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don is a wuss (Read 344 times)
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Tucson Az
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Re: don is a wuss
Reply #15 - 01/27/16 at 16:26:06
You want scandal?... How much screaming did you do over U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert?...
A molester of legally underage boy students?... That's a hat trick of crimes... Underage, molestation, and then, lying under oath, about paying hush money...
...and boys!.. I know the crime is equal under law for underage girls, but,... that must have really messed up some kids lives...

Monica,... was not under age... and not a boy... In fact, having an affair is not crime (though not a moral act)...

Newt,  Chenoweth (R-ID), and Rep. Dan Burton were all having affairs at the same time were going after Clinton... not to mention Hastert's child molesting past...

Clinton looks like an amateur next to them...  Roll Eyes

Pffft! regardless,... I'm not talking about scandal or morality,...the Republican Party is fractured between the Religious Right, the Tea Party, and the billionaire money that feeds them...
They don't know which arse to kiss without offending the other...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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pacific northwest
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Re: don is a wuss
Reply #16 - 01/27/16 at 16:43:32
Trump is a publicity genius, and the establishment is falling on its own sword.
I for a second don't know how he bridges his rhetoric, to realization.  

If he wins it will be vogue to rebel against his administration, as a GOD given right......or as Hillary say, patriotic  Roll Eyes  

He will be called a fluke and not really representing American values ( which are?).

You bet I'm worried, however, we collectively have kept electing these same politicians who never deliver, only blame and divert, why they themselves, and backers, thrive off our sweat.....

We can NOT keep going down this path, its over, we are broke, and we keep bringing in more people that will add further burdens on a system that is busting at the seams....

The independents get it, the right is getting it with a complete rejection of Bush 3, and Hillary is struggling mightily to win her appointed candidacy, as the left is waking up to these liars and thieves.  
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

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Re: don is a wuss
Reply #17 - 01/27/16 at 17:51:35
Serowbot wrote on 01/27/16 at 16:26:06:
You want scandal?... How much screaming did you do over U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert?...
A molester of legally underage boy students?... That's a hat trick of crimes... Underage, molestation, and then, lying under oath, about paying hush money...
...and boys!.. I know the crime is equal under law for underage girls, but,... that must have really messed up some kids lives...

Monica,... was not under age... and not a boy... In fact, having an affair is not crime (though not a moral act)...

Newt,  Chenoweth (R-ID), and Rep. Dan Burton were all having affairs at the same time were going after Clinton... not to mention Hastert's child molesting past...

Clinton looks like an amateur next to them...  Roll Eyes

Pffft! regardless,... I'm not talking about scandal or morality,...the Republican Party is fractured between the Religious Right, the Tea Party, and the billionaire money that feeds them...
They don't know which arse to kiss without offending the other...

Trying to defend Clinton is like trying to bail out the Titanic with a Dixie cup: you'll never succeed and you just end up looking foolish.

Bill is the gold standard of f'ing losers so punt and look for another battle!
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Serious Thumper

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Re: don is a wuss
Reply #18 - 01/27/16 at 17:53:15
Argue against Ann...... go ahead.... try.


January 27, 2016

Did you ever think you'd live to see anchor babies discussed on TV every night? H1-B visas replacing American workers? Illegal alien murderers? Mexican rapists?

Could you ever have imagined that instead of Republicans weeping over illegal aliens "living in the shadows," we'd see them assailing one another for having once supported amnesty?

It's all Trump. Everything we've been begging politicians to talk about for the past decade, Donald Trump has brought up with a roar.

But the conservative Miss Grundys complain that Trump isn't satisfactory. They say he's "not a serious person"; he's "a clown," a "vulgarian"; he's not a "constitutional conservative" -- you know, like the people who ignore the Constitution on "natural born citizen."

This is not an election about who can check off the most boxes on a conservative policy list, or even about who is the best or nicest person. This is an election about saving the concept of America, an existential election like no other has ever been. Anyone who doesn't grasp this is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

The nitpickers are like the cartoon of Diogenes looking over the man before him, and saying: "I was hoping for a taller honest man."

You're not getting a "taller honest man." Trump is our only shot to save America, if there's still time.

Only a TV reality show celebrity, self-financing brash billionaire, who is perfectly comfortable in front of a gaggle of microphones and loves to hit back, could do what Trump is doing.

