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Android/Chrome/Fuchsia vs Windows/Polaris (Read 15390 times)
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #165 - 05/21/16 at 08:32:19
So the wife was playing her favorite online game yesterday.....
She was in the middle of killing some bad guys and up pops this "upgrade needed" message.
Well since she was a swinging her sword and casting spells she swore she clicked the "cancel" button, but low and behold she got booted from her game and guess what?
Yup, the win 10 circle shows up and win 10 started its "upgrade"....
And no, I did not have time to put in my earplugs.... got it full force... and it weren't my fault!!!
Ends up it didn't take that long (about 35 minutes) and she was "ok with it"....shew.... it was almost like it was my fault, I was gonna have to sue Microsoft for my beatin' Smiley
All in all though, I thought that it was pretty darn sneaky. Angry
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #166 - 05/22/16 at 04:26:53

More stuff about Intel & MS is coming out along with the newest Chromebook talk.  

Gist is Intel is functionally giving up on the entire lower end of laptop/tablet space because of the dumping off of the Atom line of chipsets.   What is really being missed right now by users is the extreme levels of price supports and contra-revenue $$$ that Intel and MS used to drop in our pockets when we bought their Wintel products in this segment area.    The real true pricing is coming through now, and it isn't pretty.

Chromebook and Android own all that bottom end PC segment by default now.  

Mid-to-low end space has Windows 10 and Chromebooks/Android squaring up for a duke off during the rest of this year, with Chromebooks swinging upgraded specs and a slightly higher price point as people are asking for more storage memory since they are holding on to more local loaded & stored stuff than before.   SD cards can do this duty, but SD cards tend to run slower than main systems memory or SSD drives.   People want that SSD storage.

Windows and Apple are both down slightly again in new unit laptop sales, but Win 10 is running around Borging millions & millions of new users abruptly right now whether they want to be Borg or not.    Many users are uninformed and uncaring, but some users are right irritated at the moment because of driver issues making their old favorite softwares not work right (the old softwares MS didn't trash outright as "unapproved" during the upgrade process, that is).  

Breaking your old computer in order to prompt you to go buy a new one is a really really harsh marketing plan, don't you think?

Now that MS will be charging normal prices for Win 10 going forward, this puts a price drag on all Windows machines which will affect sell through in all markets other than professional.

Seeing Win 10 heading towards the business world makes me wonder what Win 10 has to offer the IT world that Win 7 doesn't already offer to them?     Most of the gimcrack stuff won't be turned on or enabled by IT, nor would the gimcrack stuff really be wanted by business users in general.

Intel is "de-emphasizing" PC and tablet and laptop -- main focus is now on Internet of Things and rackspace/mainframe style large computing.   In other words. Intel hopes to "own" IoT and make their normal large profit margins in rackspace/mainframe as they see themselves as owning that right now too.

Intel's big new directional moves are too late again.   Qualcomm and the other phone boys are supplying IoT devices right now with various cheap light and fast ARM Cortex M derivative chipsets and they are the ones that really do currently "own" that IoT market.   Intel will fail in attempts to own IoT for the same exact reasons they failed at mobile.   Too slow, too large, too expensive with poor energy use characteristics and poor battery life.

The move to rackspace finds the largest customers (Google, Facebook, Amazon and the like) are busy designing and building their very own highly customized rack chipsets to go along with their very own cut down speeded up customized Linux softwares.  

Where/who are all of those big deep pocket "high margin" customers again, Intel?  
Remember, Itanium runs x86 code, while rackspace runs on Linux ......

In short, Intel is a many times loser lately that is making yet another set of frantic moves that are going absolutely nowhere yet again.   They cannot design a good chipset for any rapidly changing needs and they certainly cannot make anything at a low cost posture, even if given whole years to do it in.  

Intel is a huge, out of date dinosaur and the new post impact climate is starting to snow on them .......

Extinction is Intel's eventual real game plan.   We will get to watch them shrink and squirm and shrink again and flail around wildly yet one or two more times before they collapse and finally die.
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« Last Edit: 05/22/16 at 11:13:02 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #167 - 05/23/16 at 15:48:13
The "internet of things" is something that needs its own thread. I think that maybe one day we will have integrated more devices but I dont see the interest or the innovation to drive large scale acceptance. I mean who needs a refrigerator with a huuge touch screen tablet on the door?

