General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> North Country

Message started by North Country on 04/24/14 at 20:32:01

Title: North Country
Post by North Country on 04/24/14 at 20:32:01

Quotes: “My what a dull world you must live in........what have you got against eye candy?”

“Im starting to wonder if maybe NC isnt really Pajama Boy.”

Perhaps it’s time I reveal a little of myself. (I am guessing that there are no other females on this site… and I can see why).

I am not Mr. Star, nor Mr. Srinath, nor Pajama Boy (whomever that might be)  nor any other name you might assign me.

My name is Heather, and I am a girl (albeit an old one) and I live in Bangor Maine.  I am 47 yrs. Old. I graduated from the U of Maine Orino in 1985 with a degree in social science.

I occasionally ride a 2006 S4 (stock) and I happened upon this site quite by accident. My politics are liberal, and I make no apologies for that.

I would very much like to learn more information concerning who you gentlemen are, and how you may have come to formulate your opinions concerning your political views

… And as a footnote, why you are rather rude to new comers.  

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WD on 04/24/14 at 21:59:04

Male. 42. National Socialist. Former Hell's Angel. Eagle Scout. Ordained clergy. Naturist. Married, and she has her own bikes. Veteran.

There are several females on the website, most stay out of the Tall Table. They are welcome here, as are you.

The vast majority of the forum membership is former military or law enforcement (and one astronaut). We speak the same on the board as we do in the real world. Most are sick of the failed social experiments of affirmative action, political correctness, steal and squander social programs that reward bad behavior, etc. This is no longer the country that most of us put on our uniforms for.

As for rudeness in the tech or chat areas, comes with the territory. Motorcycle forums tend to be like that, and this one is VERY tame.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Serowbot on 04/24/14 at 23:17:44

Well, :-[... ... welcome, Heather,... ;D...

As possibly the lone surviving Liberal voice here, I welcome your input...
But I do apologize if the  "Chicks on Bikes" thread offends you...
As a Mod,... I thought a thread here in the TT, that focused on a mutual positive might distract from all the negative...
Emphasis on women that ride, and aren't just posing...
... but, allowing for the testosterone of the TT section...
If it does offend,.. I will remove it...
And I apologize...
If you can accept it, in the spirit it was intended... you can slam us with female riders that rock on bikes...

Women are under represented here...
I do hope you don't feel like you must leave...


Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/25/14 at 00:21:29

Well,, I guess I am the Liberal here.. I have nothing Against women,, &, at the same time, I hold no special " Youre a woman, so, Ill bend over backwards" thinking,, No one is making anyone OPEN a thread,, If the contents arent appealing, dont go there.. But hey,, waddo I know?

Actually I am a Constitutionalist & Libertarian.. Of course, thats almost like saying Im a short short guy, because the Big C is a very Libertarian document,

Youre 47, ehh NC? Snot old,, not at all,.,
The education direction is no shock based on your posts,,
Youve yet to actually reply directly to any of the challenges Ive tossed your way.

Im not rude to newcomers, Im hard an anyone who proposes more of what has gotten America in the bind we are in, As most are aware, nations go thru certain stages, from birth to death. Looking thru the lessons history gives us should make anyone with eyes & a brain at least somewhat apprehensive. Ive watched the bedrock principles our society was built on be carved away by the lefts agenda. Ohh, it sounded all nice & caring, lets let women kill their babies, its their body,, BUT WHO was really pushing for it? Learn who Margaret Sanger was & HER attitude toward blacks.
Look up quotes, WEEDS to be exterminated,,
LBJ? YOu think he liked & cared for the blacks? Nope,, The %age who owned their own businesses & had families were growing,, but lay out that welfare bucket & tell the women they can have $$ for babies as long as there is no man in the house.,.,GEE how that go badly ?
PRAYER? In School? OHH really,, All that hoopla over a misreading of the C,, Having some kid lead a prayer is a bad idea because th BUilding is a state building.. REally? YOu guys dont think the Framers KNEW what they were doing when they opened every meeting with a prayer? Ya know, they still pray in Congress? Who really believes the Founding Fathers would pray in a government building if they thot it was in conflict with the Constitution they JUST WROTE?? A THINKING person would have to conclude that prayer in a government owned building is okay, then, wouldnt they? & just what Does the 1st amendment say? It says the State cant CREATE a religion. It doesnt say it cant acknowledge a religion or even prefer one, but it cant REquire you to BE any religion, NOR can the Government control where & when you express YOUR religious beliefs, REad it.. Im not angry. Im not hateful. Im a thotful man who has some strong beliefs & I believe I can prove that my "opinions" are based in fact,
Simply by reading the Constitution, & looking at what the men who wrote it did,

Title: Re: North Country
Post by raydawg on 04/25/14 at 04:34:03

A am older than dirt, have no affiliation to a herd, raised 4, two of each, married for 33 years to the same sweetheart and have three (male) role models, my dad, Peter Pan, and Jesus.
Only truth mankind can't argue about is death, none escape, we can however argue what, if anything, happens thereafter......
But neither POV can be proven until after we leave the argument, however.

BTW, my daughters would find your comment (I am guessing that there are no other females on this site… and I can see why) as stereotyping and demeaning.

Finally, most things in life do indeed happen by accident, it's what keeps it exciting, its what we do with the opportunity that defines us....

Enjoy your stay, you will get out of it exactly what you put in  :-*

Title: Re: North Country
Post by shorty on 04/25/14 at 04:42:58

very sorry NC but any rudeness bestowed upon you was well deserved.
just the fact that you would start a thread like this one proves your ego needs therapy..
even your early posts were aggressive and would be considered personal attacks on any forum..

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Paraquat on 04/25/14 at 06:14:57

I'm 30.
You people are old. (Not direct at anyone. I've posted this comment before :P)


Title: Re: North Country
Post by Pine on 04/25/14 at 07:11:00

I am Frank .. Born and Raised in Mississippi.. I work for the state as a programmer (well as a Systems Analyst). I am 51 year old, been married to the same one lady and working for the state the same time.. 27 years ( 28 in aug).

TT is rather like a mens locker room, so yeah kinda rough. I attempt to maintain civility but sparring and debate are the norm here. I can agree to disagree without disliking someone (generally).

I am very libertarian, having been burn by repugs, never really saw eye-to-eye with most presidential dems. (which is not to say I gave to hoots for any reps since Regan).  

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 04/25/14 at 07:16:16

… And as a footnote, why you are rather rude to new comers.  

You got exactly what you deserved.

I still have my doubts you are who you claim you are. For one thing, you are a known liar now having admitted you kept your identify a secret. Sorry, but if I were on a forum with all females, I would identify myself as a male right off the bat.
Secondly, how is it that a hard core, soft communist liberal like yourself with a degree in social science has never heard of pajama boy?.....  Clearly you spend a lot of time online and would do anything President Hopey-Change asked you to do so I find it almost impossible you've never heard of that character.
Finally, women are rarely race baiters which you clearly are. Other than that Rachel Maddow fellow, I can't think of another female race baiter like you.

Regardless; after reading your hateful post to many others on here, don't expect to many doors to be held open for you.... maybe by your buddy Sew.....

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Serowbot on 04/25/14 at 08:24:52

I had to Google "Pajama boy"...

