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The Chrome Wars (Read 9524 times)
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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #315 - 04/30/15 at 11:34:29

Asus Zenphone 2 is coming out in India this week with a hundred and twenty eight gigabyte (yep, 128 gig) cell phone with 4 gigs of systems memory.    

Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley
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« Last Edit: 05/01/15 at 08:39:34 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #316 - 05/01/15 at 03:17:24

Vendors are dropping all these super high memory phones all over the place now that were intended to be part of the NOW DELAYED Win10 Phone roll out.    

They are having to stick Android on them just so they can move them into the retail channels to try to sell them at all, but likely they will have not many takers as Android really doesn't need 64 to 128 gigs of memory on a phone nor does it need 4 gigs of systems memory like a Win10 phone would need.  

These are some VERY VERY expensive grossly over spec'd Android phones that are NOT really optimized for Android at all.

So, what is the deal now?

Intel has gone silent on us and has apparently stopped rolling out the 14nm series chipsets as the straight out simple 14nm die shrink of their existing processor products apparently went a crapper on them due to low yields and severe thermal throttling.    

Plus, since no one expected the new 14nm chips to need heat sinks or fans so none were designed into the new products, products that are now not being produced and not being released.

(Intel is rumored to be asking their motherboard customer/vendors to delay any new motherboard design releases through August at this point in time, perhaps for a required redesign of the processor sockets and added cooling options).    

Both a heat sink and a fan are now required when using the current released 14nms, since they thermal throttle so badly when they get barely a bit past warm.

Skylake is still apparently 100% pie in the Q3-Q4 2015 sky as apparently it still has some "undisclosed' issues to work out before shipping.   Rumor mill currently spots it as Q1-Q2 2016 as most likely volume shipping dates for Skylake as these are most likely/best currently known dates at this time.   

.... ooops, sorry Apple ....

Apple is not happy with Intel ..... not at all.    Intel is PAST DUE, badly badly past due and their current new 14nm chips are underperforming to Apple's needs.

Vendors in general are not happy with Intel at this point in time ......  they trusted Intel's spec sheets and brown stinky PR promises and now feel they were misled to varying degrees resulting in some real significant fiscal damage to their companies.  They are looking at a very very lean year in 2015 due to the misfiring of their entire new 2015 lines of products which were based on Intel chipsets that did not arrive when promised (and the few that did thermal throttled badly on top of being late).  

MS's Win10 is being delayed yet again, also, which doesn't help matters either.

Microsoft has gone and gotten themselves a new chipset bed warmer, Qualcomm.    MS is currently teasing us with some neat "PC in the phone" Qualcomm stuff that is only going to come out in the late fall of this year at the earliest.

Win10's first release will be PC only for old school Intel processors only, and will take place late this summer sometimes.   Win10 has a great many new features, but is running the risk of seeming slow fat and porky because it will be just as fat slow & porky as ever on the current installed crop of old school processors as ever it was in the past, unless the much stronger faster 65+ watt 22nm Intel i7s are used in a brand new product configurations.

So, buddy, ya wanna buy you a 22nm Core i7  fer cheap, buddy?   Don't sweat it man, they all got fans in them this year ....


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« Last Edit: 05/06/15 at 07:37:13 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #317 - 05/01/15 at 07:41:19

Well, I think the first chapter in the Chrome Wars is about over .... very soon MS and/or Google are going to drop new OS products on the market that will supersede this 2012-2015 conflict with a new one that will match up with the new crowd of super-processors being released for 2016.

Not that ChromeOS itself will disappear, no I think Chrome might be combined with other things and perhaps be called something else but I do believe the light fast net-based format and function of ChromeOS will survive ongoing.

The net is becoming pervasive and so is public Wifi as a means of getting on the web.  

I carry a web based Wifi based combo phone now and I suspect my next desktop hardware might indeed be based upon my then current cell phone (next time I buy a cell phone anyway).

So, where are we right now -- at the end strokes of the traditional Chromewars.

Google has been distracted and tied up in EU court over "Google taking over the world" thanks to MS's behind the scenes maneuvering.   This is intended to forestall any new unified Google OS as that would be seen as more "taking over the world" again -- meanwhile MS has "protected" their necessary needed time to finish up Win10 finally.

(I mean really, Win9 is only 3 years late at this point and it has gone through two whole number/name changes without ever hitting reality).

MS is choking on itself, piling up more and more and more processor and memory intensive features into the Win10 PC release for this late Summer (assuming it actually does go real at that point in time) .....

