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Android/Chrome/Fuchsia vs Windows/Polaris (Read 15390 times)
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #180 - 05/28/16 at 06:21:15

Hey, this is a good example of the sort of stuff Intel just cut off at the knees by saying they weren't going to make the low end chipsets any more.

I feel some sympathy for these little guys who spent the last year and a half working on this new product and are just getting it to market  ---  just in time to get cut off about shin high to a billy goat by good 'ol Intel's "abandonment" move.

I hope they can recover using a suitable ARM chipset ......   and I also wonder what the real landed cost of the product will be since all the price supports went away last week.

It ain't no $200 any more, for sure ......

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #181 - 05/30/16 at 14:21:35

OK, we got Intel dumping off all its production on its low end chipsets.  We got MS saying they ain't going do low ball no more.   We got all the low end PC boys going smash all hard up against the abrupt ugly wall put up by these dual moves by the big Wintel boys .......

is there no joy in Mudville at all tonight?

Yes, there is !!!!    MUCH more better stuff is coming by the end of this year!!!!

ARM just uncorked their 10 nm chipset designs for next year !!!   ARM is going to have a 10 nm generation of chipsets and all the little guys get to go play, not just Qualcomm.

With new, super powerful Mali G-71 VR graphics support being completely natural to the generic 6 and 8 and 10 core chipsets !!!   And 5-G and 6-G mobile data speed support built in from the beginning !!!

ARM Cortex-A73 CPU technology, meanwhile, is said to offer 30 percent better sustained performance and power efficiency over Cortex-A72… at least when manufactured using a 10nm FinFET process.    

This is a 30% speed improvement over a Qualcomm 810 - 820 chipset, so it isn't going to be a slug by any means.

Cortex-A73 chips should be able to support peak frequencies as high as 2.8 GHz and to keep on running at top speeds for a longer time than most other mobile chips have been able to do so far.  No throttling, unlike the Intel and Qualcomm processors have been plagued with lately.  

While using only simple heat sinks and thermal pipe cooling systems, nothing esoteric or fan power energy consuming, unlike what Intel, Qualcomm and Samsung had to do this past year.

Like most of ARM’s recent designs, chip makers can use big.LITTLE technology to pair high-performance Cortex-A73 CPU cores with lower-performance cores in the same chip. So we could, for example, see multi-core processors featuring both ARM Cortex-A73 and Cortex-A53 CPU cores

============================   GRAPHICS !!!!  OH MY !!!!!

Mali-G71 is based on ARM’s brand new graphics architecture, called “Bifrost,” and it’s said to offer 50 percent better graphics and a 20-percent improvement in power efficiency over Mali-T880 graphics.

With 32 shader cores, ARM says these new graphics chips could be better than those you’d find in many mid-range laptops today.   Yep, better than Intel's new and improved on board graphics just out this past year and functionally obsolete already ,,,,,,

Bifrost is also optimized for the new Vulkan graphics API, the exact same API that is used in PC gaming today.    Serious gaming, in other words.   Built into the chipsets from the get go.

Smells kinda like a low-to-midrange laptop replacement chipset, doesn't it?   Something that could run off your phone while shining up on the big screen and doing some serious games by golly.


PREDICTION:     Given some time, somebody is going to design a wall socket powered variant of these chipsets that is super cheap to build which can replace all of what Intel and MS just dumped off production on this past week.    

With better cost posture and better graphics and large cheap production ability and ease of design for production at say, 16nm ???

Mediatek, Allwinner and Rockchip will all 3 get licenses for this chipset for 2017 as once again they can nip right at the heels of the big boys spec-wise.

Rockchip is already in the laptop business, making RK3288 chipsets for chromebooks that come from Haier and others.   Expect more offerings of stronger products from Rockchip and the others as the Android Laptops commence shipping this fall.

Chromebooks will tend to go upscale using more powerful AMD and Intel chipsets, leaving Android laptops to run off of ARM chipsets at a lower price/feature point.

