General Category >> The Cafe >> Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 2010

Message started by Starlifter on 08/09/10 at 20:29:08

Title: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 2010
Post by Starlifter on 08/09/10 at 20:29:08

Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 2010.

Burn the Confederate Flag Day is a protest against the right's exploitation of racial prejudice for political gain. We urge you to burn the Confederate flag, a long-time symbol of racial hatred, on Sept 12, the date when the racially-divisive Tea Party holds its annual hate fest.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by LostArtist on 08/09/10 at 20:59:09

can I burn tea instead??  tea bags maybe? what if I make them spell out something witty and set them on fire in the view of the tea party ??  

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Paladin. on 08/09/10 at 23:03:13

Since Abe and the new Republican Party did such a good trashing the Constitution of the United States, maybe they should burn that.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by stinger on 08/10/10 at 01:58:59

Jeez! that was 150 years ago. get a life. what you gonna burn next the american flag cause we want to protect our borders?

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Wolfman on 08/10/10 at 02:03:34

Wanting to start another civil war are'nt you?
You do know the original reason for the states cecedeing from the union was the federal govt meddeling in the individual states buisness?
Slavery just kinda got added on to up the anty and stir up folks.(slavery was a BAD buisness, but thats not the point).
You know, kinda like the fed govt meddles in individual states buisness now days, like in arizona.
Id be REAL CAREFULL about where and around who i tried to burn the confederate flag. Theres a LOT of folks, especialy from the south that are just as protective of the confederate flag as the U.S. Flag.
He!! some even to refuse that the war is over still yet or that they lost.
And maybe, just maybe the tea party is the kick in the pants this country needs to get govt back in line.
Of the people and for the people. Not of the rich and for the rich and powerfull.
We're already on the road to socialism with our new man in the white house. The Tea Party sure could'nt do any worse then the dems or reps have done. A strong third party FOR the lil guy would definitely make things interesting and cause some changes.
Its all about 'Change' inst it? ::)

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by WebsterMark on 08/10/10 at 02:16:05

.......protest against the right's exploitation of racial prejudice for political gain....

There isn't many things more pathetic than the left side of the political spectrum talking about exploitation of race seeing as how that's there only means of power. What the left has done to African Americans is unforgivable. You are simply awful, awful people.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Starlifter on 08/10/10 at 06:14:56

"What the left has done to African Americans is unforgivable. You are simply awful, awful people."

The left?? Are you nuts??

Webster my friend, I really like you and respect you because you are always a gentleman. Never getting too upset or nasty over issues or personalities. I like that.

However to you or others who defend the Confederate flag (of which we are seeing more and more of since a black man now occupies the white house.)
You my friends are perpetuating the hate that such a symbol represents. (Would you fly the swastika of the Nazi flag? or the stars on red of the communist flag of China on your lawn?)

I think not. So then why defend the confederate flag of sedition, hatred, and disgrace for this country and all peoples of the world?

It just boggles the mind to think of it...

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by WebsterMark on 08/10/10 at 06:29:37

Star; you are putting words in my mouth. I am not defending the Confederate flag per se and to link that flag with the Nazi flag is not right. Without a doubt, almost any racist sees that flag as a rallying point, but there are just as many people who see that flag differently and it's not fair to lump them all together. (but as a liberal, that's how you roll, I understand that) The Confedrate flag means nothing to me other than a historical artifact. I understand the emotions it brings up and I would never have one or ever fly one. If long hair, FM listening, maggot infested hippies living off their daddy's corporate money want to burn a US flag as a means to get laid, I understand that falls under free speech and I'm not going to try and stop them. But as usual, you lefties are always the ones forcing your viewpoint on others so go ahead and walk up to the nearest Bubba flying his flag and start dumping gas on it. Before you do, sign your Savage's title over to me, will ya? Ineed a couple spare parts..

And yes, you and your lefty brothers are doing your best to re-enslave the black race by replacing plantation owners with Democratic Congressmen and Senators. You really are awful people.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by MMRanch on 08/10/10 at 06:35:13


You have any idea of what the Tenth Admendment says ?   It basily says " If it's not in the first Nine the it belongs to the States " !    

Wolfman is Sooooo Right about the War of 1860 (allso known as the War for the Tenth Admendment) .  
Federal Goverment vs State's Right's    ...  thats where the Brother against Brother stuff comes from.   Just becouse the Chicken Sh!t federalist would rather be lead like slaves instead of standing Free like Men and the fact that there were more folks willing to be "lead like slaves" in the country does'nt mean the Tenth Admendment is  Totaly Gone  (It is remembered by the Confederate Flag.)  
Any student of the constution knows where that war came from .

Like Paladin pointed out ;
    The first Repulican President was Abe !  

All in favor of a strong Third Party .... say "Strong States and Smaller Federal Goverments".

Hooray  for Arizona .!!!   a state with a Real Governor and Strong People.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Paladin. on 08/10/10 at 07:27:16

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Those who won the "War for Southern Independence" also called the  "War of Northern Aggression" proved that The Declaration of Independence was wrong.  

