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Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc (Read 5530 times)
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #30 - 03/23/15 at 18:52:02

Brillouin will sell you some stock, Rossi will not (and his backers have tried to buy back all the licenses that Rossi sold over the years).


Thorium reactors will consume nuclear waste at a very slow add rate,   What they really do is take the transuranics and build them up and break them down as part of the normal thorium reactor cycle, turning them from 10,000 year deadlies into 300-400 year deadlies.   Once "poisoned" with nuclear waste a thorium reactor will always be a 300-400 year affair, but it can remove nuclear waste instead of adding more thorium rock.

Slow, but it is the only nuclear waste removal game in town right now.

If left virgin, with just thorium ore added and waste rock skimmed off the top the reactor can be run for 30 years before it gets sluggish, then the hole in the ground can be filled in over the top of the reactor and it just left in place.   After 100 years it would be safe to be around.

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« Last Edit: 03/24/15 at 04:34:09 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #31 - 03/27/15 at 09:33:07  

Parkhomov stands up at a scientific seminar, shows his details and his data and PASSES OUT HIS FORMULA OF "pelletized safe" LENR POWDER in small envelopes along with short stacks of printed "how to do it" information, including where to buy everything.   All of this in Russian, of course.    

Lugano has been essential duplicated independently at this time.  

Parkhomov has open sourced the entire hot-cat process.

top graph is input energy on bottom, output energy on top
bottom graph is pressure plotted against initial heat up temperature

The Russian LENR guys as a group are leaps and miles ahead of the Americans now --- we also note that the Chinese Bureau of Energy people were there and stayed afterwards to talk to Parkhomov.

The Russians have oil and natural gas resources to protect against devaluation (and as such may see some negative pressure put on them) but the Chinese do not have enough resources internal to China, so they should welcome LENR with open arms.  

China is actively developing Thorium reactors and LENR and everything else that is out there to try.

Look for folks to try to patent what they can of their newly developed WORKS MUCH BETTER control methods and higher efficiency powders and hot cat designs -- wonder how far they can go before they actually bump up into Brillouin's control patents ???

Since the USA will not grant patents on this subject (by policy) American heating companies can go to town with this as soon as it develops into a completely durable stable safety rated process.

The Chinese will have millions & millions of units shipped by the time Americans ever get a UL cert on a LENR heater system.

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« Last Edit: 03/30/15 at 06:37:26 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #32 - 03/30/15 at 05:50:51

Parkhomov's demonstration and passing out of packets of powder and instruction sheets kicks off a  wave of University level research programs in various countries.    The Japanese pick a mantra (always gotta have a mantra in Japan you know) with the prize to be given out at the 2020 Olympics games opening ceremony.

The New Fire catches to the twigs now.    (we like analogies and catch phrases more than  mantras,I guess -- must be our advertising industries influence on us when we were young)

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #33 - 03/30/15 at 05:56:28

There is some evidence that using just hydrogen gas under mild pressure and giving some time to allow the gas to naturally get into the metal surface will allow the reaction to start up at lower temps.   Still gets hot to the same degree though as naturally you want the thing to get up near the nickel melt point to be most efficient.

This partially explains the cold cats .....

A book has been published now on what is known up to this point, suitable for use as a college level text book.

Also notice the new heat shield affair over the actual hot cat fuel chamber -- expect to see this item on any commercial unit as it acts as an explosion safety shield and as a neutron/radiation shield  should anything ever be released during a run.    

So far any incidental stray items released have been extremely low energy and would be stopped cold by a layer of tin foil, so the sheet steel "explosion shield" is more than ample to act as a radiation barrier.

UL considerations will also have to be included in any finished commercialization efforts.

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« Last Edit: 03/30/15 at 07:39:02 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #34 - 03/30/15 at 06:57:37

Rossi has released some info that suggests he has COP of well over 10 going on at the 1 megawatt steam plant.

He has taken a quarter of his units off line at a time and has still been able to keep up with the original OEM's steam volume and pressure requirements.   This confirms massive progress has taken place past the 3.0 COP he started with.

Start and restart have gotten routine and are programmed into the controllers.

He is now experimenting with low pressure steam power generation using a single off line 3 core cell to provide a "small steam generation station" coupled to a stirling radial style engine/generator.           click on it -- its a movie

and here is a pic of a radial unit that has been actually been produced      and sold

Roll Eyes     don't drool at the pic -- it is a commercial home natural gas Beacon 10 generator as produced by Dean Kamen and Elon Musk.   The E-cat version would likely be about the same size whenever it comes about (about as big as a washing machine).    This unit could at least partially power your house, provide you with hot water and sell power back to the public utility when it has excess capacity (ie at night).

