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Drilled Rotors or No? (Read 198 times)
Serious Thumper

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Manteca , CA
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Re: Drilled Rotors or No?
Reply #30 - 03/28/24 at 22:20:50
Rotor for the 2 piece is from a Suzuki TL1000 , the pads are a Yamaha go to , same pad from mid 1970s to date , many options. There wasn’t many of the 2 piece rotor kits made.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Drilled Rotors or No?
Reply #31 - 03/29/24 at 06:55:17
Dave, your creativity and fabrication skills blow my mind!  This is really slick!  Unfortunately, my lack of skills, tools, and equipment put this out of my realm of possibilities.  This is really awesome though!
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Serious Thumper

Thumpers Rule

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Manteca , CA
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Re: Drilled Rotors or No?
Reply #32 - 03/29/24 at 10:11:06
T/P your realm of possibilities is limitless ! No one set your limits , BUT YOU   Run with it !     Cool
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 4429
Re: Drilled Rotors or No?
Reply #33 - 03/31/24 at 10:26:12
Hey Dave, have you actually tried that SV caliper on the road?  Is that picture from your Geezer Cruiser?  I'm curious if you have first-hand knowledge of how the caliper performs (power, lever feel, smoothness, noise etc.)?  Seems like a simple solution and I'm thinkin I would like to try one.  I searched eBay and I see there are two different SV calipers, one for 02 and earlier, and one for 03 on.  What year is yours?
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Re: Drilled Rotors or No?
Reply #34 - 03/31/24 at 12:18:09

I did not try it - I bought my big brake kit from Shawn before I could mount it and use it.  I mailed it to MMRanch and he tried it.  Here is the thread:

Both MMRanch and Badwolf report that they can lock up the front wheel with 2 or 3 fingers.  It is not likely a "go to" for new riders - but experienced riders seem to like it!

I am not sure what years of SV650 work - but it looks like this one from a 2005. I just watched eBay for a while and found the cleanest and most affordable one I could find.

I have a care package I am sending you.  I will also throw in a tracing of the bracket I made.

Here is a photo of the LS650 pad on the left and the SV650 pad on the right.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Drilled Rotors or No?
Reply #35 - 04/01/24 at 10:28:07
Mahalo Dave, I ordered a set off eBay.  I figured having the extra set of pistons would be beneficial.  I'm lookin forward to the care package.  When I get around to installing the new caliper, I will do a report to share my experience.  Seems to me like the SV caliper is a cheap and simple fix for a rather dangerous shortcoming.

I am curious to see how it works with the smaller diameter LS rotor.  I guess I should have taken a look at the calipers on my AN650 which is sitting about 4 feet away from my HotRod.  The AN caliper might have been a better choice (then I would have two rides that use the same brake pads).  Oh well, hindsight is always 20/20.  I should check the parts fiches, maybe the AN & SV use the same pads.

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Re: Drilled Rotors or No?
Reply #36 - 04/01/24 at 15:41:14
DragBikeMike wrote on 04/01/24 at 10:28:07:
I am curious to see how it works with the smaller diameter LS rotor.


MMRanch used it with the Savage caliper......he said he could lock up the front wheel easily.  He did not comment on it being overly sensitive.

I will see if I can get my old office to scan the pattern so I can post it on the forum.  We don't have a scanner at home.
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Camp Springs, Kentucky
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Re: Drilled Rotors or No?
Reply #37 - 04/02/24 at 11:38:15
Here is a tracing of the adapter I made.  It is a tracing made using a pencil - so you will cut just inside the lines to get it the same size I had.  The tracing of the holes will give you a good idea where they are located.  I am not certifiably accurate at measuring - so I tend to drill one hole (and tap if necessary), then bolt the bracket on using one hole and use a center finder or proper sized drill to locate the center of the other hole!

I used 1/4" steel plate to build mine, and the spacing appears to be very close.  You can adjust with washers as needed.

To make an adapter copy the image and adjust the sizing so the scale is accurate in inches.  Then stick the pattern onto your metal using spray adhesive, and cut/grind/sand so the line disappears!
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Someday I will be old......But not today!

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