A cause célèbre of the Right-wing spin machine...
Nothing more than an unknown actor that has been mocked by Conservatives... ..
Selected because of his looks to be order to give an embodiment to the hate over Obamacare.
Don't you realize how you are manipulated?... grown-ups acting like schoolchildren because you are told to...

You should be embarrassed....
...worse,... you are not... you are proud of your shallowness...

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/25/14 at 08:36:57

Mocked by conservatives, yea,, he is the embodiment of what a man is to the left. The softest, most panzified lookin guy imaginable, Those who blindly accept that as a desirable man are being manipulated,, I dont accept the PJ boy image as a manly American. Societal pressures have been mounting for decades to influence men to BE more like that guy. Why? Who is easier to control? John Wayne types or PJ Boy? Rugged individuals dont need Bamicare?

Title: Re: North Country
Post by oldNslow on 04/25/14 at 08:38:32

Sorry, not embarrassed

Regardless of how one feels about the ACA, any one who thinks a picture like that with that caption was a good idea to try to promote something as important as health insurance, deserves to be ridiculed.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 04/25/14 at 09:03:26

1927262A3824254B0 wrote:

Sorry, not embarrassed

Regardless of how one feels about the ACA, any one who thinks a picture like that with that caption was a good idea to try to promote something as important as health insurance, deserves to be ridiculed.

Amen slow.......

Title: Re: North Country
Post by shorty on 04/25/14 at 10:01:57

hello serow-

I'm confused, who is manipulating conservatives?

The current administration is liberal correct? Surely you don't imply that a news media out of NYC is manipulating conservative America.

Most conservative Americans hate anything coming out of NYC  ;D  

what's up with serow's testes?  :D

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Dane Allen on 04/25/14 at 15:25:45

50585947494F2A0 wrote:
....My name is Heather, and I am a girl (albeit an old one) and I live in Bangor Maine.  I am 47 yrs. Old. I graduated from the U of Maine Orino in 1985 with a degree in social science.

I occasionally ride a 2006 S4 (stock) and I happened upon this site quite by accident. My politics are liberal, and I make no apologies for that.

I would very much like to learn more information concerning who you gentlemen are, and how you may have come to formulate your opinions concerning your political views

I wasn't going to take the bait but then I thought what could it hurt. I was pretty liberal growing up and the more I grew up the less liberal I was. There are two big issues/reasons fueling my conservatism, the first being that I find it very hard to disbelieve reality or believe something that is obviosly not real. Take fiscal policy, math and science and history all come together to prove fiscal conservatism works and has worked when implemented. Envy of and persecution of the rich is not a fiscal policy, it never works and there is nothing I have seen so far that remotely prove it.

The second issue is my children, I don't talk about my kids because of a certain person who has threatened member's children in the past, but once I had my kids and I couldn't be selfish anymore then I became fully Conservative with some Libertarian mixed in. There just isn't anything Socialism, Marxism, Communism can offer to my family but suffering and lies. Growing up, we were all Carter fans until the reality set in and we woke up. Both sisters went for Clinton 1st term and then reality set in. My Mom went for Obama the first term and then reality set in.

Obama has been the worst President in our Country's history and the funny thing is that other liberals helped him fall - by covering for him soo much. He lever learned from his mistakes and never had to to tell the truth because the media covered for him. It would have been much less cruel for him to get his lumps early on than to be 6 years into this job and have no clue what to do.

… And as a footnote, why you are rather rude to new comers.  

This isn't the new comers section, the new comers section is in the Cafe so it is interesting that you started here in the TT...

Had you not made the bulk of your posts in the TT section, going after the members here then you would have had a different experience. Recall that we, as Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, Blue Dogs and Moderates, have been under seige since mid-Clinton by the Socialists.

Update: Not sure if the Search is working correctly but all your posts and threads that I can find appear in the TT...interesting.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by pgambr on 04/25/14 at 16:43:51

I would very much like to learn more information concerning who you gentlemen are, and how you may have come to formulate your opinions concerning your political views

For the purpose of this discussion, I would say I’m a pragmatic independent that is well-educated and cultured.  That is to say I have a graduate degree in business and have lived in many parts of the country.  I just happen to be a fan of single cylinder motorcycles.  

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/25/14 at 20:36:23

Update: Not sure if the Search is working correctly but all your posts and threads that I can find appear in the TT...interesting.
Back to top

Ive noticed that. Im starting to wonder just How she found this site & what it is she hopes to accomplish here.. One things certain, if someone is expecting her to affect the thinking of anyone here she is failing them miserably. She makes no points, has no arguments, only talking points with nothing to back them up & when challenged, she pulls her head in & closes the door.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 04/25/14 at 21:08:29

445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 wrote:
Update: Not sure if the Search is working correctly but all your posts and threads that I can find appear in the TT...interesting.
Back to top

Ive noticed that. Im starting to wonder just How she found this site & what it is she hopes to accomplish here.. One things certain, if someone is expecting her to affect the thinking of anyone here she is failing them miserably. She makes no points, has no arguments, only talking points with nothing to back them up & when challenged, she pulls her head in & closes the door.

Before you answer "her", you might want to run your reply past Sew first. Otherwise, if you're to tough on his girl, he'll go all moderator on you.....

Title: Re: North Country
Post by raydawg on 04/26/14 at 08:12:52

C'mon gang, WTF ????

Im starting to wonder just How she found this site & what it is she hopes to accomplish here.. One things certain, if someone is expecting her to affect the thinking of anyone here she is failing them miserably. She makes no points, has no arguments, only talking points with nothing to back them up & when challenged, she pulls her head in & closes the door.

With this being said, then why do you/we entertain her/it?

Can we possible turn the question around and ask each one of us why we come here then?

What/why is it that I need to challenge others, and be affirmed (hopefully) in the same manner, as he/she/it expects?
Remember, expectations are nothing more than premeditated resentments.....

Not talking style points, or the ability to argue like a litigating attorney, I am talking about "why".

You boyz wanna field that question then see if it can be extended to her, it, or whatever (maybe a lesbian, yea baby, got pixs?)

Hope you give it a shot, hate to see you pulls her head in & closes the door like some we know, eh  :-*

Title: Re: North Country
Post by raydawg on 04/26/14 at 08:14:09

370502131405122D01120B600 wrote:
[quote author=445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 link=1398396721/15#17 date=1398483383]Update: Not sure if the Search is working correctly but all your posts and threads that I can find appear in the TT...interesting.
Back to top

Ive noticed that. Im starting to wonder just How she found this site & what it is she hopes to accomplish here.. One things certain, if someone is expecting her to affect the thinking of anyone here she is failing them miserably. She makes no points, has no arguments, only talking points with nothing to back them up & when challenged, she pulls her head in & closes the door.

Before you answer "her", you might want to run your reply past Sew first. Otherwise, if you're to tough on his girl, he'll go all moderator on you.....[/quote]

You want some cheese too?  ::)

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/26/14 at 09:21:22

I come here to bring in articles & references to items of bad ( read :illegal) behavior on the part of the goobs & work to get more peoples eyes opened to what is going on & what their rights, powers & obligations as Americans are. She is a perfect candidate for change,

Title: Re: North Country
Post by raydawg on 04/26/14 at 09:28:22

7E6167607D7A4B7B4B73616D26140 wrote:
I come here to bring in articles & references to items of bad ( read :illegal) behavior on the part of the goobs & work to get more peoples eyes opened to what is going on & what their rights, powers & obligations as Americans are. She is a perfect candidate for change,

Fine, then why the need to name call others?
It is belittling, reflecting superiority, and distracts from the reason(s) you list.

