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Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga) (Read 3548 times)
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #105 - 10/18/15 at 11:14:57

The Magazine Rack Report on Windows 10 Mind Share

Barnes and Noble Computer section

There were only two (2) Windows based anything on the entire computer rack .... only one was Windows 10, the other was PC gaming related.   The rest of the rack was Apple iOS, Android, Linux and generic console games related.

The one (1) real Windows 10 magazine included a disclaimer on the index page that some of the work around articles could be (had already been) rendered invalid by a subsequent nightly pushed Win 10 nightly update.

Some of the articles had sentences and short paragraphs lined out as having been changed after final writer edit (but before printing the finished publication).

THIS BRINGS A POINT OUT CLEARLY -- Win 10 is changing so rapidly that nobody can write a magazine about it any more.

This relatively thick magazine publication was mostly work arounds for existing known Win 10 issues and a lot of general PC advertising that had pretty much nothing to do with Win 10 at all.

It begs the question -- what is Win 10 this month?   Is it going to be a good bit different next month?   When will the rest of the promised big new features be delivered anyway?

With Threshold 2 coming out in November, this is very likely the case -- that what the magazine was written to is going to be different than what the readers will be seeing on their machines once they read the articles and try to go do it.    

ESPECIALLY all those deep under the covers "undocumented" setting pages that were being "disclosed" by the magazine article writers as part of their problem fix articles.

Win 10 is a mess under development, so I'd wait like a year before spending any money on fix it magazines.
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« Last Edit: 10/18/15 at 18:26:22 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #106 - 10/18/15 at 13:07:27

Mary Jo Foley speaks again on Windows "instabilities" in this add-on to her previous article on the subject.

"Microsoft's original plan, we've heard from various sources, was to roll out Windows 10 in October 2015. Instead, due to OEM pressure, Microsoft began rolling out Windows 10 in late July. An update with a bunch of missing features, known as Threshold 2, is coming later this Fall.

But what I'm more interested in now is Redstone. Redstone is the next set of updates for Windows 10 after Threshold 2. Word is there will be two Redstone updates -- Summer and Fall -- in 2016. And according to my sources, a big focus for Redstone will be on improving the stability of the Windows 10 ecosystem and its many piece parts, via engineering processes instituted by the Windows team.

I'm hoping time and some of these ongoing Cumulative Updates will bring more stability to Windows 10 in the coming months. While I wait for this, I'll keep using Windows 10 on my laptop and hope for better stability. But I'm definitely also not going to be moving my main work machine off Windows 7 in the interim."

Some serious slam words coming from Ms Microsoft herself.

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« Last Edit: 10/18/15 at 14:27:15 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #107 - 10/18/15 at 13:31:52

And speaking of some more serious slam words, this time coming from the Mr. Microsoft side of the gender gap, here is Adrian Kingsley-Hughes speaking harshly from ZD-NET England on Win 10 for PC .....

"Reports are circulating that some users are being presented with dialog boxes that only give them the option to start the upgrade process or reschedule it for a later date. Others are finding that the Windows Update screen is only offering them the option to begin the upgrade process, with other system updates being hidden from view.

Is there anything you can do to reverse this situation? Right now there isn't. Even Josh Mayfield, the maker of the GWX Control Panel -- an excellent utility that has previously allowed users to opt out of and avoid the nags to upgrade to Windows 10 -- doesn't have an answer at present.

It seems that Microsoft is desperate to get laggards who are still running Windows 7 and Windows 8 onto Windows 10, but there's a fine line between being enthusiastic about a new operating system and behaving like you own every PC that is running Windows, and I think that in this case that line has been crossed."

Microsoft, upon being contacted by the EU Commission for Fair Trade quickly realized they had bloody well stubbed their other big toe now and MS immediately issued a clarification.

UPDATE: Microsoft is blaming a bad default option for this issue:

"As part of our effort to bring Windows 10 to existing genuine Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 customers, the Windows 10 upgrade may appear as an optional update in the Windows Update (WU) control panel. This is an intuitive and trusted place people go to find Recommended and Optional updates to Windows. In the recent Windows update, this option was checked as default; this was a mistake and we are removing the check.
Hopefully that will fix this issue."

Roll Eyes      ..... so now what are you going to do about all the folks who hosed their machines up using systems restore to get back away from the forced, no choice upgrade?  

What, you are gonna offer them a free upgrade to Win 10 using a clean DVD install authenticating it with their old registry key code?

Cheesy     ...... duh dude, don't you get it?   They don't want Win 10 at all right now, they want to stay on Win 7 because Win 10 is an unstable buggy mess that even your biggest fans in the press corps don't even want to use on their main machines right now.


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« Last Edit: 10/18/15 at 18:14:19 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #108 - 10/18/15 at 14:00:35

And, speaking of the Win 10 Mobile Beta Test program ..... here is the next "unknowing, unwilling" installation bricking kerfuffle.

