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Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate (Read 462 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #15 - 06/25/12 at 10:43:18
I drove through Mt. Rainer state park last week and the locals said there was way more snow than normal for the middle of June.
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Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #16 - 06/25/12 at 15:05:30
Well there you go then...  Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #17 - 06/25/12 at 15:51:04
it's as scientific as Al Gore.....
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Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #18 - 06/25/12 at 16:24:54
Yup,.. that's how he won the Nobel prize...
He just looked out and said, "Seems hot"... Huh...
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Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #19 - 06/25/12 at 16:44:13
Serowbot wrote on 06/25/12 at 16:24:54:
Yup,.. that's how he won the Nobel prize...
He just looked out and said, "Seems hot"... Huh...

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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #20 - 06/25/12 at 17:06:59
justin_o_guy2 wrote on 06/25/12 at 09:08:44:

Still not melting, not even on this page.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #21 - 06/25/12 at 18:57:08
That's close to how he won....

You just forgot to add the " I'm not George Bush " pledge.

Jimmy Carter won, Al Gore won and Hopey-change won that way.
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Serious Thumper

It only snows seven
months of the year

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Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #22 - 06/25/12 at 22:19:16
The ice on the poles is melting and getting smaller every year, only the blind or stupid cannot see things are changing.

"Been up to the poles to check that out yourself huh?" WM

Why yes Webster, as a matter of fact "I" have been up around the pole many times. In the 70's Thule north Greenland supply and mail runs were my specialty.  Even then global warming / climate change was a real concern for the native peoples of the far north, who depend on the solid ice cap for their winter sustenance and survival.

Believe me, it IS shrinking every year, and the native people of the north are very aware of this.

The annual over-melt has been going on for a long time now.


The Arctic is home to some of the world's most distinctive mammals, millions of migratory and resident birds, a rich ice-edge community, and some of the world's major fisheries. It a biologically and culturally unique environment and one of the last places on Earth where natural conditions still prevail over much of the region. 1
Unlike the ice-bound Antarctic, however, the Arctic has also been home to humans for more than 10,000 years. Today the region is culturally, politically, demographically and economically diverse, with settlements ranging from small indigenous communities to modern industrial cities. 2 Indigenous cultures include Aleuts, who live primarily in coastal southwest Alaska; Inuit, who live on the coast and inland from northwestern Alaska east to Greenland; and Athabascans, who live mainly inland in eastern Alaska, the central Yukon, and the Northwest Territories of Canada; Dene, Saami, and Native groups in northern Russia.

The environment and human cultures of the Arctic are inextricably linked. 3 Indigenous populations in the region maintain a strong connection to the environment through subsistence on wildlife and natural resources, a practice that has endured over thousands of years. 4

The Arctic and its people, however, face drastic change. The global build-up of greenhouse gases has the potential to dramatically alter both the Arctic environment and its ecosystems. Given their close dependence on natural resources, global climate change is expected to have immediate and significant consequences for Arctic peoples. 5 Some species of terrestrial and marine wildlife may become threatened or even disappear. Land will grow increasingly unstable. Extreme weather events may occur, as sea levels rise along coastal areas. Arctic communities could also face serious health complications. What happens to the Arctic and its human population concerns us all, for the response of the area and its people to climate change serves as an indicator for what may occur in other regions, and to the planet as a whole.


Now I ask you. What kind of fools do not believe in science and logic???....oh, that's right, right-wing-nuts, the religiously insane, bible thumping, fire & brimstone hell folks who handle snakes. Corporate hucksters who will give you two fives for a twenty, and tell you what a sound investment you have made to insure your future, war mongering war profiteers who tell you to invest you son in the great (fill in the blank)_________ glorious cause....meh.
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Proud to be everything the right-wing hates.
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Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #23 - 06/27/12 at 05:42:08
assuming the guys math is correct in the article below, shouldn't this just put an end to the silly idea that wind energy is a serious solution to energy needs?