You wanna feed me, teach me to fish, don't just throw a fish as me  ;D  

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/26/14 at 10:36:53

When someone comes at me with what I see as belittling attitudes & pushing a failed agenda I am already less than willing to be patient with them & pretend my feelings arent involved. I AM pissed. Im sick & tired of watching the same ideas pressed forward & watching society spiral down & the left stands there & says the reason things arent going well is because theyve been denied the ability to make sufficient changes by the stodgy old conservative crowd who are just too stupid to see the value in the changes they want.. You dont believe the left have declared themselves to be intellectually superior? & when someone who has apparently never had an original thought accuses me of not being able to think for myself I usually get belligerent, especially when I offer up topics to discuss & instead, they simply run & hide from that & then come back & simply continue to spout talking points instead of talk about the topics Ive offered for debate.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by raydawg on 04/26/14 at 13:46:34

No JOG, I'll never accuse you of hiding your thoughts or feelings  ;D

I just question why you even take the time to try and plant seed in toxic soil?

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 04/26/14 at 16:07:06

52415944415747200 wrote:
[quote author=370502131405122D01120B600 link=1398396721/15#18 date=1398485309][quote author=445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 link=1398396721/15#17 date=1398483383]Update: Not sure if the Search is working correctly but all your posts and threads that I can find appear in the TT...interesting.
Back to top

Ive noticed that. Im starting to wonder just How she found this site & what it is she hopes to accomplish here.. One things certain, if someone is expecting her to affect the thinking of anyone here she is failing them miserably. She makes no points, has no arguments, only talking points with nothing to back them up & when challenged, she pulls her head in & closes the door.

Before you answer "her", you might want to run your reply past Sew first. Otherwise, if you're to tough on his girl, he'll go all moderator on you.....[/quote]

You want some cheese too?  ::)

No thanks, I'm more of a beer guy. Besides, if I got the wrong wine, Sew might step in and take it from me and give it to "ms. North Country"

Title: Re: North Country
Post by raydawg on 04/26/14 at 18:43:13

437176676071665975667F140 wrote:
[quote author=52415944415747200 link=1398396721/15#20 date=1398525249][quote author=370502131405122D01120B600 link=1398396721/15#18 date=1398485309][quote author=445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 link=1398396721/15#17 date=1398483383]Update: Not sure if the Search is working correctly but all your posts and threads that I can find appear in the TT...interesting.
Back to top

Ive noticed that. Im starting to wonder just How she found this site & what it is she hopes to accomplish here.. One things certain, if someone is expecting her to affect the thinking of anyone here she is failing them miserably. She makes no points, has no arguments, only talking points with nothing to back them up & when challenged, she pulls her head in & closes the door.

Before you answer "her", you might want to run your reply past Sew first. Otherwise, if you're to tough on his girl, he'll go all moderator on you.....[/quote]

You want some cheese too?  ::)

No thanks, I'm more of a beer guy. Besides, if I got the wrong wine, Sew might step in and take it from me and give it to "ms. North Country"

Well just in case you have a change of heart.....
Make sure it has a screw top.
It is rather obvious she has no clue as to putting a cork in anything  :-*  

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 04/27/14 at 05:56:00

Well said dawg...

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/27/14 at 08:53:57

Lookin like shes pulled up stakes..Never DID address any challenge I laid out..

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 04/27/14 at 10:50:40

7F6066617C7B4A7A4A72606C27150 wrote:
Lookin like shes pulled up stakes..Never DID address any challenge I laid out..

And "she" never will.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/27/14 at 10:58:38

Call me a schmuck, but I believe it really was a female w/ a sociology degree.. & OHH what a great benefit to society was that education she got..she paid to be brainwashed,,

Title: Re: North Country
Post by shorty on 04/28/14 at 03:54:11

I don't believe anything NC claims to be true.. All the posts (by NC) have been in the politics section.. I don't even believe he or she owns a motorcycle  :D

Title: Re: North Country
Post by North Country on 04/28/14 at 21:51:40

I thank those of you who were kind enough to present your legitimate informational posts. It helps me to understand some of the more rational and intelligent guys here… On the other hand:

“Before you answer "her", you might want to run your reply past Sew first. Otherwise, if you're to tough on his girl, he'll go all moderator on you”.....

This is a Maine girl buddy, we don’t need any “guy” to coddle us.

(“maybe a lesbian, yea baby, got pixs?”)

Lesbian?? My friend if I woke up next to the likes of you, I would become a lesbian.

“Ive noticed that. Im starting to wonder just How she found this site & what it is she hopes to accomplish here.. One things certain, if someone is expecting her to affect the thinking of anyone here she is failing them miserably. She makes no points, has no arguments, only talking points with nothing to back them up & when challenged, she pulls her head in & closes the door.”

You are as closed minded as a steel trap sir.. Believer’s in right-wing propaganda from the likes of FOX and Limbaugh are Convinced that they should vote against their own best interests.

"A hard core, soft communist liberal."

One observation gentlemen, “pitifu desplay of ignorencel”.

“Obama has been the worst President in our Country's history and the funny thing is that other liberals helped him fall - by covering for him soo much. He lever learned from his mistakes and never had to to tell the truth because the media covered for him. It would have been much less cruel for him to get his lumps early on than to be 6 years into this job and have no clue what to do.”

Obama the worst President in our Country's history??

Read up on George W. Bush sir. There's your answer.

Barack Obama's presidency has been an inspiration to many Americans—especially nutjobs. Ever since the first-black-president-to-be appeared on the national political stage, a cottage industry of conservative conspiracy theorists has churned out bizarro, paranoid, and just plain racist effluvia—some of which has trickled into the political mainstream.

“This isn't the new comers section, the new comers section is in the Cafe so it is interesting that you started here in the TT”...

My bike runs fine, why would I want to mess with it? I read RSD and the tech. Section. Very useful information.  There is nothing I could add. The café thread is nice also, I read it…However the TT and its politics is my forte.
It is difficult here to engage in constructive discourse here as so many are “set in their ways” and have probably been so for generations, (especially in the rural south)… No offence intended, it’s just the way things are.

“Very sorry NC but any rudeness bestowed upon you was well deserved.”

If you say so sir.

“Male. 42. National Socialist. Former Hell's Angel.”

Oh Really??
(The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is the largest and most prominent neo-Nazi group in the United States. The group is notable for its violent anti-Jewish rhetoric, its racist views and its policy allowing members of other racist groups to join NSM. Members protest in full Nazi uniforms.)

Well, at least you don’t hide behind the banner of “Tea Party”, or “ultra conservative”. You tell it like it is (good for you) while most of the others of your ilk here agree with you but are too cowardly to admit it.

“Hell’s Angels? .. Okay, kind of a legend of “cool”, the criminal element?.. Not so much.  