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by drharveys on 08/10/10 at 08:03:30

At the onset of the United States Civil War (not to be confused with the British Civil War -- yeah, they had one too):

States Rights the secessionists were in favor of:

   1:    The right of a state to permit the practice of slavery within its borders

   2:    The right of a state to exclude enslaved persons, as well as free blacks from full citizenship

   3:    The right of states to "nullify" federal laws they disagreed with

States Rights the secessionists were opposed to:

   1:     The right of free states to assign freeman status to blacks who relocated to within their borders

   2:     The right of free states to "nullify" or fail to enforce fugitive slave laws

At the outset (NOT by the end of) of secession and hostilities, the major issue was the expansion of slavery into new territories and states.  The abolitionists were NOT in control of the federal government.  The abolition of slavery in areas where it was practiced at the time the Constitution was signed was NOT on the Northern agenda until later in the war.

Don't forget, the "border states", Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia, were slave states which remained in the Union.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by MMRanch on 08/10/10 at 08:47:28

yea the idea and pratice of Slavery was on the way out no matter who won the war

A historan once told me of a  march in protest of the war started by the Firemen of NewYork.  It seemed they were in support of States having the right to leave the union and that federal troops shot and killed hundreds of them to "Disperce the Mob". or as I would say "put the flames of Freedom out befor they could spread".

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Boule’tard on 08/10/10 at 09:09:02

I hate to step into one of these ugly-ass political threads, especially to do with colored pieces of cloth, but anyway..  Starlifter, I recommend you not burn a confederate flag.  You'll just piss off a bunch of people who have a different view of it, or worse, get your ass kicked by a bunch of rednecks.  

While you may think stars&bars=promotion of slavery, others just see it as a symbol of the right of autonomy, independence, (you know, the very principles America was founded on) that Lincoln sold out.  

Also consider peoples longer-term reaction to a flag burn.. a couple of weeks after this little event, there will probably be more confederate flags than ever.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by drharveys on 08/10/10 at 10:56:46

First, I do not support burning confederate flags -- in order to burn one, you have to buy one first, and do you really want to support the confederate flag making industry?

Second, let me recommend some books -- "Team of Rivals" by Doris Kearns Goodwin.  Great reading, and it really shows the development of the Union's war goals as the conflict proceeded.

Next, for the Jim Crow era, there's "Slavery by Another Name" by Douglas Blackmon, Atlanta Bureau Chief for the Wall Street Journal:

Finally, if you're in the mood for something a bit left of center (but still well documented and grounded in facts), there's "Lies My Teacher Told Me" and "Lies Across America", both by James Loewen:

There, enjoy your summer reading -- put one of these in your tank bag or backpack for when you get stuck at a truckstop during a downpour!   ;D

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by LostArtist on 08/10/10 at 10:59:31

the Tea Party can protest with Obama as hitler signs, I think StarLifter should be able to protest anyway he wants too

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by bill67 on 08/10/10 at 11:46:34

Do you really believe the whole south was for slavery.Are do you believe the rich plantation owners were for slavery.Do you believe the whole USA was for bombing Iraq are do you believe the rich ones that could benefit from it were for it.We do as our superiors have us do.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by weracerc on 08/10/10 at 13:09:17

burning a confedrate flag in protest to events that took place way before our time is a form defiling American History (good bad or ugly), in my opinion. I am from the Mid Atlantic almost southern US - I have seen and been around the CF since I was a little kid - it was painted on top of a car in a popular family TV show for years - it is just a part of Americana that everyone should learn to live with - if it has special meaning to you fine whether that special meaning is positive or negative just deal with it privately.......dont go burning a symbol of American History to prove some personal point - that kind of stuff does not make you look intellegent or make you a better person......protest some other way.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Wolfman on 08/10/10 at 13:14:11

And theres this small note.
If your wanting to muzzle the tea party,
and burn the confederate flag,
Are you NOT allowing fellow americans the Right to Free Speech?
Trying to impose YOUR will on others?(As the Union did)
THATS the main point!

If you want your rights respected and protected you have to protect and respect the rights of other americans. Even if their not yours.
I didnt vote for obama, dispise the man, and not because of his color.
Didnt agree with his views or his political agenda. Him being a pseudo communist(socialist) being one of the main reasons.
Dont condone slavery either. NO man should have that power over another. Ever!
BUT if you(or anyone else) wants to go after obama for his color or the stars and bars and burn it...well, im one of those americans your going to have to go through first to get to either one of them.

Obama was elected by majority vote, the american way. Per OUR Constitution.
The right to fly the confederate flag by an american is covered under  the right to free speech. Per OUR constitution.
You attack either one your attacking MY constitution of MY United States of America. And ME.
He!!, the Dems have been after the constitution for years, trying to make changes in it. Paticularly the Second Amendment.
Wonder why that one in paticular?

