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Hot Earth... (Read 826 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #60 - 05/11/14 at 19:50:45
When all the usa's motorcycle dealers only carry snowmobiles, I will start to suspect something's up. Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #61 - 05/11/14 at 20:07:20
Yea, yea,, I remember,, ALL those scientists telling us how there would be no ice in the N. Atlantic by 2012.. Well,, they are wrong, still, again,, whatever.

& All you guys hollering about "Listen to the scientists"

Well, it was scientists telling us about the coming mini ice age in the 70's.. They were wrong, there was consensus, so, scientists can be wrong & consensus means bupkiss..

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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Dane Allen
Serious Thumper

Carpe Diem!!

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Riverside, CA
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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #62 - 05/12/14 at 13:25:11
North Country Girl wrote on 05/11/14 at 18:04:35:
“How about British news, Koch manipulates across the pond?

And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year.”

Read more: Shorty

You may believe in your own reality sir, but rational people believe in science and facts.

The reference you post as proof the ice-caps are growing is the UK “Daily Mail”.

For those of you not familiar with this crappy little right-wing tabloid, the Mail is said to be the most “right-wing” British newspaper in print...
And now to refute the Mail’s nonsense sir, here is some legitimate science from reliable sources:

Arctic sea ice extent for April 2014 averaged 14.14 million square kilometers (5.46 million square miles). This is 610,000 square kilometers (236,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 average extent, and 270,000 square kilometers (104,000 square miles) above the record April monthly low, which occurred in 2007. While the rate of ice loss was rapid through the first half of April, it subsequently slowed down. The rate of ice loss averaged for the month was 30,300 square kilometers per day (11,700 square miles per day), which is slower than the average rate of 38,400 square kilometers per day (14,800 square miles per day) over the period 1981 to 2010. As of May 4, 2014, extent was below average in the Barents Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, and the Bering Sea, and slightly above average in Baffin Bay.

Grin Grin Grin You used a NASA aticle dated 2/29/2012 to debunk a Daily Mail article dated 9/7/2013??  Grin Grin Grin

On September 4, NSIDC, based at the University of Colorado, stated on its website that in August 2013 the Arctic ice cover recovered by a record 2.38 million sq km – 919,000 sq miles – from its 2012 low.

Grin Grin Grin That is truely hillarious!!! Are you denying the ice is there or are you taking it as a matter of faith that the ice is gone?

Also, being the most right-wing paper in a socialist country isn't really saying much. Wink
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RIP!! 01/2012-09/2016 S40 Boulevard, Raptor Pet, Rotella T6 Synth, Verslavy CC Tensioner -- You left too soon.
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Dane Allen
Serious Thumper

Carpe Diem!!

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Riverside, CA
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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #63 - 05/12/14 at 13:38:23
So, just to clarify, you intentionally took an article from over two years ago (ignoring all new information that has since been published) that happened to be at the same time perioid as the low point of the scale to make your argument...

On September 4, NSIDC, based at the University of Colorado, stated on its website that in August 2013 the Arctic ice cover recovered by a record 2.38 million sq km – 919,000 sq miles – from its 2012 low.

Let's not gloss over the dishonesty here, coupled with righteous idignation and scorn, that this individual dismissed an article from 9/7/2013 solely based on the messenger to tout an article from 2/29/2012 that was, coincidentally, published during a low point on the scale.

Speaking only for myself, it is THIS kind of fraud that prevents me from taking seriously the various iterations of DOOM that are intended to take my attention away from how badly this countrty has been mismanaged. If the Fantasy Warmists could bring an honest debate then they would get more support but, sadly, deception is all that is in the "settled science" bag of tricks.

On a side note, they are only measuring a certain time period each year such that January may not always be the coldest month of any particular year but I guess that wasn't important enough to disclose. Gotta keep up appearances!!!
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RIP!! 01/2012-09/2016 S40 Boulevard, Raptor Pet, Rotella T6 Synth, Verslavy CC Tensioner -- You left too soon.
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Dane Allen
Serious Thumper

Carpe Diem!!

Posts: 1217
Riverside, CA
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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #64 - 05/12/14 at 14:25:55
North Country Girl wrote on 05/09/14 at 14:20:17:
[size=12]“North Country your ignorance would be laughable if not for the level of arrogance you open with”..

