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North Country (Read 878 times)
North Country Girl
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Posts: 157
Bangor Maine
Gender: female
North Country
04/24/14 at 20:32:01
Quotes: “My what a dull world you must live in........what have you got against eye candy?”

“Im starting to wonder if maybe NC isnt really Pajama Boy.”

Perhaps it’s time I reveal a little of myself. (I am guessing that there are no other females on this site… and I can see why).

I am not Mr. Star, nor Mr. Srinath, nor Pajama Boy (whomever that might be)  nor any other name you might assign me.

My name is Heather, and I am a girl (albeit an old one) and I live in Bangor Maine.  I am 47 yrs. Old. I graduated from the U of Maine Orino in 1985 with a degree in social science.

I occasionally ride a 2006 S4 (stock) and I happened upon this site quite by accident. My politics are liberal, and I make no apologies for that.

I would very much like to learn more information concerning who you gentlemen are, and how you may have come to formulate your opinions concerning your political views

… And as a footnote, why you are rather rude to new comers.  
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North Country Girl   IP Logged
Serious Thumper
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Rosemark TN
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Re: North Country
Reply #1 - 04/24/14 at 21:59:04
Male. 42. National Socialist. Former Hell's Angel. Eagle Scout. Ordained clergy. Naturist. Married, and she has her own bikes. Veteran.

There are several females on the website, most stay out of the Tall Table. They are welcome here, as are you.

The vast majority of the forum membership is former military or law enforcement (and one astronaut). We speak the same on the board as we do in the real world. Most are sick of the failed social experiments of affirmative action, political correctness, steal and squander social programs that reward bad behavior, etc. This is no longer the country that most of us put on our uniforms for.

As for rudeness in the tech or chat areas, comes with the territory. Motorcycle forums tend to be like that, and this one is VERY tame.

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On 2 wheels since 7/87

Black and Chrome 2003 1950s style custom
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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28414
Tucson Az
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Re: North Country
Reply #2 - 04/24/14 at 23:17:44
Well, Embarrassed... ... welcome, Heather,... Grin...

As possibly the lone surviving Liberal voice here, I welcome your input...
But I do apologize if the  "Chicks on Bikes" thread offends you...
As a Mod,... I thought a thread here in the TT, that focused on a mutual positive might distract from all the negative...
Emphasis on women that ride, and aren't just posing...
... but, allowing for the testosterone of the TT section...
If it does offend,.. I will remove it...
And I apologize...
If you can accept it, in the spirit it was intended... you can slam us with female riders that rock on bikes...

Women are under represented here...
I do hope you don't feel like you must leave...


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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: North Country
Reply #3 - 04/25/14 at 00:21:29
Well,, I guess I am the Liberal here.. I have nothing Against women,, &, at the same time, I hold no special " Youre a woman, so, Ill bend over backwards" thinking,, No one is making anyone OPEN a thread,, If the contents arent appealing, dont go there.. But hey,, waddo I know?

Actually I am a Constitutionalist & Libertarian.. Of course, thats almost like saying Im a short short guy, because the Big C is a very Libertarian document,

Youre 47, ehh NC? Snot old,, not at all,.,
The education direction is no shock based on your posts,,
Youve yet to actually reply directly to any of the challenges Ive tossed your way.

