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Android/Chrome/Fuchsia vs Windows/Polaris (Read 15390 times)
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Backyard Bill

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #30 - 01/22/16 at 10:43:19
Almost all major online multiplayer games are set up to run either mac (apple) or microsoft as a choice for software.
Literally NONE of them are set up for Linux, oh the developers LOVE unix/linux software and use it for themselves and to some extent to write the codes for the other two, how, I don't know, but I have been in chats with a few of them.
Steam is a launching platform and converts a game to what ever system you use.
A lot of the "heavy graphic" games won't work with steam, it causes video lag and game play is decreased. In a player vrs. player environment frame rate and connection rate is paramount, or you die.
I am currently thinking of buying a "used" laptop to play with the Linux side (my little asus is now a security system), I remember using Linux to log into my battlenet account for one of my games without using "wine", or so I think I did. Something about searching the windows side of the hard drive file system and "attaching" the .exe file to the desktop or some such (my memory sux).
I might use my wife's little asus to experiment with.... well, maybe, if she lets me Smiley
I purchased a little rca tablet for her to take when she goes out, so she rarely uses her asus now. I will just dual boot it like I had on my asus and go from there.
Back on point.....  
When it comes to gaming, windows is king at the moment, developers are hating the fact that they might actually have to listen to thier customers and re-write their software to include yet "another" operating system spec.
However, with the open source, it could get tricky, because a lot of folks use "third party" software to "add on" to a game to enhance it for ease of use gaming. The add-on software lets them do things the original game was not designed to do, like map coordinates, memorize path of player through an area, location of treasure memory, ect.... Most companies allow it, only if the developer submits the code to the company for approval, and a third OS would mean more company man power to search codes for bad things.... Lips Sealed
Ok, now throw Android into the picture....I don't even know how to class it... Google?
So then you would have four different software setups per game.... I'm not sure developers would go for that.
And due to the popularity of the Android software, I would think Linux would be pushed to the side and Android would be the next to step into the gaming OS software alliance, but, it hasn't been turned into a PC software yet......
So the gaming delema for me is this.... I HAVE to stick with Microsoft, Apple computers are OVERPRICED and not affordable to me. Android has yet to step into the PC arena as a viable gaming system software. The major gaming industry will not consider even writing game software until sales show a distinct rise and 100's of thousands of gamers are online with that OS and complaining to have the games in Android versions. Angry
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #31 - 01/23/16 at 00:20:23

Yep, Gabe's boys are supplying custom video card drivers and abstraction layers to convert old AAA title Windows games to run on Gabe's Steam boxes -- which means they also will run on your Linux distro of choice as they all have Steam set up for them.

There is a Steam for Mac and a Steam for Android (although most old AAA titles require more processor and memory and video card than phone chips used to have, but this too is also something that is changing very quickly)

I run a half a dozen Win 7 only titles, about two dozen Steam on Linux titles and I have LOTS of games to play now, more than I really need.   Three of my "purchased for Win 7 titles" now show up on my Linux listing, which means they got flipped this past year alone.

Old-Rider wants to play some heavy duty fully interactive team based on-line mega games, which are the worst of the lot as far as any new style technology goes.

Every Steam Sale I find even more golden oldies have been flipped over to Steam and they are sitting there jest crying out to me for $2.99 (and I click, I do, shame on me).

Anything based on GPL graphics standards can be flipped just about automatically now days. with the newer Vulcan graphics standard not being much more difficult.  

There are 1,500 out of 6,478 major AAA games that have been flipped now, and 7 out of 10 of last years big new titles came out new with a Steam version of the Xbox main release.

HOWEVER, You will NEVER see Halo on Steam, MS wrote it and owns it.  

When that finally happens, I will hum a few bars of "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love ..... you make."


Something new ---- home networked gaming streamed from your PC to your iPad or Android tablet

Apparently running the game on the home PC unit gets past all the hardware and driver stuff, and the wireless system in your house is now fast enough to let you remote the game from your hand-held device.

This may possibly fix the huge multiplayer on line thing for Old-Rider .....  

..... but I doubt his old-style flight stick will work on his Android tablet .....
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #32 - 01/23/16 at 09:25:17

There is now a LISTING (by brand) of the "retro-fitable" PCs that are being sold today that are the only ones that allow you to plunk down a copy of Win 7 or Win 8.1 on them.   A very limited listing.

Microsoft is serious about forcing you to buy Win 10 on any new machine you buy .......    

Intel is working with MS, as Intel wants you to buy a new processor from them (despite the fact it has not a lick better throughput than what you actually own now, just a little bit better built in graphics and a little lower current draw on the power supply)
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #33 - 01/24/16 at 10:10:28

OK, MS has pushed out their Secure Boot requirements to get a Win 10 sticker on the new PCs and Laptops.