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« Last Edit: 03/30/15 at 08:32:55 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #35 - 04/06/15 at 03:22:17

There are over a dozen sites world-wide doing Hot Cat work now, patterned after Parkhomov's simple unit and using his powder mix as a starting point.

People are enthusiastically melting down their first units, striving for their first controlled reaction.  And they are talking and sharing information.

Rossi melted stuff down for over a year before he got it.

His hints led Parkhomov to his first sustained no melt (and his first restart) after only 4-6 tries.

It becomes obvious that the intellectual forces arrayed against this technology are not able to hold it back any longer and the progress is beginning to accelerate as more people set up their rigs and try it out.

"Monetization of the idea" also acts as a deterrent, as some voices go quiet as soon as they "get it" and another little company is formed and patent request for a new application trick hits the patent office.   All are being denied as soon as they are filed.

More big players are becoming visible now, players that have had prior knowledge for a while and are pushing forward towards commercial applications.   This includes folks loosely attached to government agencies (DARPA, NASA, etc).   Ditto for the Japanese, they have nearly 10 years of detailed knowledge out of Sony and Mitsubishi  that is just now slowly leaking out.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is sticking with their mantra "No radiation seen, not our bailiwick" -- indeed by their definition LENR is not nuclear anything, it is a naturally occurring isotopic shift process that is being augmented by pulsed AC excitement.

In its Parkhomov simplicity (with all of Rossi's smoke and mirrors removed) LENR is a simple high melt ceramic tube with some very high temp resistance heater coils around it and a TINY bit of powdered nickel and a hydrogen source (gaseous or chemical).   Parkhomov literally does it at a table inside his apartment where he lives.

Why?   It cuts down on his heating bill, of course.    He's relatively underpaid, not stupid.

Brillouin's theory is that the nickel is used as a solid matrix for the isotopic electron stair stepping and the temporary formation of neutrons from protons (which then break down and release lots of energy that is converted into heat before it even leaves the nickel lattice where it was generated).   The trick seems to be able to involve lighter elements that are doped (particles bump into each other and a tiny bit is rubbed off and added to the matrix)  and march these atoms of lighter material on up into being upper isotope nickel as part of the repeated cycle of reactions.

Brillouin floats his nickel powder on pulses of hydrogen gas from a pulse pump inside a vertical tube, and he uses flow/pulse rate as one of his methods of keeping the reaction from running away.  He uses a LOT of nickel powder agitated and "floating" on these gas pulses and a very mild electromagnetic excitement instead of the massive AC excitement and resistance heat from a hot cat set up.  Brillouin constantly refreshes the powder in his vertical tube, allowing him to remove any "ash" products ongoing.

20 million per license will get Brillouin talking to you, so pony up boys .....   or wait for all the eager little guys to figure out a hot cat basis that doesn't cost but a couple of hundred dollars to build.

How many ways are there to skin a Cat?   Half a dozen so far, from one shot plasma jet rigs to Hot Cats to Brillouin gas floated tubes --- and there are more ideas out there to be sure.

Rossi will have reached "proven commercialization" by the end of this year and he says he can run a one megawatt containerized rig with one on-site trained customer technician using internet based augmentation from his own people as needed.

Hot water heating systems have been around for centuries, so it is easy to see a Rossi hot water space heating plant being a very real commercialization of his current ideas.    

Now that Rossi has COP of over 10, he could do a Beacon type power generation station with the hot water space heating as a byproduct.   He is generating "wet steam" now, so he could run a low efficiency piston steam generator as well.

Beacon type stirling engines could use a red hot glowing Hot CAT directly, if folks can figure out how to run them at that level without melting them down -- in a very long term fashion.

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« Last Edit: 04/06/15 at 06:02:27 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #36 - 04/06/15 at 04:18:29
Wow,,  what are you doing? You don't have some secret Crazy Old Coot corner with experiments you're running, do you?
Amazing stuff, how they figured out what to add, powdered nickel,, geezer Louise, what a neat science lab.
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #37 - 04/06/15 at 04:40:34

Me, I cruise the net, just like you do, I just cruise interesting places and repost the tidbits here.

Check the post reader count on the ChromeWars thread -- there are a lot of folks being led to that thread by Google (who lists it when you search one of  the topics covered).   Our little group didn't read that thing over 5,000 times to be sure. gets "crawled" by Google and we get used as "an information source" for lots of stuff that we discuss here.

Remember, always list your source material up at the top of the thread.   This gives your posts credibility and since you are only interpreting (or putting a conceptual spin) on the information contained in the source material you can be relatively kosher.

If you follow something, you can predict it after a while.   I do, and I hit the mark better than 50% of the time.