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« Last Edit: 06/01/16 at 01:30:27 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #182 - 06/01/16 at 01:41:25

Super Small SSD's soldered directly on to phone motherboards, here She comes ......  

Samsung has full production outed the 10-14nm little SSD memory module they have been rumoring about.   Some parts are littler than other parts since there can be 5 or more layers on each tiny little SSD card, and even the single chip versions are built from stacked layers made at different lithography levels.

Read, and catch how incredibly SMALL this thing is ..... sucks no big power, makes no excess heat.   Single chipsets that could be tucked into a phone motherboard with no problem, giving 128 or 256 or 512 megs of fast memory to go into any mobile device.

How small can it be again?   The full card as shown is 5x 512 gig,  the skinny card is 3x 512 gig, and the single chip is worth 512 gig.

It is expensive right now, but will eventually do what all electronic packages tend to do -- become cheaper and cheaper over time (and competition).
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« Last Edit: 06/01/16 at 03:11:39 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #183 - 06/01/16 at 02:32:51

AMD Stony Ridge chips promise big boost for “value” laptops

AMD to the low end rescue ..... you knew it was coming, right?

Still, AMD says the low-end laptop space has been stagnant in recent years when you look at performance. And while the company clearly made the decision to move to Excavator CPU cores before Intel announced its plans to cancel its next-gen Atom processor, it sure seems like Intel’s decision leaves an opening for AMD’s new chips which should offer better performance at the same low price point.

Intel isn’t giving up on the low-power space altogether. The company does have it’s new Apollo Lake processors for notebooks and 2-in-1s coming soon.

But AMD seems to be positioning its entry-level Stony Bridge processors as higher-performance alternatives that should offer better CPU and graphics performance. We’ll have to wait a little while to find out if that’s true under real-world conditions, but AMD does say that the new A9 processor, for example, offers 50 percent better single-threaded CPU performance than an equivalent 6th-gen AMD A8 processor, and a 36 percent boost in graphics performance.

Overall, the company says the AMD A9 chip will be able to go head-to-head with Intel’s Core i3 Skylake-U chips at a competitive price.

Intel jest can't stand it, you know that, right?    AMD moving into its old turf, that is.    And saying out loud that Intel has been stagnant for several years now.    And now both AMD and ARM are announcing chipsets that totally trounce what Intel has to offer (even if Intel is only planning on using up the existing warehouse stocks of low end chipsets with no new production planned).    The theoretical low end replacement, Apollo Lake, is planned to be about a year away right now, you know.   And now those warehouses full of existing chips are said to be getting moldy???   Aaaauuugh !!!

Intolerable !!!!   Load the brown vapor cannons at once !!!   Arrange to move out all those outdated chipsets ASAP before they get totally lapped and obsoleted !!!   Put Apollo lake into production right now, whether it is ready or not !!!

If anything ego driven can get Intel out of its self-imposed non-competitive doldrums, AMD just did it.   A really big DOUBLE HANDFUL of coarse road salt, tossed into Intel's huge open oozing fiscal wounds ......

Shocked     ...... hear Chipzilla scream and roar in anger (and in pain) as it flails around on its side in the fresh fallen snow ......   Can raw insults and terrible ego-pain drive the big monster to get back up on its feet again?
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« Last Edit: 06/02/16 at 01:13:51 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #184 - 06/01/16 at 07:52:28

...... and 2 hours later ......

"I'm excited to tell you that two new products will be coming from Intel later this year: Apollo Lake for the value and entry-level PC, 2-in-1 and tablet, and the 7th Generation Core, formally codenamed Kaby Lake, will be coming later this year. We have over 400 designs coming to market on the Seventh Gen Core, and you can expect lots of innovations from our OEM partners bringing this product to market," said Intel's General Manager of Intel's Client Computing Group Navin Shenoy said during Intel's Computex 2016.

Wow, we interrupt this Client Computing Presentation at Comdex to fire off the BIG LONG RANGE Brown Vapor Blast Cannon again to blurr up the current embarrassing issues with us having no real current low end chip to produce .....

