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Hot Earth... (Read 826 times)
Serious Thumper

be careful out there

Posts: 547
southern NM
Gender: male
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #45 - 05/09/14 at 13:38:29
pay Al Gore or else....DOOOM  Grin
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motorcycles have been my main transport since 1974
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28660
Tucson Az
Gender: male
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #46 - 05/09/14 at 14:11:53
My beliefs do not come from Al Gore... they come from near unanimous consensus of science...
Yours comes from documented manipulations and lies promoted by a few billionaires...

This is not one theory versus another... this is reality versus deception...
Argument is futile... every fact I put forward is countered by a Koch brother funded lie...
They are equal in number... but not at all in substance...
Shame you can't see that...

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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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North Country Girl
Full Member

Posts: 157
Bangor Maine
Gender: female
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #47 - 05/09/14 at 14:20:17
“North Country your ignorance would be laughable if not for the level of arrogance you open with”..

“You and Al Gore are genuine buffoons. You ignore facts laid out in front of you just to remain loyal to the failed liberal agendas.”

Well, so much for Mr. Bot’s ban on name calling… I’m thinking my stopover at this site may be in the end, brief.

Now we are into the denial of the scientific fact of (mankind-enhanced) climate change.

Gee, how many of you are Flat Earther’s? How many Creationist’s believing the universe is only 6000 years old? How many Fundies’ believing every word of the Bible is literally true? How many believe the “Bengasi” “Bengasi” “Bengasi” witch-hunt is even worse than Reagan failing to provide security for the 250 Marines he let die in the Beirut terrorist bombing? Or the Bush/Cheney fake Iraq war murdering 5000 American’s and 100 000 or so Iraqis?

The Healthcare boogie man has fallen apart after the success of the AHC, so now it’s time to resurrect the Bengasi boogie man yet again.

The GOP has been making themselves look like fools for years now, and they simply do not understand that they are making themselves look downright crazy by trying to keep this “Bengasi "Scandal" afloat. The GOP is a one trick pony, and that pony is dead.

90% of you folks hate Obama, love the Teaparty, hate liberals, love your guns, hate taxes, love your bibles, hate everyone who disagrees with your limited and ignorant world view, love a free government ride, hate giving a lift to anyone else, and yet love thinking of yourselves as what?.. some kind of patriots?… Such hutzpah, such gall, such nerve, such arrogance, such a lie!

It always amazes me that the people who are collecting their government checks are the loudest ones protesting those who need assistance. I cannot see how they don't see themselves as being included in the social safety net. There's dumb, but this is WAY beyond dumb… Mr. guy 2, no offence intended, and you may not be receiving any SS or work related assistance. But you do say you are disabled and can’t work.. Really? What’s wrong with you sir that you can ride a motorcycle but not find a job??.. How are you supporting yourself? ..just asking.

Like (I suspect) you, may be much like the Patriot Leader Mike Vanderboegh who is on Social Security disability. He was the idiot that encouraged Tea partiers to throws rocks at Congressional offices. He travels around the county on his SS disability checks protecting the border in Arizona, rallying for gun rights in Virginia and now in Nevada with fellow welfare grazing clown Cliven Bundy.

If he can travel around the country guarding the border, attending rallies, and leading a terrorist militia in the desert; it doesn't sound like he has any kind of disability that prevents him from working. Time to cut this free-loader loose from the government teat, and arrest his ass.

The teabagger who protested "keep your government hands off my Medicare!" And he said that's like driving cross-country to protest highways. Should show you what kind of mentality (or more accurately, LACK thereof) we're dealing with, here.

So much for the "rugged individualist creators" who view others as "takers". The whole lot of them are frauds and phonies.

The gun-toting Bundy terrorists hanging out on Federal land don’t seem to be members of working America in the usual sense. They seem to always have time on their hands to play their games. They want to come across as just "plain old hard working Americans standing up to government, but don’t seem to have a job they need to get back to anytime soon.

Considering all the guns/weapon and fetishes they own I would not think of them as the disenfranchised poor/unemployed of society trying to make a stand for (whatever) either.

Moochers and takers the lot of them, lazy ignorant scumbags.

And for those of you who are members, I hereby rename the Tea Party the “Govt. Teat Party”.

These are the same guys who threatened to kill cops, pointed guns at federal agents, threatened Harry Reid, prevented media from accessing a public road, set up checkpoints on public roads, said "the Negros" are on welfare because they never learned how to pick cotton, punched a fellow Mooch Militia member/Vietnam Vet in the chest then pushed him down, threatened to draw guns on each other, stole equipment from each other, stockpiling (likely stolen) FEMA food and equipment and using HAM radio equipment without a license…what a gang of maggots.