Windows 10 Mobile

Along with the list of officially supported handsets, it looks like several non-Lumia phones were also able to download and install Windows 10 Mobile build 10536.

That's due to a "detectoid" bug, according to Gabe Aul, who has stated that the build will not work on a non-supported device, and that installing it will require a reflash to get the phone back to a functioning state.

Once again folks, if you see Windows 10 Mobile build 10536 on non-Lumia devices, do not download and install it. You'll just end up having to reflash your device.

Here's the official list of phones supported by the Windows Insider program:

Lumia 430
Lumia 435
Lumia 520
Lumia 521
Lumia 525
Lumia 526
Lumia 530
Lumia 532
Lumia 535
Lumia 540
Lumia 620
Lumia 625
Lumia 630
Lumia 635
Lumia 636
Lumia 638
Lumia 640
Lumia 640 XL
Lumia 720
Lumia 730
Lumia 735
Lumia 810
Lumia 820
Lumia 822
Lumia 830
Lumia 920
Lumia 925
Lumia 928
Lumia 930
Lumia 1020
Lumia 1320
Lumia 1520
Lumia Icon
HTC One (M8) for Windows

**Update:* We've heard back from users stating that the update has been downloaded automatically to those running Windows 10 Mobile on unsupported devices, even with automatic updates turned off. If you're running the preview on non-sanctioned devices, we advise you de-list from the Insider Program until the issue is resolved.

Source: Twitter (Gabe Aul); Via: WinBeta

Ouch ..... more bricked dead "other brand" phones, huh?  And, although MS pushed the update out to all the Beta Testers and MS triggered the update automatically and it was MS's bad update that bricked the hardware, but this time MS says they have no responsibility to you financially because they done told you all you off-branders REPEATEDLY to DE-LIST from the Beta program because unless you own one of a very select few MS built phones that the stuff actually works on it jest isn't safe for you to touch?

Sorta like saying your mobile pusher engine is totally out of control and can't tell what sort of phone the user has so they all get the same potentially harmful package no matter WHO they are .....  that's like saying your pusher engine is crap, you know.  

Oh, bad buggy detectoids again -- I see.

Right.   What will the EU Fair Trade Commission have to say about that, I wonder ......   you know, the free Win 10 mobile that everyone was promised that would run on all Windows phonesand in fact is only running on MS own Lumina brand phones and is actually killing off all the other brand phones automatically, I mean.  

Is that possibly considered "In restraint of free trade"?   Or is it just plain old "negligent property damage" instead?

Roll Eyes

       ..... mebbe if they can tell whose detectoid it was that had the death dealing bug in it then perhaps they can assign all the damages $$$ to that detectoid's owner.  

The owner of the malicious detectoid is after all, the one responsible, according to MS.  

Hey, that's YOU, MS -- it is all on you.

Doing such stuff twice means that the second instance is fully actionable for all harm done the second time around, since you KNEW it would kill those non-Lumina phones and you dispersed the upgrade anyway through a non-discerning, known to be broken pusher engine.

"Trust us" ----- right.     Angry
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« Last Edit: 10/19/15 at 17:58:41 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #109 - 10/18/15 at 17:57:44

This is sorta warped, you know.  

Blaming "a bad default option" and a "detectoid bug" really sounds like MS really has a hard time of simply saying ......

Hey, we screwed up -- again

..... yeah, MS screwed up and needs to 'fess up and stand good for it in all three cases.

Not admitting their errors and laying the blame off on detectoids and default options THAT THEY WROTE simply says MS lives in a mental state of denial.

"Trust us" isn't going to work in this environment, boys, while you keep throwing out lame excuses and sorry half-written software that your own favorite magazine writers WON"T USE because it is just too random and buggy right now.

And all of your mobile Beta Testers should quit right now, ASAP after you denied some of them coverage for breaking their stuff AGAIN after promising to fix it last time (which I find no sign of having happened, BTW).

Or is that what "a select dedicated team working tirelessly on the situation" really means, it was assigned to your PR team who decided this was the appropriate fix ...... slap a little foggy brown PR on it and say it is somebody else's fault.

Hey you financially injured guys, go sue them "faulty detectoids" for the value of your phone.   Go hit up them "bad default options" for the repair time costs of hosing up your PC and having to pay a tech to make a house call to fix it.

"Trust us" ----- right.     Angry
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« Last Edit: 10/19/15 at 10:14:29 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #110 - 10/19/15 at 11:55:29

Microsoft is begging users not to ditch its Edge web browser

"Microsoft has previously made overtures to those wanting to switch, placing a message within the Bing search for Chrome and Firefox that advertises the benefits of Edge.

According to Netmarketshare, Edge had around 2.4% of the total browser share on desktop as of September. Safari, the default browser on OS X, had around 5%.