“You and Al Gore are genuine buffoons. You ignore facts laid out in front of you just to remain loyal to the failed liberal agendas.”

Well, so much for Mr. Bot’s ban on name calling… I’m thinking my stopover at this site may be in the end, brief.

Roll Eyes

Now we are into the denial of the scientific fact of (mankind-enhanced) climate change.

Oh, so it's mankind-enhanced now, instead of man-made. Science sure is flexible!!  Wink

I think some volcanoes and bovines are feeling a little scorn..

Gee, how many of you are Flat Earther’s? How many Creationist’s believing the universe is only 6000 years old? How many Fundies’ believing every word of the Bible is literally true? How many believe the “Bengasi” “Bengasi” “Bengasi” witch-hunt is even worse than Reagan failing to provide security for the 250 Marines he let die in the Beirut terrorist bombing? Or the Bush/Cheney fake Iraq war murdering 5000 American’s and 100 000 or so Iraqis?

WOW!!!  Grin Grin Grin Reagan killed 250 Marines...also, your intollerance of "fundies" or anyonw else who thinks differently form you is par for the course.

And did you forget about a little place called Afganistan? I guess we can call that Obama's perpetual Afgan war of ultimate super death!!

The Healthcare boogie man has fallen apart after the success of the AHC, so now it’s time to resurrect the Bengasi boogie man yet again.

Success Grin Grin Grin Trillion dollars, fewer people with health insurance, skyrocketting costs, loss of doctors and plans and all to sign up almost 2 million paid plans for people who did not have health insurance before. But almost 3 million who had insurance before now do not have it but I guess you gotta break a few eggs and such.

The GOP has been making themselves look like fools for years now, and they simply do not understand that they are making themselves look downright crazy by trying to keep this “Bengasi "Scandal" afloat. The GOP is a one trick pony, and that pony is dead.

Then why the cover up? As they say, the truth will set you free.

90% of you folks hate Obama, love the Teaparty, hate liberals, love your guns, hate taxes, love your bibles, hate everyone who disagrees with your limited and ignorant world view, love a free government ride, hate giving a lift to anyone else, and yet love thinking of yourselves as what?.. some kind of patriots?… Such hutzpah, such gall, such nerve, such arrogance, such a lie!

TAKE THAT, STRAWMAN!!!  Grin Grin Grin

It always amazes me that the people who are collecting their government checks are the loudest ones protesting those who need assistance. I cannot see how they don't see themselves as being included in the social safety net. There's dumb, but this is WAY beyond dumb… Mr. guy 2, no offence intended, and you may not be receiving any SS or work related assistance. But you do say you are disabled and can’t work.. Really? What’s wrong with you sir that you can ride a motorcycle but not find a job??.. How are you supporting yourself? ..just asking.

I get that it amazes you, as it should.  Wink

Like (I suspect) you, may be much like the Patriot Leader Mike Vanderboegh who is on Social Security disability. He was the idiot that encouraged Tea partiers to throws rocks at Congressional offices. He travels around the county on his SS disability checks protecting the border in Arizona, rallying for gun rights in Virginia and now in Nevada with fellow welfare grazing clown Cliven Bundy.

How dare people on Social Security express an opinion!!! Don't they know they exchanged their rights for that pittance of an income???

If he can travel around the country guarding the border, attending rallies, and leading a terrorist militia in the desert; it doesn't sound like he has any kind of disability that prevents him from working. Time to cut this free-loader loose from the government teat, and arrest his ass.

Yes, let's make association and assembly an arrestable offense and we can all vote on who gets to suck from the government teat!! It will be like Wellfare Survivor. This guy needs to stop caring for his country and just let it implode.

The teabagger who protested "keep your government hands off my Medicare!" And he said that's like driving cross-country to protest highways. Should show you what kind of mentality (or more accurately, LACK thereof) we're dealing with, here.

Oh, I know what kind of mentality I am dealing with now, for sure!!!

So much for the "rugged individualist creators" who view others as "takers". The whole lot of them are frauds and phonies.

Wasn't there mention of your time here being brief...