These Bundiers were shutting down and stopping people on the interstate demanding proof of who they are. They have taken over that town.. and so many of you support this freeloading, racist, gun-humping nut. I’m afraid it’s going to get really ugly there. The intimidation of citizens by armed thugs and criminals cannot stand.

The state of Nevada recognizes the federal government, gives deference to it, and believes it has the right to use force to enforce its laws. Section 2 of the Nevada state Constitution states: “The Constitution of the United States confers full power on the Federal Government to maintain and Perpetuate its existence, and whomsoever any portion of the States, or people thereof attempt to secede from the Federal Union, or forcibly resist the Execution of its laws, the Federal Government may, by warrant of the Constitution, employ armed force in compelling obedience to its Authority”. Got that? Armed force!

So all of you Constitution! Constitution!  Constitution! spouting patriots do NOT believe in the American Constitution or the Nevada state Constitution???

Is Cliven Bundy a patriot? He isn't even close. He's an opportunist, using conservative rhetoric in an attempt to rally support for his unlawful behavior. A patriot makes personal sacrifices for principle and the greater good. Bundy does no such thing. He breaks the law for self-interest and personal gain. Worse yet, Bundy's words and actions reveal he suffers from a sense of deluded entitlement. He believes public lands are somehow owed to him. He believes he shouldn't have to pay the same fees as every other rancher. He takes public resources for private gain ...

Government isn't the enemy people, Ronald Reagan did this nation a grave disservice when he said government isn't the solution; it is the problem. This accelerated the trend toward deregulation and privatization, and ultimately ensured that our government, ostensibly of, by and for the people, has been bought and paid for by corporate interests.. Big time.

Government is not now, and has never been the enemy. The enemy is the corporate interests, which are dominated by the military-industrial complex Ike warned us about, and are screwing you and me into the ground daily. But you love your screwing… ahhh, more, deeper…

How can so many of you be so stupid?? Now that we're an inch away from being an oligarchy, we see our government, the people we've elected to represent us, representing the interests of the very rich and big corporations at our expense. Yet, individual taxpayers such as we pay in over 83% of the government's total tax revenue, and corporations less that 10%. In 1944, individuals paid in 53% and corporations 35%. So basically we're spending more and more and getting less and less.

The GOP has been making themselves look like fools for years now, and they simply do not understand that they are making themselves look downright crazy by trying to keep this “Bengasi "Scandal" afloat. The GOP is a one trick pony, and that pony is dead.

I could go on gentlemen, but what is the use? I have to endured so many uninformed, ill-informed, and just plain stupid people here in northern Maine, I had hoped that combined with my love of my S-40, and a site devoted to this awesome machine, and better yet a political thread, I might find people of like mind, yet with diverse, even mutually agreeable points of view.

My experience here has been a disappointment. This thread (not the rest of the site)  is composed of 90% nasty people with closed minds who are brain washed (brain dead) and not open to genuine and honest debate of current political topics.

I have many other “neutral” political sites that I frequent, and enjoy participating in and contributing to. Most people on these other sites are congenial and not subject to such course, rude, vulgar and condescending posts as those of you on the TT thread.

I have vowed to spend less and less time here as it is a devotion of my time to a useless activity.

If the effort of posting logic, reason, and scientific fact to morons brings no compensating gain it is a total waste of time.

90% of you suck up the propaganda that is spoon fed to you like an industrial strength vacuum cleaner.

The “stupid”…it burns!
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North Country Girl   IP Logged
Serious Thumper

Posts: 13122

Gender: male
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #48 - 05/09/14 at 14:58:40
Yours comes from documented manipulations and lies promoted by a few billionaires...

Not true. I can site a hundred scientist who disagree. That is not documented manipulations.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 13122

Gender: male
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #49 - 05/09/14 at 15:00:20
Well, so much for Mr. Bot’s ban on name calling… I’m thinking my stopover at this site may be in the end, brief.

1) Which you ignored immediately
2) you'd just return under a different name
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28660
Tucson Az
Gender: male
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #50 - 05/09/14 at 15:07:20
Sorry North,.. I missed that one...

The monkeys are in charge of this zoo...
It stays deceptively peaceful, as long as there is no opposing view...
Then,..very once in while,.. they snare a passing liberal and go berserk...
Grin Grin Grin...
I try to stay out of the TT.. most of the time... Huh...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28660
Tucson Az
Gender: male
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #51 - 05/09/14 at 15:54:57
You have a PM ...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 13122

Gender: male
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #52 - 05/09/14 at 16:21:18
I'm in trouble now.... Picked on the teachers pet. "She" can say what "she" wants....
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28660
Tucson Az
Gender: male
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #53 - 05/09/14 at 16:23:43
Webster,.. PM's are private.