..... while Intel is choking on itself trying to make a faster/cheaper chipset to move the new MS massive behemoth "quickly and cheaply".   Intel is not making sufficient progress on this goal right now and Intel has Apple, MS and lots of other different customers strongly irritated with Intel at the moment because of all the 14nm screw ups and delays.

Chromebooks are still doing well, sitting at 15% of all laptop sales and the Chromebook raw quantity number is still doubling every year or fairly close to it, and the Chromebook phenomena is now moving on out into all the foreign marketplaces driven by the same things that made it so successful in America.  

Yep, I think 2015's Chromebook "doubling" will HURT Microsoft, a lot .... that would be a significant market share loss for MS since recent history says those that go Chromebook tend to not come back to MS, ever.

The current Chrome Wars price point is at $149 with some plans leaking out to take it down to $129 if that becomes necessary.   That is if MS ever actually makes it all the way down to $149 point in the first place -- they haven't really gotten all the way down to $149 yet you know .....   Huh   Roll Eyes


So, how happy are people with Chromebooks vs MS Windows?  Currently, I mean.   Right now.   Reality speak.  Factually.

What I find interesting that the items that the people like most about Chromebooks will not be changed at all by the Win10 roll out -- indeed the "items they like" may get exaggerated some more by MS's ongoing flaws by the time the first "pay me" bill for Win10 hits the public's pocketbooks and the "I told you so" outrage starts.

You see, MS is playing a game right now, they are going to push Win10 "for free" just as hard as they can in 2015-16 to try to gain back market share that they have lost in the various world markets -- then later on the "pay me" bill will eventually be presented in the next version, once the public is fully hooked on Win10 and "can't live without it" all over again.


Here is my prediction .....  MS is seen as a desktop/laptop operating system.   Cell phones are getting ready to take over a large chunk of that desktop real estate going forward into the future.   Right now MS only owns right at 3%-4% of that cell phone market share.

MS might win in desktop, but desktop is going to shrink to be an incidental marketplace fairly soon, occupied only by CAD and other forms of workstations in a work a day world.   Yeah, maybe an AAA game or two, gotta leave room for that you know.  

But desktop PC will shrink to wind up being a 5%-8% of total computing within 4 years, unless Win 10 is fantastically successful and turns the trend completely around.

People will carry cell phones in their purses and pockets that can light a screen when they are sitting at home, either cordlessly or from a docked connection (ya still gotta charge the thing, right?).  

What that particular OS is going to be called is still yet to be determined.

Smiley       ..... Apple iOS and Android are the two most likely brand names right now, really.    Once they light your big screen you might call them OSx and ChromeOS since they will likely be able to morph to fit the environment on the fly.

And yes, MS will be there too, at a much smaller percentage.

Face it, people currently do not prefer MS Phone over Apple or Android phones right now and I can't see that preference changing radically in the short term future.

And I also don't see people rushing to throw away old desktop PC hardware at the moment either -- Desktop Linux has jumped from 1.4% to over 3% of the total existing population of x86 machines which is a pretty significant pick up in Linux only boot sectors.

(not dual boot machines either, as they are reported as Windows units -- 3% now are pure Linux machines)
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« Last Edit: 05/03/15 at 04:47:27 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #318 - 05/02/15 at 16:53:56
Windows 10 death toll

Let's count the things that MS has killed off as they have moved closer to releasing the  "free" PC version of Windows 10.  

These are all things that MS has already laid off the people to support already, and are not currently supporting at all in any real fashion already, but by giving you Win10 "for free" as your upgrade path MS has officially obliviated their existing legal obligations to you once you load up Win 10 and fall under its license.

Windows 95,
Windows XP,
Windows Vista,
Windows 7,
Windows 8.0,
Windows 8.1,
the vaporous Windows 9,
Windows Explorer,
Windows Media Center,
Windows Works

Oh, I suspect there are lots & lots of other MS softwares that MS will dump quietly, linking them to a dumped OS version as their given reason.   It is important that MS announce the death of each one publically and state that the "free" Win10 whatever is the upgrade path for each and every one of them ..... it is a legal thing that they must do when they cut off formal support for the old softwares ahead of the old published schedules.

MS is busy becoming a smaller, more focused company .... and a lot of housekeeping on whole shelves full of old dusty software stuff is still required in that move to a smaller, more focused company.

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #319 - 05/03/15 at 05:01:33

Meet the Asus Zenphone 2, the first Intel processor, built to dock cell phone.

