the supporting research to the CDC’s recommendation to increase mask usage, you’ll find buried within the research, indicating the masks styles most people use are very ineffective on aerosols. Probably between 11 and 20% range. States like California have had mask mandates and lockdowns in effect for months and months yet their case is keep escalating. Don’t you think that’s an important statistic the WHO and CDC should be out front of? Are you trying to tell me the Lester Holts and CNN’s of the world don’t have something to do with that?

And set aside the whole WHO protecting China thing for a moment. WHO and CDC are political organizations.

Point is, I suspect you think you are basing policy on science but I suggest that’s a partial illusion. The data you use is filtered through political filters before it gets to you and unless you’re The King of Colorado, you can’t wave a hand and your subjects follow edicts.
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Serious Thumper

Younger than most
people my age.

Posts: 9023
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Re: More Fear
Reply #50 - 12/30/20 at 06:49:08
". . . Oh NO Mr. Bill ! . . ."

Oh NO Mr. Bill !
December, after Christmas will be the worst ever ...

Oh NO Mr. Bill !
January will be the worst ever ...

Oh NO Mr. Bill !
Their is a new strain that is "going to KILL you"
                  (Jeff Dunham LOL)

Oh NO Mr. Bill !
The new vaccine may take 8 years to get to everybody ...

Oh NO Mr. Bill !
It may take 10 years before we get heard immunity ...

Cheese and Rice, what do the UL, FDS, DFI, Socialistic handlers want the sheapol  to stand in line for now !
They have already STOLE the election !

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8022

Re: More Fear
Reply #51 - 12/30/20 at 10:55:41
"I think you’re naïve if you don’t consider the possibility that the enormous reach of entertainment news doesn’t influence “science” today."

 I agree.  I do not think the decisions are made based exclusively off Lester Holt or anything on CNN etc.  As in the CO Governor watches CNN all day then comes up with mask mandates.  Of course some factors of the mask mandates are political/nonsensical, but not all.

"Did you use any WHO “data”? How about CDC? "

 Yes, this has been discussed before and I mentioned how the variables were assessed.  I keep mentioning that the CDC isn't providing information that meets our operational standards.

"Point is, I suspect you think you are basing policy on science but I suggest that’s a partial illusion. The data you use is filtered through political filters before it gets to you and unless you’re The King of Colorado, you can’t wave a hand and your subjects follow edicts."

 Except, as I keep explaining, the information primarily used comes from CO facilities.  Not all, but most.  How is CNN or the CDC intercepting a college testing group and then cross referencing with medical center visits and filtering that information before it reaches the CO ICC?

 When a medical center has staffing shortages, how does the WHO filter that information before it gets to the CO ICC?

 When a morgue fills to capacity, in what way did MSNBS filter that information before it reached the CO ICC?

 My point is decisions are made primarily off of real time feedback and actual events happening right now.  When a facility fill it's morgue do we complain that the CDC gives out bad information?  When a college opens and every medical center nearby has a 77% or higher increase in ICU usage within 30 days do we say CNN is full of sh!t, keep the college open?  

 It is more useful to collect that information and model out predictors so we can see if we can stop the event from repeating.  Take the 4 closest in demographic education centers, two closed, two opened and see where it goes.  The open ones have increased intensive care at 70% or higher.  So do we sit around and talk about what the WHO has to say, or do we use the information right in front of us?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: More Fear
Reply #52 - 12/31/20 at 04:56:53
When a college opens and every medical center nearby has a 77% or higher increase in ICU usage within 30 days do we say CNN is full of sh!t, keep the college open?  
I’m gonna call BS on that but there’s a difference between local events and national/worldwide misinformation.

Let me put it in the form of a question; what percentage of Covid information the average citizen hears or reads is accurate?
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8022

Re: More Fear
Reply #53 - 12/31/20 at 06:13:30
"I’m gonna call BS on that but there’s a difference between local events and national/worldwide misinformation.

 I can provide you the clinical census at these locations and you are free to audit them if you think its BS that these medical centers are operating at over 77% ICU capacity.  The timeframe metrics correlate to college campus openings, I can also provide those timetables if you would like to audit that information as well.  This includes patient transfer information from rural medical clinics to higher tier providers and nursing home transfers.  This is relevant as the majority transfer rate is highest by those who were in direct contact with college students.

"Let me put it in the form of a question; what percentage of Covid information the average citizen hears or reads is accurate?"

  I would say at this time since most information is spread by social media the accuracy is very low, less than 20%.  Anyone can pass on garbage as if it's fact and people will share it over and over.  i for one could care less what the average citizen has to say if they reference Lester holt as the source of their information.  I just ask them something like can they support their claim with the metrics from vehicle/phone GPS signals and they don't have much more to say.

 However I was addressing this:

Point is, I suspect you think you are basing policy on science but I suggest that’s a partial illusion. The data you use is filtered through political filters before it gets to you and unless you’re The King of Colorado, you can’t wave a hand and your subjects follow edicts.

 Policy is not made by average citizens using Twitter, or MSNBC to make decisions.  The data we use is provided by the institutions reporting it, not by WHO, not by CNN.  So again, how is the data we use filtered "before" it gets to us?  Not the average citizen, but the people who are "basing policy" as you indicated?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: More Fear
Reply #54 - 12/31/20 at 07:02:16
Policy is not made by average citizens using Twitter, or MSNBC to make decisions.  The data we use is provided by the institutions reporting it, not by WHO, not by CNN.  So again, how is the data we use filtered "before" it gets to us?  Not the average citizen, but the people who are "basing policy" as you indicated?

