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The Chrome Wars (Read 9524 times)
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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #330 - 05/10/15 at 00:10:07

Windows as a service: Windows 10 will be continually updated (with no Windows 11 in sight)

"Cynics might think this means Windows 10 won’t be complete at launch… and they’re kind of right. Microsoft has already said that Windows 10 for phones won’t be available until a few months after Windows 10 for desktops launches this summer, and Windows 10 for desktops will include the new Microsoft Edge web browser, but some features including support for Object RTC and web extensions won’t be available in the browser at launch.

But in some respects. Windows 10 will never be complete, just the way Ubuntu, Fedora, OS X, Android, iOS, and other operating systems are never really complete — because there’s always room to roll out updates to patch security vulnerabilities or to add new features."

Microsoft has not finalized Windows 10 after 4 years of working on it now, it has been a continuing conceptual re-write process that has gone through phase after phase and re-write after re-write after re-write.  

Nothing Windows has done has fully clicked with the testers, other than just certain selected feature sections.

So, Microsoft has decided to roll with what they got right now, which is a constantly evolving product which right now is structured greatly like one of the newer developing Linux Distros, great ideas being plopped down constantly with full execution coming and a level of future polish promised.

Microsoft still hasn't even finished with their business model (?? how do they get paid ??) nor do they have an announced plan to completely integrate the PC and Phone/Tablet parts of their disparate worlds.   They have some stuff in mobile that does not play in PC and vice versa.

Performance wise, you get the sense that MS was waiting for Intel to come out with a chip fast enough to make their porky old stuff be quick enough to be blended in with the new features to become "the new quick and light stuff".  

This isn't happening and MS must regroup yet again and put out an OS this summer anyway without any "helpful" Intel super processors to support them.

Tester say 10 is "better" than before in general, but still complain about specific items.   It isn't lighter or smaller (quite the contrary, it is feature crowded with entire thought lines going off in odd directions that were development delayed, but not removed).   For example:

As you can see, it is actually functionally pretty much the same old stuff with different access shells and some "do it while you are sleeping" dodges, but all the old cruft is still there and you will still spend time taking care of endlessly changing the baby's anti-virus diaper, etc.

But, a few of the features recently created show the potential promise of lighter and faster, but this is mostly on the mobile side of the endeavor and they are nothing that is seamlessly integrated across the board right now anyway.

Microsoft wanted to have "one product on all screens" but 10's reality does not seem to be headed that way.   What is released for PC will likely be maximized for a traditional desktop monitor/keyboard/mouse and will NOT contain all the mobile elements per se.

I still hold out some hope for the mobile product to be better, as it hold most of the "new think" items.

Shovel-ware and crap-ware are still going to be around, with some permanent ad bars popping up occasionally to generate some incidental revenue for the crapware people -- it is still the same old MS world view after all with all the old remora fish still suctioning on to the big fish and riding along for an up-front fee.

People will quickly begin to refer to different slices or views of the MS pie as "PC something" vs a mobile "something else" and MS will eventually have to start to use the nomenclature that develops.

Until then, MS will give 10 away for free, push and promote the hell out of it and see if they can preserve their market share as they endlessly continue to work on it.

What has not changed -- Business isn't having any part of it and is sticking with Win 7 as installed in all their functions.  

Until MS comes up with something desktop based that can woo Business off of Win 7 it is all a mental exercise anyway.
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« Last Edit: 05/11/15 at 05:56:01 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #331 - 05/10/15 at 01:00:29

So, what is cooking with the newest $149 Chromebooks?


First reviews are out on the $149 Chromebooks from Haier and Hisense, and they don't suck nearly as much nor as badly as folks feared they might.   They are what they are, low end units, but they do adhere to all the Chromebook requirements and Google watch-dogged their design so they really don't suck on any given particular but the overall build quality says what they are -- low end units.

Processor CPU performance is slightly down compared to a Tegra K1 unit and to the old Intel big dual core processors, but the video system is good enough to plus it back up performance-wise to be roughly same same with the rest of the low end crowd.

