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The Chrome Wars (Read 9524 times)
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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #45 - 09/11/14 at 09:36:14
From what I see...

2 USB ports are not enough.
4 is an absolute minimum for recreational use.
business needs 6 to 8.  I currently have 3 dongles for the programs I use.

I'd like to see nesting sata drives, hot swappable please.
that would allow taking a drive home to continue a project w/out interruption.  Or taking your collection of videos over to your friends.
flash drives would be convenient but not always large enough.
and ports for sd cards are a must as is a sound port, and HDMI/video port.
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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #46 - 09/11/14 at 09:57:16

Versy,    USB 3.2 (reversible) allows the USB cable to carry full current for powering/charging purposes and it allows for powered hub configurations (with the hub power supply carrying the milliamps needed to do that).  

Plug up USB hard drives now top out at 2 terabytes, so if you need your world to be portable, it can happen fairly easily.   USB 3.2 is hugely fast, encroaching in the SATA speed ranges.

Plus, remember, they intend for wireless everything to be commonly out by then, so you won't require all those USB connections.   Plus I think those boards have pin outs for some extra USB ports (case mounted) already on them, the pics just don't show the little pins very well.

Me, I think folks like us with older stuff to connect will just invest in a good powered hub of the 2.0 3.0 variety, and have just one  hub cable going over to the machine, hub to the keyboard, hub to the mouse, etc. etc..    This will cut down on the cable clutter effect.   You can buy hubs now with 4 and some with up to 8 USB connections.
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« Last Edit: 09/12/14 at 09:42:05 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #47 - 09/11/14 at 11:26:07

One of the big differences in ARM/Google and Intel/Microsoft is the extreme amount of dubious future brown vapor put out by Intel/Microsoft and the extremely slow rate of improvement Intel/Microsoft can barely manage to do.

Let's use Cherry Trail & Sophia as an example.   First, Cherry Trail was due in late 2013 or early 2014 as 14nm and Sophia was due to be 10nm by 2015.  Then earlier this year Sophia was supposed to be built first of the two, hitting late in this current year at 28nm made at TSMC with Sophia being designed and built by Rockchip (in a cooperative integrated design effort which is apparently somewhat aborted at this point in time).  

Sophia was originally a phone chip, then a tablet chip then a lowball integrated cell phone chip by Rockchip / TSMC and now it is all Intel designed and built again (but only at 14nm) as is true for the whole 6 deep lot of these processors (and some of them do smell sorta chromebookish around the edges now too).  

None of the 6 deep lot of them STILL have been built yet in any real form at all .... but the little brown vapor poots jest keep on 'a coming, one right after another as the months and now the years have rolled on by.    2015 is the earliest arrival for any of the chipsets now.

Let's contrast this protracted confusing 2 year long dotted brown vapor trail from Intel/MS against what ARM/Google does, time after time.    Give you a feel for just how fast and good ARM/Google/Android/Chrome can be when developing something nifty neat.

There are lots of projects cooking at Google all the time, we hear about them percolating along but whenever one gets about ready to pop out of the toaster, Google announces and passes it out with real running examples at a Google I/O programmers conference so as to let the programmers get a look at it first and get their feedback.   The news isn't for the general public, it is for the programmers and the news is treated that way by dispersing it "hands on" at the I/O conference.

Yup, just like they did two months ago with them Android apps running both on-line and  offline inside of bone stock standard Chromebooks and Chromeboxes.

"In case you were wondering how you can run apps designed for one operating system on an entirely different OS, it’s because ARC (Android Running in Chrome) is basically an app that now runs on Chrome and allows Android apps to run as if your Chromebook were an Android device. Developers don’t need to make any changes to their Android apps — although Google is still working with developers to bring select apps to the Chrome Web Store for now. That’ll probably help ensure that you don’t end up trying to load apps that don’t work well on devices that may not have a touchscreen."

So, Google builds the ARC tool (Android Running in Chrome) announces it at the programmers conference, then asks for a dozen "first picks" to be volunteered from the developers themselves, works on it with the developers for two months to get it all perfected and then RELEASES the tool in a normal nightly build with no announcement at all.  

It is now going to be part of the ChromeOS itself, just like all the other daily changes.  