Im not rude to newcomers, Im hard an anyone who proposes more of what has gotten America in the bind we are in, As most are aware, nations go thru certain stages, from birth to death. Looking thru the lessons history gives us should make anyone with eyes & a brain at least somewhat apprehensive. Ive watched the bedrock principles our society was built on be carved away by the lefts agenda. Ohh, it sounded all nice & caring, lets let women kill their babies, its their body,, BUT WHO was really pushing for it? Learn who Margaret Sanger was & HER attitude toward blacks.
Look up quotes, WEEDS to be exterminated,,
LBJ? YOu think he liked & cared for the blacks? Nope,, The %age who owned their own businesses & had families were growing,, but lay out that welfare bucket & tell the women they can have $$ for babies as long as there is no man in the house.,.,GEE how that go badly ?
PRAYER? In School? OHH really,, All that hoopla over a misreading of the C,, Having some kid lead a prayer is a bad idea because th BUilding is a state building.. REally? YOu guys dont think the Framers KNEW what they were doing when they opened every meeting with a prayer? Ya know, they still pray in Congress? Who really believes the Founding Fathers would pray in a government building if they thot it was in conflict with the Constitution they JUST WROTE?? A THINKING person would have to conclude that prayer in a government owned building is okay, then, wouldnt they? & just what Does the 1st amendment say? It says the State cant CREATE a religion. It doesnt say it cant acknowledge a religion or even prefer one, but it cant REquire you to BE any religion, NOR can the Government control where & when you express YOUR religious beliefs, REad it.. Im not angry. Im not hateful. Im a thotful man who has some strong beliefs & I believe I can prove that my "opinions" are based in fact,
Simply by reading the Constitution, & looking at what the men who wrote it did,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 11551
pacific northwest
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Re: North Country
Reply #4 - 04/25/14 at 04:34:03
A am older than dirt, have no affiliation to a herd, raised 4, two of each, married for 33 years to the same sweetheart and have three (male) role models, my dad, Peter Pan, and Jesus.
Only truth mankind can't argue about is death, none escape, we can however argue what, if anything, happens thereafter......
But neither POV can be proven until after we leave the argument, however.

BTW, my daughters would find your comment (I am guessing that there are no other females on this site… and I can see why) as stereotyping and demeaning.

Finally, most things in life do indeed happen by accident, it's what keeps it exciting, its what we do with the opportunity that defines us....

Enjoy your stay, you will get out of it exactly what you put in  Kiss
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

be careful out there

Posts: 547
southern NM
Gender: male
Re: North Country
Reply #5 - 04/25/14 at 04:42:58
very sorry NC but any rudeness bestowed upon you was well deserved.
just the fact that you would start a thread like this one proves your ego needs therapy..
even your early posts were aggressive and would be considered personal attacks on any forum..
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motorcycles have been my main transport since 1974
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2206

Re: North Country
Reply #6 - 04/25/14 at 06:14:57
I'm 30.
You people are old. (Not direct at anyone. I've posted this comment before Tongue)

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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1694
Mississippi, USA
Gender: male
Re: North Country
Reply #7 - 04/25/14 at 07:11:00
I am Frank .. Born and Raised in Mississippi.. I work for the state as a programmer (well as a Systems Analyst). I am 51 year old, been married to the same one lady and working for the state the same time.. 27 years ( 28 in aug).

TT is rather like a mens locker room, so yeah kinda rough. I attempt to maintain civility but sparring and debate are the norm here. I can agree to disagree without disliking someone (generally).

I am very libertarian, having been burn by repugs, never really saw eye-to-eye with most presidential dems. (which is not to say I gave to hoots for any reps since Regan).  

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Serious Thumper

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Re: North Country
Reply #8 - 04/25/14 at 07:16:16
… And as a footnote, why you are rather rude to new comers.  

You got exactly what you deserved.

I still have my doubts you are who you claim you are. For one thing, you are a known liar now having admitted you kept your identify a secret. Sorry, but if I were on a forum with all females, I would identify myself as a male right off the bat.
Secondly, how is it that a hard core, soft communist liberal like yourself with a degree in social science has never heard of pajama boy?.....  Clearly you spend a lot of time online and would do anything President Hopey-Change asked you to do so I find it almost impossible you've never heard of that character.
Finally, women are rarely race baiters which you clearly are. Other than that Rachel Maddow fellow, I can't think of another female race baiter like you.

Regardless; after reading your hateful post to many others on here, don't expect to many doors to be held open for you.... maybe by your buddy Sew.....

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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28414
Tucson Az
Gender: male
Re: North Country
Reply #9 - 04/25/14 at 08:24:52
I had to Google "Pajama boy"...

A cause célèbre of the Right-wing spin machine...
Nothing more than an unknown actor that has been mocked by Conservatives... ..
Selected because of his looks to be order to give an embodiment to the hate over Obamacare.
Don't you realize how you are manipulated?... grown-ups acting like schoolchildren because you are told to...

You should be embarrassed....
...worse,... you are not... you are proud of your shallowness...

