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New Bundy thread... (Read 534 times)
North Country Girl
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Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #45 - 04/24/14 at 21:31:27

How do you like your blue-eyed boy now?


“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro ... because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.” End quote.

So this Welfare Rancher complains about any African American receiving govt. assistance???? The irony...

A spokesman for Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.), who had previously hailed Bundy and his supporters as "patriots," rebuked the rancher's racist remarks, saying the senator “completely disagrees with Mr. Bundy’s appalling and racist statements, and condemns them in the most strenuous way.”

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who said he supported Bundy in an interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren earlier this week, denounced Bundy's racist remarks Thursday, Business Insider reports.

"His remarks on race are offensive and I wholeheartedly disagree with him," Paul said, according to a spokesman.

This is the essence of many of your belief systems here on - never forget many of their ancestors' wealth was acquired from slavery.
Bundy's statement is mainly the same thing Republicans say everyday. That is why I am not moved by people like Rand Paul coming out and saying they disagree with Bundy.

How many times have we heard similar statements from elected Republican leaders? A few weeks ago Paul Ryan claimed that the real problem for African-Americans was that a whole generation of black men had grown up not knowing the value of work. The idea that black people were better off as slaves has been a theme running through the Republican Party for years. In addition, a Republican at either the Tea Party Convention or the Republican National Convention claimed that white people had nothing to apologize for with regards to slavery because slavery had provided a roof over the heads of black slaves. Finally, Republicans like Ronald Reagan have been using the idea of lazy black people on the government dole to attempt to win and win elections for decades.

I wonder... What would have been the response of Hannity and all the other republican gasbags if the story broke as "liberal democrat caught illegally grazing cattle on federal lands."

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Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #46 - 04/25/14 at 00:30:14
Youve got REAL problems with comprehension.,,You WANT to hear racism there, Youre the racist if you do,,because that man isnt a racist. Youve listened to the media, Ive LISTENED to him, for more than an hour, being interviewed. He is the most humble, gentle, kind man. & Nothing he said was racist,,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #47 - 04/25/14 at 07:48:26
North Country Girl wrote on 04/24/14 at 17:22:42:
"no one who thinks the civil war was about slavery or treason hasn't a brain cell in their head."

What else would you call a rabble uprising of slave owning people determined to destroy the United States of America??

Sometimes I wish the USA would have let the south go. 150 years later the south is still a thorn in America’s side, sucking in more Federal dollars than they pay in taxes. They are welfare states of which the northern states are unfortunately obligated to pay their way.

I am very certain you would not be willing to anything different from me. But you owe it to yourself to consider digging beyond 5th grade social studies to find the truth about that time period.  The south, the war was never about "destroy the United States of America". That is utter non-sense, and you do you self a dis-service by saying such things.

The war was over STATES RIGHTS. The states lost. Notice I did not say the south lost, that is self-evident, the STATES lost, all states, and the power they once had has become the property of the Federal government.  To me it really is rather an interesting topic: for instance The question:
Is the Constitution meant to limit the Federal Government? meaning that all powers not assigned by it are kept for the states?  
Is the Constitution a foundation, on which new powers not otherwise assigned to the states is defaulted to the Federal government.

That ONE question... still unanswered by law.. was the basis for the South to see their position as legal.  

As to rabble: Robert E. Lee, as well as generals on both sides were anything but rabble. These were BY ALL ACCOUNTS the best of the best From the US Military Academy at West Point. It is a great loss, that so much talent (again on both sides) was wasted on such a war.

Now... if you really want to read something interesting.. and I leave it to you do find such. Read what the Supreme Court wrote AFTER the Civil War as the correct LEGAL position of the Union, and for the United States of America.  

As to South sucking down federal dollars.. so true! Yet, you can credit that with the failed Reconstruction Era.... and the death of Abraham Lincoln. The vast bulk of southern men from the war died or left. The people running the south are all carpet baggers. That is northerners that came in with dollars to continue the pillaging. It continues to this day, (in effect) with all dollars drawn out of the south and sent up to the north east to land owners.  

History is written by the winner. But in time... and with digging, it is possible to find more truth than is offered to school children. It makes the time no less though, nor does it clear up a "right and wrong" side. Slavery was no more an issue to that war than Tea ( Boston tea party) was to the US revolution.
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Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #48 - 04/25/14 at 08:34:59
"... because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked.

Bundy, is a 20 year welfare cheat, to the tune of $1.2million in free handouts he wasn't allowed...
Taking an unfair advantage using your dollars...
Others ranchers feed their own cattle, from their own pockets...

.. and, his statement is racist... this is even acknowledged by the likes of Rand Paul, and Hannity, amongst others...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #49 - 04/25/14 at 08:41:14
NC, use REASON,,IF Indeed the fight was about slavery, then wouldnt the Emancipation Proclamation have been at the beginning of the war?

Again, youve been educated by a system with an agenda. Youve GOT to educate yourself & be ready to accept that youve been lied to over & over in order to get to the truth. Ohh,, & By the way, its a painful journey at first. Gets easier, tho..

