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North Country (Read 878 times)
Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: North Country
Reply #45 - 05/09/14 at 10:11:18
Dane Allen wrote on 04/29/14 at 17:17:14:
North Country Girl wrote on 04/28/14 at 21:51:40:
“Male. 42. National Socialist. Former Hell's Angel.”

Oh Really??
(The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is the largest and most prominent neo-Nazi group in the United States. The group is notable for its violent anti-Jewish rhetoric, its racist views and its policy allowing members of other racist groups to join NSM. Members protest in full Nazi uniforms.)

Well, at least you don’t hide behind the banner of “Tea Party”, or “ultra conservative”. You tell it like it is (good for you) while most of the others of your ilk here agree with you but are too cowardly to admit it...

That you confuse a Socialist movement with a Conservative movement is equally as hillarious as is how much you meant it as an insult.

With that addressed, 99% of the time who are the violent ones? Giffords, Family Research Council shooter, Newtown shooter, Nidal Hasan, Boston Bombers, Christopher Dorner, etc. What group is calling Israel the Apatheid State? Who "cowardly" renames anti-Semitism as anti-Zionism to slip past the public's conscious?

I fear I must pop your smug bubble and remind you of all the death and destruction the Socialists have brought to the world be it the National Socialists, the Soviet Socialists or the Socialsim of Mao, Castro, Chavez, or any of the others.

If you are accusing me of having a closed mind because I refuse to change my views with no evidence, argument or rationale and adopt some sort of fantasy world then I plead guilty.

If you are accusing me of having a closed mind because I refuse to change my views with no evidence, argument or rationale and adopt some sort of fantasy world then I plead guilty.

The "You just have a closed mind" accusation is about as worn out as "You only disagree with Obama cuz youre really a racist at heart".
Being unwilling to change from knowing the difference between right & wrong & flipping to accepting & supporting what is wrong is treated as being too stupid to be able to grasp the value in throwing away ones values. I dont understand how someone can continue to push for more of the same kind of social policies that have been being pushed since the early 70's. Just how far down do we have to go before they realize theyve been dragging society DOWN? Instead of being honest & looking at what has happened & their part in it & changing course, they just insist that the only reason things arent all rosy is because they havent been able to push thru enough of their policies,, Its the fault of those obstructionist conservatives who have tried to hold to the traditional values that MADE America great.. LOOK at the changes & LOOK at where we are.,.,YOu cant see the correlation? But you can see how its my wifes SUV causing climate to change.. Uh Huhh..

Now, that was using complete sentences to put a complete idea out. Not just a few talking points. I would expect someone with a degree, especially one in sociology, to be able to actually express ideas & explain why they believe what they believe. Just running in & dumping the same tired old talking points, never addressing what has been said, not countering with logic, just dumping "More of the same",, & running.

Woo Hoo,,, NC looked up the Federal REserve, but wouldnt continue the debate on How it works & what it does to US..
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: North Country
Reply #46 - 05/09/14 at 11:01:13
Can't you see the people that are shaping your ideas?..
You may think going against your government is free thinking,.. but it's bought and paid for, by the likes of the Koch brothers...

They are the money behind the Tea Party... they want deregulation of their companies, they want smaller government and lower taxes (for them)...
they want you to disbelieve the science of Climate Change... so they can pollute..
They don't want this because it's good for you or America... it's good for their bottom line...
...and they fund a lot of disinformation to get it...

The video and link I posted in the Hot Earth explained where the 32,000 dissenting voices of Climate Change comes from.. it's a farce.. but, nobody watched or read...
You prefer to have your facts dictated by the Koch brothers...
Politicians don't run the world... money does...
Your brainwashing is bought and paid for...
They have spent 70 million dollars to deny Climate Change... (this isn't because they are "patriots")...
Over 400 million funding Tea Party and Conservative/Libertarian think tanks...
Every ideal that they support, is for the benefit of the 1%...
... it ain't for you... but, you have been duped into supporting it...
There is nothing patriotic about voting for the interests of the wealthy...

You are their slaves... and you even fight for the right be their slaves...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Gender: male
Re: North Country
Reply #47 - 05/09/14 at 13:30:44
They have spent 70 million dollars to deny Climate Change... (this isn't because they are "patriots")...

....but Al Gore made millions because he is a "patriot"??!

doesn't this money influence work both ways?

Really give this an answer: are you saying scientist, who get their funding from governments not business, cannot be influenced in any manner?
What would happen to these 31,000 climate scientist if all the funding coming from non-profit producing entities disappeared?
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Serious Thumper

be careful out there

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southern NM
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Re: North Country
Reply #48 - 05/09/14 at 13:34:24
don't throw stones if your house is made of glass...
can't you see who bought YOUR ideas? it applies both ways
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motorcycles have been my main transport since 1974
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: North Country
Reply #49 - 05/09/14 at 18:00:46
I pay attention to many things. I pull detail;s, I store ideas & keep them on the back burner. Ive watched, Ive BEEN watching since I was 12, You actually believe MY ideas came from others? I knew when I was 12 things didnt add up. Its taken me , not years, but decades, to find info that would finally make sense of it. I Bought Keynes treatise on economics. I plowed thru about 4 chapters before the idiocy was too great to bear. About 5 or 6 years later a freind told me about G edward Griffin & Creature from Jekyll Island.. THAT made sense,, There is no logic in our current system, it requires a totally twisted mind to believe it is good, well,, twisted or completely uneducated in how it actually works..