If you do some reading of history and about the constitution you'lll find the second amendment was put in place to protect the rights of the people, the constitution.
Not just so you can squirrel hunt or protect yourself from burglers.
To prevent ANY govt, foreign or domestic, from turning this country into a Monarchy or Dictatorship. Holding us all in relative slavery to a few in absolute power.
Makes you wonder what the dems would like to do with this country if they could ban firearms to the public.
(And you want to go after the Tea Party who whole heartedly support the second amendment and want to protect the rights of the lower and middle class? The Little man?)

As a side note: Did you know the Clintons even had plans drawn up to use United Nations troops on U.S. soil to confiscate private firearms and enforce a ban if they could have gotten it through?
If they could of done that what else would they have changed?
Term Limits in the White House.
The constitution itself?
The individual rights of the States?
And without an armed public, a well armed militia, who could of stopped them?? Something to think about, eh?
They also supported the One World Govt as well.
No thank you. Ill keep my govt national. Dont want no brit, frenchman or belgian telling me what to do.

You either have to support the WHOLE constitution and what it protects  or none of it.
There is no i like this amendment but dont like that amendment.
Just like your right to post this nonsense. I may not like it but it IS your right to post it, per free speech.

Your right to free speech is to say anything YOU want to as long as it 'brings harm to no other'. Per OUR constitution.

And one other note: Not all those supporting the protection of the stars n bars is a 'Bubba', or 'Redneck' you
Redneck was originaly kind of a term of honor denoteing a hard working man that worked outside in the sun. Hence the back of his neck was red from the sun due to his stance when working outside.
In the tobacco, rice, sugarcane and cotton fields.
Untill some YANKEE started useing it as a derogitory term. :P 8-)

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by drharveys on 08/10/10 at 13:19:14

The whole south was not for slavery -- but the leadership and legislatures were.  

There were Unionists throughout the South, just as there were secessionists in Northern states.  After all, it wasn't just the newly-free Blacks who greeted Abe Lincoln in Richmond:

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by WebsterMark on 08/10/10 at 13:19:28

lostartist says "the Tea Party can protest with Obama as hitler signs, I think StarLifter should be able to protest anyway he wants too"

so if San Francisco liberals burn Bush in effigy (and that was the mildest thing they did) you're cool with other liberals disgused as Tea Party members with Hilter signs. Okay, sounds like a fair trade.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by bill67 on 08/10/10 at 13:25:03

About 20 years ago A town near me had to take down Christianity scenes  of Christ in the manger because some jews didn't like it,I wouldn't call that freedom of expression.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by drharveys on 08/10/10 at 13:29:42

0A32313B303C335D0 wrote:
And one other note: Not all those supporting the protection of the stars n bars is a 'Bubba', or 'Redneck' you
Redneck was originaly kind of a term of honor denoteing a hard working man that worked outside in the sun. Hence the back of his neck was red from the sun due to his stance when working outside.
In the tobacco, rice, sugarcane and cotton fields.

Their necks were red because the white supervisors wore caps to distinguish them from the slaves, who wore woven "Panama" sun hats.

(Yes, the sun was so brutal in those fields that even Africans had to worry about sunburn!)

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by runwyrlph on 08/10/10 at 13:33:35

i saw on the history channel once that west virginia coal miners had a gunfight with Pinkerton enforcers in the hills.  the miners wore red bandanas around their necks to identify themselves, hence the term "redneck"  

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Paladin. on 08/10/10 at 13:40:14

I am a blue collar worker.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by drharveys on 08/10/10 at 13:42:55

52595C5C0607300 wrote:
About 20 years ago A town near me had to take down Christianity scenes  of Christ in the manger because some jews didn't like it,I wouldn't call that freedom of expression.

No one has ever objected to Christmas scenes in front of churches or private institutions.  Using public land to promote one religion violates the First Amendment.  

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by verslagen1 on 08/10/10 at 13:44:22

History books has it that okie clay stains and would eventually transfer to the neck... somehow.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Boule’tard on 08/10/10 at 13:50:18

I think the people Starlifter better watch out for are 'rednecks' by the more modern definition (intolerant, easily angered people looking to commit violence on those expressing provocative views) and not outdoor working stiffs who forgot their hat.  

Other than the intolerance part, I'd be proud to be called a redneck, for stuff like outdoor work, sunburns, driving a pickup, modifying exhaust systems, and a general resourceful sense of well, redneck-engineering  ;)

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by LostArtist on 08/10/10 at 13:55:34

764443525544536C40534A210 wrote:
lostartist says "the Tea Party can protest with Obama as hitler signs, I think StarLifter should be able to protest anyway he wants too"

so if San Francisco liberals burn Bush in effigy (and that was the mildest thing they did) you're cool with other liberals disgused as Tea Party members with Hilter signs. Okay, sounds like a fair trade.

your idea that liberals are infiltrating the tea party to make them look bad by protesting with hilter signs is quite amusing, it may be true someplace but when obama has been compared to hitler in mainstream media (fox news) and I know not all the hitler signs were just from the few liberal infiltrators that you claim. but what does it matter, you are clearly on one side and could not be pulled with a host of horses towards the middle and you think all liberals are evil and should be exiled from your sight because only you can be correct on every lil aspect of life.  

the tea party is a bunch of tools, they may think they are trying to get responsible government back but they will just end up replacing one irresponsible party with the other.  