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause."
Abraham Lincoln

Now, you still insist it was about slavery?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #50 - 04/25/14 at 09:08:22
It doesn't matter if Bundy is racist or not. Martin Luther King was a serial adulterer. JFK basically raped girls in the White House swimming pool. And we don't even need to talk about Bill Clinton do we? I'm pretty sure you're not going to disown what you consider to be their positive achievements are you? Bundys issues are still valid regardless of his racist point of view.
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Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #51 - 04/25/14 at 09:26:05
Paraquat wrote on 04/22/14 at 09:20:18:
I tried arguing this when activists were described as "Eco-terrorists".

If you photographed a cow being mishandled you be labeled as such.

Paraquat wrote on 10/04/13 at 06:18:10:
I think you're taking me too literally, Midnight.

I'm saying the government has created blanket terms to define who is and is not a terrorist.

Take for example the ag gag I posted about previously:
Terrorists forfeit their rights.
Suspension of Habeas Corupus etc.
But how do you define a terrorist?
A terrorist is someone you point at and say "s/he's a terrorist".
With such loosey goosey definitions you could suspend anyone's rights and indefinitely detain them, nearly at will with no repercussions because there is no trial.

Now, the ag gag. A cease of agricultural discussions.
An individual who photographs the inhumane treatment of animals is now labeled as an "ecological terrorist". There's the magic word.
So the peace, love, tranquility beatnik hippie who was merely photographing an animal mill is now subject to indefinite detainment, suspension of rights, etc.



I think this is more to the point than anything about Bundy. The BLM has decided to use functions here-to-fore used by agencies seeking to protect either high ranking government officials or the public at large, when local law enforcement was thought to be insufficient. Thus the Secret Service uses it to protect the president, or president candidates ( such as at primaries) or for large event such as the superbowl.
For the BLM to use that sets a horrendous precedent. This is not a party thing... its a government thing. Use of "First Amendment Areas" in order to deny public knowledge of a government action is not good.
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #52 - 04/25/14 at 10:32:58
Your point is spot on afaic, However, smearing someone as Racist is the first step toward demonizing them & stripping them of Righteous Support.. Its a LIE. He isnt racist,. Ive listened to HIM talk,, I didnt listen to what others said he said. I KNOW what he said & I am smart enough to know that even tho his words arent perfectly PC, what he SAID was in support of minorities. He has no problem with people based on where their great grandparents were born,,Imagine the stupidity required to believe that the value of a person could be determined by where their ancestors were born! Does tha man actually seem that stupid? Not to me,, & what he SAID proves it to me,,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #53 - 04/25/14 at 10:41:39
now the media (media being govt spokesperson) will paint Bundy a racist, therefore a demon worthy of imprisonment (or death)

remember the Waco mess? The govt painted them all as child molesters and then parked an APC over the escape hatch killing all the women & children from smoke inhalation

1st amendment area? WTF is that? doesn't sound like free press to me
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #54 - 04/25/14 at 10:50:06
Free Speech Area,, pretty much the most Anti-American idea Ive seen.. Anyone who supports such I see as someone who has burned their citizenship card & gone to the side of tyrants,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #55 - 04/25/14 at 11:13:31
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #56 - 04/25/14 at 13:30:23

In case that one didnt get past the taught inability to grasp the meaning of what the man said.

I sure hope the brainwashed learn to read & think for themselves instead of just accepting what theyre told. Ohh,, & I Told ya so,,,
Please dont go away NC, I dont want any of the left to leave. We cant help you guys peel the wool off your eyes if ya leave. Its a LOT harder to pull the wool off of peoples eyes than to pull it over their eyes. Once people believe something they tend to want to defend their beliefs even when theyve been laid bare & the lies exposed, because they dont want to admit theyve been conned.,.
Looked up Margaret Sanger yet?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #57 - 04/26/14 at 18:03:12
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #58 - 04/27/14 at 01:08:50
Maher? AS If that jerk cares about the truth,,
I wont even look till I have an idea why ..
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: New Bundy thread...
Reply #59 - 04/27/14 at 06:32:12
How many times have we heard similar statements from elected Republican leaders? A few weeks ago Paul Ryan claimed that the real problem for African-Americans was that a whole generation of black men had grown up not knowing the value of work. The idea that black people were better off as slaves has been a theme running through the Republican Party for years. In addition, a Republican at either the Tea Party Convention or the Republican National Convention claimed that white people had nothing to apologize for with regards to slavery because slavery had provided a roof over the heads of black slaves. Finally, Republicans like Ronald Reagan have been using the idea of lazy black people on the government dole to attempt to win and win elections for decades.

I realize it's no surprise that this garbage coming out of "Ms. North County"'s mouth is all lies, but it's staggering the brainwashing the liberal media and entertainment culture has done to Americans. Whomever the Republicans put up for President in 2016 will be called a racist in one fashion or another......   watch for it and you'll see it everywhere, but if you to examine it closely, you'll find no greater % of racist on the conservative side as you would on the liberal side; with the help of their liberal allies, they just hide it better.

Along those lines, listen to the recording of the LA Clippers owner.... what a moron... How a guy could make that much money and be that stupid should give anyone who wants to move ahead hope they can. He simply worked harder to get ahead a little, saved his money, got into real estate and over the years, made millions. He clearly things of people as property.... he's going to die a very 'poor' man....   Classic case of someone thing money is the be all to end all. It aint. I've been dirt poor and I've been not poor, it's better to be not poor, but it doesn't change who you are.
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