It is still $50 cheaper than the older low performance Chromebook units, and miles and smiles better in web performance compared to the current Chromebook Killers which sell for $50-$100 more despite MS claims they were going to price point match these $149 Chromebook units, but never did.

One thing the RK3288 based Chromebooks are doing is SELLING -- Amazon is out of the third production run already and Haier is being asked to set up another line to try to meet the huge Amazon current demand.  

The ruggedized Haier unit for elementary school kids has orders backed up way past the start of school,  so that is also another reason to crank up another assembly line.   Haier is suffering all the pangs of a big hit, which is an awkward but good place to be I guess.

We get no Hisense volume information relating to Walmart, as Walmart just places automatic system replenish orders on a unit by unit replacement basis with all their vendors anyway .... so Walmart never has them to sell since they only stock ~5 per store and those are eternally "already gone" and awaiting the next delivery truck when you go to asking.

Walmart on line is your best bet if you want to actually go buy a Hisense Chromebook -- or you can wait a bit since these things tend to go to rev 2.0 fairly quickly and some of the rough edges do get polished off when that happens.......

Thanksgiving/Black Friday will see these things sold for $99 or less, so you might wait for that also.

Remember too, that these $149 Chromebooks are being supplied world-wide and that they constitute the cutting edge of the Chromebook implementation going into schools everywhere in the world right now.

Looks like this next year-on-year doubling of the Chromebook volume will be big enough to draw some significant blood and actually HURT 'ol MS in their market share wallet ....

Wink   Look to see Hockey Stick Boys everywhere come up with their own Chromebooks, ASAP, all based off the Google base design.
There is a new market pie out there and they each want a slice of it ..... and what with tablets being sorta flat right now maybe it is time to go into hockey stick laptops.

Unit Device Share by OS

                       2012         2013         2014
Mac OS            24.5%      24.2%      26.8%
Chrome OS       0.2%         3.3%         4.5%
Windows OS  75.2%       72.3%       68.4%        ...... ouch, that hurt --- so what is 2015 going to look like?
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« Last Edit: 05/11/15 at 07:40:26 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #332 - 05/10/15 at 13:11:04

Republic Wireless, my Wife and the $10 and $25 plans

My wife lives in an extended family of Apple iPhone users ....  we keep iPad2 tablets for this very reason since the women all like to video-talk to each other and play games together.

I never told my wife that Republic Wireless was a cut down service.   Mainly because it really isn't cut down, it is FULL 3G service, just not 4G which is fine because we don't have a 4G tower anywhere near where we live.

She is coming off a Galaxy S3 (Android) and knows KitKat 4.4.4 as well as she knows anything, so it is all familiar to her.   She does not like the physically bigger phones but says she wants a smaller, handier phone similar to everybody else's iPhone.

So, the MotoG from Republic and the $10 a month plan scratches the 4.5" size itch just fine as it is the exact requested size and it does everything she ever got off her Verizon Galaxy S3.

Everyone iPhonish always complains about them little bitty keys, my wife just hits the Google microphone and talks her stuff in.

She's gone on vacation with her family women, going to look at graveyards in Pennsylvania of all things while working on the family geneology ..... so I moved an icon for Google Maps over to the front page of her phone and turned on her $25 dollar cellular full data plan for the days she is on vacation.

"OK, how do I use it?"

Hit the Google Maps icon, let it open up ----- hit the directions icon at the bottom left, wait for the screen to come up.

"Now what --- those keys are too tiny to type on ...."

Hit the microphone and say "Take me to xxxxxx, in city xxxxxx in state xxxxxxx"   Actually, she doesn't need to know the address, just the correct name for the place (Google does the address lookup automatically).

She does so ...... Google pops up her current location, the first highlighted streets and turns and gives verbal instructions for the first street and desired intersection and turn direction.

She cancels that one and talks in her niece's location in Asheboro, NC.   Pops right up.

Yeah, she likes her little cheapie Republic Wireless Google-enabled phone --- it does stuff that makes them long term iPhone people just turn pea green with envy.

And for $5 for a week ($25 a month full data plan pro-rated) I can afford to make her a happy camper while she is on vacation.