The whole thing took only 3 months publically to do with only two "announcements" involved -- instead of taking well over two years for the Cherry Trail/Sophia confused muddled mess which isn't nearly done yet.

Now the announcement to the programmers at the I/O conference was simple, if you use both touch and mouse/trackpad in your Android app then you can run ARC on it to determine if it is fully ARC compatible and once it shows clean on ARC you can go post it in the Chrome depository.   ChromeOS will run it just like the ARC tool did.

Think on this for just a second -- a developer can take an old grody Android app, slide it across the ARC tool to fix it up then post it as a Chrome app and as an updated Android app.

He gets an entire new extra market for his product for free with no more effort than he does to upgrade the app to a new Android version.

It is the same App now -- he only maintains the one app from now on for both worlds.   As a matter of fact, the next number version Android Supplier Development Kit will churn out Chrome ready Android apps automatically since ARC will be built right into the Android L version 4.5 SDK.

I think Intel had better spend their some of their efforts getting more closely in line with the Chrome/Android world rather than trying to create their own little Android world off by themselves -- especially since their chips might then be able to do tablets and Chromebooks without that nagging software compatibility layer execution delay issue they have now nor the 5-8% "it won't run at all" incompatibility issues that they have now.

AND HEY MS, yup your old buddy Microsoft is just plain in a world of hurt right now -- native language Android is SUPER HUGE in the orient and ChromeOS is getting large here in the USA.   Both are very light very fast OS products that now complement each other and add value to each other while both running on the lighter faster hardware that Windows simply can't touch right now.  

Undecided    By their own bloated x86 only choices MS has cut themselves off from participating in this new future wave of small light and fast.    Hey Intel, you gotta pick which horse you plan to ride boy, you can't keep straddling them both forever.   Eventually a foot will slip and dump you on your kister.

If MS would get with the Chrome/Android program, then Microsoft Word running in a Chrome window, Excel running in a Chrome Window, etc. with both being sold for both Android tablets and Chromebooks/Boxes through the Google Play Store would give MS a nice steady future income stream that wouldn't evaporate on them nearly as fast as otherwise.   But MS has way way too big of an ego to do that, not for a few years yet.   

Plus, to do this trick Windows itself has to slim down considerably ..... and MS has only gotten fatter, never slimmer in its entire company history.


Cheesy       So, Android and ChromeOS are coming together at last,  complementing each other in complete harmony.      Cheesy

We are now looking out for the first Chinese ChromeOS (FOSS non-Google version) machines to crank up in the Far East running Android L version 4.5 SDK developed FOSS Android softwares off-line on FOSS ChromeOS hardware level laptops and desktop boxes.    

Light, efficient, fast XP PC replacement type boxes, cheap.

The Chinese yin yang symbol can be the Chinese ChromeOS's trademark symbol ....  

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« Last Edit: 09/13/14 at 17:25:19 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #48 - 09/12/14 at 10:37:46

Android fans mock the iPhone 6’s 2012-era specs

Hey, it isn't Samsung saying it this time -- it's phone reviewers and fans this time around.

And they are NOT being nice to good 'ol Apple right now .....

Here is the gist of the story -- Apple isn't the only 64 bit ARM chipset out there, and they are not the fastest right now either.   However the new Apple A8 chipset is an unknown at this time.  Folks are trying to get their hands on the new iPhone 6 right now for benchmark testing on the A8 so it can be ranked properly .....  

.... and also so they can let Tegra know if the new dual core Denver cored K1 needs to be pulled in early and also tell Samsung if the new magnified Exynos Octa with the second generation A57 cores needs to be pulled forward early as well.

Wink       ..... we think Samsung knows the answer to this already since they are helping TSMC build the volume production runs of the A8 chipsets

iOS 8 as an OS is just now playing catch up to Android (2 years back) for features the Android fans have had for a while and the Apple fans have been jest a panting for over fer 2-3 years now.

There are very few primo iOS apps that are the really really good best of class apps that have not already been ported over to Android by now -- and with the Android apps being able to run inside ChromeOS off-line or on-line the ChromeOS users will be able to be run these really good best of class apps on-line or off-line using the INEXPENSIVE light and fast Chromebook/Chromebox hardware that is jest a multiplying out there so fast right now.