But on another not I think that Microsoft needs to consider modeling their pricing for system upgrades like Apple. I was surprised when I purchased an old Apple and the upgrade to snow leopard only cost $20!
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #168 - 05/24/16 at 03:10:50

Actually, this is the latest of a long series of computerish tech posts going back to single core ARM chipsets.    I predict the next competition and predict the next winner of that competition and then we all see how well I did when reality rolls past.

This thread is actually about 3/4 done now, Intel is leaving the playing field and MS is busy backing away from what was its grand plan of Win 10 world conquest by allowing Win 7 to continue to exist for business.  But also note that MS is still busy Borging all the little user people over to Win 10 because the the little guys can't fight back effectively (and show signs of not caring all that much anyway).

Android still hasn't picked up its full package of full OS features yet and with Oracle suing Google yet again (MS may have had a finger in this repeated suing) over Java I think Google is leaving open the option of backing Chromebook OS as their "future pathway" if they are told by the court to remove all hints and traces of Java from Android.  

Google can do this if they need to, you know.   Change the few remaining API calls over to something else .....

To MS, anything that can interrupt, derail or simply slow Google down is a good thing, because Google is taking over the bottom end of the laptop market starting this year.   MS must have the time to finish their Win 10 roll out all the way to business before Google takes over low end laptops, or they could lose a critical mass of units on the low end of things.

Other than Oracle's and MS's intentionally muddying up the Android waters yet again with clouds of FUD, a open minded user finds that the developing Android as an OS already has a full market test package out there in Jide Windowing Android.  

The Oriental suppliers are all prepping full bore Android laptops as we speak.   Everyone is watching to see what this effort actually does sales-wise as the Orient is Windowing Android's natural best market and if it is accepted at all it will be accepted first in the Orient.

This is Google at its natural best, seeking to grow Android organically based off of what the marketplace wants as reflected by the little guy vendors seeking out naturally occurring competitive advantages.

Chromebook OS is about complete now and is going to be market driven to expand its "hard drive" memory with some more SSD memory, or else Google may try to refine their Playstore trick where you download the app in the background and use it, then let it go back to the Play Store cloud servers between uses.

Both Google and MS do this trick now, with MS actually not even being able to put all of its needed major OS pieces on to the little bitty SSD drives of some of the sub-spec'd Chromekillers that they sold over the last few years.  Instead MS was constantly moving parts of the OS itself back and forth to cloud storage all the time just so you could do all of Windows 10.  

Can you say "MS runs interrupted, slow, & kludgy on these machines"?

The Win 10 OS porky size exceeded both the Chromekiller's SSD drive's capacity and systems memory at times, in other words.   This means very slow execution while the user waits for chunks of the Windows OS go up & down from the cloud.

Google's OS's are much smaller and will still fit well on the existing smaller system memory & SSD drives, but the trick would still be very useful to ferry an occasionally used app back and forth automatically, keeping it in cloud storage until it was needed.  Phones would benefit from this trick as well as the Android laptops.   Expect to see more mention of fast, locally run cloud apps in the future as phones are going to get 3-4 gigs of RAM memory later on this year, then the cloud up & down trick will be used for any future increased needs.

Look to see Android pick up some other AI driven ChromeOS type tricks, like background updates and hopefully those most excellent anti-virus/trojan sandboxing tricks that are used by ChromeOS too.
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« Last Edit: 05/25/16 at 02:42:59 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #169 - 05/24/16 at 06:08:35

Microsoft just raised the low end requirements of a Windows 10 machine to clearly exceed those of a Chromebook.    

These new requirements seem to clearly indicate MS does not intend to compete on the low end of the laptop/tablet market spectrum any more,

HOWEVER, Win 10 regular will now fit on not so lowly 7" tablets, whereas before MS restricted it to larger screens and kept the 7" items reserved for Win 10 Mobile in years past.    

Now that MS phone has just about died off, all development efforts for Win 10 Mobile systems have had most of the personnel all laid off from them as well.   You could say Win 10 Mobile and Win 10 Phone products are "relatively dead and unsupported" going on out into the future.