It is against site rules to discuss them publicly...
   * Posting PMs or other confidential communications is a serious offence.   Rest assured, moderators cannot read your PMs, the only one who can is the List Owner and he doesn't ever share anything like that, not even with us.

You can respond to me, in a PM...
We won't discuss it here...
- Serow

Sorry guys,.. but Webster went way.. over the line... in a post that has deleted  by me, in it's entirety...
Don't allow this... too far, is too far...
I'm calling on cooler heads here, my friends..
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 13122

Gender: male
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #54 - 05/09/14 at 16:43:45
How many names did your "girl" call some of us in "her" rant above?

Did u send "her" a pm? Oh wait, that's double secret stuff.....
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 13122

Gender: male
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #55 - 05/10/14 at 06:27:58
Back to the topic.....  Here's an article I can get behind at least 95% of the way..... Makes very good points to both sides. I remember hearing about pumping sulfides into the air to deflect just enough sunlight.
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Serious Thumper

be careful out there

Posts: 547
southern NM
Gender: male
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #56 - 05/10/14 at 11:30:15
North Country Girl wrote on 05/09/14 at 14:20:17:
“North Country your ignorance would be laughable if not for the level of arrogance you open with”..

“You and Al Gore are genuine buffoons. You ignore facts laid out in front of you just to remain loyal to the failed liberal agendas.”

Well, so much for Mr. Bot’s ban on name calling… I’m thinking my stopover at this site may be in the end, brief.

Now we are into the denial of the scientific fact of (mankind-enhanced) climate change.

Gee, how many of you are Flat Earther’s? How many Creationist’s believing the universe is only 6000 years old? How many Fundies’ believing every word of the Bible is literally true? How many believe the “Bengasi” “Bengasi” “Bengasi” witch-hunt is even worse than Reagan failing to provide security for the 250 Marines he let die in the Beirut terrorist bombing? Or the Bush/Cheney fake Iraq war murdering 5000 American’s and 100 000 or so Iraqis?

The Healthcare boogie man has fallen apart after the success of the AHC, so now it’s time to resurrect the Bengasi boogie man yet again.

The GOP has been making themselves look like fools for years now, and they simply do not understand that they are making themselves look downright crazy by trying to keep this “Bengasi "Scandal" afloat. The GOP is a one trick pony, and that pony is dead.

90% of you folks hate Obama, love the Teaparty, hate liberals, love your guns, hate taxes, love your bibles, hate everyone who disagrees with your limited and ignorant world view, love a free government ride, hate giving a lift to anyone else, and yet love thinking of yourselves as what?.. some kind of patriots?… Such hutzpah, such gall, such nerve, such arrogance, such a lie!

It always amazes me that the people who are collecting their government checks are the loudest ones protesting those who need assistance. I cannot see how they don't see themselves as being included in the social safety net. There's dumb, but this is WAY beyond dumb… Mr. guy 2, no offence intended, and you may not be receiving any SS or work related assistance. But you do say you are disabled and can’t work.. Really? What’s wrong with you sir that you can ride a motorcycle but not find a job??.. How are you supporting yourself? ..just asking.

Like (I suspect) you, may be much like the Patriot Leader Mike Vanderboegh who is on Social Security disability. He was the idiot that encouraged Tea partiers to throws rocks at Congressional offices. He travels around the county on his SS disability checks protecting the border in Arizona, rallying for gun rights in Virginia and now in Nevada with fellow welfare grazing clown Cliven Bundy.

If he can travel around the country guarding the border, attending rallies, and leading a terrorist militia in the desert; it doesn't sound like he has any kind of disability that prevents him from working. Time to cut this free-loader loose from the government teat, and arrest his ass.

The teabagger who protested "keep your government hands off my Medicare!" And he said that's like driving cross-country to protest highways. Should show you what kind of mentality (or more accurately, LACK thereof) we're dealing with, here.

So much for the "rugged individualist creators" who view others as "takers". The whole lot of them are frauds and phonies.

The gun-toting Bundy terrorists hanging out on Federal land don’t seem to be members of working America in the usual sense. They seem to always have time on their hands to play their games. They want to come across as just "plain old hard working Americans standing up to government, but don’t seem to have a job they need to get back to anytime soon.