The gun-toting Bundy terrorists hanging out on Federal land don’t seem to be members of working America in the usual sense. They seem to always have time on their hands to play their games. They want to come across as just "plain old hard working Americans standing up to government, but don’t seem to have a job they need to get back to anytime soon.

So, everyone who doesn't suck the government unit is a terrorist...but the snipers who came to round up cattle are upstanding Americans...

Considering all the guns/weapon and fetishes they own I would not think of them as the disenfranchised poor/unemployed of society trying to make a stand for (whatever) either.

And there it is.

Moochers and takers the lot of them, lazy ignorant scumbags.

And for those of you who are members, I hereby rename the Tea Party the “Govt. Teat Party”.

Now this is the burning hatred you liberals truely feel inside and try to cover up with pleasantries like "sir" and misinformation and such. We were all just waiting for the inevitable to happen and here it is. Thanks for meeting our low expectations.

These are the same guys who threatened to kill cops, pointed guns at federal agents, threatened Harry Reid, prevented media from accessing a public road, set up checkpoints on public roads, said "the Negros" are on welfare because they never learned how to pick cotton, punched a fellow Mooch Militia member/Vietnam Vet in the chest then pushed him down, threatened to draw guns on each other, stole equipment from each other, stockpiling (likely stolen) FEMA food and equipment and using HAM radio equipment without a license…what a gang of maggots.

Ahhh!!! Not using HAM radio without a license!!! Start up the gas chambers!! I think George Soros still has the originals and has kept them at the ready for just the right moment.

These Bundiers were shutting down and stopping people on the interstate demanding proof of who they are. They have taken over that town.. and so many of you support this freeloading, racist, gun-humping nut. I’m afraid it’s going to get really ugly there. The intimidation of citizens by armed thugs and criminals cannot stand.

Al Sharpton, huh, is that your neutral source?

The state of Nevada recognizes the federal government, gives deference to it, and believes it has the right to use force to enforce its laws. Section 2 of the Nevada state Constitution states: “The Constitution of the United States confers full power on the Federal Government to maintain and Perpetuate its existence, and whomsoever any portion of the States, or people thereof attempt to secede from the Federal Union, or forcibly resist the Execution of its laws, the Federal Government may, by warrant of the Constitution, employ armed force in compelling obedience to its Authority”. Got that? Armed force!

So all of you Constitution! Constitution!  Constitution! spouting patriots do NOT believe in the American Constitution or the Nevada state Constitution???

Wait, I thought we were arresting people for following the Constitution...

Is Cliven Bundy a patriot? He isn't even close. He's an opportunist, using conservative rhetoric in an attempt to rally support for his unlawful behavior. A patriot makes personal sacrifices for principle and the greater good. Bundy does no such thing. He breaks the law for self-interest and personal gain. Worse yet, Bundy's words and actions reveal he suffers from a sense of deluded entitlement. He believes public lands are somehow owed to him. He believes he shouldn't have to pay the same fees as every other rancher. He takes public resources for private gain ...

I find it funny how public lands aren't available to the public, I guess if all 300 million of us can't use it at the sme time then none of us can. Seems fair. I wonder whose lands they were before they became public...

Government isn't the enemy people

Where have you been???

, Ronald Reagan did this nation a grave disservice when he said government isn't the solution; it is the problem.

Truth is never a disservice!!

This accelerated the trend toward deregulation and privatization, and ultimately ensured that our government, ostensibly of, by and for the people, has been bought and paid for by corporate interests.. Big time.

Corporate interests have never been more powerless!! They are kicked around by the royal politicians just like the rest of us and those who don't provide the proper alms are in for a bitter harvest.

Government is not now, and has never been the enemy.

It is the enemy and always has been.

How can so many of you be so stupid??

Your ignorance is mindblowing!!

Now that we're an inch away from being an oligarchy, we see our government, the people we've elected to represent us, representing the interests of the very rich and big corporations at our expense. Yet, individual taxpayers such as we pay in over 83% of the government's total tax revenue, and corporations less that 10%. In 1944, individuals paid in 53% and corporations 35%. So basically we're spending more and more and getting less and less.

First off Ronald McDonald and Chuck E Cheese are not real people and shouldn't be taxed. All that does is tax me twice, income and when I buy something.