Now nothing exists but the full bore Win 10 OS system and that system has much more substantial processor, display and systems memory and SSD size requirements than it did just a week ago  ........

There are two ways to see this:    First, MS is tired of losing and if they limit themselves to Chromebook OS like specs then they will ALWAYS be slow and porky and still lose badly to the light and fast ChromeOS.   By MS design specs now requiring enough processor, memory and screen rez, the new Windows units will now run much better (not necessarily very much faster, but clearly better).

But, if a Chromebook is given anywhere near these new MS generated Win 10 laptop/tablet specs, it will run superlatively faster, and along with all of the Play Store for literally millions of light and fast software packages of all sorts ranging from free to cheap, then the new touchscreen Chromebooks will kick MS's arse on both low end and mid-range zones.

Prediction:   Chromebooks may continue to kick MS's arse for speed right on up the hardware spectrum if they are running same same softwares with very similar spec'd machines.   Right on up through Core I5 and Core I7 .......

..... or else perhaps some of the "lesser spec'd Chrome machines" are still going to be going around kicking MS's butt when MS is run on much more expensive hardware, something which has been happening for quite a while now on the Core I3 and below machines .....

Android and the Play Store will now start to collect some even more serious work-type programs, now that ChromeOS is there to support them and Chrome is no longer seen as a lite weight lite duty OS.
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« Last Edit: 05/25/16 at 02:37:27 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #170 - 05/25/16 at 10:50:51
Today, noon.

Microsoft put their most current largest most powerful Continuum capable Lumia phone on sale, and to complement that sale they also laid off 1,350 of the folks who support Win 10 mobile software.

What do you think it means?    Whatever it is, it is BIG and it isn't completed yet by a long shot.


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« Last Edit: 05/25/16 at 15:10:34 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #171 - 05/25/16 at 11:47:19
Just thought I'd warn people about this latest update to win 10
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #172 - 05/25/16 at 14:22:44

That's just plain tricky nasty.   So is this .....

On the same day that the 1,350 software people associated with creating and upkeeping Win 10 Mobile software and Window 10 for Phone got their pink slips, then an additional 1,850 of the guys who work on the Microsoft Mobile Hardware side abruptly got the axe too.

That is a whole bunch of people gone from Microsoft's phone side in just one day, they are being "streamlined" alright, in the very worst sort of way.  

3,200 people gone in just one day while MS is also booking a brand new inventory adjustment charge of 8 Billion Dollars in addition to what was booked at the end of last year.    

This new firesale being done right now in an effort to MOVE the now dead phones in advance of most people realizing MS is already really completely out of the phone business is already anticipated to cost MS 8 billion more dollars.    


So it’s not surprising that Microsoft is still making changes in their company, getting drastically smaller in the process. The company has announced it’s eliminating about 1,850 jobs in its smartphone hardware business, taking a $950 million restructuring charge for this portion of the changes, and shifting the company's focus yet again.

Moving forward, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says the company will focus “phone efforts where we have differentiation — with enterprises that value security, manageability, and our Continuum capability, and consumers who value the same.”

The announcement comes a week after Microsoft announced it was outright selling its feature phone business, and just a month after the company revealed that it sold only 2.3 million Lumia phones in the previous quarter (down from 8.6 million a year earlier), and less than a year after cutting 7,800 jobs in the phone division and taking an impairment charge of around $8 billion.

In other words, this whole phone thing hasn’t been working out too well for Microsoft.

Huh       Roll Eyes        Tongue      

Last week MS was tallied as holding  only 1% of the smartphone worldwide business ---- I betcha they would be kinda hard pressed to claim a half of a percent right now.

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #173 - 05/26/16 at 02:59:08

Seeing a lot of buzz today about yesterday's big changes from MS.  

People are seeing this as MS shrinking itself and re-aiming everything at PC as far as Windows 10 goes, giving themselves an out by having the main Win 10 claims it can run on a 7" tablet or a phone (if they have the needed requirements).

Since there aren't any 7" tablets swinging the required hardware, it becomes "not MS's fault" that there aren't any.   Ditto for phones, since only the top 2-3 brand new (with one yet to come out and ship yet) Win 10 phones have the hardware needed to swing Win 10 now.

Some people are awaiting a clarification from MS, waiting for MS to say that it was all misunderstood somehow.