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by bill67 on 08/10/10 at 14:02:12

My mother was a half breed her mother from ky. and dad from tenn. But only 25 miles apart.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by WebsterMark on 08/10/10 at 14:17:52

Dr. Harvey; I think many would say a nativity scene on public land does not promote one religion over another. To promote, it would seem the government would need to take a more certain step such as tax breaks for Baptist which would not be available to Jewish people for example. Carried to it's natural conclusion by extreme by anti-religion activists, I would assume they could demand crosses on national cemeteries be replaced with non-descript square markers. Does a cross on a grave at a national cemetery mean the US Government is promoting Christianity over say Islam?

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/10/10 at 15:53:44

all religion is rediculous,it should all be banned ,what a complete and utter waste of time.
Stop what you are doing and look around you, if there was a god is this the way he or she would run the world ? If so ,then he or she is doing a lousy job.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Starlifter on 08/10/10 at 18:06:59

Wow, I guess I opened another can of worms with my CF post...I guess I forgot how many racist there are on this board...Hmm, The war of northern aggression?? States rights over the federal government?? Well jeez I guess the war is indeed not over yet. And I also guess that's why the ignorant Bubbas, and Rednecks still fly the Confederate flag. Uh yeah, nothing to do with slavery, and oppression, just states rights and all that...Who do you think you are fooling? Were northern liberals born yesterday?? I think not. Are the Southern apologists strictly referring to the US constitution when they choose to break apart the United States of America??

Ha ha, I think not.

Get over it rednecks, Bubbas racist, etc...You lost the civil war..and yet after 145 years you still want to fly the banner of anti-Americanism, of sedition, of traitorous planning, of hate and intolerance...indeed of terrorism. sigh, I rest my case.

I would add that this country is being torn apart by teabaggers, racist's, anti-immigration folks, (who still want their lawns cut and their crops picked for slave wages.)

So yeah all you Sahara Palin for president types,,,we know you, and we are appalled at your ignorance.

The Confederate flag? Burn baby burn!

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by WebsterMark on 08/10/10 at 19:55:30

Star; you ooze class............

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/10/10 at 19:59:17

Star, when I came here in 67 I used to see bumper stickers that said

"The south will rise again" and this was in california,oddly enough I still see that sticker but not so often anymore.
I thought the call to arms was falling on deaf ears.
Or is it the tea party in disguise ?

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by BurnPgh on 08/10/10 at 20:21:42

Cant agree with you Star. Burn one if you want. you're just as likely to get pummeled as if you burned the US flag from someone or another but it seems you are lumping in a lot of different flyers of the confederate flag into one group of ignorant hicks. Some fly it for ("country")fashion, some fly it because they advocate states rights in relation to an overblown federal government, and some fly it because they hate catholics, mexicans, jews, blacks, chinese, and everyone else. Burning the US flag would cause ire in most of the US because we view it as symbol of our prosperity and a proud past of freedom and rebellion. Burning it elsewhere would be cause for celebration because it seen as a symbol of oppression by multinational corporations with military backing from our government against the interests of others. If you destroy a beloved symbol in the place where its beloved you're going to p!$$ someone off but you arent going to change anyones mind about how they view that symbol.  So  p!$$ away, but dont fool yourself that this action is going to do anything positive other than irritate people you may (or may not, once you get to the heart of world issues) disagree with.

Basically...pick your battles. You could be putting your passion to more productive uses to your sociopolitical end goals.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Boule’tard on 08/10/10 at 21:46:46

Right on BurnPgh.

The best that can come from this is a funny video of Starlifter trying the flag burn, hopefully in full riding gear.  :D

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by verslagen1 on 08/10/10 at 22:15:34

I wouldn't burn it, it represents a country whom people have died for.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/11/10 at 01:16:33

2528322B2233263523470 wrote:
Right on BurnPgh.

The best that can come from this is a funny video of Starlifter trying the flag burn, hopefully in full riding gear.  :D

I bet if Star tried to light the reb flag and his last match went out there would be plenty of supporters to help light the bloody thing.
I used to wonder why people got so upset watching a flag burn,it's a piece of cotten cloth,whats the big deal ? origionally the flag is a rallying place in times of battle the enemy have often used it to try and fool there enemy, Rally round the flag boys,and all that happy horse sh1t. So there you go lads another rallying point for more war,
Oh come on, lets have another one,Obama is pulling out of iraq,but leaving 50,000 troops as police men,Is it me or is this not realy pulling out ? if you are going to pull out PULL THE FU*CK OUT ,that way we will only have 5,000 dead and who knows how many wounded.
This war that no one wanted ,we were all lied to by our government
GWB should be hauled out and shot,no trial needed every one in the world knows what he did?
I'm sorry make that hanged ,the firing squad is to fast,that bastard.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by stinger on 08/11/10 at 01:25:47