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #38 - 04/06/15 at 04:47:20
Yeah, I used to follow politics and economic stuff...
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #39 - 04/08/15 at 21:34:30

Well, in the last week Rossi co-wrote and published a technical paper in concert with a real nuclear physicist who provided his base knowledge of current nuclear theory -- a paper that says E-cat requires no new chemical or nuclear theory to explain its function.

Here is the synopsis of the current state of LENR affairs, written by Hank Mills who is very talented in explaining exoteric stuff in good simple terms real people can follow along with.

This well written little ditty is well worth the 3-5 minutes it will take you to read it.    

The Hot Cat really is a very simple device that can run off a controller managed 120 volt AC wall current .....

.... and you could very easily make a home room heater out of it.

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #40 - 04/13/15 at 08:25:25
BTW i am still following this as well (your posts)
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #41 - 04/13/15 at 09:02:18

Rossi was busy with his steam plant, so the head dog at Industrial Heat/Cherokee came out to give the keynote address instead.

This man was up front -- he is not a scientist, just a businessman with a dream of getting rid of pollution.   And he is and has been doing something about his dream.

.... click on it and read it ....

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #42 - 04/20/15 at 10:12:49

At the same show a live demonstration with full data monitoring and live feed worldwide was set up and run for the entire length of the show.   Parkhomov powder was used and his simplified (no Rossi smoke and mirrors) set up was used on a MFMP dogbone rig.

Doubting Thomas types were invited to "find the hidden wire" and do all their normal debunking stuff, and indeed a few refinements to the rig were done to remove the very few "all suspicions" as found by the professional debunkers.   An additional thermocouple was run to a doubters own recording device so there is no chance of a manipulation going on without getting caught.

Then the sucker got run for the whole week of the show, and will be run the week after that, and the week after that and it will be still running when it gets turned off to get packed up for the plane.

Requests for experimental answers to questions were taken on the spot and the rig was manipulated in the fashions that were asked -- yielding immediate answers to the person's questions.

There is no secrecy about this stuff -- what is known is known by all.        What you see is what you get.

The 120 volt room heater application is pretty much a known deal right now for half price (or less) house heating and it will only get better and better as the cycling gets more advanced and the powder mix and the excitement gets more refined.    Rossi claims his SSM is very very very long now (Mats Lewan mentions that some cells have run without outside current heating for months now).   Rossi has incorporated a EM excitement using something separate from the main heater wires and that may be in motion but the heaters are confirmed to be off.

(yes, select people are getting to visit the plant now to talk to Rossi, so it is obviously real and so are the results)

As they learn how to run the process on "guidance flux" the amount of watts needed to maintain control will get less and less and less.   Having to provide the excitement flux using the main heater wire seems sorta like overkill in hindsight.   Plus the frequency does count and limiting yourself to chopped 60 cycle AC (and using the harmonics for excitement) seems old fashioned and ignorant already.

Brillouin and Rossi both knew this already.   All of Brillouin's patents are about his gas float system and his EM control system after all.

After this show, with all the players there for a week eating meals together and chatting along with reporters etc there is no doubt that LENR is real and it is HERE now.

Nor is there any doubt about how to do a 120 volt wall powered dogbone type rig.

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« Last Edit: 04/22/15 at 08:01:41 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #43 - 04/21/15 at 08:35:00

This is a video, click on it to see a Russian fox wearing sunglasses.

OK, the old white haired dude (70 years old) is Parkhomov, the young fox in the shades is his granddaughter who is translating for pops while showing the reporter the data flow on her phone.

Dammnit, boys -- we are watching the world change in a very positive direction and it is happening right now out on the internet, made possible by open source and old geezers just like us who are being actively supported by our grandkids.

I am blessed, I got to live through the apex of American age, see men walk on the moon and got to see the world pivot from the Petroleum age to the LENR age.

Smiley    I will have me a LENR room heater before I die, you betcha !!!


Conversation at the show with one of the ones who have visited Rossi gives out a tidbit of info -- some individual cells have cranked out COP of 80, so the range now is 20-80 COP.

Is it understood completely and reproducible?   Not right now, but anything observed will eventually be able to be done and the bottom end of 20 COP is plenty good enough to do in house power generation.

Brillouin has only claimed COP of 20 for his most current big rig, so consider this as "state of the art" at the moment, with some hopes of some greatly increased COP values in the future.

Considering we are at the prototype --- Pre-Model A ---  level of commercial roll out, that is very very very good for right now.

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« Last Edit: 04/21/15 at 10:10:02 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #44 - 04/21/15 at 10:52:24

Just in time as the US ( EPA) I hear is screwing with water heaters for more efficiency... (ie large price increase, minimal efficiency gains) .
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