I could go on gentlemen, but what is the use? I have to endured so many uninformed, ill-informed, and just plain stupid people here in northern Maine, I had hoped that combined with my love of my S-40, and a site devoted to this awesome machine, and better yet a political thread, I might find people of like mind, yet with diverse, even mutually agreeable points of view.

Wow, if Maine is too Conservative then may I suggest Cuba or N Korea?

My experience here has been a disappointment.

How do you think we feel???

I have many other “neutral” political sites that I frequent...

MSNBC, Huffpo, Dailykos...I am sure I am missing some...

If the effort of posting logic, reason, and scientific fact to morons brings no compensating gain it is a total waste of time.

True, when will you begin posting logic, reason and facts?
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RIP!! 01/2012-09/2016 S40 Boulevard, Raptor Pet, Rotella T6 Synth, Verslavy CC Tensioner -- You left too soon.
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YaBB Moderator

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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #65 - 05/12/14 at 14:26:17
Jog found a good site for current status, but this pic is more informative...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #66 - 05/12/14 at 16:22:18
If the effort of posting logic, reason, and scientific fact to morons brings no compensating gain it is a total waste of time.

Gee.....why do I hear lil' voices from decades ago on the school playground chanting, " It takes one to know one"  

I have vowed to spend less and less time here as it is a devotion of my time to a useless activity.

Would you like help in keeping your vows?

BTW, I showed my wife the verbiage NC uses in chastising the opposition, she (my wife) thinks she, is a he, based on her, he, its...... vile anger.
Further stating it sounds exactly like a man, who, if he had the ability (resources) he would start a war,  just to prove his manliness.

My wife is smart, very smart..... I needn't brag up her schooling, she married me  Grin
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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North Country Girl
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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #67 - 05/12/14 at 17:13:23
“She (my wife) thinks she, is a he, based on her, he, its...... vile anger.”

he, she, it?.. sounds like your wife is a nut sir, and a vile nasty one at that.

May I please ask; what’s in it personally for those of you who deny the science of climate change?

I’ll never change anyone’s closed and locked minds here as it’s an exercise in futility. If you don’t see that you are parroting the profitable propaganda of corporate America, it’s your loss not mine.  

We are already seeing the consequences of global warming AKA climate change, in extreme weather patterns, particularly droughts, floods, and ever increasing severe killer storms.

Ah well, whatever. Here’s the gist of another article if anyone cares to read it (which I doubt) because it contains scientific facts.

All carbon dioxide molecules contain one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. The atoms are connected in a relatively straight line with the carbon in the middle, O=C=O. There are NOT two different kinds of carbon dioxide that are either with or without shoulders.

When a unit of infrared energy (photon) hits a carbon dioxide molecule it can be absorbed, causing stretching motions of the bonds between the carbon and oxygen atoms. If the infrared photon was traveling toward outer space a carbon dioxide molecule that absorbs it will take on the heat energy of the photon. The energy absorbed by the carbon dioxide can then be released to continue traveling as a photon, but there is a good chance it will be released back toward Earth instead of heading onward to outer space.

If there are more carbon dioxide molecules in the atmosphere, there is a greater chance for each infrared photon to be caught and sent back to Earth instead of continuing toward outer space. The heat of these infrared photons traveling back toward earth will then be available to warm our planet.

All carbon dioxide molecules contain one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. The atoms are connected in a relatively straight line with the carbon in the middle, O=C=O. There are NOT two different kinds of carbon dioxide that are either with or without shoulders.

When a unit of infrared energy (photon) hits a carbon dioxide molecule it can be absorbed, causing stretching motions of the bonds between the carbon and oxygen atoms. If the infrared photon was traveling toward outer space a carbon dioxide molecule that absorbs it will take on the heat energy of the photon. The energy absorbed by the carbon dioxide can then be released to continue traveling as a photon, but there is a good chance it will be released back toward Earth instead of heading onward to outer space.

If there are more carbon dioxide molecules in the atmosphere, there is a greater chance for each infrared photon to be caught and sent back to Earth instead of continuing toward outer space. The heat of these infrared photons traveling back toward earth will then be available to warm our planet.