Cheesy   Cheesy   Cheesy

If the Apple person says "it's the apps" well then they are already sitting there already in Android land.   If they say "it's the light, quick well-built hardware" then they know they can find equivalent hardware in the Chrome world (yup, right on up to the Chrome Pixel) that costs a whole lot less than equivalent Apple hardware does right now.

No one is EVER going to convert a die hard Apple fan, but even Apple fans have to admit that Android/Chrome is coming up on them and challenging them now on all fronts.


Both Apple and Android'/Chrome are lining up to beat up on Windows right now.  Windows is offering nothing but "huge bulky and expensive" to justify themselves at this stage of the game.  

Fast, it ain't ....

Giving the Win8.1 Bing'd version away isn't really a positive right now because your Bing'd offerings aren't running any better at all (and your various intentional systems lock-in tricks are really really being somewhat irritating).

Win9 will arrive soon and it might create a watershed erosion effect for MS IF MS does not slim Win9 down and get it so it can run fast, light and well on the same class of equipment that its competitors can run so very well upon.

Roll Eyes    MS, we are a' waiting on you to take your turn at bat now  --- you went and tweeked 'ol Google's nose with that BS waving of that BS fictitious HP Streambook of yours up there on that stage -- and you immediately got ARC thrown right back in your face by Google for doing that right stupid bravado wavin' & braggin' trick of yours.  

So now it is your turn to belly up to the plate and show us how you can still go hit one out of the park.

Or at least show us you know what a bat is and which side of the plate you are supposed to stand on when batting.   Even Forest Gump could do that .....  Heck, Forest could even hit the ball occasionally by golly.

    "ROAR !!!"  <crunch>  "Droid SMASH puny broken MS !!!!"

AND Please, MS, purty purty PLEASE  DO  go piss 'ol Google off again a couple of more times, we like Google when they get mad
-- Google does a whole lot more a whole lot quicker when their skin turns all green and they bulk up & bust all out of their shirt & britches like that.

Fergets all about playing Switzerland, they do ....        Right now Droid wants to go smash him some Windows instead.      


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« Last Edit: 09/13/14 at 05:08:39 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #49 - 09/13/14 at 05:58:12

Google is bringing the Chromebook Lending Library Kiosk to college campuses all over America

Oh my goodness ....   Chrome is coming soon to campus kiosks all over America.    Free Chromebooks (to borrow for free for 4 days that is).

Watch out young college kids -- there is a trap here for you  (you might jest like it and Momma and Daddy might jest have to pay for it if you don't give it back).

Female college students will be particularly attracted to the Chromebook's lightness speed and ease of use (no deep systems knowledge or any form of maintenance is required by a Chromebook) and the female buddy factor will tend to apply here as well.

(yeah, they all do go to the bathroom at the same time and they do discuss their dates while they are in there.   If one girl likes it, they all like it.)    

Women, btw, tend to hate MS Windows for losing their stuff for them and for getting all mucked up all the time.   They will love Chrome because they can go crush the machine under a steam roller and all their work will still be safe up in the cloud.   Just type in your Gmail name and password into a replacement Chrome machine and vola, you are instantly back in business again with all your data still sitting there just where you left it.

College computer systems support people will get a wake up call from the kiosks as well.  They will have to modernize their "approved computer listings" somewhat due to the fact the students will see the Chrome stuff actually WORKS FINE off-line and that it can handle the required MS formats just dandy.

Computer Programming schools and Electronics Engineering schools will also have to pull their thumb from their butt a little bit now -- computing in the cloud is worth more coverage now than one occasional chapter in your old year 2011 edition text books.
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« Last Edit: 09/13/14 at 17:10:20 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #50 - 09/14/14 at 07:17:39

This is just humorous -- just a little funny to give you a Sunday chuckle.

Firefox leads the way        thank you Firefox, for making such rapid progress possible

Firefox gives away a Firefox Phone OS that allows third world countries to have a "get you on line" rather slow very cheap smart phone that cost less than $50 retail at this point in time.   Some are saying $35 or $25 is actually possible right now.   This is down from $80-$100 just a year ago.   This cost/speed evolution also is putting a bit of a monkey onto Google's back as they have got to go do something similar now.


