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Enough is Enough. (Read 654 times)
Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #45 - 11/29/10 at 11:05:43

Have you gone over the deep end?  I can't believe that you don't just deal with reality, rather than hunting for a ghost or a witch under every bed, and looking for some sinister conspiracy when our law enforcement agencies do their job, and do it very well.

Simple - a criminal planned a horrific attack, but thanks to the efforts of our FBI, they fooled him and caught him.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #46 - 11/29/10 at 11:16:55
Jerry Eichenberger wrote on 11/29/10 at 05:49:21:
For those of you who feel tat there is no real threat, what about the guy (Muslim) they arrested in Portland, Oregon over th eweekend who was planning to blow up a huge bomb inside a van at the city's Christmas tree lighting ?

When asked if he knew if there would be lots of children there, he said of course he knew it - they were his target.

These are evil people who will kill anyone and everyone to make their point.

What does this have to do with groping and peeping by the TSA? Surely you're not suggesting that children and soccer moms visiting SantaLand should submit to the same level of screening.

There's a "real threat" allright.  Mostly due to two things:

1. Foreigners hate US involvement in their countries that tends to get them slaughtered in numbers a terrorist could only dream of, and

2. Terrorists know that a single attack will make US citizens go into expensive, humiliating and useless conniptions for DECADES after the event.

As an aviation guy you should know that the only thing necessary to make a passenger airplane every as safe from hijackings as say, a FedEx cargo plane is to put a solid bulkhead between the cockpit and passengers.  Or failing that, at least get a good lock for the door and use it every time.  Why all this ridiculous security-theater instead?  Because the TSA and government policymakers in general are control freaks.  If you support this kind of crap, you're playing right into both the hands of the terrorists and the bicycle seat sniffers running the TSA.  And probably not enhancing safety in the long run, due to reason #2 above.  This is not fuzzy peace-and-love hippy BS, it's just a more comprehensive look at the whole security game.  

Unfortunately, the airlines are now separated from their market in regards to security, so they cannot respond to decreased air travel by making the screening process less intrusive.  Even so, I hope a great number of people arrange their lives so they can quit flying.  Then maybe after a very long time, and in a very roundabout way, an airline passenger will again be able to fly with some dignity.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #47 - 11/29/10 at 11:36:42
Boule'tard -

You miss my point - this Muslim freak (did you see his picture on TV, a freak) wanted to blow up a few hundred kids and parents.

Yet, TSA will super screen an 80 year old grandmother rather than profile these animals.  That's my point - profile them ( the real threat mongers) 100%.  If they don't like it, screw 'em.

Before Lifter goes on his soapbox, yes, McVey was a WASP, and few crumbs will fall thru the cracks of any system, but why let people of a class known to be dangerous fall through?

I'd do the same for a Skinhead if I saw one too - it's not about race, it's about what certain people will do.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #48 - 11/29/10 at 11:59:56
mick wrote on 11/29/10 at 11:02:25:
A recent Harvard Medical school study found that nearly 45,000 Americans die each year ,one every 12 minutes- largely because they lack health insurance.But for the insurance lobby,The only tragedy is the prospect of true health care reform .In 2009,the nation's health insurance corporations funneled more $86 million to the US chamber of commerce to oppose reform.This year,the nation's five largest insurers contributed three times as much money to republican candidates as to Democrats,in the effort to further roll back insurance reform. Rep.Anthony Weiner D-N.Y., an advocate of single-payer health care , Declared in congress that "The republican Party is a wholy owned subsidiary of the insurance industry."
Potter agrees,saying the Republican Party has "been almost bought and paid for."

Tell me they aint a bunch of fu+king crooks
How does it feel to be a republican and responsable for one dead American every 12 minutes ?

No comment Jerry ?
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #49 - 11/29/10 at 12:09:45
Mick -

Sorry, not much worthy of comment when you're quoting a speech by some Dem from New York, or from some egghead at Harvard.

I'll never change my mind about a gov't single payor system - I like private insurance.

No matter what any university sponsored "survey" may show, there is always one to the contrary somewhere.

I've never been ill treated by any insurance company for any type of claim in my lifetime, be it a health insurance claim, a property insurance claim, or whatever.
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Jerry Eichenberger
Columbus, Ohio
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #50 - 11/29/10 at 12:17:24
Mick -

Just an example of what I spokje of earlier.  Here in Ohio about a year or so ago, the remnants of Hurricane Ike came raring thru with about 70 mph winds.

We had a few shingles blown off of our roof at home.  My wife called our home insurance company, expecting to get those shingles replaced.

The adjuster came out, measured the damaged area which was fairly small, about 10 by 15 feet, but on the front side of the roof where you plainly see it from the road.

A few days later the adjuster called and told her that with the age of our roof and how shingles normally fade from sunlight and rain wearing on them, new shingles there would stick out like a sore thumb.  He then said that the company would pay for a new roof, and about 10 days later, a check for $22,000 showed up in the mail.  We got a completely new roof on the entire house.  We dealt with one person, not some line of gov't bureaucrats.

Back in 2004 when I had the 2 stents put in my heart, out of a total bill of about $48,000, I think we paid maybe $1,000.