Why built to dock?   All controls are on the back of the phone and the top of the phone, nothing on the sides and just the USB to go port on the bottom for easy docking.   Everything is set up so you can use all the hardware controls while the phone is docked.

4 gigs of systems memory, 32 to 64 to 128 gigs of flash drive memory, a current state of the art Intel processor means this puppy was built for Win10 all the way.

Right now the phone is out although Win10 isn't ready yet by any means (and Win10 phone will not be ready until next year according to current rumors).

Asus, you are way way early to the party buddy.

This phone way way exceeds the original Shuttleworth Edge specs, on all parameters.

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #320 - 05/03/15 at 09:39:43,2889...

Brian sez "We got three (3) new chips to release ...."

Yep, he looks old, doesn't he?   Tired and old ....    He's not having much fun, lately, you can tell it from his expression.

Read the specs of the new pentium-celeron-braswell chipsets and see the second line in the comparison chart, the BASE/BURST FREQUENCY line that tells what the thermal throttling will be.  BURST mode occurs when the chip is cold (first started) and BASE mode occurs from then on once the chip warms up.,2889...    it is a web page, click on it

NOTE PLEASE:  these new pentium-celeron-braswell chips are being released under the specious "turbo" PR mantra again, but this time they are being released saying up front that they are going to thermal throttle down to about HALF SPEED when they get warmed up.

Intel continues to choose not to use the correct term for this activity, which is "thermal throttling" which is a situation which takes place when the chip gets warm and slows itself down.    Note:  I said warm, not extremely hot.   All those fins and fans are there to keep the chipset from going past luke warm to medium warm as the heat sink never gets to what we would have called hot in the past.

(This warm up takes less than a minute to reach "throttling" on 14nm chips independently tested so far, but we are hopeful for some progress to be seen on the current crop of chipsets that have some effective cooling installed from the very beginning)

No vendor should go into these 14nm chips NOT ALREADY KNOWING he is going to potentially underperform his existing products fairly significantly due to thermal throttling issues.

And I bet the spec sheets call out for some large cooling fins and fans, too -- to try to preserve as much performance as possible.   Indeed, the half speed throttle may well be with the now spec'd fins and fans in place already as the Lenovo bare chipset shipments thermal throttled down to 1/3 speed as they had no cooling at all (none was originally specified by the spec sheet for that product, but this error has since been corrected).

Tom's Hardware says:

"However, don't let the promise of better graphics performance obscure the fact that these are not performance chips. They're very much aimed at products in the value and entry-level market segments.

One major data point we're still missing on the new Braswell chips is a price point. The more recent Pentium and Celeron Bay Trail quad core chips have "recommended consumer price" points ranging from $82 to $161, but Intel has not released that information for Braswell."

Intel is going up against $5 and $10 and $15 ARM chipsets with similar (post throttle) performance levels if they are headed into phones and tablets.   Trying to sell these new 14nm ones for $82 to $161 is really not going to work out well for Intel at all.  Intel may have some better graphics now, but the lower resolution screens in products at this level won't let the new graphics show to any real advantage.  

And the new Antutu X program will catch every one of these overpriced bogies real performance as the products roll out and hit the product ranking lists.

If they are going into higher level products, then they are going up against the newer ARM performance crew who are now swinging better graphics and much higher performance levels (ARM performance that stays high instead of throttling in half).   Intel's new chipsets that have just been released will get their arses kicked right smartly by the new big ARM boys, I am afraid.

Intel is so far not showing a competitive 14nm product for cost and performance.

They are showing that they are taking 22nm mid-level products through the 14nm shrink process and winding up with a lower level product performance-wise   --   yet at an greatly increased cost to the device builder.

Cheesy     I think Intel has just rang the dinner bell for the Hockey Stick boys to "Come and get it !!!"  

I think Qualcomm, Mediatek and Rockchip have heard the dinner bell already.


PREDICTION TIME:    MS will attempt to include more ARM chipmakers other than just Qualcomm in the original Win10 roll outs.    Intel is not going to be enough to support MS's very real needs in the lower half of the marketplace.
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« Last Edit: 05/04/15 at 20:24:12 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #321 - 05/03/15 at 10:51:34

ARM has already made a PRO-ACTIVE forward motion plan (Ares, Prometheus, Artemis, Ananke, Mercury)  for squelching both Intel Skylake and Intel Cannonlake as they were originally concepted (as strongly improved products) --- and ARM has vendors Mediatek and Samsung actually rolling this pro-active plan out starting this fall.

