Savage_Greg wrote on 12/31/69 at 16:00:01:Going out to get manual now

Back...Here it is according to the SSM. I will summarize since I'm a slow typist

Remove seat and tank
Remove plug and timing inspection plug
Put engine at TDC on compression stroke
Pull the actuator body on the solenoid (lousy photo) and measure the end length on the shaft.
Loosen lock nuts on lever, adjust cable at the lever to make measurement at solenoid 3-5 MM.
...You did misread it a little bit, but with the terrible photo in the manual it isn't very clear. I also know that once you do it this way, you'll find an easier way to do it next I mentioned above.
BTW - the first thing the SSM says in this section is:
"Incorrect adjustment of the cable free play may result in starting difficulties or engine damage."
Savage_Greg wrote on 12/31/69 at 16:00:01:Been out working on the old beast, and thought that I'd check the decompression cable. Mine is way out of adjustment, too.
I also realize that the SSM isn't very clear about this issue and the pictures are pretty poor. So it is photo time again.
I hope this helps...
Decompression solenoid aka big round thingy that goes click when the starter button is pressed.

That big black rubber cover hids the plunger.

Go ahead pull it off.

Pull the actuator body on the solenoid (lousy photo) and measure the end length on the shaft.

Loosen lock nuts on lever, adjust cable at the lever to make measurement at solenoid 3-5 MM.