Star, you have no right calling any of us in here a racist. People like you make most americans sick. we are the least racist of any country in the world. Please, name me one country in this world  that has more lax immigration laws than america. What a slap in the face to all of those american soldiers that died protecting our borders from those who would cause us harm by entering our country illegally. Same as when you go to bed tonight you will lock your front gate, lock up the car and house, make sure the alarms are on so you can keep out those who might enter without your permission. By the way, the 650 is a savage. My 02 has a war bonnet down each side of the tank. Out of political correctness you should sell yours and move to another country where they allow open borders. Good luck there for you and your family.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/11/10 at 03:24:27

Stinger,FYI I never lock my doors here in Oregon,I do sleep with a 357
magnum under my pillow,if my dog don't get em I will.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Horatio Hawkshaw on 08/11/10 at 06:05:28

Just a quick historical note: the Klan originated in 1865 as an enforcement arm of the Democrat party in an effort to keep blacks from voting for Republicans. They also murdered Republicans to keep them out of office. I'm trying to find an instance of any Republican-affiliated organization murdering a Democrat to keep them from running in an election, but I'm coming up goose eggs...

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by bill67 on 08/11/10 at 06:54:22

Robert Kennedy

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by buttgoat1 on 08/11/10 at 09:14:10

Star is free to burn a flag and I am free to burn a picture of the current occupant of the Whitehouse, his minions in Congress, the race baiting "leaders" Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and a picture of the late Byrd of WV with his quotes about Blacks.

as long as we are protesting against rascists, may as well be inclusive.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by drharveys on 08/11/10 at 09:22:37

OK, he wasn't running for office, but he was killed for publishing an anti-slavery newspaper:

Elijah P Lovejoy memorial, Alton Illinois

As for religious displays on public property, making public (supported by all) property available to ONE religious group is promoting that particular religion.  As long as the same forum is available for all religious or secular displays, the Supreme Court has ruled that such a display is permitted by the First Amendment, and I can live with that.

As for religious symbols on grave markers in military cemeteries, I think there are over twenty symbols which are permitted.  These include Muslim crescents and Wiccan pentagrams.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by stinger on 08/11/10 at 10:45:35

Ha mick! I do the same thing. I have a 22 pistol under my pillow, a 12 gauge under my bed and a knife/hatchet combo up by the headboard. Sorry to have to do this but because of bleeding heart liberals who find it offensive to protect our borders and hold thugs in jail for the length of their sentence, we have to. Im a resident of Gresham Oregon. a small town of maybe 7,000 people that used to be a great place to live. Then liberals like Star moved in and now since the mid 90's we have over 115 mini mexican gangs in our community, drugs and violence are rampant, and many are moving away because of it. Greshams city council is now considering a second half/way house for heroin addicts within 2 miles of each other. You no longer walk our streets unarmed at night. Our prisons are over flowing with people that have committed heinous crimes in our community and yet have no right even being in our country. I just went to get my fishing license and found out some one from Mexico is now using my social security number. Thanks Star!

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by buttgoat1 on 08/11/10 at 11:45:56

guess we can add the Mexican flag to the pile, eh?

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by BurnPgh on 08/11/10 at 12:33:11

I got some books we can throw in too.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/11/10 at 16:13:01

I can go around and pick up a bunch of bibles to chuck on the fire.
will that help ?

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Trippah on 08/11/10 at 19:33:26

Some people just can't accept the fact that we are becomming a second rate nation; our leadership politically has followed the requests of our capitalist holding stockholders and sent our skilled and unskilled labor overseas so that profits can be maximized, THUS, taxes maxed.
I don't condone burning flags, Confederate  Stars and Bars or US Stars and Stripes.  
Really though, could you imagine if States rights had won out completely...  ride your Savage into Ohio and you'd be locked up for failure to buy an HD. :D  
Wether Az likes it or not, border control is for the national level, or should my Massachusetts reinstate the law that allowed us to kill anyone crossing over from Rhode Island into Mass?  Still, I see nothing wrong with checking id's of whites and hispanic, blacks too..through in some indians when they have broken a law and if they can't document they are legal..send em home.  (It is the bad ones we want to send home, isn't it?)  
As a parting salvo for the evening, shouldn't we eliminated all those racist preference hiring laws..if a black man can become Pres, I think those laws have done their job and should be put out to pasture.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by kimchris1 on 08/11/10 at 20:56:04

I am going to hold my Rebel flag while I read my Bible.   ;)  kim

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/11/10 at 22:42:45

7674707E756F746E2C1D0 wrote:
I am going to hold my Rebel flag while I read my Bible.   ;)  kim

Every time I stop at a motel I pick up the free bible and use the pages to wipe my a$s. I would use a rebel flag but they are not free.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Horatio Hawkshaw on 08/12/10 at 04:28:43


Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/12/10 at 14:11:29

6B4C5142574A4C6B425448504B4254230 wrote:

Why wow ?