“Very sorry NC but any rudeness bestowed upon you was well deserved.”

Not a two way street sir?

“I still have my doubts you are who you claim you are. For one thing, you are a known liar now having admitted you kept your identify a secret. Sorry, but if I were on a forum with all females, I would identify myself as a male right off the bat."
A known liar sir? Kept my identity a secret sir?.. I think not. Now may I ask sir, why is my gender all that impotent to you in these discussions?

“Secondly, how is it that a hard core, soft communist liberal like yourself with a degree in social science has never heard of pajama boy?.....  Clearly you spend a lot of time online and would do anything President Hopey-Change asked you to do so I find it almost impossible you've never heard of that character.”

“A hard core, soft communist liberal??”
My but you have a limited understanding of the core values of some Americans.

“Finally, women are rarely race baiters which you clearly are. Other than that Rachel Maddow fellow, I can't think of another female race baiter like you.
“Regardless; after reading your hateful post to many others on here, don't expect to many doors to be held open for you.... maybe by your buddy Sew”.....

Hateful posts sir? Race baiter? Perhaps you should reread everyone’s posts for the past several weeks… If you still stand by this statement I suspect you suffer from a mild case of Alzheimer’s disease. Best to check that out my friend.

Mr. guy 2, After reading many of your posts sir, I believe that you are much more educated than your posts indicate. However you seem to be a paranoid anarchist… Okay by me as long as you are honest about it.

“Lookin like shes pulled up stakes..Never DID address any challenge I laid out”..

I am still here siir.. for now.

{"Is she[really was a female?) Call me a schmuck, but I believe it .
Thank you sir, I was beginning to wonder about that myself after some of the posts here of late,  :D

Title: Re: North Country
Post by North Country on 04/28/14 at 22:25:29

"I don't believe anything NC claims to be true.. All the posts (by NC) have been in the politics section.. I don't even believe he or she owns a motorcycle  Cheesy."

I am not obligated to prove to you what I own or do not own sir. If you do not believe that I own a Motorcycle, that is your reality. It does not concern me.  

Title: Re: North Country
Post by raydawg on 04/29/14 at 03:56:52

I would never have pegged you as one of those conservatives who tell others homosexuality is a choice, golly  :-?

“maybe a lesbian, yea baby, got pixs?”

Lesbian?? My friend if I woke up next to the likes of you, I would become a lesbian.

Or just perhaps our bent toward humor reveals more about us, than just our frilly panties (slip) eh Butch.......  :-*

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Serowbot on 04/29/14 at 06:11:56

665453424554437C50435A310 wrote:
And now you've stepped in and censored comments a second time to protect "her".

Noop...  none,... nada...

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 04/29/14 at 06:28:25

you just need to keep that censorship button in your holster and let 'her' sink or swim on 'her' own merits. Done with this topic.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Serowbot on 04/29/14 at 06:54:25

'cause you say so, Web?...

Here's the deal... No name calling...
You want the button holstered?,... no name calling...

No one else has a problem with that.. just you...
I originally just asked that the name calling stop,.. and everyone but you agreed...

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 04/29/14 at 07:51:20

calling 'her' by another person's name is not really name calling, is it? The name I called 'her' by was because every position, speech pattern or posting technique matched that other person exactly. "She" was calling me Parrott which is still don't know why as well as inbred I think and a few others. I don't mind. I have  you permission oh Galactic Emperor of the Tall Table to refer to 'her' as 'her' or are you afraid that will hurt 'her' feelings too much?

Title: Re: North Country
Post by thumperclone on 04/29/14 at 08:03:39 I have  you permission oh Galactic Emperor of the Tall Table to refer to 'her' as 'her' or are you afraid that will hurt 'her' feelings too much?

youre a-------------

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 04/29/14 at 09:36:31

203C213924312637383B3A31540 wrote: I have  you permission oh Galactic Emperor of the Tall Table to refer to 'her' as 'her' or are you afraid that will hurt 'her' feelings too much?

youre a-------------

I've been called a name oh galactic emperor of censorship. ...

But I request you keep your delete key unused. ....

Thumper, you might want to look at the bigger picture. ...

Title: Re: North Country
Post by shorty on 04/29/14 at 15:45:05

I think he's saying: wm you're a handsome man  ;D

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Dane Allen on 04/29/14 at 17:04:25

434B4A545A5C390 wrote:
“Obama has been the worst President in our Country's history and the funny thing is that other liberals helped him fall - by covering for him soo much. He lever learned from his mistakes and never had to to tell the truth because the media covered for him. It would have been much less cruel for him to get his lumps early on than to be 6 years into this job and have no clue what to do.”

Obama the worst President in our Country's history??

Read up on George W. Bush sir. There's your answer.

At 42 years of age I can remember back to the Carter administration, the previous owner of the title of Worst President, and I can assure you that Bush's foray into big government and the predictable failures that always result from such are no comparison to the damage Obama has done to this country domestically and abroad. Anyone who wonders what Carter's second term would have looked like can just start paying attention right now. Sadly, there wasn't a Reagan around to rescue us in the last election, I pray one shows up very soon.

Barack Obama's presidency has been an inspiration to many Americans—especially nutjobs. Ever since the first-black-president-to-be appeared on the national political stage, a cottage industry of conservative conspiracy theorists has churned out bizarro, paranoid, and just plain racist effluvia—some of which has trickled into the political mainstream.

Ahh, the race card - what a surprise. Yes, a real inspiration, a completely unqualified individual who is in way over his head and whose only mode of governing is to insult and bully. But, he's half-white so YAY!!! I will ask my unemployed family and friends how inspired they feel, especially the long term unemployed.

“This isn't the new comers section, the new comers section is in the Cafe so it is interesting that you started here in the TT”...

My bike runs fine, why would I want to mess with it? I read RSD and the tech. Section. Very useful information.  There is nothing I could add. The café thread is nice also, I read it…However the TT and its politics is my forte.

The point is the introduction thread is in the Cafe, even people who post only a few times will drop in and introduce themselves...

Also, I respectfully dispute your assertion that politics is your forte. Maybe you just haven't displyed that trait yet, could you provide an example or demonstration?

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Dane Allen on 04/29/14 at 17:17:14

1810110F0107620 wrote:
“Male. 42. National Socialist. Former Hell's Angel.”

Oh Really??
(The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is the largest and most prominent neo-Nazi group in the United States. The group is notable for its violent anti-Jewish rhetoric, its racist views and its policy allowing members of other racist groups to join NSM. Members protest in full Nazi uniforms.)

Well, at least you don’t hide behind the banner of “Tea Party”, or “ultra conservative”. You tell it like it is (good for you) while most of the others of your ilk here agree with you but are too cowardly to admit it...

That you confuse a Socialist movement with a Conservative movement is equally as hillarious as is how much you meant it as an insult.

With that addressed, 99% of the time who are the violent ones? Giffords, Family Research Council shooter, Newtown shooter, Nidal Hasan, Boston Bombers, Christopher Dorner, etc. What group is calling Israel the Apatheid State? Who "cowardly" renames anti-Semitism as anti-Zionism to slip past the public's conscious?