Now the EU will take some sort of legal action against MS for doing this --- as they are ENJOINED by several previous court EU court cases NOT TO DO THIS SORT OF SHITE.   "Actions in restraint of trade, Actions in restraint of use"

Look for the MS Win 10 sticker on your proposed new purchase -- if sticker is there do not buy the device.  CERTAINLY ASK for proof that you can dual boot Linux before you purchase the device.
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Backyard Bill

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #34 - 01/24/16 at 11:55:54
This is something the folks here in the good ol' USA will have to look into.

When I purchase a computer the hardware is mine, but the software I use is not, and I am subjected to updates, or any "improvements".

Now, I own the physical components, but, what about the imbedded software on the memory based components that runs them?

Who owns that software? This is where that gray line is forming, subsidiaries of Microsoft that are partners, are obligated by contract to insert those lines of code to block dual boots or the removal of win 10 and installation of different OS software.

I doubt that there is a single manufacturer of a windows machine being sold that does not have a contract with them.
So, where does that leave us? We where never told by the supplier about EUFI secure boot requirements, heck, there wasn't anything like this on my hardware when I purchased it.

Should the people who purchased machines before the EUFI secure boot software lock petition congress?
Microsoft is actually writing software that CONTROLS your personal hardware completely.
You do NOT have the freedom to install other software onto your personal machine.

Well that's a kettle of fish on high isn't it?

I'm sure there are ways that folks will hack the system, but me as a normal PC using joe, well, we are stuck.... and that just plain sux donut?

But like I said in my last post.... its the gaming companies that are locked into windows because windows users are the majority, and that's where the money is.
Perhaps in the future when folks start using the fastest bestest software that's not locked into their machines, things will change, my grand kids might have that option  Shocked Grin

Why doesn't sony come out with a PC? they have tons of multiplayer games and the play station is nearly a pc unto itself.

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #35 - 01/24/16 at 16:43:00

Before long the FOSS opposition to MS will jell into another alternative.

But that is not right now, and it will not be fall down easy either.

Right now the best alternatives are Linux (fully defined, already existing)  and ChromeOS as expressed in Chromebooks.  

The best Chromebook "full OS fusion" so far is Ubuntu Linux running on Crouton as a switchable part of ChromeOS.

Android is coming up as another possible future solution, but that isn't really here yet.

HOWEVER, at MS's present rate of Borging up their old customers old Win 7 hardware and the rate at which they are LOCKING UP all the brand new hardware with EFI lockdowns I would suspect that the only people who will remain "free to pick" are going to be folks who have the skills to blend Linux and an older version of MS.

Let's see how long  we can all stay free of MS's ball and chain effects.   People with older hardware running XP or Vista are actually the fortunate ones right now.

Most normal users will simply geek and pay whatever MS wants from them, or jump ship to Apple if they can afford to go do that.

Future choices may come from Android, but that is a year, year and a half away, easy.

MS's rate of attack is simply too high right now, they may actually regain control of "desktop computing" by simply taking over all the hardware and locking it down to only work with their software.

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Backyard Bill

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #36 - 01/25/16 at 19:19:03
The problem with Microsoft XP, the support for it will stop in 2017....
The support for the IE for XP has stopped, I use firefox on the asus.
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #37 - 01/25/16 at 20:16:58

Folks who go this route will likely just be looking for "enough" MS to support their gaming habit but only when they need it, so most likely they will likely use alternate OS products for all the day to day stuff.

If someone wants to use MS Windows full time, they will likely go with Win 10 -- warts and all.   These are the folks who will get locked down and manipulated by MS first off, because they think they NEED windows ......

If Win 10 goes and destroys all their good working Win 7 era drivers on their Win 7 or Win 8 machine and their software up and quits working and MS sends them an error report and tells them they need a new PC to fix it, why then by golly they will just tool on out to Best Buy and go buy one.  

These folks are Joe Sixpack and his wife Rita -- what did you expect them to go do?

Right now you can get along with Ubuntu Linux (or a refined derivative like Linux Mint) for all your day to day stuff AND for about 50% of your AAA gaming needs.   A carefully controlled Windows directory of any XP or better version on the same machine can take care of the other 50% of AAA gaming, if you have to have it, but you will have to fight a war to keep MS from borging that partition over to Win 10 when your back is turned.

Issue with going to Win 10 on really old equipment is NOBODY is writing Win 10 drivers for the old Win 7 generation of PC hardware.  MS certainly isn't.   See the blue text above.
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #38 - 01/27/16 at 06:22:10

I have told you this for a while now, that all the "Chromekiller PC laptops" are so underpowered and underspec'd that they become unuseable pretty quickly in the real world.

The marketplace for these machines is generally young people and they tweet and facebook to each other constantly about machine this and machine that.  

To say they know a lot about tech is saying it very mildly .....

So, what follows shouldn't surprise you.

Chromebooks are reportedly killing low-end PC laptops.