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by MMRanch on 08/12/10 at 21:27:00

WoW mick pick which group you belong to :

                 1 Thoes who work for Christ
                 2 Thoes who work for The Anti Christ
                 3 Thoes who doin't know Who They Work For.

Clue :           This may not be the first or last time this Question will be  or has been preposed to you.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/12/10 at 22:04:53

7E6C7E6C61727D707B330 wrote:
WoW mick pick which group you belong to :

                 1 Thoes who work for Christ
                 2 Thoes who work for The Anti Christ
                 3 Thoes who doin't know Who They Work For.

Clue :           This may not be the first or last time this Question will be  or has been preposed to you.

1  there is no christ to work for.
2  there is no anti christ,if there is no christ.
3  I work for my self and assist those like me who do not believe in jesus christ, or god,or the holy ghost, BTW which one is your god,or do you just pick your god-d-joure.
What kind of work to you do  for your aleged maker ?
and who made your maker ?
I could go on all day simply because you have not one iota of evidence.
All you you need to do is read "The end of faith" Sam Harris.
And or "the God delusion" Richard Dawkins, there are many other's,but they will get you on the road to freedom.
Don't be scared ,you have nothing to lose but your chains.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/13/10 at 11:04:28

So who burned there flag yesterday ?

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by babyhog on 08/13/10 at 11:42:59

31353F3728343930353139255C0 wrote:
[quote author=6B4C5142574A4C6B425448504B4254230 link=1281410948/45#51 date=1281612523]Wow.

Odd Mr Hawkshaw,that you highjack starlifters post,under the old (EX  MEMBER ) just like the guy that chased Gort off,are you the coward that did that,we still have not ID the person, I wondered when you would rear your ugly head.Have at it ass wipe,knock your self out.[/quote]

Hey mick, I don't think Horatio was an "Ex Member" when that comment was made.  And he just said "Wow", so why the attack?  I'm just askin...  I guess I missed something.  

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by verslagen1 on 08/13/10 at 13:22:38

767574797B61180 wrote:
[quote author=31353F3728343930353139255C0 link=1281410948/45#52 date=1281647489][quote author=6B4C5142574A4C6B425448504B4254230 link=1281410948/45#51 date=1281612523]Wow.

Odd Mr Hawkshaw,that you highjack starlifters post,under the old (EX  MEMBER ) just like the guy that chased Gort off,are you the coward that did that,we still have not ID the person, I wondered when you would rear your ugly head.Have at it ass wipe,knock your self out.[/quote]

Hey mick, I don't think Horatio was an "Ex Member" when that comment was made.  And he just said "Wow", so why the attack?  I'm just askin...  I guess I missed something.  [/quote]
If everyone made sense than that would be logic.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by bill67 on 08/13/10 at 13:34:50

If you guys want to burn flags and bibles why don't you wait til January when its cold out side.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Drifter on 08/13/10 at 15:03:16

Real Americans dont burn flags in this country!!!

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/13/10 at 16:00:24

6D5B404F5D4C5B290 wrote:
Real Americans dont burn flags in this country!!!

Are you talking about real Americans like the feathered kind ?
I guess they have tribal flags.or totums.
Or do you mean immigrants like yourself ? and many others ?
Just wondered.
BTW, the old Indians didn't believe in Jesus ether,smart guys.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Drifter on 08/13/10 at 17:25:24

Dont understand the first few statements, and agree with the last one!!

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by bill67 on 08/13/10 at 17:46:54

The real americans were Indians

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Fuschia on 08/13/10 at 18:05:55

72767C746B777A7376727A661F0 wrote:
So who burned there flag yesterday ?

why would anyone burn a flag yesterday? Yesterday was August 12 :-?

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/13/10 at 20:30:59

7E7B7A7A75796178787D73757A140 wrote:
[quote author=72767C746B777A7376727A661F0 link=1281410948/45#55 date=1281722668]So who burned there flag yesterday ?

why would anyone burn a flag yesterday? Yesterday was August 12 :-?[/quote]
As good a day as any,we are talking about the rebel flag,or confederate flag.I think Starlifter named the 12th as rebel flag burning day.Was that the date the civil war ended ?  How can you call any war civil ?

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/13/10 at 20:53:52

777475787A60190 wrote:
[quote author=31353F3728343930353139255C0 link=1281410948/45#52 date=1281647489][quote author=6B4C5142574A4C6B425448504B4254230 link=1281410948/45#51 date=1281612523]Wow.

Odd Mr Hawkshaw,that you highjack starlifters post,under the old (EX  MEMBER ) just like the guy that chased Gort off,are you the coward that did that,we still have not ID the person, I wondered when you would rear your ugly head.Have at it ass wipe,knock your self out.[/quote]

Hey mick, I don't think Horatio was an "Ex Member" when that comment was made.  And he just said "Wow", so why the attack?  I'm just askin...  I guess I missed something.  [/quote]
you are quite right Piglet,I over reacted .
If you look back I have deleted that post and inserted another less nasty,sorry love.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Starlifter on 08/13/10 at 21:30:23

you should sell yours and move to another country where they allow open borders. Good luck there for you and your family.  