So, the "monkey on their back" equipped Google now gives away KitKat version 4.4.4  to run on the newly spec'd Android 1 a phone and software combo that now allows these same emerging markets to have a reduced memory and speed Android phone that can retail for right at $100-$115 at this point in time.   KitKat version 4.4.4 does have all the same functions as a USA phone  (but is scaled down to run on a much weaker 3rd world processor) and it still uses all the standard Android apps from the Play Store.  

In short, it is a real KitKat 4.4.4 that runs really really really fast on all the common more powerful USA phone processors.

BTW, Google IS putting Android in general on a performance enhancing diet that is two full number revisions old now and that is one of the reasons phone prices keep going down here in the USA of late.   Lower cost for memory and use of cheaper processors are another reason phone prices are going down this year.  

Performance speed is going up and up though because the code is tighter and quicker ....

This is also why cell phone processors aren't really getting a lot more powerful this year -- they don't need to.   Indeed, Qualcomm has come out with twice as many LOWER power "cell phones on a chip" than the more powerful ones.    

Same thing for Samsung, Mediatek and Allwinner, as the next billion or so phones sold will be in India, Africa and China, not here in the USA.

This also is saying that your older two year old phone is still going to be quick enough and current acting enough for another year or so as the new slimmer quicker Android software versions roll out through the various carrier's update programs .....   (I likes that, I do)


So, here is the joke.

MICROSOFT now announces its new so far nameless program to take over the third world with cheap Windows phones that can cost less than $200 (using the yet to be made Intel Sophia processors of course).    

Huh?   What the heck are you talking about?     $200 ???    Those are mainstream USA build prices for your current cheapest Windows stuff, right?     What the heck ARE you talking about?

Grin     So, Intel is now 'a teach'n MS how to poot them little confusing clouds of brown future vapor whenever they get stressed -- so's MS can "respond" to somebody else's announcing something that is neat & nifty & real & something that could be damaging to MS's image unless MS immediately pooted a little far future "news flash" brown vapor cloud down upon it (to murk & smell things up a bit, to get all them irritating news hounds off the real scent).    

MS just isn't very good at BS'ing the mobile press corps yet without actually putting their foot down into it though.

=================    Realizing they had screwed up yet again, in the next PR release MS begins talking about a $25 phone instead of the $200 phone they were talking about earlier.

Huh     Huh     Huh    Huh     Huh    Huh     Huh   Huh ???  

Jest practicing them Intel PR release "I obviously misspoke myself" confusion techniques, ain't ya?

More (but not better) information comes to light as the mobile pundit corps begin to react to and to analyze the MS disjointed statements.

Microsoft's new $25 phone is a NOKIA 130, a "dumb" feature phone not a smart phone.

But Microsoft had been saying it is going to discontinue the NOKIA brand name and will only sell Windows smart phones out into the future -- and we believe this too, just like we believe everything else Microsoft has said lately.

SO THE PUNDITS NOW SAY MS INTENDS FOR THE NOKIA 130 TO IMMEDIATELY GO TO AFRICA AND INDIA AND CHINA AND GET THE MS BRAND NAME PRESENCE OUT INTO THOSE NEW EMERGING MARKETS so MS can follow up later on with their $200 Windows smart phones ????    (this still makes no sense to me)

Or something like that ..... but who knows for sure ???     It's MS, pooting some little "solids laden" brown vapor news poots.

Hey MS, do you make any money (real $$$ in profit) selling any of those Nokia phones ???     We thought that was why you planned to junk them all ASAP.

Have you even got anybody left who still knows how to make those phones since you fired all those Nokia people last month ???

You do realize that China, India, Africa etc are all crowded up right now with cheap 2G locally produced dumb phones and nobody is going to buy your expensive Nokia 130 unless you literally give them away for free like you tried to do two years ago?  

How did that free phone give away program 2 years ago work out for you, anyway ????   Ain't your name over there inside those new emerging markets yet ????

Next, why the heck would you plan to use an Intel Sophia chipset?   You do realize that the Rockchip 28nm TSMC "Sophia" chipset deal is lilkely toast now right along with the Rockchip tablet processor deal ???   And that the Intel designed and built 14nm Sophia chipset isn't even designed yet and that it isn't gong to land until late next year at the soonest.  