The scale problem is equally obvious when it comes to wind.
At the end of 2011, the U.S. had 47,000 megawatts of installed wind-energy capacity. (Only China, with 62,000 megawatts, had more.) In 2011, all the wind turbines in the U.S. together produced about 120 terawatt-hours of electricity. Thus, just to keep pace with the growth in global electricity demand by using wind energy, we would have to install about 3.75 times the total current installed wind capacity in the U.S. every year. That means that global wind-energy capacity would have to increase by about 176,000 megawatts each and every year.

That would be an enormous challenge, given that between 2010 and 2011, global wind-energy capacity increased by just 41,000 megawatts. That’s a record increase, and one that advocates of renewable energy are quick to laud. But those same advocates refuse to acknowledge the energy sprawl inherent in wind energy, nor will they admit the growing backlash against the wind industry.

Let’s consider the extent of the energy sprawl if wind energy were to supply that 450 terawatt-hours per year of incremental electricity demand.

The power density of wind energy is roughly two watts per square meter, or about five megawatts per square mile. That means that by the end of 2011, the U.S. had covered a land area of about 9,400 square miles, just slightly smaller than the state of Maryland, with wind turbines. Therefore, to keep up with the growth in global electricity demand by using wind energy alone, the global wind industry will need to cover a land area of some 35,000 square miles — about the size of Indiana — with wind turbines. And it will have to do so every year from now through 2035.

That metric’s still hard to grasp, so let me put it another way: In order to merely keep up with the growth of global electricity use, the wind industry would have to cover 96 square miles every day with wind turbines. That’s an area about the size of four Manhattans.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #24 - 06/27/12 at 05:46:37

Now I ask you. What kind of fools do not believe in science and logic???....

well..if you want to find one, you could start by looking in the mirror. Your environmentalism is a religion and you are a zealot. You refuse to open your mind to possibilities other than to the doom and gloom your prophets preach to you about.
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #25 - 06/27/12 at 07:27:53
I believe in science. I also believe scientists & their findings are subject to manipulation for $$$. This whole Global Warming thing is BUsted, its Over,.even somne of the early proponents have come out & admited they were wrong,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Tucson Az
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Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #26 - 06/27/12 at 09:15:04
By definition,.. religion requires faith, without evidence...

Climate change is supported by a wide body of collected evidence that has been accepted by 98% of scientists in the field...  hardly faith based...

On the other hand,... some people choose to believe the 2%... of which, half believe climate change is happening, but we didn't cause it... and the other half deny it is happening at all...
Conflicting theories,... but both theories are accepted with enthusiasm  by deniers...
Deniers don't care which is true.... because either supports their agenda, and neither is supported by evidence...
Belief,.. without, or in conflict, with evidence, is a religion...
Now,... who's an angry little zealot?.... Huh...

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #27 - 06/27/12 at 10:35:51
By definition,.. religion requires faith, without evidence...

Climate change is supported by a wide body of collected evidence that has been accepted by 98% of scientists in the field... hardly faith based...

On the other hand,... some people choose to believe the 2%... of which, half believe climate change is happening, but we didn't cause it... and the other half deny it is happening at all...
Conflicting theories,... but both theories are accepted with enthusiasm by deniers...
Deniers don't care which is true.... because either supports their agenda, and neither is supported by evidence...
Belief,.. without, or in conflict, with evidence, is a religion...
Now,... who's an angry little zealot?....

By definition, the vast majority of what you just said is not true.

First off; I’m not disputing the avg temp of the planet has increased over a given period of time. Where I sit right now was under ice a few thousand years ago so it’s a given the temp has risen.

I’m not disputing human activity has added gases to the atmosphere that have been shown to potential trap heat. I am disputing that it’s significant, can’t be lowered without major lifestyle/economic changes and that it hasn’t turned into a cult like religion.

Climate change is supported by a wide body of collected evidence that has been accepted by 98% of scientists in the field... hardly faith based...

The only surprising fact about that is that it’s not 100% of ‘scientist in the field’… A paleontologist is unlikely to believe in creationism either….