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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: North Country
Reply #10 - 04/25/14 at 08:36:57
Mocked by conservatives, yea,, he is the embodiment of what a man is to the left. The softest, most panzified lookin guy imaginable, Those who blindly accept that as a desirable man are being manipulated,, I dont accept the PJ boy image as a manly American. Societal pressures have been mounting for decades to influence men to BE more like that guy. Why? Who is easier to control? John Wayne types or PJ Boy? Rugged individuals dont need Bamicare?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Rochester, NY
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Re: North Country
Reply #11 - 04/25/14 at 08:38:32

Sorry, not embarrassed

Regardless of how one feels about the ACA, any one who thinks a picture like that with that caption was a good idea to try to promote something as important as health insurance, deserves to be ridiculed.

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Serious Thumper

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Re: North Country
Reply #12 - 04/25/14 at 09:03:26
oldNslow wrote on 04/25/14 at 08:38:32:

Sorry, not embarrassed

Regardless of how one feels about the ACA, any one who thinks a picture like that with that caption was a good idea to try to promote something as important as health insurance, deserves to be ridiculed.

Amen slow.......

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« Last Edit: 05/09/14 at 10:15:15 by Serowbot »  
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Serious Thumper

be careful out there

Posts: 547
southern NM
Gender: male
Re: North Country
Reply #13 - 04/25/14 at 10:01:57
hello serow-

I'm confused, who is manipulating conservatives?

The current administration is liberal correct? Surely you don't imply that a news media out of NYC is manipulating conservative America.

Most conservative Americans hate anything coming out of NYC  Grin  

what's up with serow's testes?  Cheesy
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motorcycles have been my main transport since 1974
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Dane Allen
Serious Thumper

Carpe Diem!!

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Riverside, CA
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Re: North Country
Reply #14 - 04/25/14 at 15:25:45
North Country Girl wrote on 04/24/14 at 20:32:01:
....My name is Heather, and I am a girl (albeit an old one) and I live in Bangor Maine.  I am 47 yrs. Old. I graduated from the U of Maine Orino in 1985 with a degree in social science.

I occasionally ride a 2006 S4 (stock) and I happened upon this site quite by accident. My politics are liberal, and I make no apologies for that.

I would very much like to learn more information concerning who you gentlemen are, and how you may have come to formulate your opinions concerning your political views

I wasn't going to take the bait but then I thought what could it hurt. I was pretty liberal growing up and the more I grew up the less liberal I was. There are two big issues/reasons fueling my conservatism, the first being that I find it very hard to disbelieve reality or believe something that is obviosly not real. Take fiscal policy, math and science and history all come together to prove fiscal conservatism works and has worked when implemented. Envy of and persecution of the rich is not a fiscal policy, it never works and there is nothing I have seen so far that remotely prove it.

The second issue is my children, I don't talk about my kids because of a certain person who has threatened member's children in the past, but once I had my kids and I couldn't be selfish anymore then I became fully Conservative with some Libertarian mixed in. There just isn't anything Socialism, Marxism, Communism can offer to my family but suffering and lies. Growing up, we were all Carter fans until the reality set in and we woke up. Both sisters went for Clinton 1st term and then reality set in. My Mom went for Obama the first term and then reality set in.

Obama has been the worst President in our Country's history and the funny thing is that other liberals helped him fall - by covering for him soo much. He lever learned from his mistakes and never had to to tell the truth because the media covered for him. It would have been much less cruel for him to get his lumps early on than to be 6 years into this job and have no clue what to do.

… And as a footnote, why you are rather rude to new comers.  

This isn't the new comers section, the new comers section is in the Cafe so it is interesting that you started here in the TT...

Had you not made the bulk of your posts in the TT section, going after the members here then you would have had a different experience. Recall that we, as Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, Blue Dogs and Moderates, have been under seige since mid-Clinton by the Socialists.

Update: Not sure if the Search is working correctly but all your posts and threads that I can find appear in the TT...interesting.
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RIP!! 01/2012-09/2016 S40 Boulevard, Raptor Pet, Rotella T6 Synth, Verslavy CC Tensioner -- You left too soon.
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