I just went to get my fishing license and found out some one from Mexico is now using my social security number. Thanks Star!

WTF does open borders have to do with flag burning??? I worked for 30 years as a US Customs and Border Protection Officer for cripe sake!

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/13/10 at 22:12:04

6A6D70777E7C6B190 wrote:
Star, you have no right calling any of us in here a racist. People like you make most americans sick. we are the least racist of any country in the world. Please, name me one country in this world  that has more lax immigration laws than america. What a slap in the face to all of those american soldiers that died protecting our borders from those who would cause us harm by entering our country illegally. Same as when you go to bed tonight you will lock your front gate, lock up the car and house, make sure the alarms are on so you can keep out those who might enter without your permission. By the way, the 650 is a savage. My 02 has a war bonnet down each side of the tank. Out of political correctness you should sell yours and move to another country where they allow open borders. Good luck there for you and your family.

most of Europe is far less racist than the US,and for alot longer ,the US still had segregated bathrooms,buses,restaurants,as late as the late 50s early 60s.      And please enlighten on what soldiers died protecting our borders ,when were we atacked ? and by whome ?
So what outfit were you with ?Army,navy, ?

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by JohnBoy on 08/14/10 at 01:28:51

.....Wether Az likes it or not, border control is for the national level,...

If the Federal Government had done it's job Arizona would have never passed the law because there would have been no need. Arizona passed SB 1070 in an attempt to protect the citizens of our state. When our Government failed to do it's job the citizens were left with no other option.
Last year Arizona deported 400,000 illegals and one in three were convicted felons. These are crimes committed against our families and our neighbors.  
The response of the Federal Government to our attempts to protect ourselves was to start legal action to overturn SB 1070. They tell us "Help is on the way!", well that's what they told the citizens of Iraq and they have been waiting "ten years". Forgive me if I don't trust Uncle Sam to have my best interest at heart.
JohnBoy...Phoenix, AZ

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by tcreeley on 08/14/10 at 12:50:47

You guys should listen to Dr. Laura, then apologize for all the crap!! ;D

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/14/10 at 16:29:26

25322334343D3428510 wrote:
You guys should listen to Dr. Laura, then apologize for all the crap!! ;D

Why ? she doesn't love jesus ether,she is a jew.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Phelonius on 08/15/10 at 16:26:27

Our borders were violated by an armed force from Mexico near the early part of the 20th century.  Black Jack Pershing, fresh from coming to an understanding with Phillipine islamic insurrectionists was called up to set things aright.  He did so.
I am not sure but that may have been what instigated the installation of the border patrol not too long after.

Pershing, BTW went on to lead US troops in France in the war to end all wars.
BTW it does not seemed to have done that very well.



Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by MMRanch on 08/15/10 at 17:21:42

Good for AZ.  Johnboy.

Most of the country are behind ya'll

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Trippah on 08/16/10 at 20:44:23

Real Americans?  I'm sorry but the native americans or "indians" simply got here before us...although there is now greater debate based on DNA than the simple land bridge accross from Siberia to Alaska.
So once and for all, we have since time began, been a "nation" of immigrants.   :D    and if you think you can stop imigration, you live in fantasy land.  Can you imgine the next few decades if the oceans rise and the Pakistani flooding becomes an annual event and takes place in ln China and S. America too, as well as the Mississipi flood plain..mass migration and perhaps mass epidemics....but by then the Sav will be fuel injected.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by verslagen1 on 08/16/10 at 21:26:21

only 10,000 years before you.  not long.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/17/10 at 00:23:58

0C2A3128283930580 wrote:
Real Americans?  I'm sorry but the native americans or "indians" simply got here before us...although there is now greater debate based on DNA than the simple land bridge accross from Siberia to Alaska.
So once and for all, we have since time began, been a "nation" of immigrants.   :D    and if you think you can stop imigration, you live in fantasy land.  Can you imgine the next few decades if the oceans rise and the Pakistani flooding becomes an annual event and takes place in ln China and S. America too, as well as the Mississipi flood plain..mass migration and perhaps mass epidemics....but by then the Sav will be fuel injected.

Trippah, ok so they got here before us, doesn't that give them more rights ?
Anyway the human being is a very inquisitive soul, he always wants to see what is over the next hill,never completly satisfied , he might come upon the garden of eden,or something just as beautiful,but he will still want more,like Columbus going west on the atlantic,his crew were getting more pissed off by the minute,but he knew by going continuesly west he would land somewhere,little did he know that the Americans that would follow would all be Ducati fans  ;D

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by stinger on 08/17/10 at 00:41:39

I read somewhere that because most people of importance always seem to have people around them at the time of their deaths, like kings and queens etc, that even the most staunch atheists seem to all start praying right before their deaths. Some in their delirium right before their death begin talking to God. I might not be the most religious person, but I would never be dumb enough to say there IS no God. No more than I could say there is no life in outer space. A smart person would just say they don't know.  I hope its a bit before I know for sure tho.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by bill67 on 08/17/10 at 04:45:02

Budda is the only real god.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by WebsterMark on 08/17/10 at 06:31:01

Stinger; it's true, there are no athetist in a fox hole.
Even Mick will realize that one day.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Boule’tard on 08/17/10 at 11:26:26

6F5D5A4B4C5D4A75594A53380 wrote:
Stinger; it's true, there are no athetist in a fox hole.
Even Mick will realize that one day.