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« Last Edit: 05/10/15 at 15:09:44 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #333 - 05/10/15 at 14:13:37

In-depth with the Snapdragon 810’s heat problems
This is a hot chip (in the first production lot anyway) that throttles early and often, and it makes a difference.

Qualcomm is left squealing from the feeling ....  oink'n from the boinkin' ....


Qualcomm ran afoul of a bad first batch of TSMC produced 20nm chipsets that they assembled into units and rush shipped as sample phones without doing enough in house testing before rushing the phones out to reviewers.

What Arstechnica and other first rate review magazines found in their first benchmark testing was the overheating and thermal throttling similar to what is happening with the new Intel 14nm chipsets of late.   And of course they told the world about it.

It's all supposedly been fixed now and the first production lots were supposedly cleaned up, but nobody is buying the 810 equipped Qualcomm flagship phones now for fear of overheating and slow throttled performance.

So, now there is a new slightly lower spec'd phone chip out now from Qualcomm called the Snapdragon 808 with some very slightly lower specs, and it always meets those specs even when it gets warm.

So, guess who wiped off their chipsets with solvent and then over labeled their initial lots of 810 chipsets with a new stencil?   Well, you might could make a guess.   And since ongoing sorting is apparently still going on, it seems logical to try to find a way to move the "not quite good enough" chipsets in some profitable manner.   So the 808 chipset was born.

And everybody seems to be very happy with the Snapdragon 808 chipset as it is less expensive and it always meets all its specs very handily and it sometimes does a bit better (if the phone was nice and cool when it just got turned on that is).

Qualcomm is just plain pissed off about the whole thing, saying that somebody (Samsung, supposedly) started up the widespread overheating rumors up in the first place just to re-arrange the top end of the premium cell phone landscape a little bit.

It was a successful ploy apparently and everybody in phone space is VERY aware right now about thermal throttling as an issue now that specific parts of Antutu X now tests thoroughly for that specific problem.   

And meanwhile Qualcomm has just been unseated as the king of the Android premium feature phones right now as a result of skipping some on their internal testing of their newest 810 flagship chipsets before shipping the sample phones.   And sorry Qualcomm, fact is they got hot and throttled -- you got caught and dinged for that first lot of phones as you should have been caught and dinged.

Yes, it sucks.   Yes, the second lot of sorted 810's did much better.   And yes, it is Samsung that is sitting there now in first place, but remember the Galaxy S6 would have trounced your second or third lot of 810's just as badly.  The 14nm Exynos chipset was simply such strong medicine that you could not have overcome it anyway -- so go lick your wounds and do better with your new 820 when it comes out.

And yes, you were just plain dumb to "overstate" your thermally sensitive phone chipset right after Intel had just busted its face wide open falling all over itself in the Lenovo Yoga Pro fiasco.  

Folks are LOOKING for thermalling chipsets now and you fed them a big one -- so they fed it right back to you, 'cept they stuck it where the sun don't shine instead of shoving it back into your mouth.

.... jest a squealing from the feeling and a oinkin' from the boinkin' .....   there goes your pretty 810 based roll out with Microsoft on Win 10, huh?

Speaking of Intel and dumb and thermal throttling .....

And no, Intel, no one else has been dumbassed stupid enough to try to claim their thermal throttling was a "turbo feature" -- that particular stupidity is reserved just for little 'ol bone headed you to do.

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« Last Edit: 05/12/15 at 09:41:02 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #334 - 05/11/15 at 04:50:30
     FEAR OF THROTTLING is really fear of this -- fear of a thermal burn up ......

And I say again, "People are LOOKING and testing for thermal throttling now" as an indicator of bad chipset design and they sure are finding it  --  some Intel folks are finding that the new motherboard they just bought as an upgrade can be SLOWER than their old three years ago board once the new voltage regulator and control chipset have throttled the 14nm CPU way way way down to keep it from damaging itself.

They are discovering that a dance is going on here -- the chip slows itself down some immediately as it warms, then the voltage regulator is cut back by Intel software to protect the heat sensitive chipset from internally damaging itself, then it cuts it back again, then cuts it back again, then it cuts it back again.