Until Trump rose like a phoenix, Mitt Romney was the best we ever had on immigration. Close your eyes and try to imagine Romney saying the things Trump is about immigration. It quickly becomes apparent why no one else could wage this campaign and survive the attacks -- except Trump.

After endless betrayals on immigration, including by half the current GOP field, I trust no one. But Trump is starting to convince me!

At the three-day Conservative Political Action Conference in March 2013 -- about the same time the Republican National Committee was paying $10 million for a report instructing the GOP to "embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform" -- there were only two speakers who opposed amnesty: moi -- and Trump. (And that was only because the organizers didn't know what we were going to say, so they couldn't stop us.)

Ted Cruz spoke at that CPAC. But not a word against amnesty.

In more than a dozen tweets that year -- the very year that Marco Rubio nearly destroyed the nation with his amnesty bill, as the "conservative" media cheered him on -- Trump repeatedly denounced the maniacal push for amnesty:

-- "Immigration reform is fine -- but don't rush to give away our country! Sounds like that's what's happening." (Jan. 30, 2013)

-- "Amnesty is suicide for Republicans. Not one of those 12 million who broke our laws will vote Republican. Obama is laughing at @GOP." (March 19, 2013)

-- "Now AP is banning the term 'illegal immigrants.' What should we call them? 'Americans'?! This country's political press is amazing!" (April 3, 2013)

-- "TRUMP: IMMIGRATION BILL A REPUBLICAN 'DEATH WISH'"; via @BreitbartNews by @mboyle1 (June 4, 2013)

Two years later, Trump announced he was running for president in a speech about "Mexican rapists," pledging to deport illegal aliens and build a wall.

That speech was the biggest one-address bombshell since Sen. Joe McCarthy waved the list of 57 (not 206) Communists at the Wheeling, West Virginia, Lincoln Day Dinner in 1950. McCarthy bought this country another half-century of survival, and that's exactly what Trump is doing right now.

Can you remember a single speech from any of the other candidates? Quick: Within five, how many Republicans are still running for president?

Since that speech, I've felt like I'm dreaming. The networks are suddenly bristling with discussions of all the topics previously banned from television (unless I sneaked it in during a segment on ISIS). Manifestly, the voters are solidly with Trump. No wonder the networks never allowed immigration to be discussed.

Trump didn't propose a "virtual" wall, something "better than" a wall, a "high-tech" wall or any of the usual deflections that mean: open borders. He said he'd build a wall. The more his Republican opponents claimed it couldn't be done, the more details Trump gave about the wall's precise specifications.

When Trump first started talking about anchor babies, the entire media needed smelling salts, leading to this exchange with ABC's Tom Llamas:

LLAMAS: That's an offensive term. People find that hurtful.

TRUMP: You mean it's not politically correct and yet everybody uses it.

LLAMAS: Look it up in the dictionary, it's offensive.

TRUMP: I'll use the word anchor baby. Excuse me, I'll use the word anchor baby.

Now, everybody says "anchor baby." It turns out that if Republicans don't immediately go prostrate and apologize for failing to adhere to the Nation magazine's stylebook, the word police don't have a "Plan B."

After San Bernardino, Trump proposed a temporary ban on Muslim immigration, and the media reacted as if he'd flown two planes into the World Trade Center. He didn't budge. It turned out that no one who is not a sanctimonious douche was offended.

Trump keeps saying these things -- and he's not exactly getting kudos from the media. (Except on my webpage, where he's a huge hit!) He's never backed down. I'm beginning to think he believes what he says. Maybe it's time to stop believing what the "conservative" media says.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2679
Rochester, NY
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Re: don is a wuss
Reply #19 - 01/27/16 at 18:00:20
and Donald Trump, a successful American businessman, is the candidate  we should be afraid of in this scenario?

He's definitely the one that both parties, but especially the Republicans, should be afraid of. If he somehow manages to win in November Trump isn't going to be able to fix what's wrong in Washington. No one is going to be able to do that. But he might be just the guy to burn the whole sorry mess to the ground.