That's just typical of my experience with insurance companies from the few claims we've made over the years.  I like private insurance.
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Jerry Eichenberger
Columbus, Ohio
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #51 - 11/29/10 at 12:28:08
Mick -

Here's another example of how heartless insurance companies have dealt with claims.

My wife owns an aviation insurance agency.  She had a client who wrecked a small, 2 seat airplane called a Luscombe.  But the story is unusual.

This airplane was worth about $17,000.  The owner who wrecked it had looked high and low, trying to find the SAME airplane that his father had owned when the current owner was a child.  He finally tracked it down and paid dearly for it, more than it was worth, to get this airplane back in the family.

On his third flight in it, he wrecked it, but no one was injured.  The airplane was a total loss, meaning it would cost more to fix it than the airplane was worth when fixed.

When the adjuster talked with my wife, and she told him the story of the owner's tracking down the very airplane that his father had once owned, the adjuster said that made his life very simple - the insurance company would pay the cost to fix the plane rather than total it so the insured could continue to have his dream fulfilled of owning what had been his father's plane.

Heartless, wouldn't you say?  darned insurance companies, after all.

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Jerry Eichenberger
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mornhm - FSO
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #52 - 11/29/10 at 12:58:27

Maybe it helps to have a wife in the industry.

Under very similar circumstances to what you describe with your roof, this is what happened to me. Got a good chunk of shingles blew off the back of my house (enough to cause leaks inside. The insurance person (not sure if they are called an adjuster, estimator, inspector, or something else) came out and said the shingles would have to be replaced and that most likely half the roof would need to be replaced, and gave me a damage estimate. I got quotes from several contractors who all said that half the roof would need to be replaced. I called the insurance company who said I needed three quotes. I said I had three quotes, but probably would need to get some immediate protection in case it rained again. The person I talked to at the insurance company said that the paperwork wasn't "through" and that it "was up to you (me) to mitigate damages" if I couldn't get someone to repair the roof. The lowest quote for repair was lower than the insurance companies estimate and the contractor was available because almost everyone with roof damage was still trying to get things worked through with their insurance company so I went ahead and had the work done. When I sent the bill to the insurance company, the same person that I talked to before said that they wouldn't allow the bill, because I didn't allow time for their person (the person that came out in the first place) to come out and re-inspect the damage???
After a few back and forths, they said that they would only allow a portion of the bill. The amount that they disallowed was almost the exact amount that my lawyer said that it would cost to sue them (and win). He estimated that I would end up spending a couple of days in court. I had been using this same insurance company since I got my first car back in the 70s. I decided to pull all my insurance with them (including my business policies). The premiums they lost in the first six months would have been more than the total cost of the roof. Needless to say my agent wasn't really happy, but the adjuster couldn't care less.

I have since found out that the adjusters at this company receive compensation based on the amount that they can reduce claims. They are independent of the premium side of the business.

My experiences with health care companies is even worse. All insurance companies care about is their bottom line.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #53 - 11/29/10 at 13:27:21
Mornhm -

Like all businesses and professions, there are good and bad in the insurance industry.

First, my wife's business has no connection at all to our home insuruer - they don't even know what she does for a living.  Aviation insurance has no connection to any other form of coverage.

Some advice - before you purchase any insurance, do a little homework on their cliams payment philosophy.

Don't deal with companies that use outside adjustment firms that get paid based upon saving claims dollars - deal only with companies who have  in-house adjusters who are employees of the insurer.

Like all purchases, a little homework and research in advance of the buy will pay off in the end.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #54 - 11/29/10 at 13:53:53
Jerry you just proved what is wrong with private insurance,You shouldn't have got a hold new roof put on,That why premiums are high,And the over pay for the airplane.Their just as crooked as our government.
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william h krumpen
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #55 - 11/29/10 at 14:05:48
Gee, Bill -

Now I know what "crooked" means to you - doing something above and beyond to be nice to your customer.

Interesting definition.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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mornhm - FSO
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #56 - 11/29/10 at 14:09:25

See my comments below.

By the way, my opinion in all of this is that the insurance industry doesn't have the best interest of the country or their customers as their primary interest. Which also in my opinion is why we should get them out of the health care debate entirely.

Jerry Eichenberger wrote on 11/29/10 at 13:27:21:
Some advice - before you purchase any insurance, do a little homework on their cliams payment philosophy.
My guess is that over 30+ years their philosophy has changed, from most of the stories I hear, their philosophy isn't much different from any other insurer's. Maybe your advice would help, but I guess I'm not sure what company to choose: a really small company with a zero complaint to premium ratio, or a big company with a small but still very significant ratio. As far as philosophy, I don't know how you would find that out. The only reason I know what the adjuster's compensation is based on is a conversation with a friend who worked for the same company. It's not something that the sales agents are likely to bring up with prospective clients

The insurance industry as a whole is rated as very poor based on numbers of complaints.

Don't deal with companies that use outside adjustment firms that get paid based upon saving claims dollars - deal only with companies who have  in-house adjusters who are employees of the insurer.
This was definitely a adjuster who worked for the same company, the company just rewards the adjusters for reducing dollars paid out, and makes the agents responsible for sales.