I fear I must pop your smug bubble and remind you of all the death and destruction the Socialists have brought to the world be it the National Socialists, the Soviet Socialists or the Socialsim of Mao, Castro, Chavez, or any of the others.

If you are accusing me of having a closed mind because I refuse to change my views with no evidence, argument or rationale and adopt some sort of fantasy world then I plead guilty.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 04/29/14 at 17:47:50

Go easy on "her" Dane.... Sew's got "her" back.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Dane Allen on 05/09/14 at 09:24:41

See? Facts are like Kryptonite to liberals, nothing but crickets.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/09/14 at 10:11:18

6C49464D6944444D46280 wrote:
[quote author=1810110F0107620 link=1398396721/30#32 date=1398747100]“Male. 42. National Socialist. Former Hell's Angel.”

Oh Really??
(The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is the largest and most prominent neo-Nazi group in the United States. The group is notable for its violent anti-Jewish rhetoric, its racist views and its policy allowing members of other racist groups to join NSM. Members protest in full Nazi uniforms.)

Well, at least you don’t hide behind the banner of “Tea Party”, or “ultra conservative”. You tell it like it is (good for you) while most of the others of your ilk here agree with you but are too cowardly to admit it...

That you confuse a Socialist movement with a Conservative movement is equally as hillarious as is how much you meant it as an insult.

With that addressed, 99% of the time who are the violent ones? Giffords, Family Research Council shooter, Newtown shooter, Nidal Hasan, Boston Bombers, Christopher Dorner, etc. What group is calling Israel the Apatheid State? Who "cowardly" renames anti-Semitism as anti-Zionism to slip past the public's conscious?

I fear I must pop your smug bubble and remind you of all the death and destruction the Socialists have brought to the world be it the National Socialists, the Soviet Socialists or the Socialsim of Mao, Castro, Chavez, or any of the others.

If you are accusing me of having a closed mind because I refuse to change my views with no evidence, argument or rationale and adopt some sort of fantasy world then I plead guilty.[/quote]

If you are accusing me of having a closed mind because I refuse to change my views with no evidence, argument or rationale and adopt some sort of fantasy world then I plead guilty.

The "You just have a closed mind" accusation is about as worn out as "You only disagree with Obama cuz youre really a racist at heart".
Being unwilling to change from knowing the difference between right & wrong & flipping to accepting & supporting what is wrong is treated as being too stupid to be able to grasp the value in throwing away ones values. I dont understand how someone can continue to push for more of the same kind of social policies that have been being pushed since the early 70's. Just how far down do we have to go before they realize theyve been dragging society DOWN? Instead of being honest & looking at what has happened & their part in it & changing course, they just insist that the only reason things arent all rosy is because they havent been able to push thru enough of their policies,, Its the fault of those obstructionist conservatives who have tried to hold to the traditional values that MADE America great.. LOOK at the changes & LOOK at where we are.,.,YOu cant see the correlation? But you can see how its my wifes SUV causing climate to change.. Uh Huhh..

Now, that was using complete sentences to put a complete idea out. Not just a few talking points. I would expect someone with a degree, especially one in sociology, to be able to actually express ideas & explain why they believe what they believe. Just running in & dumping the same tired old talking points, never addressing what has been said, not countering with logic, just dumping "More of the same",, & running.

Woo Hoo,,, NC looked up the Federal REserve, but wouldnt continue the debate on How it works & what it does to US..

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Serowbot on 05/09/14 at 11:01:13

Can't you see the people that are shaping your ideas?..
You may think going against your government is free thinking,.. but it's bought and paid for, by the likes of the Koch brothers...

They are the money behind the Tea Party... they want deregulation of their companies, they want smaller government and lower taxes (for them)...
they want you to disbelieve the science of Climate Change... so they can pollute..
They don't want this because it's good for you or America... it's good for their bottom line...
...and they fund a lot of disinformation to get it...

The video and link I posted in the Hot Earth explained where the 32,000 dissenting voices of Climate Change comes from.. it's a farce.. but, nobody watched or read...
You prefer to have your facts dictated by the Koch brothers...
Politicians don't run the world... money does...
Your brainwashing is bought and paid for...
They have spent 70 million dollars to deny Climate Change... (this isn't because they are "patriots")...
Over 400 million funding Tea Party and Conservative/Libertarian think tanks...
Every ideal that they support, is for the benefit of the 1%...
... it ain't for you... but, you have been duped into supporting it...
There is nothing patriotic about voting for the interests of the wealthy...

You are their slaves... and you even fight for the right be their slaves...

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 05/09/14 at 13:30:44

They have spent 70 million dollars to deny Climate Change... (this isn't because they are "patriots")...

....but Al Gore made millions because he is a "patriot"??!

doesn't this money influence work both ways?

Really give this an answer: are you saying scientist, who get their funding from governments not business, cannot be influenced in any manner?
What would happen to these 31,000 climate scientist if all the funding coming from non-profit producing entities disappeared?

Title: Re: North Country
Post by shorty on 05/09/14 at 13:34:24

don't throw stones if your house is made of glass...
can't you see who bought YOUR ideas? it applies both ways

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/09/14 at 18:00:46

I pay attention to many things. I pull detail;s, I store ideas & keep them on the back burner. Ive watched, Ive BEEN watching since I was 12, You actually believe MY ideas came from others? I knew when I was 12 things didnt add up. Its taken me , not years, but decades, to find info that would finally make sense of it. I Bought Keynes treatise on economics. I plowed thru about 4 chapters before the idiocy was too great to bear. About 5 or 6 years later a freind told me about G edward Griffin & Creature from Jekyll Island.. THAT made sense,, There is no logic in our current system, it requires a totally twisted mind to believe it is good, well,, twisted or completely uneducated in how it actually works..

The same science that has some buying in Doom from the climate has me believing it isnt so. Even the alarmists of yesterday are bailing out. How do the left cope? They ignore that fact,, Data proves warming stopped 15+ years ago,,

How is the "answer" of carbon taxes for US gonna fix it? Stop walking past that, Even IF our carbon footprint is adding to the problem, how will Americans paying Al Gore carbon CREDITS actually gonna help? By making it impossible to pay for gas? How about electricity? Bammy PROMISED he would bankrupt the coal industry. Power plants are being CLOSED, electricity rates are climbing,, all while joblessness is horrible, & whether some believe Bamicare is a Great Success or not,, it ISNT,, Doctors are leaving, wait 5 years, you guys are gonna be claiming its the Bubs fault, only God knows how,, People are seeing rates climb, 70% or more, some of them,, NO WAY!! Are you kidding ME?? This is "Affordable health care"?  Yea, like the Patriot Act was good for patriots..

Title: Re: North Country
Post by pgambr on 05/09/14 at 18:52:35


Can you put up a few bullet points from Creature from Jekyll Island?  They might find it enlightening?

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/11/14 at 06:32:31

Someone who owns the book could,, mine was loaned out,, not sure its ever comin home, Its 580+ pages,,I read it , sheesh,, years ago,, Salient points?

We are a sovereign nation, yet we borrow every dollar we use from a privately held banking cartel,,
THATS the Gut of it,

Title: Re: North Country
Post by pgambr on 05/11/14 at 17:03:21

I didn't want to steal your thunder.   ;)

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/11/14 at 20:08:26

Ive got plenty,, take all ya want!POst away, dude,,

Title: Re: North Country
Post by mpescatori on 05/12/14 at 00:48:09

Extremely amusing thread.