Ugh, there's that annoying little turd of wisdom again, "There are no atheists in foxholes."

Great gobs of gooseshit, it's almost as if people say irrational things when stressed out.  OF COURSE people make a last ditch cry for help, even when they know none is available.  That doesn't constitute a genuine belief.  Whether or not the big powerful thing EXISTS or not has no bearing on the human reflex to cry out for it.  In other news, my 3 year old daughter crys "Mama!" when she is upset, even though she knows full well her mom is on the other side of the world and she will have to settle for dad.

Perhaps I should not say the statement itself is an annoying turd.  What's annoying is the way it's presented by smug Christians, which is essentially this: "Those atheists, heh.  Put a little HEAT on them, and they come clean every time!" As if atheists lie about what they really think until they are about to die, or have so little integrity that they can (and do) flip flop their way of thinking just because they are under duress.

The "foxholes" statement ties into Pascal's wager, which is garbage.. a slimy calculated "faith" to save one's neck, a faith no entity of decent moral character would appreciate.  We can get into that if someone wants to start a thread on it.  But for THIS thread, yeah let's see Starlifter at the flag burn, unless he's just blowing smoke, so to speak.  ;)

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/17/10 at 11:41:05

The last thing my Dad wanted before he died (a month ago) was a priest,or a paster,he did tell the priest that showed up not to bother him with his religious crap,he told the nurse to get rid of him.
As for the Fox hole  BS, that is exactly what it is,why would I start believing all of a sudden ? because I have a good chance of dying ? is that the reason you think ? Sorry guys you have not a clue about me.
I was excused prayer in school and in the Army,the Army can make you do some weird sh1t but they cant make you or go to services.
My Dad made sure I never had any religious study in school,and we never went to church,Sunday was motorcycling day.
So years later I read the bible from cover to cover, I thought it was just so much nonsence,and not even remotely believable.And the old testiment was down right sadistic.if you guys believe all that stuff then all I can say is "god help you". (Pun intended)

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by WebsterMark on 08/17/10 at 12:47:13

As if atheists lie about what they really think until they are about to die...

I'm not suggesting atheists lie. I'm simply suggesting that a moment of clarity presents itself. I'm not being smug at all.

Smug is those Darwin fishes with legs on the back of cars.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by Boule’tard on 08/17/10 at 14:01:58

794B4C5D5A4B5C634F5C452E0 wrote:
.. I'm simply suggesting that a moment of clarity presents itself. I'm not being smug at all.

All right then, the second half of the sentence applies: "or have so little integrity that they can (and do) flip flop their way of thinking just because they are under duress."  You give atheists credit for only changing their mind after a new insight is found, but still come off as a bit smug for implying that you have this clarity that atheists lack, and did not have to experience severe trauma to get it.  

I get what you are saying though, much like how people can lift a car while pumped up on adrenaline, it's plausible that they might gain mental clarity when stress is high.  Personally, I have been under severe stress and did not get the insights which I guess will require further contemplation, a clarity-upgrade, or being closer to death.  The only time I "sensed a presence" or thought there was a god or any sort of afterlife, I was baked out of my mind.  :D

Agreed that it is not very nice to poke fun at the car fishes, even if Darwinian evolution is the most reasonable explanation of how the species came about.

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by bill67 on 08/17/10 at 15:14:15

596B6C7D7A6B7C436F7C650E0 wrote:
Stinger; it's true, there are no athetist in a fox hole.
Even Mick will realize that one day.

If there were no religions you wouldn't need foxholes,All religions hate the other religions and want to kill them

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by WebsterMark on 08/17/10 at 15:31:09

Bill, you better check your computer, I think Mick hijacked your signon and put that last post down...

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by bill67 on 08/17/10 at 15:38:13

God dammit I think he did

Title: Re: Burn The Confederate Flag Day September 12, 20
Post by mick on 08/17/10 at 16:47:39

Bill like myself is also an atheist,there are quite a few more.
You know guys I took the time and effort to read two bibles before I made my final decision,it was not that easy. While on a tour of Europe 10 years ago , I was looking inside these beautiful churches and cathederals, and thinking how gullable people use to be.
To go to all that trouble ,and all the superb art work in side these places that basicly sit empty void of worshipers,just tourists attractions.
But even though I wondered I still did not come one iota closer to believing.
So if I can read the two basic bible's,you guys should read "The God delusion" and "The end of faith" eye opening to say the least.
Now the Arabs are acting so bad trying to push there religion on all people, (just another war about religion),I most likely will read the Koran just to see what floats there boat, pucking a-rabs. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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