If it fails to cut back fast enough or far enough, this is what you get (turbo toast).    

Yep, a fully "turbo'd" processor, alias toast.   Turbo'd ..... what Intel PR dribble brain came up with that particular "marketing coverup" and how many generations of Intel managers have approved such lying BS as a normal way of doing business .....  

When your chip slows down by half, you tell the idiot buying public it has "2x turbo mode" and they actually BELIEVE you ...... that is how Intel has been selling substandard or defective chip designs lately.

So, the ignorant customer winds up playing his new AAA game at approximately half your 14nm processor's max speed due to thermal throttling in some cases -- at a real ongoing rate that is slower than your 3 year old 22nm unit could have done it.

So. what are the smarter Intel fans learning?    If you need to pull big watts of processor power, don't go to 14nm, stay at 22nm.   Your old stuff is fine, just keep it.   There isn't anything out there faster or better right now, apart from using the supercooling tricks.

22nm was indeed the high point of Intel processor real world MAXIMUM POWER performance, for now anyway.

Meanwhile, the refrigerated NUC case creeps ever closer and closer to reality, since any real Intel Fanboy is really really gonna want to use that sweet new 14nm chipset he just bought balls to the walls in full overclocking fashion -- but the sad thing is that he has to supercool the whole board to fool the on-board voltage regulator throttling sensors as well as the CPU throttling sensors (and to keep all the various little chips and capacitors from popcorning of course).

Fortunately, the new NUC boards are 4"x4" so the NUC supercooler unit will be quite small sitting there on the floor underneath your desk.


...... but it will likely make about as much noise as your old dorm refrigerator did though .....

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« Last Edit: 05/15/15 at 04:32:47 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #335 - 05/12/15 at 03:52:36

(Windows 10 isn’t totally free for Insiders)

.... you only get a free upgrade at the end of the program if you already have a valid Windows 7, or Windows 8.1 license on the machine in question.  

Did you really expect the promise that if you put up with a year's worth of jerking around and doing testing testing testing and being spied upon constantly by MS that they would honor their promise to let you keep the copy that was tested?

Silly you, Free Win 10 is only for those who already own an upgradable copy of a Win OS that is equal to or higher than Win7.

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« Last Edit: 05/14/15 at 07:11:52 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #336 - 05/12/15 at 09:27:17

The chip maker is also promising a boost in graphics performance, thanks to an ARM Mali T800 series graphics processor. Other features include support for 4G LTE, 802.11ac WiFi, 4K video recording, dual 13MP cameras, and an integrated ARM Cortex-M4 processor core for always-on speech recognition and other low-power, always-on applications.

The MediaTek Helio X20 doesn’t just have more processor cores than whatever’s in your current phone. As AnandTech notes, also one of the first chips from MediaTek to feature a CDMA2000-compatible modem, which means it could support Verizon and Sprint’s wireless networks. That could help MediaTek gain a foothold in the US market.

Poor Qualcomm -- Samsung steals their royal crown and now here comes Mediatek a gunning for their dukedom as well.

New details are being pre-released by Mediatek about the new ARM hard macro 10 core chipset -- it isn't just 10 cores, it is 11 cores with the VERY smallest being an always-on core that actually comes from the Internet of Things group -- a TINY TINY core that is always on to do voice recognition for voice commands, keep up with your current location and other background stuff like that.

So you got the tiny tiny always on IoT core always keeping up with your location and doing updates and listening for a voice command, if it recognizes a command then it lights the four SMALLEST cores to do what you asked, ramping up the next bigger set of cores if they are needed.   Only then, if you get your tits in a real bind, then it lights the BIG GUNS which are a pair of full PC class cores ....  and it can run them all at the same time if needed (along with compute sharing adder power off the Mali 880 graphics processor).

.....  and yet, oddly enough by stepping through the 11 cores in ascending order this Helio 20 processor supposedly can save you 30% on battery energy usage because you only ever use just exactly the bare minimum amount of power needed to do the task at hand.     .... me, I think the tiny core cuts way back on idle current and the bottom most set of 4 cores will do most normal tasks, adding in the upper set  of 4 cores only as needed -- you should only light up the 2 big boys for games and stuff like that.