And you think those “institutions reporting it” aren’t influenced by their politics? When I had my recent prostate surgery. I was told the delay in getting me a room was due to an influx of Covid patients. The reality was it was due to the hospital furloughing housekeeping staff when business had dropped off significantly because elective surgeries were being put off. If I had been “somebody“ and that story made the news, it would’ve been that poor little WebsterMark was forced to wait for a room because of Covid. That simply isn’t true. In fact, it’s purposely deceitful.

I read yesterday Maryann of Gilligan’s Island died of Covid. Then I read elsewhere in greater detail that she didn’t die of Covid she died of other complications and tested positive for Covid but she’ll go down as another Covid death. Another brick in the wall of “facts“ that policy is driven from.

Our St Louis County Executive has mandated lockdowns. When confronted with plenty of data that his especially harmful focus on restaurants is not justifiable, he ignores. The local papers, whose policies mirror any definition of liberal,  love his position and endorse it fervently. You can’t tell me his position isn’t influenced by local and national media. (Ironic that he’s a physician)
Across the river is St Charles County whose governance is more conservative and they’ve got less restrictions.

Compare those two counties as one following CNN and the other follow Fox.

Like I said, I think you’re being a little naïve if you think national media doesn’t influence data that you get. Even if you unbiased Lee make policy decisions based off of that data, you are unknowingly making decisions from data that’s tainted by someone’s politics.

And I would point out that it’s been my observation that people in positions that report data have a far higher interest in a political ideology than the average person. I don’t think you can rise to certain positions without endorsing a political persuasion of one sort or another.
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: More Fear
Reply #55 - 12/31/20 at 07:39:38
The false positives are cases, reported to, not CNN, not Facebook, but for to the state. Not removed after it's proven false.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8022

Re: More Fear
Reply #56 - 12/31/20 at 09:03:04
"And you think those “institutions reporting it” aren’t influenced by their politics? When I had my recent prostate surgery. I was told the delay in getting me a room was due to an influx of Covid patients. The reality was it was due to the hospital furloughing housekeeping staff when business had dropped off significantly because elective surgeries were being put off. If I had been “somebody“ and that story made the news, it would’ve been that poor little WebsterMark was forced to wait for a room because of Covid. That simply isn’t true. In fact, it’s purposely deceitful."

 I can see that happening however if a facility made that report officially to the State, there would be an assessment for criminal charges for false reporting.  Telling you there is " too  many Covid patients" is a significantly different than reporting to an organization that is auditing their census.  

 They would have to fabricate the patient loads, as in input patient ID's that are not physically present in the building, create charts, labs and results, movement orders to ICU and then close those rooms out with nobody in them, then get ICU staff to fabricate patient outcomes in real time.  To declare deaths they would then have to fabricate death certs, make a body double to take up the physical space (must match audit weight), get the coroner to fabricate an official record (part of CO dual recording) and then get families to pretend the person is dead.

 Again a big difference from garbage news, which you address:

"If I had been “somebody“ and that story made the news, it would’ve been that poor little WebsterMark was forced to wait for a room because of Covid. That simply isn’t true. In fact, it’s purposely deceitful."

 Is it the State policy makers using that "news" program to make their decisions, or the lab results double counted, from the Medical center cross referenced with the Lab provider?  I can tell you from the rooms I sat in nobody looks to a news story for elective surgery cancellation data.  They look at documentation for 3-S that would require many steps to fully cover-up if it were fraudulent.  

"Our St Louis County Executive has mandated lockdowns. When confronted with plenty of data that his especially harmful focus on restaurants is not justifiable, he ignores. The local papers, whose policies mirror any definition of liberal,  love his position and endorse it fervently. You can’t tell me his position isn’t influenced by local and national media. (Ironic that he’s a physician)
Across the river is St Charles County whose governance is more conservative and they’ve got less restrictions

 That may be how it works where you are.  Where I sit the Governor isn't reading the local paper to see what they said about him to decide if a college campus needs closed.  There 7 factors taken into account for that one topic.  Those factors all have two sets of collection and another two of verification by third party.  In the rare case a local official makes a standalone ruling for their county that ruling is looked over.

Like I said, I think you’re being a little naïve if you think national media doesn’t influence data that you get. Even if you unbiased Lee make policy decisions based off of that data, you are unknowingly making decisions from data that’s tainted by someone’s politics."

 I agree with that, which is why a college self-report and county numbers can't be the only factors taken into account for closure.  They may have bias to under-report or over-report cases, attendance etc.  So comparative demographics, GPS/Cellphone data, medical center census, CDOT, Medical transportation, Independent lab reporting, Life-care Facility census must all be used to create a decision.  7 factors of additional data to evaluate that one college report.  

 So yeah, the politics are there but I think the viewpoint that the State Governor is watching CNN and looking at some hospital statements about elective surgeries, or restaurant closures, would be how decisions are made is rudimentary at best.  At least where I am.
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« Last Edit: 12/31/20 at 17:14:41 by Eegore »  
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8022

Re: More Fear
Reply #57 - 12/31/20 at 09:08:10

The false positives are cases, reported to, not CNN, not Facebook, but for to the state. Not removed after it's proven false.

 Can you PM me some contact information?  If she has this information it would be useful once verified to be accurate.  We didn't change the CO count system by complaining, we did it by presenting verifiable information.
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: More Fear
Reply #58 - 12/31/20 at 18:08:11
I'll hafta ask permission,,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: More Fear
Reply #59 - 01/02/21 at 07:50:24
Just have to talk to institutions and ask what their reporting requirements are. Nobody wants their name attached to a push to correct it.
They have a policy
I'm guessing it's not secret
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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