Considering all the guns/weapon and fetishes they own I would not think of them as the disenfranchised poor/unemployed of society trying to make a stand for (whatever) either.

Moochers and takers the lot of them, lazy ignorant scumbags.

And for those of you who are members, I hereby rename the Tea Party the “Govt. Teat Party”.

These are the same guys who threatened to kill cops, pointed guns at federal agents, threatened Harry Reid, prevented media from accessing a public road, set up checkpoints on public roads, said "the Negros" are on welfare because they never learned how to pick cotton, punched a fellow Mooch Militia member/Vietnam Vet in the chest then pushed him down, threatened to draw guns on each other, stole equipment from each other, stockpiling (likely stolen) FEMA food and equipment and using HAM radio equipment without a license…what a gang of maggots.

These Bundiers were shutting down and stopping people on the interstate demanding proof of who they are. They have taken over that town.. and so many of you support this freeloading, racist, gun-humping nut. I’m afraid it’s going to get really ugly there. The intimidation of citizens by armed thugs and criminals cannot stand.

The state of Nevada recognizes the federal government, gives deference to it, and believes it has the right to use force to enforce its laws. Section 2 of the Nevada state Constitution states: “The Constitution of the United States confers full power on the Federal Government to maintain and Perpetuate its existence, and whomsoever any portion of the States, or people thereof attempt to secede from the Federal Union, or forcibly resist the Execution of its laws, the Federal Government may, by warrant of the Constitution, employ armed force in compelling obedience to its Authority”. Got that? Armed force!

So all of you Constitution! Constitution!  Constitution! spouting patriots do NOT believe in the American Constitution or the Nevada state Constitution???

Is Cliven Bundy a patriot? He isn't even close. He's an opportunist, using conservative rhetoric in an attempt to rally support for his unlawful behavior. A patriot makes personal sacrifices for principle and the greater good. Bundy does no such thing. He breaks the law for self-interest and personal gain. Worse yet, Bundy's words and actions reveal he suffers from a sense of deluded entitlement. He believes public lands are somehow owed to him. He believes he shouldn't have to pay the same fees as every other rancher. He takes public resources for private gain ...

Government isn't the enemy people, Ronald Reagan did this nation a grave disservice when he said government isn't the solution; it is the problem. This accelerated the trend toward deregulation and privatization, and ultimately ensured that our government, ostensibly of, by and for the people, has been bought and paid for by corporate interests.. Big time.

Government is not now, and has never been the enemy. The enemy is the corporate interests, which are dominated by the military-industrial complex Ike warned us about, and are screwing you and me into the ground daily. But you love your screwing… ahhh, more, deeper…

How can so many of you be so stupid?? Now that we're an inch away from being an oligarchy, we see our government, the people we've elected to represent us, representing the interests of the very rich and big corporations at our expense. Yet, individual taxpayers such as we pay in over 83% of the government's total tax revenue, and corporations less that 10%. In 1944, individuals paid in 53% and corporations 35%. So basically we're spending more and more and getting less and less.

The GOP has been making themselves look like fools for years now, and they simply do not understand that they are making themselves look downright crazy by trying to keep this “Bengasi "Scandal" afloat. The GOP is a one trick pony, and that pony is dead.

I could go on gentlemen, but what is the use? I have to endured so many uninformed, ill-informed, and just plain stupid people here in northern Maine, I had hoped that combined with my love of my S-40, and a site devoted to this awesome machine, and better yet a political thread, I might find people of like mind, yet with diverse, even mutually agreeable points of view.

My experience here has been a disappointment. This thread (not the rest of the site)  is composed of 90% nasty people with closed minds who are brain washed (brain dead) and not open to genuine and honest debate of current political topics.

I have many other “neutral” political sites that I frequent, and enjoy participating in and contributing to. Most people on these other sites are congenial and not subject to such course, rude, vulgar and condescending posts as those of you on the TT thread.

I have vowed to spend less and less time here as it is a devotion of my time to a useless activity.

If the effort of posting logic, reason, and scientific fact to morons brings no compensating gain it is a total waste of time.

90% of you suck up the propaganda that is spoon fed to you like an industrial strength vacuum cleaner.

The “stupid”…it burns!

you proved me right
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motorcycles have been my main transport since 1974
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Serious Thumper

be careful out there

Posts: 547
southern NM
Gender: male
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #57 - 05/11/14 at 06:25:46
Serowbot wrote on 05/09/14 at 14:11:53:
My beliefs do not come from Al Gore... they come from near unanimous consensus of science...
Yours comes from documented manipulations and lies promoted by a few billionaires...