Qualcomm is shitting bricks right now as they had planned to come out with their own set of custom BIG HUGE Snapdragon CORES in a 4 up arrangement on the 820 "hurry up  get it released ASAP" processor (so as to fix their current 810 debacle) -- and now Qualcomm has just reflected,  stopped and realized that they would be a charging out of the gate ALREADY BEHIND both Samsung and Mediatek if they went and did that.  

Yep, Samsung has them a Deca-monster of their own coming out at 14nm or 10nm just as soon as they get a gap in their Apple contract runs.   They might even beat Mediatek to it, simply because they own the process lines and can run their own stuff when they want to.  And at 14nm or 10nm if they choose to.  

Samsung intends to keep the crown for a while, in other words.

The Mediatek however is slated for a very low cost 20nm TSMC for the first lots, then dropping to 14/16nm as soon as TSMC really really has a truly reliable non-throttling process to run it on.  The Mediatek will be closely scrutinized for thermal throttling since it is being run on the exact same TSMC process that screwed the Qualcomm 810 over so badly .....

Because of the TSMC 20nm fiasco Qualcomm has started contracting with Samsung to run their chips going out into the future -- having already been bitten once by TSMC's thermal throttling issues they want no more of it.   Qualcomm needs Samsung for a good state of the art lithography process, or else they will go into third place against Mediatek and that just isn't going to happen, by golly.

Qualcomm has a hard life right now you know, they used to just have to worry about Intel kicking up some stinky brown dust occasionally and that was fairly easy to keep on beating Intel year on year on year on year since you could always count on was for Intel to be 2-3 years behind its own brags, much less to be actually threatening anybody with anything REAL in any serious fashion.    

Samsung and them Hockey Stick Boys are quite a different story now-a-days.  
They only seem to do real and they do like to sneak up on you while you are distracted .....    Roll Eyes

So, it seems like mebbe Qualcomm actually just took their eyes off of the ARM world for just a second or two while MS wooed them and now look at the mess they are in -- headed straight for third place if they don't watch out.

Roll Eyes    MS isn't gonna love you if you are in third place, Qualcomm,  MS only loves a leading winner.

-- MS always/only loves the current leading winner --

..... just remember just how durn quick MS dumped Intel for you if you don't believe me -- you are the next dumpee if you fall down to second or third place.
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« Last Edit: 05/17/15 at 05:09:44 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #337 - 05/14/15 at 07:23:11

So, MS lied again ......    Tongue    (so what's new about that?)    Tongue     The same Win10 does not run on all screens.

"There will be 6 or more different Windows 10 editions, although only 3 of them are really aimed at consumers. The others are for enterprise and education customers.

Windows 10 Home is the consumer-oriented operating system for desktops, notebooks, tablets, and 2-in-1 devices. It will have most of the features we’ve seen in Windows 10 Technical Preview releases including the Microsoft Edge web browser, Cortana digital assistant, Start Menu, Windows Store, and more.

Windows 10 Pro has everything you’ll find in the Home version, plus features which Microsoft says are aimed at small businesses including security, productivity, and remote access features.

Windows 10 Mobile is the name of the operating system that will run on smartphones and small tablets (with 7 inch and smaller displays). It has a Start Screen instead of a Start Menu, a touch-optimized user interface, and mobile versions of Office apps including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

All three of these Windows 10 editions include versions of Microsoft’s Continuum software, which allows you to transition between touch-optimized and desktop modes. For Windows 10 Home and Pro that means you can automatically switch between a tablet and desktop user interface when connecting your tablet to a keyboard or other docking station. Continuum for phones lets you hook up your Windows 10 Mobile smartphone to an external display, keyboard, and mouse and use mobile apps as if they were desktop apps."

OK, so a Windows phone,  any Windows phone,  running Win10 Phone (a separate OS) is automatically going to become a dockable Phone/PC.      (right)

Universal (mobile) apps are then going to be the wave of the future and "classic" apps are going to become a developmental dead end since they are only linked to traditional desktop PC which will continue to decline at the ongoing 5%-8% per year rate.       (or faster as the phone/PC becomes popular)

Win10 Phone OS will also be able to run Android apps, apparently.