The New York Times has reported the truth, that the intended current low end Intel chipsets had no real performance gains to offset the very poor yield numbers that Intel was getting off of them.    According to Intel, if they can't sell it at a profit, they need to simply not make it.

Apollo Lake isn't cooked yet, but be sure that good yield numbers and a low real cost has got to be part of the recipe, or else Intel will likely not make that one either.

Other than this, remember that Intel is stuck at 14nm and is NOT ABLE TO MAKE ANY REAL AMOUNTS OF BETTER PERFORMANCE, all they can really do is move some deck chairs around and have the band play louder.

Relabeling existing Intel designs (by upgrading the graphics a little bit) is all that Intel has been able to do for two years now, so AMD's accusation of Intel's performance stagnation is fairly correct actually.


And the supposed real facts come out several days later -- Apollo Lake isn't going to be Apollo Lake, it is really in fact the Goldmont chipset that had been decided to be skipped over as it didn't do anything good for anybody except cost more.

This means when the "Apollo Lake" low end chipsets flops miserably when shipped later on this year (amongst strong hoots of derision from all the computer press) Intel can then immediately bring forward their real Apollo chipset, naming it something else more wondrous sounding of course.

Roll Eyes        Tongue      Huh

And if it is only 30% better than it used to be, then it will really just about equal the competitor's chipsets that have already been being shipped in full production for over half a year already.  

Who would be stupid enough to redesign their low end wares for a more expensive Intel chipset that just has same as -- same as performance ????   Huh

Got a bunch more contra-revenue to spend, Intel ????   After you flop the Goldmont stuff, nobody is going to trust you for very much, you know.
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« Last Edit: 06/06/16 at 02:52:51 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #185 - 06/11/16 at 05:34:36
Microsoft is gearing up to fully enclose the Win 10 space, throwing up some new blockages to aggravate the old Win 8.1 and Win 7 users to go out and buy a new Win 10 machine.

Please understand, any 10 year old plus OS has NO GUARANTEE TO WORK ANY MORE, not from Apple, not from Google, not from MS, not from anybody.    Old stuff gets moldy and gets dropped, as does old hardware.

Even Linux drops support for items that old, but since the replacement OS installations are free that isn't any sort of issue with using Linux.

Plus, with Linux you can get support for ALL of that old hardware, naturally self-installing when you use a DVD to install your favorite Linux flavor of the month.

And Linux does not play monkey games with you, breaking things on purpose as MS has been doing of late.

Roll Eyes      ...... please remember, there isn't anything wrong with your Win 7 or 8.1 era hardware, it can run Linux quick like a scalded dog, much much faster than it can run Windoze 10.

Windows 10 has some built in slow down issues, like 4-6 ads placed on the actual OS pages by MS, ads that HAVE TO OPEN ALL THE WAY before you are allowed to go on to your next screen.  
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #186 - 06/11/16 at 05:51:14

Right now, this summer, what are your choices?

Buy a Win 10 machine and have your arse owned by MS.

Buy an Apple machine (pricy but fairly good).

Buy a Chrome OS machine, one that can run all of Android and several different Linux distros.   Will require you to learn some stuff though, and we know how you hate learning stuff .....

OR, short term, you can load you a Linux Mint DVD on your existing hardware and get away from MS for right now, especially since MS seems to want to aggravate you to death and in essence coerce and force you into buying all their stuff piecemeal.

My Recommendation:

Sit on your hands through Christmas, just wait for it.    Do not buy anything new at this point in time .....

We have a revolution coming with SSD style memory and systems memory merging into one of the 3 competing new memory types and getting both huge and VERY FAST and very very cheap.  

This memory change will boost overall machine performance quite a bit, really.    It will also result in OS changes as HUGE fast caches will be the order of the day from now on out, making all forms of software run faster and better.    

You will have a multi-gigabyte "faster than current systems memory" RAM drive available for you to run your OS upon.