Climate Deniers’ Strategy of Confusion
October 27, 2013

The fossil-fuel industry has invested billions of dollars in propaganda – funding phony “scientists” and bankrolling politicians – to confuse the public about the threat from global warming. The deception is aided and abetted by the mainstream media’s misguided “balance,” as Dan Becker and James Gerstenzang explain.

By Dan Becker and James Gerstenzang

Half a century ago, the tobacco industry tried to preserve its market by misleading Americans about the scientific validity of research demonstrating that smoking causes cancer. To weaken efforts to fight global warming, the “climate change denial machine,” in the words of the Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society, has been using that same strategy. For more than 20 years it has sought to cast doubt on the science that demonstrates that the climate is changing and pollution is to blame.

The Los Angeles Times has announced that it will no longer print letters to the editor that state “there’s no sign humans have caused climate change,” because they are factually inaccurate. Now, it is time for reporters and editors across the country to follow suit. To avoid misleading readers with a false “balance,” they should also stop paying attention to the deniers.

Hurricane Sandy as it approached the U.S. coastline. (Credit: NOAA Environmental Visualization Lab)
Hurricane Sandy as it approached the U.S. coastline. (Credit: NOAA Environmental Visualization Lab)

The denial lobby is using pseudo-science and cherry-picked data to present the fringe view that global warming is nothing more than what Sen. James M. Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma, famously called “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.”

Just last month it reprised its tired — and false — arguments to debunk the premier scientific assessment of global warming, produced by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. On Sept. 27, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning organization declared with near certainty that human activity is causing the climate to change. The panel’s previous assessment, issued in 2007, was only slightly less certain — 90 percent versus the 95 percent in the new report. An overwhelming majority of climate scientists endorsed it.
In short, the global warming deniers are as wrong as the smoke-blowers who said in the 1960s that a pack a day was fine. No one seriously argues today that tobacco isn’t bad for you — and if they did, no one would listen.

But the Marlboro Men of global warming still draw attention as they deny the consensus conclusion that burning fossil fuels in power plants, cars and factories is trapping heat in the atmosphere. They deny that this will raise sea levels, bring more violent storms, and worsen droughts and heat waves. What are they smoking?

Do we have a dog in this fight? Absolutely. We just think the debate should be about fact, not fiction. We are not trying to muzzle those who disagree with us. There will be plenty to disagree about in deciding what actions to take. But it is time for journalists to ignore false and misleading statements that mask the source’s bias and scam the public.

With the new attention that the I.P.C.C. report brings to the science of global warming, in coming weeks and months more than a few serious news reporters will be tempted in the name of “balance” to quote the deniers — journalists call them “skeptics” – who have presented increasingly discredited messages: Global warming is not happening. Or if it is, it is not caused by carbon dioxide emissions or other human activity. Or, well, it won’t have an impact — we’ll be fine.

Who is saying what?

–Bob Carter, Heartland Institute: “Currently the planet is cooling.” Wrong. The last decade (2000-2009) was the hottest on record; 2010 was the hottest year recorded.

–Fred Singer, Science and Environmental Policy Project: “Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.” Oh, yeah? Acting under U.S. Supreme Court direction, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found that CO2 is a pollutant because of the harm it causes.

–Joseph Bast, Heartland Institute: “Most scientists do not believe human activities threaten to disrupt the Earth’s climate.” Misleading, to say the least: 97 percent of climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming.

For those who write about global warming, spreading the pronouncements of fringe “skeptics” doesn’t show balance. For those who read about global warming, it equates serious climate science and evaluation of peer-reviewed reports with the declarations of individuals, most lacking background in climate research, who are often funded by those standing to profit if the United States fails to curb carbon dioxide emissions.

Exxon, for example, gave $2.8 million to the Heartland Institute, the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Cato Institute alone from 1998 to 2012, according to corporate tax records cited in a Greenpeace report.

The attention paid to the deniers has real consequences. For one, it puts pressure on the I.P.C.C. to censor its conclusions. Climate “skeptics” have vilified the U.N. panel, made up of several hundred of the world’s leading climate scientists, subjecting them to “abusive language on blogs, comparisons to the Unabomber, e-mail hacking, and even occasional death threats,” Justin Gillis wrote in The New York Times.