Meanwhile, 14nm Intel has thermally imploded and Intel has no Skylake to hit reality until supposedly sometimes next year .... and Intel's 10nm Cannonlake is likely to lag yet a year further behind than that.

Meanwhile, Samsung will be producing 10nm A-10 and A-10x chipsets for Apple this summer and this fall and all this winter.  

And they will make a few for themselves every now and again, of course .....   powerful lower cost RISC chipsets at 10nm lithography swinging improved data busses and much better graphics according to the ARM specs just released.

Meanwhile, MS is busy trying to learn how to ARM itself against Intel's current 14nm implosion so as not to delay their Win10 roll-out for another whole year.

Smiley     Ah, this computer stuff is such fun to watch all fumbling and writhing and stumbling over itself.   Apple is forcing Intel to TRY to meet their commitments, making Intel produce and sort then scrap the lot after lot after lot of not-quite Skylake chipsets (which Intel will then rename as something or other and then eventually dump them off on YOU, their ever faithful Intel fans).

Roll Eyes     "Hey man, Intel has a really great sale on 100x turbo whatchamacallits, only $1,450 for the chipset and a FREON-intercooler insulated NUC case set up using the NUC motherboard of your choice -- hell, that's a steal and a half man, a FREON cooled 14nm Intel whatchamacallit rig for only $1,450 --- it kicks some serious Apple arse it does, makes applesauce out of the very best Mac rigs.  

No, man -- it's like a special processor run, and when they sell them all that's it, no more ever again.  Just think of it man, your own personal supercooled supercomputer ....  really rocks, huh?

No, to get the full turbo speed you have to keep the entire Mobo inside of the insulated case down at -40oF or lower using the freon compressor rig to cool it way way down, makes the electrons flow better, I guess -- rad man, really rad.   It has like frost on the case all the time.  

Hey, I betcha you can't lick the metal rim on the case, dude ..... no, really,  just stick your tongue out and touch it to the metal.   <snort>  <snort>  <snort>

.... yeah, man, it can even chill your beer for you in just a minute or so, just set the can inside the deep cup holder recesses up on top of the case.   Yeah, I love that Budweiser logo stenciled on the sides of the case too, man."

Tongue     That's some sick Intel humor, a young Joe Sixpack buying a new thermally challenged processor just because Intel has put it on sale.   But the fanboy stuff reads sorta true .....
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« Last Edit: 05/04/15 at 20:16:54 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #322 - 05/04/15 at 18:25:15

OK, time to drive a stake in the sand, recording the core clock and boost clock claims as sold to the public for Skylake at this point in time.

Why do this?   If the Skylake products come up a crapper when they are actually run, you will have the old figures lying around to go look at.  

Intel loves to switch product spec stuff out on you, and if they have to change the part number a few times to ease this rewriting along, well, that's OK too.

Note all the Skylake thermal shifts were planned to be very small fractional sifts, a fraction of a single gigahertz is all that is supposed to be lost when they warmed up (which is what they are still claiming for Skylake right now).

When the first 14 nm Broadwell M Lenovo Yoga Pro units shipped, the real thermal effects were 50% to 75% speed reductions due to the thermal throttling effects.

And yeah, Intel likes to reverse it and call it "turbo mode" but it isn't turbo anything, the chips get warm and SLOW down, they don't speed up !!!!
Intel thinks people like us are stupid ......     Angry   .... that is the sort of Intel arrogance that really really pisses people off,  you know.

The CPU chip starts out stone cold when unit powers on, max CPU cycle speeds are seen at start up, but within literally 10-20 seconds the CPU slows down on its own as the chip gets warmer, then the programmed protective temperature cut outs begin to operate and the chip slows down drastically as the power to it is cut and cut and cut again to keep the 14nm fine connectors and gates from damaging themselves thermally.

The 4 to 6 watt 14nm chipsets Intel just released just two days ago were found to have a "2x turbo mode" --- i.e. the 4-6 watt chip's CPU speed cut itself in half due to thermal throttling when it got just barely warm, not even very warm -- certainly not hot like chipsets used to.

And what the heck do you think is going to happen when they try to get a 14nm wire and 14nm FinFET gate system to run at a blistering 4 gigahertz pulling 65 to 95 watts of power through those tiny wires and gates ????

p...p...p..popcorn ?!?!    FinFET gates jest a popping up off the silicon ????        Huh       Hey Charlie, where did you put my -40oF supercooled FREON-intercooler insulated NUC case?