Apple, Google, the MS mobile OS steel link glove has just been tossed at your feet -- you are challenged by MS to a Phone/PC war starting when Win10 Phone comes out in about 6 months.    Take up the steely gage, boys, you have an appointment with MS out at the jousting lists -- get yer horses ready and your lances all trimmed.

Wink     ..... question now becomes is WHICH HORSE will MS be riding when they come riding thunderously up the lists to do battle .....

    .... giddyap, Qualcomm, let's go boy !!!   CHARGE !!!
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« Last Edit: 05/16/15 at 09:03:15 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #338 - 05/14/15 at 09:07:48

Intel readies its own horse for the contest ......

(and of course price supports and tech supports it so well it is functionally "free" to use)

  ..... I'm not dead, just thermally recovering from turbo stress at the moment .....

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #339 - 05/14/15 at 09:14:04
...... and here come the Hockey Stick Boys, riding into the PC fray for the first time.     They were told they had to ride against their opponents in the lists, but nobody said anything about horses to them, forgetting that they don't HAVE any horses anymore because they ate them all hundreds of years ago when they stopped being Mongols .....

They also forgot to mention that only one guy goes one way against another guy going the other way.  And they forgot to define the jousting weapons, so expect them well worn hockey sticks to be used as well as lances, maces and swords and submachine guns ......

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« Last Edit: 05/15/15 at 08:15:57 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #340 - 05/15/15 at 07:52:59

Mele PC Stick vs Intel PC Stick


"Like the Intel Compute Stick, this computer is small enough to fit in your pocket, but powerful enough to run a desktop operating system. It comes with Windows 8.1 with Bing software and features an Intel Atom Z3735F Bay Trail processor, 2GB of RAM and 32GB of storage.

The stick supports 802.11b/g/n WiFi and Bluetooth 4.0 and features a microSD card slot, a full-sized USB port, two micro USB ports (one of which is used as a power jack), and a power button.

Unlike the Intel Compute Stick, this model has an eternal, adjustable antenna which could help improve WiFi performance, but I haven’t personally tested this device, so I can’t say for certain that it helps.

And unlike the Compute Stick, the Mele PCG-01 has no fan: instead it relies on a copper heat sink, heat-conductive silicone rubber, and other insulation techniques to prevent the computer from getting too hot.

This isn't the first fanless PC stick… in fact, up until recently, most of the models I’d seen lacked fans, which some users had complained lead to performance issues. It’ll be interesting to see whether the Mele PCG-01 fares any better. But this is one of the first models I’ve seen that has an adjustable antenna.

Some other Chinese companies have also shipped PC sticks with unlicensed trial versions of Windows, but Mele says the PCG-01 comes with a fully functional Windows 8.1 license that has been paid for."

Why is this interesting?   NO FAN  .... remember, the only Intel 14nm products without fans so far have been thermal throttling nightmares --- so how is this one any different?

Mele has settled a large copper heat sink over the protruding processor, a copper heat sink which was sized large enough to cover the entire top side of the stick, then Mele shot an thermally conductive silicone rubber throughout the entire affair making it into a solid thermal silicone brick.  This is a silicone brick made from a compound that is sometimes used as a heat sink thermal conductive compound inside potted high impact high vibration electronics as the electrically non-conductive but still heat conductive potting compound.

So now you have an entire solid black silicon brick as a textured thermal emitter with a large copper heat spreader carrying the primary heat from the processor out quickly over the entire top surface for distribution throughout the locally thin coating of ribbed silicon plastic to then waft out into the ambient air.    As a passive system, this sounds about as good as passive can get without resorting to a large ribbed solid aluminum case with the electronics potted inside it (as done by the Israelis on the Core i7 Mint PC from two years ago).

Curiosity exists on how well this particular trick works, so Brad Linder and others have requested samples for testing -- if the idea works it is a potential breakthrough in thermal control for small devices (and will garner some industry-wide kudos for Mele).