Also if / when it does gets here that new 14nm Sophia phone chip might jest be a wee bit expensive since Intel has all of them 3 new 14nm lithography lines at 5 BILLION DOLLARS per line to pay for ????

Wink    .... plus it will be Intel's very first attempt at doing a fully integrated cell phone chipset?

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« Last Edit: 09/15/14 at 23:50:33 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #51 - 09/16/14 at 08:31:57

Raw Positive Spin Prediction Time     .....  put your rose colored glasses on before reading  .....

OK, I stroke the rose tinted crystal ball for after Christmas and into the first of 2015 and I see .....

With a low introductory price Win 9 begins selling better than Win 8.x ever did.    MS begins to make a real profit again as the upgrade churn they create by killing off all the old windows versions begins to take hold.   Microsoft retains their market share ....

Lower Resource Win 9 becomes available.  Chromebooks and Chromeboxes take a dip  in growth rate accordingly.

Android L comes in and begins to unify the Android world at 64 bit, but the exceptions still equal or outnumber the Android L camp as the Far East still lags behind in acceptance of ANY standards at all.

Google continues to tweek Android L so it freely runs its Android apps on Chromebooks inside a Chrome window.  Crouton is tweeked by the FOSS people so Ubuntu/Mint runs inside a Chromebook window as well.    With these moves "all of Linux on the same machine" becomes Windows 9's second level competitor (Apple is still its primary competitor).   Chromebooks continue to grow in market share (just more slowly).

Microsoft will tune Win 9 repeatedly to run lighter and faster to remain competitive.

Intel does another round of plant/people/cost cutting and their new plants make much less costly chipsets that come out and work well on all OS types.   Intel begins to make a real $$$ profit again on all their product lines.    Intel can finally stop giving away money .....

Roll Eyes    

 ..... I done told you, wear your rose colored glasses when reading the above paragraphs .....


If you want my real world predictions, then half of these things may indeed "half happen" and the other half will not happen -- life  is like that.    For every strong winner there is a loser or two off in the ditches.   But these are the pivot points .... the hinges on which change will happen or not happen.  
There will be other pivot points that come up unexpectedly, but as always "Change, she comes".


If you want my pessimistic predictions, put a bold text red "NOT !!"  after every paragraph's ending period.
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« Last Edit: 09/18/14 at 02:12:54 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #52 - 09/18/14 at 00:36:46

Microsoft's Harsh Reality

I spent some time searching out where MS is headed past Threshold/Win9 and I got a surprise -- they have just totally restructured, tossed out all of the Ballmer era's roadmaps and plans, CHANGED their internal working structures with new younger bosses over each new departmental structure and they have just recently fired anyone solely associated with maintaining a "non-current" legacy program of any sort.  

MS is killing off all legacy stuff, root and branch.

Now MS is planning out what business they are going to be starting in 2015.   They are just now starting to figure something concrete for their far future road map as the New Microsoft.

Win9 is the last of the Ballmer era plans, and it runs out fairly soon (inside 2015).

MS is very familiar with where they came from and they know that a discrete PC wearing a separate non-changing OS and folks buying lots of separate programs for big bucks each is a total dead end going out into the future.

Actually, their past has become a costly albatross around MS's neck and they desperately need to get the rotting bird carcass off of them and get it thrown over the side of the boat just as soon as they can.

Threshold/Win9 will come, it will follow the existing Windows Version #9 format and it will be used to offload all the old Windows version albatrosses over the side of the boat.    Win9 will be your required upgrade path for all previous versions.   Then MS will introduce "Windows" or "Windows Core" as the generic name for an evolving system that will be based on a moderate yearly charge.  

Think of the "MS 360" services offered so far, but extend them way past Office and into the entire computing structure from hardware to OS to apps.

Google's threat with web-based Chromebooks and Android has forced MS to open up their eyes a bit, realizing that the next wave of computing is indeed upon them.  

"Windows Core" is the brand new MS far future terminology for offering productivity software and OS as a net-provided service on any level of hardware, anybody's processor etc. etc.   This is MS's current far future dream .... you just keep the Windows Core loaded on your local machine and touch a server for whatever else you happen to need for this session.

To pursue this thinking, MS is trying to use companies like BarrelFish (staying within the terms of their FOSS license) and several other net-progressive thinkers.