Here we have a newbie, who cometh neweth and newest, does not introduce itself (no gender specified until this thread is open as a self-centered discussion) and expects to be wowed and bowed down at.

What was the title of the TV show ? HEE - HAW !!!


Y'all gents have been lured into the discussion, bit on North Country's bait, and are being pulled into her bucket one by one !
Let'er go and reply only to her motorcycle-related threads, until she is known well enough for us all to be certain she is not a Troll nor the "singing & dancing Bearded Lady"

By the way, this here character is REAL, its name is "Conchita Wurst" and just won the EuroSong Contest singing for... Austria !


Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/14 at 07:12:43

Ive been quite amazed by the fact NC never posts about a bike. How on Earth did she find this place? Itsa biggo innerweb, & finding the Suzuki Savage website doesnt just happen,, ya gotsta go LOOKIN for Suzuki Savage stuff,, I dont care if NC has a beard, or is a troll.. someone has to offer real thinking to whatever it is.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by North Country on 05/12/14 at 18:17:05

“Ive been quite amazed by the fact NC never posts about a bike.”

Really sir? I’ve been quite amazed by your ability to conjure crap out of thin air.

"whatever “it” is."

It sir? Belittling the opposition only hardens them against you Mr. 2 guy.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 05/12/14 at 20:16:38

"She's" back.....

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/14 at 21:02:28

What you call "conjuring crap" is what I call thinking on my own. Youve yet to make me wrong on a single count,
Have you figured out why the federal reserve is unconstitutional yet?

Title: Re: North Country
Post by mpescatori on 05/13/14 at 00:41:02

From all the posts I have read, North Country's extreme (and I repeat, "extreme") courteousness is ... borderline to sarcastic.

I have yet to find a quip, a joke, a wisecrack.

Quite the opposite, "she" is so extremely courteous and logical, I wouldn't be surprised if "she" turned out to be a beta version of an android, and "we" are the test bed.


It's "somebody" (whoever, I don't care who) who was given electroshock as a psychiatric therapy and is now lobotomized into an extremely courteous approach to people.

It simply doesn't add up.

And... "her" Savage runs properly and doesn't need anything... ah, yah, right, not even her petcock running on E-10 needs attention.
No questions on how to make her rear suspension softer or the bike from popping and barking on shutoff and shutdown.

No questions on better tires, brake pads that won't squeal in the summer heat, or failure to start after a few days sitting in the garage.

Smells fishy to me ...  :-?

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/14 at 05:25:21

I bought my S40 brand new, found this site and made a few changes that made it much better. I have a BMW now, but I gotta tell you, the technical wisdom and know how from the people on here about how to work on this bike is equal to if not greater than what I've seen on the BMW sites.

Regarding ms. Nc, I hear a song from the recently departed Lou Reed in the background.....

Title: Re: North Country
Post by shorty on 05/13/14 at 05:55:59

382721263B3C0D3D0D35272B60520 wrote:
Ive been quite amazed by the fact NC never posts about a bike. How on Earth did she find this place? Itsa biggo innerweb, & finding the Suzuki Savage website doesnt just happen,, ya gotsta go LOOKIN for Suzuki Savage stuff,, I dont care if NC has a beard, or is a troll.. someone has to offer real thinking to whatever it is.


I said the same thing, nobody joins without a bike question.
We have a common internet troll that sits naked @ the keyboard eating Cheetos.. but it's not a lady.. I showed my wife some posts and she instantly responded: "that's a man"

Title: Re: North Country
Post by North Country on 05/13/14 at 23:24:44

Please tell me you can't reproduce.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WD on 05/14/14 at 00:34:47

4E5346504042574C514A230 wrote:
From all the posts I have read, North Country's extreme (and I repeat, "extreme") courteousness is ... borderline to sarcastic.

I have yet to find a quip, a joke, a wisecrack.

Quite the opposite, "she" is so extremely courteous and logical, I wouldn't be surprised if "she" turned out to be a beta version of an android, and "we" are the test bed.


It's "somebody" (whoever, I don't care who) who was given electroshock as a psychiatric therapy and is now lobotomized into an extremely courteous approach to people.

It simply doesn't add up.

And... "her" Savage runs properly and doesn't need anything... ah, yah, right, not even her petcock running on E-10 needs attention.
No questions on how to make her rear suspension softer or the bike from popping and barking on shutoff and shutdown.

No questions on better tires, brake pads that won't squeal in the summer heat, or failure to start after a few days sitting in the garage.

Smells fishy to me ...  :-?

Perfect Savages, while rare, have happened a few times. Then they get ridden and fall apart like the rest of them.  ;) ;D

Any section of any forum that doesn't bow and scrape at the feet of the "Dreadful Gooberment", regardless of which party is currently "in charge", is flagged for observation. Courtesy of "El Jefe Presidente Jorge Shrub" and his "Patriot Act", it's quite common, quite open, and can be rather amusing.

I'd tell you to look in the "others" section on Stormfront, but since it is an illegal site in Italia you'd be arrested. Trust me, this forum is TAME politically.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by mpescatori on 05/14/14 at 01:00:04

Thanks, WD. One day, I'll have to a few MC-RA-non99% related  questions  ;)

This side of the pond, "Tea Party" is for Alice and the Mad Hatter...  ;D

As for STORMFRONT, I did not know about it.

There is an entry for it, so Iwent and read the English version, which is much more detailed.

I find "mild racism", as such, a normal component of any society and culture, and it is generally very mild among sea-faring communbities, and may be extrtemely harsh among landlocked communities.
As a clear example, see New Orleans on one side and Ozark hillbillies on the other...  ;)

I also find it extremely amusing that the leader of Stormfront is called "David"... a Jewish name ?

PS From the office, I cannot access "", and "" appears to be "inexistent"... but seems to work  8-)
I found !!!

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: North Country
Post by mpescatori on 05/14/14 at 01:11:27

495B544955545F5D3A0 wrote:
[quote author=382721263B3C0D3D0D35272B60520 link=1398396721/45#55 date=1399903963]Ive been quite amazed by the fact NC never posts about a bike. How on Earth did she find this place? Itsa biggo innerweb, & finding the Suzuki Savage website doesnt just happen,, ya gotsta go LOOKIN for Suzuki Savage stuff,, I dont care if NC has a beard, or is a troll.. someone has to offer real thinking to whatever it is.


I said the same thing, nobody joins without a bike question.
We have a common internet troll that sits naked @ the keyboard eating Cheetos.. but it's not a lady.. I showed my wife some posts and she instantly responded: "that's a man" [/quote]

Uh... you mean like this ?


;D ;D ;D

Come on, North Country, a pic of you and your bike. We've all posted ours.

Else, YOU ARE A TROLL...  ;)

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Serowbot on 05/14/14 at 07:43:09

Guys,..  you push to hard...

At this point, if I were North, I would be afraid to post a pic... fearing that you all would make nothing but unkind criticisms...
... and, if North is not a Savage enthusiast, and is indeed a troll... she has won...
She has you all slinging muck everywhere...