This is not one theory versus another... this is reality versus deception...
Argument is futile... every fact I put forward is countered by a Koch brother funded lie...
They are equal in number... but not at all in substance...
Shame you can't see that...


how about British news, Koch manipulates across the pond?

And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year

Read more:
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motorcycles have been my main transport since 1974
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North Country Girl
Full Member

Posts: 157
Bangor Maine
Gender: female
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #58 - 05/11/14 at 18:04:35
“How about British news, Koch manipulates across the pond?

And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year.”

Read more: Shorty

You may believe in your own reality sir, but rational people believe in science and facts.

The reference you post as proof the ice-caps are growing is the UK “Daily Mail”.

For those of you not familiar with this crappy little right-wing tabloid, the Mail is said to be the most “right-wing” British newspaper in print.

The Daily Mail shares a lot of the same outlook as Fox News, and the National Enquirer (they promote an agenda of anti-science and sensationalism). They use sources that any US reporter in any media wouldn't touch with a bargepole, and most importantly they are not viewed as a “legitimate” news source. The Daily Mail is usually spoofed in Great Briton for its obsession with nonsense. It’s sometimes referred to as The Daily Lie.

The Mail is rabidly anti-reproductive choice, uses the words "homosexual agenda", engages with 'War on Terror' stories with the gusto of FOX News, and is supportive of pseudoscience and medical scare stories without foundation.

It may be helpful to know that during the 1930s the Daily Mail supported Nazism and Fascism - its controller, Lord Rothermere was a friend and supporter of both Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler.

The Mail's "Star" columnist - Richard Littlejohn - lives in a mansion in Florida from which he happily pontificates his egregious nonsense. He is a loud-mouthed bigot, and he fits in perfectly in Mail Land.

A sampling of Mail front-pages reveals these favored topics: Whipping up fear of Muslims - Xenophobic nonsense - Those evil Muslims again - The gay PC-brigade going after those poor Christians - Scare story BS - Standing up for that most disadvantaged group, white men - Yes, gosh there's people having sex - Stigmatizing the poor, the unemployed, foreigners and Muslims in one swoop - OMG the Bible is banned!!!1 Except that the story turned out to be BS.

Quote: “A month spent reading the nation's leading mid-market newspaper took me into a terrifying, depressing world, filled with suspicion.
Please excuse me if I seem a little peculiar. I have just returned from a country where bubonic plague has broken out, violent criminals roam the streets, and child slavery is commonplace.

Millions of its inhabitants are malnourished, and danger lurks in seemingly innocent places - like milk, bread, and garden sprays. Ponies - yes, ponies - are slaughtered for the gastronomic pleasure of the country's neighbors. A Stasi-style surveillance state is secretly plotting to turn them all vegetarian, and to top it all there's even a Wicked Witch who - until very recently - exerted a malign influence over the nation's ruler.

Readers of the Daily Mail will recognize immediately where I'm talking about. Others will be surprised to learn that I'm referring to twenty-first century Britain. But this is the picture you'd get from unadulterated consumption of the Mail. I know, because I've just done it. It was weird.”

…Yes, well enough debunking of “The Mail”. It does illustrate however how so many of you are misinformed (duped) by assuming that questionable sources which reflect your unfounded beliefs are facts.

And now to refute the Mail’s nonsense sir, here is some legitimate science from reliable sources:

Arctic sea ice extent for April 2014 averaged 14.14 million square kilometers (5.46 million square miles). This is 610,000 square kilometers (236,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 average extent, and 270,000 square kilometers (104,000 square miles) above the record April monthly low, which occurred in 2007. While the rate of ice loss was rapid through the first half of April, it subsequently slowed down. The rate of ice loss averaged for the month was 30,300 square kilometers per day (11,700 square miles per day), which is slower than the average rate of 38,400 square kilometers per day (14,800 square miles per day) over the period 1981 to 2010. As of May 4, 2014, extent was below average in the Barents Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, and the Bering Sea, and slightly above average in Baffin Bay.

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North Country Girl   IP Logged
Serious Thumper

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In Transit
Re: Hot Earth...
Reply #59 - 05/11/14 at 18:55:17
What about the Great Lakes this year?

Last Thursday, the Great Lakes were more frozen than they had been in 35 years, with 92.2 percent of the lakes' surface covered in ice, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) in Ann Arbor, Mich. That's the second-highest since ice cover started being recorded in 1973; only 1979 had an icier winter, reaching 94.76 percent ice cover at one point that February. On Saturday, Lake Michigan had the most ice the individual body of water had ever recorded, at 93.29 percent.

Take a look at this link, merely for some great photography.
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