However, MS is over a year late now to this "buying into the new net technology" game.   Google has already winnowed the field for all the really good innovator companies and Google has already bought them all last year.   Apple bought a few as well.   MS is trying to use BarrelFish just to learn how to run their proposed Windows Core on any and all platforms while Google actually IS all those other platforms (except Apple of course).  

This presents some problems to MS going forward as they grope for a viable long term future.

Google is out there right now, clumsily rolling out MS's dream.   Question becomes, can MS close ties with Business give them enough preference over Google's current roll out lead as MS just now begins to get re-started on a Google type plan?

Word isn't going to be enough to base the new Microsoft on -- nor is Excel nor is Powerpoint.  The entire package has to be attractive.


A light tight and small very fast multi-processor multi-core Barrelfish style "Windows Core" throwing the entire range of MS products on a MS specified set of inexpensive hardware  -- all based upon a very moderate systems rental cost.   This might very well be a viable future for MS.  

Think of it as renting an Xbox for Business ....

But, Microsoft has still has got to charge yearly money for their stuff just to survive.

Roll Eyes

It is going to be tough to go up against an entire world of "free" while doing that "charging yearly money to just be surviving" thing.

If ChromeOS picks up all of Android in a Chrome Window and FOSS moves Ubuntu/Mint softwares into a Chrome Window then indeed MS will be competing directly against all of Linux.

This is tough, since some of the bits and pieces of "all of Linux" are actually better than any given bit or piece of MS.   (Excel and the CAD programs and Photoshop are perhaps exceptions to this statement)

But even these most excellent of the old style single use programs are themselves are beginning to attempt to move on-line even as we speak.

MS is not alone in realizing their past isn't going to be their future.
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« Last Edit: 09/19/14 at 08:21:05 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #53 - 09/18/14 at 08:02:27

Polaroid Socialmatic camera features WiFi, Bluetooth, Android, and a built-in printer

I never owned a Polaroid except once, professionally (taking pictures of warehouse damage was part of my job).   Never the less, it makes me happy to see an old American name brand make the transition across the digital dIvide so intact and so gracefully.

I suspect the "digital paper" is quite expensive, similar to the self-developing film packs used to be .....

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« Last Edit: 09/18/14 at 09:11:49 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #54 - 09/18/14 at 09:05:00

Now you can run most Android apps on a Chromebook (unofficially)

Well now,  this is not really unexpected --- some Android developers are "out of pocket" at the moment and these missing guys are not immediately moving their Android apps over to the Chrome Store in a timely fashion.  

Wink    .... but some of the faithful Chromebook users are also uber-geeks and they are capable of taking direct action if needed ....

Indeed, some of the developers put the stuff in there for free so long ago they can't even remember their own developer passwords.   Or they are dead now or not working as programmers any more or whatever .... you name it.   They are GONE.

Relax, help is at hand.   Since all of Android is open source and it is covered by the  Apache Software License, Version 2.0 you can do something locally on your own machine to help the situation.  

"Developer vladikoff has posted code and instruction on github. In a nutshell what you need to do is:

1)   Install Android app from the Chrome Web Store so your Chromebook will install the Android app runtime.

2)   Install Node.js and vladikoff’s chromeos-apk tool on a Linux system (it’ll work on a Chromebook running Ubuntu in Crouton, so you don’t necessarily need a separate computer).

3)   Download an Android APK and then use the chromeos-apk tool to prepare the app to run on Chrome OS.

4)   Copy the converted app to your Chromebook, type “chrome://extensions” (without quotes” in the URL bar, enable Developer mode, and then use the “Load unpacked extension” option to locate and install the app.

That’s it. Not every Android app will work… and some apps that expect touchscreen displays or other hardware that may not be available on a Chromebook might not function."

Literally you are "the transferring contributor" to a forked project that only exists on your local machine from now on.   I suspect that the Chrome store is going to eventually post an approved protocol for moving an abandoned free work over to Chrome in the absence of the original owner.  

This protocol will assure that:

1)  It gives the original guy all his development credit.

2)  Makes sure the transferring contributor makes no money off the original free app and it stays a free app.

3)  Provides a way to fork the original free app for further development.

FOSS is FOSS is FOSS -- even MS uses it now.   Just follow the rules, it is all very sensible.