Trump may be a lot of things, some of them not very nice, but "wuss" isn't one of them.  I don't think he'll have any problem with Putin or Kim Jong - Un, or any of the other assorted bad boys around the world.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: don is a wuss
Reply #20 - 01/27/16 at 18:15:13
He's definitely the one that both parties, but especially the Republicans, should be afraid of. If he somehow manages to win in November Trump isn't going to be able to fix what's wrong in Washington. No one is going to be able to do that. But he might be just the guy to burn the whole sorry mess to the ground.

If Trump is elected, it's possible he'll not be able to accomplish anything at all. That's a good thing. If we went 4 years without Washington 'fixing' things, we'd probably be better off....
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Re: don is a wuss
Reply #21 - 01/28/16 at 09:57:51
he keeps avoiding direct questions
he's a wuss
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standing for those who stood for US

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Serious Thumper

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Rochester, NY
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Re: don is a wuss
Reply #22 - 01/28/16 at 10:43:48
a weak or ineffectual person (often used as a general term of abuse).
fail to do or complete something as a result of fear or lack of confidence.
"she'll probably wuss out because she fears my mighty bowling prowess"

Trump is neither weak nor ineffectual.

If avoiding direct questions is what  "wuss" means to you then you and I  have quite different definitions of what the word means.

"Avoiding direct questions" is pretty much what every politician everywhere specializes in. Trump actually does that less frequently than a lot of them do.
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Serious Thumper
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Re: don is a wuss
Reply #23 - 01/28/16 at 13:48:37
those define him perfectly
making money is his forte
debates are not
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standing for those who stood for US

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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: don is a wuss
Reply #24 - 01/28/16 at 18:11:02
thumperclone wrote on 01/28/16 at 09:57:51:
he keeps avoiding direct questions
he's a wuss

Well, Gee, if that's what it takes to be called a wuss,,,,
Hmmmm, Let Me Think..
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper
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Re: don is a wuss
Reply #25 - 01/28/16 at 21:56:10
he tried to bribe fox         into donating 5mil to one of his charities and then he would show
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standing for those who stood for US

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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: don is a wuss
Reply #26 - 01/29/16 at 16:16:17
Interesting take on it. Someone who is spending a fortune, not accepting any money from anyone in order to demonstrate that he won't be bought, but then tries to blackmail Fox for chump change? You Are aware that just reading it doesn't make it true, right? He Cost Fox a lot more than that by not showing.

Fox did, and it's out there to find, go to court and prove that they can lie and it's protected speech. Shame on the courts for not calling it fraud. And if you believe ANY news source is above it, well, that's sad.

And right now, im not pro trump, I'm just anti Hillary. Nothing wearing the dem hat is acceptable.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: don is a wuss
Reply #27 - 02/02/16 at 11:03:22
Second Degree Bern......Mark Steyn

He would be the oldest man ever elected president and 83 years old at the end of two terms - which we won't have to worry about because the entire country will have slid off the cliff long before then. But he's enthusing the base, and any base wants to be enthused.

Hillary, by contrast, is in trouble not because she's a sleazy, corrupt, cronyist, money-laundering, Saud-kissing liar. Democrats have a strong stomach and boundless tolerance for all of that and wouldn't care were it not for the fact that she's a dud and a bore. A "Hillary rally" is a contradiction in terms: the thin, vetted crowd leave more demoralized and depressed than when they went in. To vote for Bernie is to be part of a romance, as it was with Obama. To vote for Hillary is to validate the Clintons' indestructible sense of their own indispensability - and nothing else. Hillary is a wooden charmless stiff who supposedly has enough money to be carefully managed across the finish line. But that requires Democratic electors to agree to be managed, too, and the Sanders surge is a strong sign that, while they're relaxed about voting for an unprincipled arrogant phony marinated in ever more malodorous and toxic corruption, they draw the line at such a tedious and charisma-free specimen thereof.
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Re: don is a wuss
Reply #28 - 02/03/16 at 14:29:21
now he wants a do over cause cruze stole the votes
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standing for those who stood for US

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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: don is a wuss
Reply #29 - 02/03/16 at 15:09:12
You afraid Cruz might lose? You're gonna vote for Hillary anyway, aren't you? No way she gets indicted, regardless of the fact that she is So much more guilty than Petreius. He screwed up, yeah, but if what he did was worth punishment, what she did was worth every bit as much and more.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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