The way to win against a troll,.. is to not allow them to affect you...
All these accusations and suppositions are troll food...
Don't let a troll affect you, and it will go away.
You also are in no danger of making false accusation...

Don't feed a troll... and don't degrade a member...

Perhaps in time North will post a photo... if so, she is braver than me...
If she does,... you all better be on best behavior...
... and if she be a troll... she'll leave when you stop feeding her...


Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/14/14 at 07:49:12

I dont care if she is a troll or looks like one, I dont want her to leave.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WD on 05/14/14 at 12:55:26

726F7A6C7C7E6B706D761F0 wrote:
Thanks, WD. One day, I'll have to a few MC-RA-non99% related  questions  ;)

This side of the pond, "Tea Party" is for Alice and the Mad Hatter...  ;D

As for STORMFRONT, I did not know about it.

There is an entry for it, so Iwent and read the English version, which is much more detailed.

I find "mild racism", as such, a normal component of any society and culture, and it is generally very mild among sea-faring communbities, and may be extrtemely harsh among landlocked communities.
As a clear example, see New Orleans on one side and Ozark hillbillies on the other...  ;)

I also find it extremely amusing that the leader of Stormfront is called "David"... a Jewish name ?

PS From the office, I cannot access "", and "" appears to be "inexistent"... but seems to work  8-)
I found !!!

;D ;D ;D

David as in Duke? He's just a member, the site is owned by Don Black, another former high ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan. You'll also find Gerhard on there, head of the NSDAPAO, the true American Nazi Party. The clowns from NSM are a bunch of thugs for the most part, they take the line a bit too close to the old SA (Brown Shirts) for comfort.

I myself am an "equal opportunity bigot", I don't like anybody as a group. Couldn't join the Klan if I wanted to, I'm Pagan. Wouldn't join NSM if I had to, have no arrest record and intend to keep it that way. I grew up around a bunch of former Waffen SS enlisted/officers, met a few "real" (Black Shirt) SS enlisted/officers, was good friends with older folk who had been in the Hitler Youth (and our Boy Scout troop was modeled on that organization)... yet was also good friends with American veterans of the War, many of whom decided later in life that the USA should have kept its nose out or allied with Germany. Even General Patton said we were fighting for the wrong side... and he died within a month of saying so.

That English link is a trip...  ;D

I can't help but wonder how much better the world would be without the Wiemar Republic style entitlement mentality so many Americans and Europeans have grown accustomed to. A world where people take pride in earning what they have, not being given whatever whim takes their fancy at any given moment. A world with working social support systems designed to get you on your feet and productive, not lazing around the house squirting out babies in order to get more benefits. That crosses the color barrier, just as many lazy white breeders as there are other races, at least in this part of the world.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by arteacher on 05/14/14 at 13:39:51

Sorry WD.. the Boy Scouts were established well before the Hitler youth, who were actually modeled after the Boy Scouts.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WD on 05/14/14 at 14:04:18

252E2E272B24253F3E4A0 wrote:
Sorry WD.. the Boy Scouts were established well before the Hitler youth, who were actually modeled after the Boy Scouts.

I know that. We ran our troop to H.Y. standards. Which were the original Scouting standards. Everything had to be earned, time in service requirements were followed to the letter, if you couldn't physically cut it you didn't get your merit badges or rank advancements...

The newest book we used for training was a 1968 edition Scoutmaster's Handbook. As for the ranks, we used a 1936 edition BSA handbook, belonged to my great uncle when he was a kid. And I keep a reprint of an H.Y. manual in my desk. Interesting (and entertaining) read.

I still made Eagle (highest rank) at 15... my brother and 2 cousins at 18.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by North Country on 05/14/14 at 23:03:28

“Guys,..  you push to hard...

At this point, if I were North, I would be afraid to post a pic... fearing that you all would make nothing but unkind criticisms...
... and, if North is not a Savage enthusiast, and is indeed a troll... she has won...
She has you all slinging muck everywhere...

The way to win against a troll,.. is to not allow them to affect you...
All these accusations and suppositions are troll food...
Don't let a troll affect you, and it will go away.
You also are in no danger of making false accusation...

Don't feed a troll... and don't degrade a member...

Perhaps in time North will post a photo... if so, she is braver than me...
If she does,... you all better be on best behavior...
... and if she be a troll... she'll leave when you stop feeding her”...


Forget trolls for the moment, there are no trolls here. Let’s instead talk about forum bullies. This TT is infected with forum bullies.

Everyone has brass balls on the web. By communicating through a device bullies lose any sense of empathy they might feel by reading facial expressions. They might know it is another person on the other end of a discussion, but subconsciously do not recognize it as such. Kind of like how it is hard to read the tone of someone’s words through text to say, detect sarcasm.

I don't think most of you would behave the same around a true stranger... Because in person, one always risks getting their ass kicked.

Forum bullies fully feel immune to attack. They state their opinion regardless of accuracy or consequence, knowing full well that they can always count on the support of their circle of bullies to support them and back them up. The only way a forum bully stays in business is with the consent of the other members of the forum.

Outsiders who want to participate in a forum with opposing points of view are seen as a challenge to the consensus of the group, and they do not want their version of reality challenged.

Vicious, unsupported, and outright fabricated accusations permeate comment sections here, as do vulgar abuse and name-calling. Bullies hunt in packs. There is safety and strength in numbers. They are self-appointed protectors of their version of truth and detail. They are belligerent, usually in-your-face, combative, sarcastic, cynical, and project an air of superiority.

Having said that, I can see how and why former participants here with opposing points of view have been driven off, or have elected to move on.

I have not yet been driven from here by the egregious behavior of the “good old boys” gang here, but I will be out of town for a week or so starting Sunday. This I am sure will please the lot of you as you can resume your circle-jerk of smug mutual admiration.

Love, North-Country girl :-*

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/15/14 at 00:55:24

Forum bullies fully feel immune to attack. They state their opinion regardless of accuracy or consequence, knowing full well that they can always count on the support of their circle of bullies to support them and back them up.

Simply a matter of " POint of view".. You believe yourself to be correct & abused by morons,, I disagree..

YOure OHH so happy to pretend you support "Scientific consensus",,

while the topic is climate..

I wonder what scientists say about WHEN human life begins..
Im betting its when the sperm & egg meet,,& the egg is fertilized, not 9 months later.,,

Title: Re: North Country
Post by mpescatori on 05/15/14 at 07:28:57

Having said that, I can see how and why former participants here with opposing points of view have been driven off, or have elected to move on.

I have not yet been driven from here by the egregious behavior of the “good old boys” gang here, but I will be out of town for a week or so starting Sunday. This I am sure will please the lot of you as you can resume your circle-jerk of smug mutual admiration.

NC, I'm a guy BUT I also live on the other side of the Pond.

There used to be a Brit around here, who rode a Kawasaki KLR650, but he's gone, nice Forum but wrong bike.

There used to be a guy known as "Gyrobob" who posted delirious posts supporting a book "Wheat Belly", all the science we presented as fact could not convince him "a book is not science".

When I pointed out his "scientist" simply copied fair and square from a French book, he turned from propaganda to insult.