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #55 - 09/18/14 at 10:08:26

Now that all of Android can freely move over to Chrome, let's see how the Linux Distro world full of bigger, juicer softwares is doing on being able to jump into a Chrome window.

Well now, Libre Office is ready to be hosted on-line.

Ditto for Gimp, but it is already hosted by

Plus, Crouton is still able to run the whole Ubuntu world locally off-line on your Chromebook as a control-alt keystroke sort of thing.   This path also includes Steam and gaming.

Microsoft has some competition now from "all of Linux" as well as Apple's Mac and iOS  products.

What is scarier is that all of Microsoft's own mainstay programs all are going on-line as well, so a Chromebook can get to ALL of Microsoft's old stalwart key programs -- including MS Office itself.

Roll Eyes

There is no reason a Chromebook isn't fully useable right now as a full service general purpose OS.


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« Last Edit: 09/19/14 at 09:38:58 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #56 - 09/19/14 at 07:55:46

Run Android apps in Windows, OS X, Linux with Chrome (and a modified runtime)

Well now, what are them busy busy busy FOSS guys up to today ???    Android apps, running in well, everything everywhere using a slightly tweeked version of Google's ARC runtime tool that is called ARChon.

"The ARChon custom runtime is a modified version of Google’s Android Runtime for Chrome. It allows you to run multiple side-loaded Android apps at once… and in addition to working on Chrome OS devices it works on Windows, OS X, and Linux computers running the Google Chrome 37 or later web browser."

Remember when the Google Chrome browser started to act like its own OS once you lit it using the base system?   When it started taking voice commands and doing all those things that the base OS simply never was able to do?   That functionality is still there and the ARC idea means yup, you can run almost all of Android there now as well --- if you are a bit of a programmer/geek that is.

What could this mean ??  (if the base OS people wanted to cooperate with it that is)

Hardware and base OS instantly become somewhat more flexible and if you write your neat new software idea to run in Android using the new L Supplier Development Kit it could go run in a lot of other different places for no extra effort.

So, Android comes a visiting .....   boy, you can jest hear them little gears a whirrlin' inside all those open source people's heads.    A unified Linux world with easy access to all of the Linux/Android/Chrome softwares on the same device.   Anybody's device.

Microsoft had better go make Win9 a really really good release (and speed up that poky porky puppy while they do it, too).   They can't just kick out the same old slow bulky crap with a slightly tweeked start screen with no performance enhancements.

This year Apple had to go incorporate a baker's dozen of Chrome tricks and Android tricks into their new  iOS 8 because their users flat assed demanded it.   Google is doing more and more neat things ongoing, so to get access to them you may still need to run the Google Chrome browser on that other system.

And, unless MS and Apple take direct actions to try to block it, Google Chrome browser may soon give you access to Android apps inside a Chrome window -- anywhere  --  everywhere --

Chrome Browser running on whatever is still lighter and faster though, which makes that same old point about bloatware all over again.


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« Last Edit: 09/20/14 at 02:13:16 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #57 - 09/19/14 at 08:49:40

Will Google Android Apps On Chromebooks Devastate Windows Laptops?

So, what does Wall Street have to say about Droid getting all big and green and busting out of its clothes?

"On both laptops and PCs, Microsoft is depending on two factors -- familiarity and a dependence on old software -- to keep users tethered to Windows.

Unfortunately for Microsoft, the world favors mobile operating systems over desktop-based ones. According to Gartner, approximately 1.17 billion Android devices will be shipped this year, compared to 333 million Windows devices. Within the PC market, global shipments of desktops and notebooks are expected to fall 5% next year, which makes the sudden rise of Chromebooks an alarming anomaly for Microsoft and its partners.

Once Google fully lifts the barrier between its mobile and PC platforms, Microsoft will inevitably lose market share in laptops and convertibles as Android users start mixing with Chromebook ones. Microsoft's best strategy to counter Google is to fulfill its promise to merge its mobile, tablet, and desktop operating systems into "One Windows," which will finally allow it to retaliate against Google with a unified platform.

But until that happens, Google will keep enhancing Chrome OS with Android apps -- turning Chromebooks into the proper Android laptops that HP failed to build -- and continue chipping away at Microsoft's dominant position in traditional laptops"

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #58 - 09/19/14 at 09:21:39

Microsoft needs to keep users locked in to Windows, and right now that is getting harder and harder to do.