On the other hand,... some people choose to believe the 2%... of which, half believe climate change is happening, but we didn't cause it... and the other half deny it is happening at all...

I think the people who signed the statement below represent a pretty important 2%,…

The lack of warming for more than a decade—indeed, the smaller-than-predicted warming over the 22 years since the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) began issuing projections—suggests that computer models have greatly exaggerated how much warming additional CO2 can cause. Faced with this embarrassment, those promoting alarm have shifted their drumbeat from warming to weather extremes, to enable anything unusual that happens in our chaotic climate to be ascribed to CO2

Claude Allegre, former director of the Institute for the Study of the Earth, University of Paris; J. Scott Armstrong, cofounder of the Journal of Forecasting and the International Journal of Forecasting; Jan Breslow, head of the Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics and Metabolism, Rockefeller University; Roger Cohen, fellow, American Physical Society; Edward David, member, National Academy of Engineering and National Academy of Sciences; William Happer, professor of physics, Princeton; Michael Kelly, professor of technology, University of Cambridge, U.K.; William Kininmonth, former head of climate research at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology; Richard Lindzen, professor of atmospheric sciences, MIT; James McGrath, professor of chemistry, Virginia Technical University; Rodney Nichols, former president and CEO of the New York Academy of Sciences; Burt Rutan, aerospace engineer, designer of Voyager and SpaceShipOne; Harrison H. Schmitt, Apollo 17 astronaut and former U.S. senator; Nir Shaviv, professor of astrophysics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem; Henk Tennekes, former director, Royal Dutch Meteorological Service; Antonio Zichichi, president of the World Federation of Scientists, Geneva.

and before you start your predictable 'big oil' nonsense, remember global warming is big business nowdays. the extent to which the climategate email show some scientist will go thru to kill dissent  was rather telling, don't you think?

bottom line is you don't know anything more about the science behind the climate that I do. The only difference is I read both sides of the debate, you read one side and discount the other.
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #28 - 06/27/12 at 10:47:48
Rowboat said

Climate change is supported by a wide body of collected evidence that has been accepted by 98% of scientists in the field...  hardly faith based..

& some of those scientists have decided they were wrong, & you KNOW there were 98% in agreement? How? Because it was reported? In the same media that reported how the vietnamese attacked us?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Global Warming Accelerating At Alarming Rate
Reply #29 - 06/27/12 at 11:04:46
WebsterMark wrote on 06/27/12 at 10:35:51:
First off; I’m not disputing the avg temp of the planet has increased over a given period of time....
I’m not disputing human activity has added gases to the atmosphere that have been shown to potential trap heat. I am disputing that it’s significant, can’t be lowered without major lifestyle/economic changes and that it hasn’t turned into a cult like religion.

So,.. you say it is happening,... and we are adding to it... but, because it will effect your lifestyle,.. you are not willing to try to reduce it?...
Yet, you list a roster of the 2% that deny it...
Science isn't saying we can make it go away...  They are saying we need to acknowledge that is is happening,.. and do what we can... Both to reduce the severity, and to prepare...

...the extent to which the climategate email show some scientist will go thru to kill dissent  was rather telling, don't you think?

This "climatgate".. is all based on a phrase found in some e-mails... "Trick"...
Interpreted as a deception... but, after peer review, it was found to be a false assumption...
The "trick" was a technique used in analysis...

Here's a "trick"... "i before e, except after c, or when pronounced as a"...
This trick, is an aid to getting an accurate result, not a way way of cheating or deception...

Here's another,... "if you can't reach the spark plug in the hole, use a piece of fuel line on the end of the plug to grip it as you unscrew"...
Again,.. a trick... but nothing sinister...

Again,.. the "trick" used by the scientists was simply an aid to interpretation of results, not a manipulation of them...
This was investigated...

Besides that... you yourself have admitted that you believe the science...  You just don't agree with any attempt to do anything about it...
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