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Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 2010 (Read 1045 times)
Serious Thumper

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Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 2010
08/09/10 at 20:29:08
Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 2010.

Burn the Confederate Flag Day is a protest against the right's exploitation of racial prejudice for political gain. We urge you to burn the Confederate flag, a long-time symbol of racial hatred, on Sept 12, the date when the racially-divisive Tea Party holds its annual hate fest.

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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #1 - 08/09/10 at 20:59:09
can I burn tea instead??  tea bags maybe? what if I make them spell out something witty and set them on fire in the view of the tea party ??
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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #2 - 08/09/10 at 23:03:13
Since Abe and the new Republican Party did such a good trashing the Constitution of the United States, maybe they should burn that.
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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #3 - 08/10/10 at 01:58:59
Jeez! that was 150 years ago. get a life. what you gonna burn next the american flag cause we want to protect our borders?
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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #4 - 08/10/10 at 02:03:34
Wanting to start another civil war are'nt you?
You do know the original reason for the states cecedeing from the union was the federal govt meddeling in the individual states buisness?
Slavery just kinda got added on to up the anty and stir up folks.(slavery was a BAD buisness, but thats not the point).
You know, kinda like the fed govt meddles in individual states buisness now days, like in arizona.
Id be REAL CAREFULL about where and around who i tried to burn the confederate flag. Theres a LOT of folks, especialy from the south that are just as protective of the confederate flag as the U.S. Flag.
He!! some even to refuse that the war is over still yet or that they lost.
And maybe, just maybe the tea party is the kick in the pants this country needs to get govt back in line.
Of the people and for the people. Not of the rich and for the rich and powerfull.
We're already on the road to socialism with our new man in the white house. The Tea Party sure could'nt do any worse then the dems or reps have done. A strong third party FOR the lil guy would definitely make things interesting and cause some changes.
Its all about 'Change' inst it? Roll Eyes
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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #5 - 08/10/10 at 02:16:05
.......protest against the right's exploitation of racial prejudice for political gain....

There isn't many things more pathetic than the left side of the political spectrum talking about exploitation of race seeing as how that's there only means of power. What the left has done to African Americans is unforgivable. You are simply awful, awful people.
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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #6 - 08/10/10 at 06:14:56
"What the left has done to African Americans is unforgivable. You are simply awful, awful people."

The left?? Are you nuts??

Webster my friend, I really like you and respect you because you are always a gentleman. Never getting too upset or nasty over issues or personalities. I like that.

However to you or others who defend the Confederate flag (of which we are seeing more and more of since a black man now occupies the white house.)
You my friends are perpetuating the hate that such a symbol represents. (Would you fly the swastika of the Nazi flag? or the stars on red of the communist flag of China on your lawn?)

I think not. So then why defend the confederate flag of sedition, hatred, and disgrace for this country and all peoples of the world?

It just boggles the mind to think of it...
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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #7 - 08/10/10 at 06:29:37
Star; you are putting words in my mouth. I am not defending the Confederate flag per se and to link that flag with the Nazi flag is not right. Without a doubt, almost any racist sees that flag as a rallying point, but there are just as many people who see that flag differently and it's not fair to lump them all together. (but as a liberal, that's how you roll, I understand that) The Confedrate flag means nothing to me other than a historical artifact. I understand the emotions it brings up and I would never have one or ever fly one. If long hair, FM listening, maggot infested hippies living off their daddy's corporate money want to burn a US flag as a means to get laid, I understand that falls under free speech and I'm not going to try and stop them. But as usual, you lefties are always the ones forcing your viewpoint on others so go ahead and walk up to the nearest Bubba flying his flag and start dumping gas on it. Before you do, sign your Savage's title over to me, will ya? Ineed a couple spare parts..

And yes, you and your lefty brothers are doing your best to re-enslave the black race by replacing plantation owners with Democratic Congressmen and Senators. You really are awful people.
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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #8 - 08/10/10 at 06:35:13

You have any idea of what the Tenth Admendment says ?   It basily says " If it's not in the first Nine the it belongs to the States " !    