I have personally come eye-to-eye (internetwise) with one or two Forum members, that doesn't mean I will waive visiting the US if I can afford it once again.
If we happen to meet in real life, fine, we'll talk and discuss and share a beer and a steak, why not? We also promised fistfuls to each other, but as we grow old we often waive that strenuous activity to the younger generation.
Normally, those who are name-callers on the web turn out to have guts like a wet paper bag.

Of course, you are free to post your opinions.

You must convene, however, that your extreme courteousness has raised a few eyebrows, and you will have learned by now that you appeared a very short time after a rather unpleasant fellow disappeared.

1+1 = 2 very often; a mathematician will tell you 1+1 = 10 sometimes, but it is an exception, not the rule.

Go ahead and have your week off, we'll keep the TT warm for you.

PS Never mind a pic of yourself, how about a pic of your bike ?

Here's me

Here's my Savage

And this is my dark side

Now show yourself. Fully clothed, possibly...  :D

Title: Re: North Country
Post by WebsterMark on 05/15/14 at 08:54:35

Hey mpes, I'm going to be on your side of the pond, in Sweden next week.
Home office has a RD lab in Trosa, down by the coast. I hear it's beautiful. Ever been to Sweden?

Title: Re: North Country
Post by North Country on 05/15/14 at 21:39:10

Gentlemen, I am trying to post a picture but this is all I get? What am I doing wrong?

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Serowbot on 05/15/14 at 22:41:53

I fixed it for ya', North...
Go into "modify" on your post to see what I did...
Basically,... just right-click on the photo you want to post, and select "copy image location"...
Then, paste it between the brackets...

http://aste code here

Lookin' good there, North... now everyone knows who their mad at...
You look much less angry than we thought... ;D...
We all really want to see yer' motycicle now, too...
Not just for proof that you own one... we really do like bikes...
Especially Savages...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/15/14 at 22:46:28

4E7C7B6A6D7C6B54786B72190 wrote:
Hey mpes, I'm going to be on your side of the pond, in Sweden next week.
Home office has a RD lab in Trosa, down by the coast. I hear it's beautiful. Ever been to Sweden?

An RD lab would have to be a fun place. A REALLY well equipped RD lab would hafta have an RD 400 handy,, which would make the place a REAL load of fun,,

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/15/14 at 22:49:53

5C4345425F5869596951434F04360 wrote:
[quote author=3A2C3B263E2B263D490 link=1398396721/75#76 date=1400218913]I fixed it for ya', North...
Go into "modify" on your post to see what I did...
Basically,... just right-click on the photo you want to post, and select "copy image location"...
Than, paste it between the
http://aste code here

Lookin' good there, North... now everyone knows who their mad at...
You look much less angry than we thought...
We all really want to see yer' now, too...
Not just for proof that you own one... we really do like bikes...
Especially Savages...
;D ;D ;D...

You look much less angry than we thought...[/quote]

Who could look angry THERE? Where is that? Thats a beautiful place.
Who took the pic?

Title: Re: North Country
Post by mpescatori on 05/15/14 at 23:52:08

1D2F28393E2F38072B38214A0 wrote:
Hey mpes, I'm going to be on your side of the pond, in Sweden next week.
Home office has a RD lab in Trosa, down by the coast. I hear it's beautiful. Ever been to Sweden?

No...  :-/ never...

I was supposed to ride all the up to the North Cape (known as Nordkapp throughout Europe) it is a true motorcyclist's dream and... pilgrimage, if you will.

Unfortunately, family matters want me to stay in Rome throughout the summer...  :-[
NordKapp, 70°58[ch8242]41[ch8243]N or [ch65279]70.97806°N latitude ...  :o


Title: Re: North Country
Post by mpescatori on 05/16/14 at 00:05:27

363E3F212F294C0 wrote:

Gentlemen, I am trying to post a picture but this is all I get? What am I doing wrong?

OMG is that a Valkyrie ?


No, it's an Amazon !


No, it's a Banshee !

Pretty one, too !  8-)

OK, North Country, now we need a more feminine, ladylike nickname... you sound like the Marlboro Man !!!


Please, no offense meant, but... really...  ;)  else, you'll scare all the boys away !!!  


;D ;D ;D ...  :-*

Title: Re: North Country
Post by North Country Girl on 05/16/14 at 20:13:49

Mr. guy 2, that picture was taken at Emerald Lake, Estes Park Colorado - Vacation 2913. Hubby took the picture.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by North Country Girl on 05/16/14 at 20:34:46

4 weeling Az. 2013

Title: Re: North Country
Post by thumperclone on 05/16/14 at 22:51:45

you look a lot like my tg sis in law
no offence intended
if you are hope it doesn't add fuel to the moron posters fire

Title: Re: North Country
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/17/14 at 09:25:25

The "2" is there because of forum difficulties. I am just JoG.. Justin_o_guy,, cuz I AM just an ol guy.. So, please, call me Justin, or JoG, BUt the 2 in not necessary.

Title: Re: North Country
Post by North Country Girl on 05/17/14 at 19:08:25

Will do Mr. JOG.  :)

Title: Re: North Country
Post by North Country Girl on 06/09/14 at 19:53:25

Hello, dear sirs, just a note to let you fine gentlemen know that I am still here and still reading your posts
Silly boys, there is just so much BS here to respond to that I simply do not have enough spare time to even attempt to refute your… umm, let’s just call them your beliefs and ideas. (No offence intended gentlemen).

Here is a picture of my bike. S40 2005 purchased as new in 2007, (if this photo thingie works).

Title: Re: North Country
Post by shorty on 06/09/14 at 20:33:03

why associate yourself with people you find uninformed? You must enjoy arguments, we enjoy camaraderie and mutual respect even if we don't agree. The common ground here is motorcycles.  ::)

At the very least can you talk motorcycles on this motorcycle forum?
this way we can enjoy your membership  ;)

Title: Re: North Country
Post by Serowbot on 06/09/14 at 22:47:26

Shorty, Shorty, Shorty...
Do you mean to say, you're in the TT,... but you don't like to argue?... ;D...

I do hope North stays around,... and I hope you all want her here too...
I been ridin' this this lopsided pony too long by myself...

I mean...
Where would you guys be without me to beat up on?...   :-?...

Do you think you can handle just one more opposing voice?...
...or are you already overwhelmed by a an opposition of one?...
Be gentlemen,.. and use your intellect...  ;)...

Title: Re: North Country
Post by shorty on 06/10/14 at 05:06:51

I'll try to be more gentle, there is a way to disagree with respect  ;)

Title: Re: North Country
Post by North Country Girl on 06/11/14 at 20:25:40

Thank you Mr. Sero, and also to you Mr. Shorty.

“I'll try to be gentler in my posts, there is a way to disagree with respect.”  Mr. Shorty

The question is, Is there a polite alternative to "We'll just have to agree to disagree" that can be used as an exit strategy from a hopefully friendly debate when a person feels they've said all they have to say and no longer wishes to press the point, but doesn't wish to "walk out of the room and slam the door" or imply "having the last word"?

The challenge is in learning how to find a peaceful approach when tempers flare because you have extremely different and conflicting attitudes, beliefs, values, and opinions.

This sort of a kinder and more respectful approach is so very much nicer than the outrage and name calling that has been prevalent here.

And so, let’s try again.  :) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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