A new report suggests Windows PCs don’t just face a challenge from tablets and smartphones, but are increasingly under fire from within their own brand segment. Chromebooks, the web-based Google alternative to a Microsoft or Apple-powered laptop, have been slowly gaining ground since they debuted in 2011.

Chromebooks are just a fraction of the PC market, at 2.8% in 2015, but that’s up from 1.9% in 2014. That’s an increase of 47% in just a year — not bad for growth when the PC market as a whole continues to take a beating.

In response, companies like HP and Dell are reportedly cutting their losses and mostly leaving the sub-$300 PC space. Acer, Asus, and Lenovo continue to offer some PC products from $180 to $300, but we may see these products gradually phase out if they don’t sell well enough to justify their own existence.

You could argue the surge in Chromebook sales is proof the venerable Wintel Alliance is no longer capable of defending itself, even on its own turf.

Let’s be honest: Cheap Windows systems suck

I realize that the header above may sound a bit pejorative or unprofessional, but I’d challenge anyone to refute it. Anyone who has had to guide a friend or family member through a budget-restricted, low-end laptop purchase knows that the entire process is a nightmare. Because manufacturers often run specials or markdowns on specific SKUs, trying to identify the best system on any given day involves wading through a morass of nearly identical specifications. Many of these bottom-end systems have at least one “gotcha” — a terrible keyboard, an insanely sensitive trackpad, or a display with viewing angles so narrow, it accidentally doubles as a security window. Inexpensive systems tend to have more bloatware than more-expensive hardware, and often carry the fewest support options.

There is a difference between buying a no-frills budget PC product with solid basic performance and buying a bad laptop. All too often, inexpensive PC computer hardware crosses that line — and the cheaper you go, the worse it gets.

And, because Google enforces hardware standards you get a GOOD trackpad, a fairly good keyboard and a screen that is acceptable, even on the very cheapest Chromebook.


And I find it AMAZING that an $89 refurbie Hisense Chromebook can respond quicker and do web work better than a $250 MS Win 10 "Chromekiller' laptop.   But, yep, it can.
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« Last Edit: 01/27/16 at 15:07:00 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #39 - 01/27/16 at 11:49:45
Without Oldfeller and his knowledge of the state of the advancements in the world of technology and his overall grasp of the different systems, their comparative strengths and weaknesses, I would be ignorant of just how desperately IGNORANT I am of all the above mentioned things.

I guess that's just the difference between me and so many others. I know when someone else is just more informed and has studied a topic more and understands more deeply the intricacies of that topic.
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #40 - 01/27/16 at 14:59:37

Having read this stuff for several years now, you DO KNOW more than 90% of normal people.

And yes, I bet you do know the difference between an ARM chipset (RISC) and Intel chips (CISC) and I bet you can say who controls what market with what sort of chipset.

You and Serobot just luv to play ignerant so as to spoof on the pedantic ......    Smiley
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #41 - 01/28/16 at 05:36:26

And yes, I bet you do know the difference between an ARM chipset (RISC) and Intel chips (CISC) and I bet you can say who controls what market with what sort of chipset.

Actually, no, I don't. The Intel name I recognize. I remember another name, IIRC,  AMD or ADM, some years ago, gamers were overclocking and the cooling systems were really sophisticated. My doctors son was building computers and entering them in shows. The thing is how my memory works.
I NEED things to be visual and intuitive. History was about impossible. It was just a bunch of apparently unrelated events that occurred at times that had no meaning to me. But, I could repair copiers that I had to be shown what buttons to push just to make it try to make a copy. And, since I know I'm not gonna be using the knowledge that you have, I don't try very hard to retain it. It's too hard, I don't Trust me to remember it correctly.

One teacher told us,
You don't have to know everything, you just need to know where to go to find the answers.
Gotta head for the car. Time to get the grandson to school.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #42 - 01/28/16 at 08:00:42

Orange Pi One is a tiny quad-core PC for $10 (plus $4 shipping)

Let us stroke our imaginations while looking at this picture of a 4 core 32 bit computer costing a whopping $14 after shipping ......

When Android includes all the Jide type tricks, this will be a desktop PC ........
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #43 - 01/28/16 at 09:16:30
I actually built a few towers. Bought the mother board, poked the brain in it, stuffed it with as much state of the art RAM, installed the power supply, floppy disk drive and CD read/write.
not knowing that the hard drive everyone was suggesting was sucky... loaded Windows office or maybe it was the Home version,, yeah, it was that long ago.

What kinda capacity does that little thing have?? They don't have a spinning hard drive anymore, do they? Does that mean they don't have ram?
That's just way cool.
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #44 - 01/28/16 at 09:31:30
doc's say 512 ddr ram (picture says 256)

hard drive (spinny kind or otherwise) can be added by USB port

of course, E&OE   Huh
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