Wolfman is Sooooo Right about the War of 1860 (allso known as the War for the Tenth Admendment) .  
Federal Goverment vs State's Right's    ...  thats where the Brother against Brother stuff comes from.   Just becouse the Chicken Sh!t federalist would rather be lead like slaves instead of standing Free like Men and the fact that there were more folks willing to be "lead like slaves" in the country does'nt mean the Tenth Admendment is  Totaly Gone  (It is remembered by the Confederate Flag.)  
Any student of the constution knows where that war came from .

Like Paladin pointed out ;
    The first Repulican President was Abe !  

All in favor of a strong Third Party .... say "Strong States and Smaller Federal Goverments".

Hooray  for Arizona .!!!   a state with a Real Governor and Strong People.
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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #9 - 08/10/10 at 07:27:16
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Those who won the "War for Southern Independence" also called the  "War of Northern Aggression" proved that The Declaration of Independence was wrong.  
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drharveys - FSO
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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #10 - 08/10/10 at 08:03:30
At the onset of the United States Civil War (not to be confused with the British Civil War -- yeah, they had one too):

States Rights the secessionists were in favor of:

   1:    The right of a state to permit the practice of slavery within its borders

   2:    The right of a state to exclude enslaved persons, as well as free blacks from full citizenship

   3:    The right of states to "nullify" federal laws they disagreed with

States Rights the secessionists were opposed to:

   1:     The right of free states to assign freeman status to blacks who relocated to within their borders

   2:     The right of free states to "nullify" or fail to enforce fugitive slave laws

At the outset (NOT by the end of) of secession and hostilities, the major issue was the expansion of slavery into new territories and states.  The abolitionists were NOT in control of the federal government.  The abolition of slavery in areas where it was practiced at the time the Constitution was signed was NOT on the Northern agenda until later in the war.

Don't forget, the "border states", Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia, were slave states which remained in the Union.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #11 - 08/10/10 at 08:47:28
yea the idea and pratice of Slavery was on the way out no matter who won the war

A historan once told me of a  march in protest of the war started by the Firemen of NewYork.  It seemed they were in support of States having the right to leave the union and that federal troops shot and killed hundreds of them to "Disperce the Mob". or as I would say "put the flames of Freedom out befor they could spread".
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I see and feel the Holy Spirit in the world , as does anybody who has eyes to see. How far Man's corruption reaches into Organized Religion , we may never know
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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #12 - 08/10/10 at 09:09:02
I hate to step into one of these ugly-ass political threads, especially to do with colored pieces of cloth, but anyway..  Starlifter, I recommend you not burn a confederate flag.  You'll just piss off a bunch of people who have a different view of it, or worse, get your ass kicked by a bunch of rednecks.  

While you may think stars&bars=promotion of slavery, others just see it as a symbol of the right of autonomy, independence, (you know, the very principles America was founded on) that Lincoln sold out.  

Also consider peoples longer-term reaction to a flag burn.. a couple of weeks after this little event, there will probably be more confederate flags than ever.
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drharveys - FSO
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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #13 - 08/10/10 at 10:56:46
First, I do not support burning confederate flags -- in order to burn one, you have to buy one first, and do you really want to support the confederate flag making industry?

Second, let me recommend some books -- "Team of Rivals" by Doris Kearns Goodwin.  Great reading, and it really shows the development of the Union's war goals as the conflict proceeded.

Next, for the Jim Crow era, there's "Slavery by Another Name" by Douglas Blackmon, Atlanta Bureau Chief for the Wall Street Journal:

Finally, if you're in the mood for something a bit left of center (but still well documented and grounded in facts), there's "Lies My Teacher Told Me" and "Lies Across America", both by James Loewen:

There, enjoy your summer reading -- put one of these in your tank bag or backpack for when you get stuck at a truckstop during a downpour!   Grin
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Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Reply #14 - 08/10/10 at 10:59:31
the Tea Party can protest with Obama as hitler signs, I think StarLifter should be able to protest anyway he wants too
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