The same science that has some buying in Doom from the climate has me believing it isnt so. Even the alarmists of yesterday are bailing out. How do the left cope? They ignore that fact,, Data proves warming stopped 15+ years ago,,

How is the "answer" of carbon taxes for US gonna fix it? Stop walking past that, Even IF our carbon footprint is adding to the problem, how will Americans paying Al Gore carbon CREDITS actually gonna help? By making it impossible to pay for gas? How about electricity? Bammy PROMISED he would bankrupt the coal industry. Power plants are being CLOSED, electricity rates are climbing,, all while joblessness is horrible, & whether some believe Bamicare is a Great Success or not,, it ISNT,, Doctors are leaving, wait 5 years, you guys are gonna be claiming its the Bubs fault, only God knows how,, People are seeing rates climb, 70% or more, some of them,, NO WAY!! Are you kidding ME?? This is "Affordable health care"?  Yea, like the Patriot Act was good for patriots..
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: North Country
Reply #50 - 05/09/14 at 18:52:35

Can you put up a few bullet points from Creature from Jekyll Island?  They might find it enlightening?

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I don't make the rules, I just know what they are.....

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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: North Country
Reply #51 - 05/11/14 at 06:32:31
Someone who owns the book could,, mine was loaned out,, not sure its ever comin home, Its 580+ pages,,I read it , sheesh,, years ago,, Salient points?

We are a sovereign nation, yet we borrow every dollar we use from a privately held banking cartel,,
THATS the Gut of it,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 5273
In Transit
Re: North Country
Reply #52 - 05/11/14 at 17:03:21
I didn't want to steal your thunder.   Wink
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I don't make the rules, I just know what they are.....

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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: North Country
Reply #53 - 05/11/14 at 20:08:26
Ive got plenty,, take all ya want!POst away, dude,,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

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Rome, Italy
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Re: North Country
Reply #54 - 05/12/14 at 00:48:09
Extremely amusing thread.

Here we have a newbie, who cometh neweth and newest, does not introduce itself (no gender specified until this thread is open as a self-centered discussion) and expects to be wowed and bowed down at.

What was the title of the TV show ? HEE - HAW !!!

Y'all gents have been lured into the discussion, bit on North Country's bait, and are being pulled into her bucket one by one !
Let'er go and reply only to her motorcycle-related threads, until she is known well enough for us all to be certain she is not a Troll nor the "singing & dancing Bearded Lady"

By the way, this here character is REAL, its name is "Conchita Wurst" and just won the EuroSong Contest singing for... Austria !

Lips Sealed
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
mpescatori   IP Logged
Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: North Country
Reply #55 - 05/12/14 at 07:12:43
Ive been quite amazed by the fact NC never posts about a bike. How on Earth did she find this place? Itsa biggo innerweb, & finding the Suzuki Savage website doesnt just happen,, ya gotsta go LOOKIN for Suzuki Savage stuff,, I dont care if NC has a beard, or is a troll.. someone has to offer real thinking to whatever it is.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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North Country Girl
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Bangor Maine
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Re: North Country
Reply #56 - 05/12/14 at 18:17:05
“Ive been quite amazed by the fact NC never posts about a bike.”

Really sir? I’ve been quite amazed by your ability to conjure crap out of thin air.

"whatever “it” is."

It sir? Belittling the opposition only hardens them against you Mr. 2 guy.
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North Country Girl   IP Logged
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Re: North Country
Reply #57 - 05/12/14 at 20:16:38
"She's" back.....
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: North Country
Reply #58 - 05/12/14 at 21:02:28
What you call "conjuring crap" is what I call thinking on my own. Youve yet to make me wrong on a single count,
Have you figured out why the federal reserve is unconstitutional yet?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

Posts: 3547
Rome, Italy
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Re: North Country
Reply #59 - 05/13/14 at 00:41:02
From all the posts I have read, North Country's extreme (and I repeat, "extreme") courteousness is ... borderline to sarcastic.

I have yet to find a quip, a joke, a wisecrack.

Quite the opposite, "she" is so extremely courteous and logical, I wouldn't be surprised if "she" turned out to be a beta version of an android, and "we" are the test bed.


It's "somebody" (whoever, I don't care who) who was given electroshock as a psychiatric therapy and is now lobotomized into an extremely courteous approach to people.

It simply doesn't add up.

And... "her" Savage runs properly and doesn't need anything... ah, yah, right, not even her petcock running on E-10 needs attention.
No questions on how to make her rear suspension softer or the bike from popping and barking on shutoff and shutdown.

No questions on better tires, brake pads that won't squeal in the summer heat, or failure to start after a few days sitting in the garage.

Smells fishy to me ...  Huh
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
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