Also remember the results of Brad's tests on the Intel Compute Stick ....  "The Intel Compute Stick is a remarkably small computer that turns just about any display into a Windows (or Ubuntu) PC for about $150. But it’s not a perfect device: there’s a tiny fan which makes a high-pitched (but fairly quiet) sound from time to time, and I found the Compute Stick suffered from poor WiFi range."

Brad noted that processor speed went down and the fan started up, but didn't note any great rebound in processor speed after the fan was in play, it just didn't get much more than one level slower if the fan was in play.    Fans driving air over non-heat sinked chips are not totally effective on this 14nm stuff as the chips only get "medium warm" before the throttling effect starts.

Keeping things cool is very important in Intel's 14nm world right now, so this little stick's thermal design tricks may be right important for Intel's 14nm low cost future .....   also, these same silicon rubber/big brass heat sink tricks might well be used by AMD and other "heat'm up" chip makers such as Nvidia and Qualcomm as they move forward into the new world of tiny PC computers.

Roll Eyes    

.... as circuit traces and gates get smaller and smaller and smaller the thermal throttling booger-bear may well become an issue for all processor makers.  This will most likely be by the time generalized production level on 10nm is achieved sometimes in the 2016-17 time frame ....

Remember, when your 3 year ago product actually outperforms your "state of the art" new stuff because of thermal throttling issues -- that then is an issue that can stop your current sales efforts dead in their tracks.  

Especially since current Antutu will report your product "under full load" in its rankings.   And also remember, the yet newer Antutu X test will actually report your throttling delta from a cold chip to a hot chip to make it perfectly clear what is going on.

Either something relatively reasonable is found that works "well enough", or we are headed towards this sort of thing .....  we can't have the current crop of 14nm processors running at half speed due to thermal throttling and not performing as well as stuff that is 3 years old.

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« Last Edit: 05/15/15 at 09:39:41 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #341 - 05/16/15 at 08:34:29

This $35 dock lets you use your Android smartphone as a full-fledged desktop

....... and so it begins.   Ubuntu has a phone/PC coming.   Microsoft has a phone/PC coming.   Qualcomm is likely the processor the Microsoft phone/PC is being built with, so Qualcomm has a phone/PC coming.  Asus has an Intel based Zenphone product and a docking station out now, they just lack the Win10 software to run it.   So Asus/Intel has a phone/PC coming too.

So, now you also have got some kickstarter people making up a generic Android docking station and supporting software designed for a generic any android "USB To Go" equipped phone product to become a generic phone/PC.

Google and Apple haven't officially kicked in their 10 cents yet, but you can be sure they have noted the kickstarter stuff since the software to support the docking station is actually being sold through the Google Play Store pipeline.  

Also note that the phone/PC's full required I/O capability is already built into the standard Android USB to Go jack right now, so hey, mebbe Google is there already (just staying in the background).

ARM has already certainly kicked in their 10 cents, the new Mediatek Helio 20 is simply the first example of a hard macro ARM design that is inherently a phone/PC chipset from the very concept/construction of it.

Grin     Grin     Grin     Grin

Things are going to get VERY interesting shortly in the nascent dockable phone/PC space .....

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« Last Edit: 05/17/15 at 05:14:40 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #342 - 05/16/15 at 12:10:14

Let's see --- Google is threatening AT&T and Verizon with technical obsolescence a la Google Fi and the cell phone Big Boys are now threatening back that they will push Adblock Plus out through their networks and auto-install it throughout all of their customer's cell phones to cut off all ads on their networks unless a deal with Google can be reached.

Both sides are dancing around the new Net Neutrality Laws (by cutting off all ads you aren't singling out Google per se, so Google supposedly can't biatch to the FCC).  

People don't like ads, but the big carriers and Google each make money off of them -- a lot of money.

However, AT&T and Verizon feel they can cut that off ad revenue completely and hold their breath longer than Google can.   I think Google actually breathes world-wide and not breathing in just a little over half of the USA market may not even cause Google to get respiratory distress per se.