Pink slips are kinda hard to misinterpret, guys, sorta final.   MS and Intel have both announced they are leaving the low end portion of all these markets, phone, tablet and laptop.

Chrome and Android have already pre-won in the defined area of competition that was spelled out at the start of this thread.   There are warehouse stocks of old Intel low end chipsets, stocks of laptops and tablets and tag end stocks of low end MS phones yet to sell off, which will keep on coming until they are all gone, but actually the game could be called right now since one side has actually left the playing field in a forfeit.

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #174 - 05/26/16 at 03:15:08

Loyal MS fans are saying that folks will follow MS up the price scale to buy replacement stuff running Win 10 and this is just a price move.

I don't think it is a simple price move, the under $300 market is still going to be there and it will be populated by Google products ASAP.

Chromebooks are preferred by those that use them, MS has lost those people permanently.   And any kid that has gone past high school lately understands how to use a Chromebook really really well -- finds a Windows machine sorta bulky and slow but knows how to use them because of GAMES.

Steam may steam roller out this GAMES bump when they get all situated to run on the new more powerful modern touch screen chromebooks.
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #175 - 05/26/16 at 08:19:50
Yup, that's how the wife got tricked.... she simply exited the windows 10 prompt and it started to download automatically.

As far as win 10 goes, it is SLOW on my system because browsers are now overloaded with script ads that take forever to load and each darn page has at least 4-5 of them.
On my 17 inch HP Pavillion (win 10) I have to actually wait until all ads are present and finished loading before I can even scroll down the page!
I am lucky here on because there are only two ads and usually neither are running scripts with motion.
A lot of times there will be updates running in the backround and I cannot even see them using my task manager, all I see is that my disc and memory are being used to capacity and I cannot type but just one letter every 5-6 seconds in a post.... VERY frustrating.
Its like I have gone back to my old 486DX2 days with the 1200 baud modem.... how can this be progress?
Last but not least.... ebay, amazon, harbor freight... any where you go to even "look" at an item to purchase, the ads will start reflecting them, no matter the browser you use (I have four).... so it crosses the boundaries of windows/google/firefox ect.....  how is that happening?
I can purchase an item on harbor freight with IE 11, and my google browser shows ads with that item and "like" items when I log to it. The same with firefox...... so they are connected ad wise some how.
The ONLY reason I have not gone to Linux with this machine is now just ONE game..... World of Warcraft.... it does not have a Linux side, just Windows and Mac... it does not play through Steam.
And i'm not sure it will run with just running the Wine program in Linux, I did have dual boot going on my little 14" AMD laptop and did a "drag and drop" for WoW into the Linux side, but I think it was still using the windows settings across the board, not really sure though.
I now don't have a machine to test the Linux on, because my little 14" is being used as my security system and D-Link will not run on anything but windows.....sigh....
Oh one other interesting thing, I had a hard drive failure with the little AMD 14", and had to reload my windows vista on it.... I had originally used the little laptop as my "windows 10 beta" machine. Recently I went to check on the machines and software through Microsoft's personal pages (my pages) and it still shows "Bill AMD" as having windows 10 professional edition (because of the beta)..... go figure, it actually has Vista on it.
Guess Microsoft cannot auto upgrade a Vista machine Smiley LOL
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #176 - 05/27/16 at 10:13:41

Why Win 10 is so durn slow ......

MS sells 6-10 ads max per loaded opening page.

Each ad comes from somewhere .....

Each and EVERY ad has to load before the page can complete itself ....

You are only as fast as the slowest ad's load time    .....  







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« Last Edit: 05/27/16 at 12:33:32 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #177 - 05/27/16 at 10:48:05
and each and every ad has to be scanned by anti-virus before it can load.

which is the problem I have with facebook "sponsored content"
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #178 - 05/27/16 at 12:35:36

Which is why I use Linux Mint Mate 17.3 and I run Chrome browser with Adblock Plus turned on.

-- I wait for no durn ad man, not no how ......
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Re: Android vs Windows 10
Reply #179 - 05/27/16 at 15:53:46
Another good Firefox/Chrome extension is Disconnect. It blocks connections to advertising and analytics sites. I've seen it block >30 connections on a web page.
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