The company is also targeting people who want to switch to third-party photo and music apps, offering a pop-up window that displays the virtues of the built-in Photo or Groove Music apps."
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« Last Edit: 10/19/15 at 18:00:53 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #111 - 10/20/15 at 08:32:37
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #112 - 10/20/15 at 10:23:27

This refers to big business customers and it is a shot straight at MS Office.  

Since Google can Chromebook any Windows PC now and it is offering FREE software to business I think this is an escalation of the old Chrome Wars.

Google took education at 90+% already and has made some minor inroads in American business -- but it has done a good bit better in developing markets as FREE means more to them, especially when you combine it with not needing an IT department to ride herd on your MS mess.

Google is also putting themselves forward at a time when folks are getting sick of Win 10 being so erratic and unstable.
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #113 - 10/20/15 at 13:36:34

Just read it. Look at the airplane picture. Quickly read the article. Start reading the comments and read down as far as the one that says I didn't want to sign up to have an ongoing fight with my operating system.

Then realize that these people have just put their finger on what will kill Windows 10. That people do not want to engage in a running battle with their operating system over who's running the show or anything else for that matter.

The attitude that is being shown by the computing press is shifting and the attitude being shown by the people writing the comments is shifting ---  they are getting tired of the MS level of irrational BS.

Put the wheels on the plane in the correct orientation, get the wings on right and quit screwing with us.

"I initially intended to upgrade to Windows 10, but the longer I’ve waited, the more uncertain I am that doing so is a good idea. It’s not a question of whether the UI is faster or DX12 a better gaming API — I’m fundamentally uninterested in engaging in a protracted fight with my operating system.

In the past six weeks, we’ve seen Microsoft start including app suggestions in your own start menu, accidentally force-upgrade some users to Windows 10, download Windows 10 to systems even when the user has not requested that this occur, refuse to shut off telemetry, and fail to address problems with its own patching model.

When I decided not to upgrade to Windows 8, my reasons were structural — I thought the Metro interface was a disaster and wasn’t willing to pay Microsoft for an OS with huge swathes of functionality I didn’t want. With Windows 10, the underlying model is far more solid, but Microsoft’s efforts to monetize, monitor, and control end-user interactions are extremely frustrating."
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« Last Edit: 10/20/15 at 16:19:30 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #114 - 10/20/15 at 18:59:49

Guess who celebrated their 11th birthday by vowing to bring full convergence into a Phone/PC by year's end.  

And we mean full convergence using all Unbuntu's full scale full power programs.
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #115 - 10/20/15 at 19:14:42
LOL, just got the used hard drive for my 14" asus yesterday, loaded it up today and found out my copy of vista is 32bit...

Won't even load the microsoft page... or any newer one... have had to download firefox to view most anything... because it is IE7

I "had" windows 10 on it when I was beta testing it... but they don't offer that build any longer... so i'm now stuck in vista land! (unless I purchase an upgrade) Smiley

It will still download the security updates... at least it has that. Tongue
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #116 - 10/20/15 at 19:26:44

So much for MS's promise to let you keep your Beta software and they would keep it updated on out into the future, huh?            
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #117 - 10/20/15 at 20:06:35
That phone with dock and keyboard made me have the drools, I love the way my phone does the web, I just don't love the tiny screen
(and the fact I still haven't figured out copy / paste on Android)
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #118 - 10/20/15 at 21:37:50
LOL, spent 12 hours loading up and downloading stuff for windows vista, my last "update" was for sp2 or somesuch "64bit", on reboot, I got a flashing line top left... stuck the recovery disk in, and got a 10" tall red "error" on the screen.
So I stuck in 17.2 mint....  25 minutes later and here I am Smiley
Got to learn to use it with games and such, going to download steam tomorrow and set up a few games.
Then i'm going to try to tackle my newest one.... it is an old favorite being made new again, a 6 degree flight sim called descent.

I am an underground tester ... small area's right now... and I will have to build a better computer to play, but hey.... it's addicting  Shocked Grin Cool
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #119 - 10/21/15 at 05:10:28

I remember the original Descent -- it was a precursor to all flight & shoot games, had a nameless hero that was kept on ice for the relatively few times he was needed as the centuries rolled by as he was just too dangerous to let out between missions.  

Put him in his little bitty flier and he was hell on wheels .....

Spawned a flight stick industry (I bought one) and I played the game multiple times end to end and got very good and smooth at it.

Late 286 era?   I forget.   It was 20 years ago, easy.


I just broke down and bought a XBox 360 controller for my game rig as most games are built for controllers now-a-days and some, like Tomb Raider are just about impossible to get past a boss battle using a mouse and keyboard controls --- too disjointed and slow.

I shoot the bow better, more accurately with the keyboard and mouse though, so I use keyboard for most of the walking around stuff, but for the slow time boss battles you gotta be controller literate to get past them.

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