Intel Skylake-S Desktop Processors Lineup:

Model      Process      Cores      Core Clock      Boost Clock      Cache      Memory Support      TDP      Socket      Unlocked Design
Core i7-6700K      14nm      4/8      4.0 GHz      4.2 GHz      8 MB      DDR4 2133 MHz      95W      LGA 1151      Yes
Core i5-6600K      14nm      4/4      3.5 GHz      3.9 GHz      6 MB      DDR4 2133 MHz      95W      LGA 1151      Yes
Core i7-6700       14nm      4/8      3.4 GHz      4.0 GHz      8 MB      DDR4 2133 MHz      65W      LGA 1151      No
Core i5-6600       14nm      4/4      3.3 GHz      3.9 GHz      6 MB      DDR4 2133 MHz      65W      LGA 1151      No
Core i5-6500       14nm      4/4      3.2 GHz      3.6 GHz      6 MB      DDR4 2133 MHz      65W      LGA 1151      No
Core i5-6400       14nm      4/4      2.7 GHz      3.3 GHz      6 MB      DDR4 2133 MHz      65W      LGA 1151      No
Core i7-6700T      14nm      4/8      2.8 GHz      3.6 GHz      8 MB      DDR4 2133 MHz      35W      LGA 1151      No
Core i5-6600T      14nm      4/4      2.7 GHz      3.5 GHz      6 MB      DDR4 2133 MHz      35W      LGA 1151      No
Core i5-6500T      14nm      4/4      2.5 GHz      3.1 GHz      6 MB      DDR4 2133 MHz      35W      LGA 1151      No
Core i5-6400T      14nm      4/4      2.2 GHz      2.8 GHz      6 MB      DDR4 2133 MHz      35W      LGA 1151      No

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« Last Edit: 05/04/15 at 20:30:46 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #323 - 05/04/15 at 20:43:46
So they minimize the size of the electronic s and then have to add acubic foot of cooling equipment?
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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #324 - 05/05/15 at 03:40:19

Justin, the  -40oF supercooled FREON-intercooler insulated NUC case was supposed to be a joke, but if Intel plans to push the same 35-65-95 watts through much smaller 14nm connectors then they can expect to create more heat than before in a much smaller tighter package -- and their current 14nm stuff is showing to be very heat sensitive.

Heat and processors is not new, but the whole point behind going smaller was to run at lesser voltages and not require all the watts of power to get the same performance.

I guess in reality I am saying Intel Skylake isn't real at all right now, it is just power point slides showing some stuff that likely isn't going to work -- they obviously haven't even thought through the implications of what they have already discovered thus far.

Intel  has run without real competition for whole decades now, slowly releasing behemoth after behemoth, refining each slowly over process development cycles of at least 2-6 years.  Intel no longer has this luxury -- they must innovate and then hit it completely and accurately on the first try.

Now they have competition.   Now they have to perform.   So far Intel 14nm has been an execution nightmare, and Intel has not performed.   They are years late on the implementation of their 14nm and it is showing to be significantly flawed in some very core fashions.  

They are failing to ship contracted chipsets to Altera and to Apple on time and on performance.    MS is now turning to Qualcomm for implementation ideas for Win10, not to Intel.

14nm, Samsung and Apple are doing it,  Mediatek and Qualcomm are doing it.   TSMC is having some 20nm thermal issues with a few early runs of Qualcomm 810 chips, so you can sorta tell whose tech TSMC have been sponging off of recently,  but supposedly TSMC is getting a handle on it now.

Intel, ar 14nm, not so much right now, not really.
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« Last Edit: 05/06/15 at 07:25:01 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #325 - 05/05/15 at 09:19:43


As I watch Ubuntu and MS and others struggle to be the first to release a phone that will dock into giving a PC like experience, I wonder when Apple and Google will simply build the trick into their OS such that it is a common feature.  Or, to save space, make it a free downloadable app.

That would be a right MS killin' thing to do, you know -- buy a new phone, get a free PC for -- free -- one that you already know how to use.

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #326 - 05/05/15 at 18:56:40

Microsoft has included special new tools in their just pre-released Win10 OS for handling user complaints and pricing issues ....

Neither Google nor Apple have these specially created MS tools as part of their OS,  hey, mebbe they didn't feel like they needed them ....  

.... but please note MS is attempting to be politically correct as they roll forward to supply you with this key technical service, and most assuredly MS will try to match their  emoji responses to your own personal ethnicity.