Once users get a taste for FOSS they realize there are alternatives out there that actually can work better and faster and easier than MS.

Expect to see Win9 come out just as soon as MS can swing it.

Expect to see some really novel pricing at first (so hit it while the good deals last).   Win9 is likely one of the very last discrete Windows versions -- from now on out you rent a constantly changing OS service that will work largely through the internet more like what Chromebooks/boxes do.

Also don't expect much real change inside Win9 -- MS hasn't improved much but the start screens at this point in time.

Read the entire Win9 roll out as a concentrated attempt to get rid of all of the legacy Windows versions and all of their supporting softwares and all their very high maintenance costs (which MS MUST do right now since they have already fired all the people and actually aren't really keeping up with the old stuff any more).

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #59 - 09/20/14 at 01:25:02

The title of this thread was Chrome Wars as Microsoft had declared war on Chromebooks by standing on a stage and waving a $199 14" HP Streambook unit around in the air and declaring ALL OUT WAR  ON CHROMEBOOKS !!!

Well, as we all know the 14" HP Steambook never made it through boot camp, coming in finally at a porky $299 once HP finally figured out how to make it at all.   And that is the current best price of any MS OS warring unit that has really actually made it into the real retail channels.

Meanwhile, the Asus EeeBook X205 was declared, but so far has only shown up at the German IT show as one very cheap looking display copy of an old style netbook like 11" device.

Toshiba did a "me too" declared unit but it never has materialized in any form either.

That's it for the Chrome Wars ....

Meanwhile, over a dozen new Chromebooks have come out and joined the $199-$300 Chromebook/box ranks that are marching forward in formation towards Christmas.

Win9 preview has waddled its porky puppy self out further out into the light now, and we see that it isn't going to be a better lighter faster OS at all -- indeed at this point it seems to be the last gasp in the Windows 8 series with some improved start screens.

Microsoft has totally laid itself off now, shrunk and restructured and re-bossed all its internal bits and pieces now, and the new MS still needs to figure out what it is going to be going into the future and then it has to show us something to prove it is really functional any more.    

BingOS turned out to be a joke, and MS has now pulled the plug on Bing+anything as a very bad marketing idea.   Windows is actively killing off some of their old brand names and has now leaked out a plan to replace all their previous OS versions support-wise by thrusting Win9 down everybody's throat as the REQUIRED update path.  

MS can only afford to keep up with their one (1) current OS and the supporting softwares any more.

Until MS gets itself straightened out and puts out a real viable product again, MS isn't going to war with anybody.   The Chromebooks and Chromeboxes will just keep on coming, rolling out over the landscape ....

MS standing up on a stage this summer pulling a HUGE brown vapor Ballmer act (in three full scenes no less) is just sorta sad.    

And it begs the question if Win9 is just more of the same.


What really IS coming out for this Christmas at Costco and other low end volume stores are all their warehouse stocks of Win 8 and Win 8.1 machines that have been rolled back to Win 7 by re-writing their hard drives with a Win7 image.

(as is permitted by MS's licensing terms).  

These "used" refurbished retrofitted machines will then be sold at reduced prices, while the Win 8.x machines will not move new at any price.

Look to see Win 8.0 and 8.1 to be major major players in this Thanksgiving Black Friday sales.   Look for more Win 7 roll back "refurb" machines to come out as the warehouses get emptied in preparation for the Win 9 roll out.  

Look for the first wave of Win 9 machines to contain remastered Win 8 and Win 8.1 machines that are OEM factory re-burned, re-labeled and re-boxed.

Also look to see MS begin claiming "free Win 9 upgrade rights" for all Win 8.x machines sold this Christmas season in an attempt to keep the Windows brand name viable.

Look to see the user push back on Win 9 preview's ugly and bulk and slowness to get fairly extreme once the public learns just how little has really been changed from Win 8 / Win 8.1.


The Windows brand name will begin to get questioned going into next year as MS rolls out their forced upgrade scheme (and as all their old software partners scramble to get on-line so as to participate in the up and coming Chrome wave).

Change, she comes .....

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« Last Edit: 09/20/14 at 20:24:39 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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