“Who could blame the panel if it wound up erring on the side of scientific conservatism,” he wrote. The clear implication: The criticism could lead the panel to pull its punches when, he wrote, most would want “an unvarnished analysis” of global warming’s risks.

More broadly, relying on the deniers to provide so-called “balance” also helps create political pressure that makes it all the more difficult to act against global warming. It fuels efforts in the House of Representatives to thwart sensible measures to fight climate change. A solid majority of House Republicans denies that global warming is even occurring, pointing to the alleged disagreements among scientists to justify siding with the fossil-fuel industry.

At a minimum, good journalism — and the readers’ right to be fully informed – requires identifying a source’s stake. Is the source an environmentalist or coal or oil spokesperson? Their interests are clear.

But what about those claiming expertise or academic credentials in climate science who are supported by think tanks and front groups funded by oil, coal and others with a financial stake in the debate? The reader deserves to know their potential for bias.

Better yet, it’s time to toss the denial machine into the bin of discredited ideas. It can keep Joe Camel company.

Dan Becker directed Sierra Club’s Global Warming and Energy Program for 18 years before founding the Safe Climate Campaign, which advocates strong measures to fight global warming. James Gerstenzang is the campaign’s editorial director. During four decades as a journalist, he covered the environment and the White House for the Los Angeles Times. [A version of this article previously appeared in USA Today.]
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North Country Girl   IP Logged
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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #68 - 05/12/14 at 17:37:51
Boy howdy.....broken vows already  Huh

I have vowed to spend less and less time here as it is a devotion of my time to a useless activity.
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #69 - 05/12/14 at 18:12:21
Is, today current enough?... Huh...
West Antarctica Glaciers Collapsing, Adding to Sea-Level Rise

- Keep in mind,.. just a 1ft rise in sea levels will displace 11 million people...
- Many of the Earth's major cities are coastal ports...
- If you believe you are okay because you live at 10ft, or 20  or 30,.. that may not be so... ... storm surges could rise much more...

Nobody in the scientific community is even talking about being able to stop it...
.. but, we may be able to not make it worse...
.. we may also be able to prepare ourselves... by limiting growth in coastal areas, investing in storm walls, better weather monitors, etc...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #70 - 05/12/14 at 20:20:45
Sew, go back a few years.... Wasn't this already suppose to have happened by now?
How many times do we have to hear, if we don't do this, then that will happen in "x" number of years?
Miami should have been the new Lost City of Atlantis by now.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #71 - 05/12/14 at 20:24:12
We are already seeing the consequences of global warming AKA climate change, in extreme weather patterns, particularly droughts, floods, and ever increasing severe killer storms.

All false. Prove it. Don't give a single sentence from Obama. Give me decades of actual data.....
Tell you what, I'll save you the trouble. Don't bother, cause you won't find it. What you will find is projections, always projections, of what will happen if we don't change our ways....
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #72 - 05/12/14 at 20:25:46
BTW, I showed my wife the verbiage NC uses in chastising the opposition, she (my wife) thinks she, is a he, based on her, he, its...... vile anger.
Further stating it sounds exactly like a man, who, if he had the ability (resources) he would start a war,  just to prove his manliness.

Wise woman.
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North Country Girl
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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #73 - 05/12/14 at 20:29:08
Mr. Sero, you are the voice of reason and common sense here. I have the greatest respect for you.
Thank you for the post sir, and thank you for your presence here.


Mr. Mark, Why did God make you so stupid? It can't just be about giving the rest of us something to laugh about!
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North Country Girl   IP Logged
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What happened?

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Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #74 - 05/12/14 at 20:57:31

Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #71 - Today at 04:24:12 Alert Board Moderator about this Post! Quote
We are already seeing the consequences of global warming AKA climate change, in extreme weather patterns, particularly droughts, floods, and ever increasing severe killer storms.

MMM Hmm,, Droughts AND floods,.,Ohh & severe killer storms,,

Hurricanes are down, & how is it that DRY & WET are both my fault?

Kinda like the "potential side effects" of drugs I see on TV.

May cause constipation/diarrhea/vomiting
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