Like all purchases, a little homework and research in advance of the buy will pay off in the end.

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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #57 - 11/29/10 at 14:23:16
Mornhm -

One way to find out is not to deal with insurance companies that have "captive" agents - agents who are employees of only that one insurer.  Always use an independent agent who represents multiple companies, then ask him/her the pertinent questions.

The independent agent can steer you to the insurer that best suits your needs, AND in the meantime still keep your business.  Not so with the captive agent.

Also, premium is only one factor - the old saying of "you get what you pay for" can be applicable in insurance too.  I'm always surprised when someone (not necessarily you) buys the cheapest policy he can find, then wonders why he may not get first rate claims service.  You don't buy an Armani suit at WalMart.  Seriously, sometimes just a few bucks per year's premium can make a huge difference in the quality of coverage, and claims service, that you will get.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #58 - 11/29/10 at 14:43:13
Jerry Eichenberger wrote on 11/29/10 at 11:36:42:
Boule'tard -

You miss my point - this Muslim freak (did you see his picture on TV, a freak) wanted to blow up a few hundred kids and parents.

Yet, TSA will super screen an 80 year old grandmother rather than profile these animals.  That's my point - profile them ( the real threat mongers) 100%.  If they don't like it, screw 'em.

Before Lifter goes on his soapbox, yes, McVey was a WASP, and few crumbs will fall thru the cracks of any system, but why let people of a class known to be dangerous fall through?

I'd do the same for a Skinhead if I saw one too - it's not about race, it's about what certain people will do.

Jerry, if your point was that there should be profiling, I did miss that and don't think it is a good idea.  The problem with profiling (besides bad aesthetics) is that it backfires on implementation. You'd have to objectively define and codify the criteria by which to judge a book by its cover.  That has to be done to generate the policy. Let's see What are your options are:

By religion? Good luck ramming that one through.. all religions are "religions of peace" don't you know.  One squawk for "equal rights" and the TSA will be sniffing your crotch right along with Muslims. You simply will not get special treatment focused on people on the basis of religion.  Even if you could, how would it be tracked, by a church registry? Would that not be the easiest thing in the world to fake.  This idea, fairly applied, would mean that people who don't indulge in beliefs in an afterlife/eternal rewards AT ALL are the ones who would pass through the TSA express line. Not even that has any chance whatsoever of being implemented.

The passenger looks "freaky" - what exactly does that mean, and who gets to decide what constitutes freaky, and how much freakyness is acceptable before the latex gloves come out? It falls back on the subjective opinion of a TSA employee.  It opens the door for the embarrassment that we have now, high school dropouts on a power-trip making travelers dance around in a certain way. Little dictators singling people out arbitrarily. There is not a single feature of appearance that can be used as an reliable index, and if there was, terrorists would just be sure to not have that feature.

The passenger "looks middle-eastern" - if you propose to use that, prepare to be tarred and feathered for outright bigotry.  Age discrimination doesn't work either - wasn't the shoe bomber pretty old?

Then there's the cracks, oh those pesky 0.001% cracks. Once the screening criteria are defined, so are the cracks.  The traits needed to avoid the screening are then known and can be exploited.  Terrorists will just use people and methods that bypass scrutiny.  What is now just a tiny little "crack" would become a chasm big enough to drive a truck full of ammonium nitrate through.

If you're thinking this stuff should all be kept a secret, kind of like the locations of certain US prisons and the interrogation methods and "special" trial procedures that get people thrown in them, then you've got constitutional problems and have probably fallen prey to the unprincipled douchebaggery that is all over TV.  You don't know what "certain people" are the "animals" or give a reliable way to identify them, yet you propose that they be hassled for trying to board a plane.  
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Re: Enough is Enough.
Reply #59 - 11/29/10 at 14:50:30
Jerry Eichenberger wrote on 11/29/10 at 12:09:45:
Mick -

Sorry, not much worthy of comment when you're quoting a speech by some Dem from New York, or from some egghead at Harvard.

I'll never change my mind about a gov't single payor system - I like private insurance.

No matter what any university sponsored "survey" may show, there is always one to the contrary somewhere.

I've never been ill treated by any insurance company for any type of claim in my lifetime, be it a health insurance claim, a property insurance claim, or whatever.

the thing is insurance company's are scared of you,   You being a lawyer an all. Average joe's like myself get screwed on a regular bases.When you fill out your application for insurance they always ask you your proffesion. Are they all egg heads at Harvard ? not your school I guess, if I had said it was a survey by the late ronald reagan,
it would be just fine. FOR PROFIT health care cannot work, then it's all about money,and nothing else.
There was a great movie on a couple of nights ago showing what realy bad people are who sell health insurance ,A Grisham novel "the Rainmaker " great writer and by all acounts a good lawyer.
Even Michael Moore scared the crap out of them ,after the movie "Sicko" came out , the insurance industry did every thing in their power to smear M.Moore. but it still won an acadamy award for best documentry, When it opened in Europe people thought it was a comedy, no one could believe a country like America was so backward
when it came to health care.
ooops,2 people died while I was writing this,because they have no health care .
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