The Big Boys DO CERTAINLY HAVE TO TRY to do something to stop Google Fi from going forward, as Fi kills their base market advantage (cell tower coverage) completely the very first month it first rolls out and it works well.    That shared tower switching technological "tipping point" won't be able to be called back by anybody once it happens, no matter what they do.   So they GOT to stop it from happening ....

Roll Eyes    ..... Republic Wireless is getting all sorts of new customers lately -- I wonder why?  

People do recognize now that the wifi trick is real now and Google Fi is simply not ready to roll out FAST ENOUGH yet even on a limited trial basis to handle the huge numbers of folks wanting to dump their expensive cellular carriers  -- whereas RW has been sitting there ready for years and has over 3 years of experience doing it successfully nation wide right now.

If Google wants to expand this idea a lot quicker all they have to do is share tech with Republic (or to invest in them, if you prefer).

Think forward a bit with the docked cell phones as a PC idea -- you gonna run a carrier alone, or are you gonna run a house internet connection and still have to run a carrier?   With wifi calling, you only need the house internet connection and you can just borrow tower time as needed for $10 a month using RW or for $20 a month using Google Fi.

Or mebbe the upcoming Google Cable/Phone Service going to be able to meet all your needs with one provider .....    Wink

Don't laugh, Google sure could do it because both industries are being so badly abused and milked by the incumbents.

And make no mistake, it sounds like some heavy duty Big Boy negotiations are getting ready to go in motion, now doesn't it?

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« Last Edit: 05/17/15 at 05:18:01 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #343 - 05/16/15 at 13:37:45

There can only be one: Smartphones are the PCs of the future

"If everyone carries a smartphone, then the power of ubiquity kicks in. If third parties can assume that everyone carries a smartphone, imagine the potential applications — it’s effectively the same thing as wearable computing, a dream that has haunted us for decades. You could use your smartphone as a passport, or as a credit card. Your smartphone could track your movements, and then pass the data off to commercial apps, or helpful services like Google Now. With additional sensors, your smartphone could constantly monitor your activity and overall health.

And then there’s my personal favorite: docking stations. If you do need a large screen, a keyboard and mouse, and some nice speakers, then you can simply plug your smartphone into a docking station. You could have a docking station at home, in the office, at the airport, and they might even be dotted around town. With the high throughput of 60GHz wireless networks, a physical docking station might not even be required.

As a corollary, of course, an atomic computing platform would also give hardware and software makers a laser focus on just one primary form factor. Spurred by increasing power costs, ecology, a worldwide love affair with mobile computing, and very limited battery capacities, we are already seeing a global shift from faster to smaller and more efficient. If smartphones became the singular consumer-oriented computer, this effect would be dramatically magnified. Chip makers would be able to specifically target smartphones. Manufacturers could specialize their production lines and equipment. Software vendors, instead of messily porting programs and games between form factors, could focus on a single form factor and hardware spec."

Me, I like his idea of a Heads Up display and ghost hands to select and move and do things.   Plus talking in text and giving action commands verbally, of course.

You wouldn't even need a desk, just your phone/PC and your headgear and you could do work or watch a movie or play a game literally anywhere.
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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #344 - 05/16/15 at 13:54:59

Time Magazine says:  Why Your Smartphone Will Be Your Next PC

The basic idea is that the smartphone itself is your PC and then docks into some type of shell. Various technologies have emerged that could make this vision a reality relatively soon.

"With each passing season, another wave of mobile devices is released that’s more capable and more powerful than the generation preceding it. We’re at the point where anyone armed with a current model smartphone or tablet is able to handle almost all of their at-home—and even at-work—tasks without needing anything else. We’re living proof: for the last two years, WIRED has been able to cover events like CES almost exclusively using our smartphones."

"One of Microsoft’s big announcements at its Build developers conference last week was the ability to turn a smartphone running Windows 10 into a PC. Dubbed Continuum for Phones, it’s designed to take advantage of new universal apps that run across Windows 10 on phones, PCs, tablets, and the Xbox One. If you’re running a mobile version of Excel on your phone it will magically resize and transform into a keyboard- and mouse-friendly version for use on a bigger screen. It feels like the future."
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