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« Last Edit: 06/11/16 at 12:47:23 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Art Webb
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #187 - 06/11/16 at 07:31:31
Disc player on my PC won't work
not sure if MS or just cheap disc player
worked fine one night, next night, it'll display 'fbi warning' and nothing more
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #188 - 06/11/16 at 12:36:09

To find out if your DVD / CD drive is bad or if MS is monkey frickn' wid you, simply stick your Mint disc in your DVD / CD drive and turn the machine completely off, count to 10 and turn it back on again  --  report what happens.

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #189 - 06/11/16 at 13:54:03
Hello OF, with seven weeks of free upgrade left, do you have any idea of the current number of upgrades?
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Re: Android vs Windows
Reply #190 - 06/11/16 at 17:27:54

Count is between 300 million and 400 million -- but the largest increase happened just last month and this large chunk of customers are screaming that they didn't always choose to proceed with the upgrade, it just happened.    And now all their stuff isn't working right any more ......

This is a direct effect of MS changing the update screens in a manner that is both deceptive and misleading.   We have testimony of several list members who were caught out in this dirty tricks sort of approach, and they didn't like it a bit.

Microsoft is reeling from accusations of fraud and misleading practices as large numbers of machines IMMEDIATELY BROKE due to drivers issues, especially on older machines that had hardware items inside them that depended on VENDOR DEVELOPED DRIVERS that were never MS natural drivers.

Several consumer protection agencies have rung in now and MS is backpedalling quickly to a more clear and considerate language about starting the upgrades.    However, the complaints are still continuing based on already installed versions of the upgrade software that are still using the dirty tricks menus and conniving to get users to respond in a way that leads to "misunderstood upgrades".

Microsoft is desperate -- the upgrade parade had stalled out completely so they resorted to what they thought they needed to do to get it back started again.

This is proving to have been a mistake.    Many users have intentionally disabled the chain of updates that are needed by MS for a proper and safe upgrade, and then MS is 'erroneously firing off the upgrade' by misdirection without all the needed pieces actually being in place.

Danger, Will Robinson, Danger  !!!!

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #191 - 06/11/16 at 18:18:22
Interesting, I remember being scheduled for an upgrade about May the 17th. I clicked a button cancelling this, but I wonder how many others simply didn't realise it was going to happen. It may have been one of your posts that warned me of it. Now I check the Get Win 10 icon every day, and then turn it off. So far I haven't had issues, but then I don't play games or use accounting software or anything.
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #192 - 06/11/16 at 18:18:26

I went to my gaming partition to see what was up, everything seemed exactly as it was last month when I last used it.


This activity was totally locked down and should NOT have been able to happen.   MS has been playing games with my machine too.

I aborted the mess (long press on the start button still works) and went back to Linux on the subsequent reboot  ....

If the machine is all busted up on the Windows 7 partition I still have my installation disk to try reinstalling it, and one remaining month to get through before the Win 10 attacks are due to stop happening forever.

Next month I will be rolling over to Linux Mint 18, Mate edition which is supposedly able to be installed over the internet, replacing Mint 17.3 naturally without fouling up anything else.

We shall see.   If I am hosed up by MS, I should reinstall Win 7 after the Win 10 invasions have stopped, then set up my Linux Mint 18, Mate version so the new boot table is correctly configured.

Goal is to have a genuine Win 7 gaming partition that is NOT A PAIN IN THE ASS ALL THE TIME and just run Linux for all day to day stuff.
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« Last Edit: 06/12/16 at 15:17:08 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Art Webb
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #193 - 06/12/16 at 08:06:15
I'll have to hunt that disk up
when I try to play a movie the 'fbi warning' you always see before a movie comes up, then it just stays on the screen and nothing else happens
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #194 - 06/16/16 at 02:49:40

Acer begins selling Android laptops (in China, where the demand is greater).

This is a Win 10 machine loaded with Remix OS, so it is grossly over-powered for processor and memory, etc.   Cost will be about the same, but the machine is coming out of the gate as a "grossly overpowered, high end" Android laptop, instead of a relatively weak Win 10 unit as it was last week.

Also note, Remix OS works on all standard hardware now, as that is what this laptop actually is.
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