Roll Eyes
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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #327 - 05/06/15 at 07:02:28

Qualcomm's overheating/throttling 810 processor first revision 1.0 is history -- replaced by version 2.0 which cuts the thermal throttling problems down by at least half.

Be aware that the issue here really belongs to TSMC who built the 810 chip on its custom designed proprietary 20nm process.

And it becomes obvious just who TSMC was benchmarking some of their tech from when they built that 20nm process.

Also note that Qualcomm's next phone processor generation will be actually built at Samsung -- Qualcomm isn't stupid -- TSMC has issues just keeping up with the technology curve in more ways than just one.

AS WE GET SMALLER and smaller and the traces and gates get half sized, then quarter sized, expect thermal throttling to become more of an issue for EVERYBODY.

Cutting down on the required voltages will become a key to future shrinkage.   You can't keep the same 5 volts or even the new 3 volts, you need to drop to as close to 1.5 volts as you can for all functions as this 1.5 volts will be the required 10nm voltage and all the "future forward" voltage functions need to get down to this level asap.

Wink        fun, ain't it?   Get them new 1.5 volt basebands and LTE radios into the FCC for testing/approval NOW or you will be left behind.

I can remember when Intel was Sooooo Proud that their traces and gates were all a "true 14nm size" throughout, while lambasting everybody else in ARM land because their traces were fatter and they only really got close to 14nm when it got right at the FinFET gate areas.

Now Intel is bleeding heat energy off everywhere inside their chips and having severe thermal throttling issues and the ARM guys are mostly just marching along just fine with their "fat" 14nm traces (with no fins on their chips either).

Roll Eyes

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #328 - 05/08/15 at 06:37:00

Teclast X70 3G: First tablet with Intel Atom x3

Why is this worth noting?   After 2 full years of being COMPLETELY totally arsed late and dropping repeatedly into and out of existence SoFIA has actually finally shipped !!!

Hooray !!!

Also please note this is an ARM based chipset with an Intel 3G radio in it, but it is low end phone and tablet capable and it is a non-integrated chipset 2 parts on a daughterboard style chipset.

Is it worth noting for the fact Rockchip designed it the ARM part of it and the daughterboard part and TSMC actually ran the product and actually packaged it on the ball solder chip daughterboard package set and the only vaguely real actual Intel involvement in the whole thing was to print their name on it?   .... oh, that's right, TSMC did that too.

This is only because the radio and base band were from a company that had been purchased by Intel not too long ago and that is the only IP that Intel can possibly claim in the whole thing as all the rest of it is bone stock ARM technology including the graphics.  

Yep, ARM cpu cores and ARM graphics and ARM systems throughout with a Intel purchased company providing the tagged on separate 3G radio and baseband chipset.

And, since the whole idea is mostly 3 years late now, it is coming out dead bottom of the pile and nearly completely out of date "as implemented".   The next ARM tech wave will totally erase this modest effort with newer, cheaper, more powerful products almost immediately.

BUT THERE IS BIG NEWS, the chipset supposedly did not require loss leader price support.    But since it isn't the best thing out there for the bucks spent, it isn't going to sell well.   The Atom 3x will likely go on fire sale later on at a price that might move the existing limited stocks of product.   So, even as introduced Intel has no great plans for this "Ultra Low Cost" chipset other than for their name to be out there on something phonish.

Or more likely, once the vendors have collected their tech support money and run their first very small lot of product to get their tech money -- that's it.  

..... mmmmmm ....     Huh    I have to wonder how much Intel spent to have their name on something for such a short period of time.

On to the next thing .....

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« Last Edit: 05/08/15 at 08:44:43 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: The Chrome Wars
Reply #329 - 05/08/15 at 08:25:27

..... and the next thing is a $9 computer.

"OK, so what exactly is a CHIP?

Its a short video, click on it .....

It’s a single-board computer with a 1 GHz Allwinner R8 single-core processor based on ARM Cortex-A8 technology. It has 512MB of RAM, 4GB of storage, 802.11b/g/n WiFi, and Bluetooth 4.0 and composite video output.

The system is designed to run Debian Linux and it can run modern desktop apps including LibreOffice, VLC, or the Firefox or Chrome web browsers. Not only does it run free and open source software, but the developers say the hardware schematics, PCB layout, and other details will all be available for anyone to download or modify."

My read?   Raspberry Pi 2 is a far better deal for the dollars spent.  Faster, quad core processor and MUCH better OS support and tons of freebies developed for it already.

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« Last Edit: 05/08/15 at 09:47:13 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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