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I propose we define 'assault weapon' (Read 1696 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #210 - 01/19/13 at 06:16:26
I know 90% of you on here hate Ann Coulter with a burning passion, but she's a trained lawyer and an excellent researcher. Her books, especially the one about communist spies, are footnoted with all references listed. Everything is documented. I’ll copy and paste the whole article here since I’m guessing a few of you would rather die than open on you computers….  

Her point is logical and on target which means I expect it to be shredded and attacked with nonsense and made up facts….….

Seung-Hui Cho, who committed the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, had been diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder as a child and placed under treatment.

But Virginia Tech was prohibited from being told about Cho's mental health problems because of federal privacy laws.

At college, Cho engaged in behavior even more bizarre than the average college student. He stalked three women and, at one point, went totally silent, refusing to speak even to his roommates. He was involuntarily committed to a mental institution for one night and then unaccountably unleashed on the public, whereupon he proceeded to engage in the deadliest mass shooting by an individual in U.S. history.

The 2011 Tucson, Ariz., shopping mall shooter, Jared Loughner, was so obviously disturbed that if he'd stayed in Pima Community College long enough to make the yearbook, he would have been named "Most Likely to Commit Mass Murder."

After Loughner got a tattoo, the artist, Carl Grace, remarked: "That's a weird dude. That's a Columbine candidate."

One of Loughner's teachers, Ben McGahee, filed numerous complaints against him, hoping to have him removed from class. "When I turned my back to write on the board," McGahee said, "I would always turn back quickly -- to see if he had a gun."

On her first day at school, student Lynda Sorensen emailed her friends about Loughner: "We do have one student in the class who was disruptive today, I'm not certain yet if he was on drugs (as one person surmised) or disturbed. He scares me a bit. The teacher tried to throw him out and he refused to go, so I talked to the teacher afterward. Hopefully he will be out of class very soon, and not come back with an automatic weapon."

The last of several emails Sorensen sent about Loughner said: "We have a mentally unstable person in the class that scares the living cr** out of me. He is one of those whose picture you see on the news, after he has come into class with an automatic weapon. Everyone interviewed would say, Yeah, he was in my math class and he was really weird."

That was the summer before Loughner killed six people at the Tucson shopping mall, including a federal judge and a 9 year-old girl, and critically wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, among others.

Loughner also had run-ins with the law, including one charge for possessing drug paraphernalia -- a lethal combination with mental illness. He was eventually asked to leave college on mental health grounds, released on the public without warning.

Perhaps if Carl Grace, Ben McGahee or Lynda Sorensen worked in the mental health field, six people wouldn't have had to die that January morning in Tucson. But committing Loughner to a mental institution in Arizona would have required a court order stating that he was a danger to himself and others.

Innumerable studies have found a correlation between severe mental illness and violent behavior. Thirty-one to 61 percent of all homicides committed by disturbed individuals occur during their first psychotic episode -- which is why mass murderers often have no criminal record. There's no time to wait with the mentally ill.

James Holmes, the accused Aurora, Colo., shooter, was under psychiatric care at the University of Colorado long before he shot up a movie theater. According to news reports and court filings, Holmes told his psychiatrist, Dr. Lynne Fenton, that he fantasized about killing "a lot of people," but she refused law enforcement's offer to place Holmes under confinement for 72 hours.

However, Fenton did drop Holmes as a patient after he made threats against another school psychiatrist. And after Holmes made threats against a professor, he was asked to leave campus. But he wasn't committed. People who knew he was deeply troubled just pushed him onto society to cause havoc elsewhere.

Little is known so far about Adam Lanza, the alleged Newtown, Conn., elementary school shooter, but anyone who could shoot a terrified child and say to himself, "That was fun -- I think I'll do it 20 more times!" is not all there.

It has been reported that Lanza's mother, his first victim, was trying to have him involuntarily committed to a mental institution, triggering his rage. If true -- and the media seem remarkably uninterested in finding out if it is true -- Mrs. Lanza would have had to undergo a long and grueling process, unlikely to succeed.

As The New York Times' Joe Nocera recently wrote: "Connecticut's laws are so restrictive in terms of the proof required to get someone committed that Adam Lanza's mother would probably not have been able to get him help even if she had tried."

Taking guns away from single women who live alone and other law-abiding citizens without mental illnesses will do nothing about the Chos, Loughners, Holmeses or Lanzas. Such people have to be separated from civil society, for the public's sake as well as their own. But this is nearly impossible because the ACLU has decided that being psychotic is a civil right.

Consequently, whenever a psychopath with a million gigantic warning signs commits a shocking murder, the knee-jerk reaction is to place yet more controls on guns. By now, guns are the most heavily regulated product in America.

It hasn't worked.

Even if it could work -- and it can't -- there are still subway tracks, machetes, fists and bombs. The most deadly massacre at a school in U.S. history was at an elementary school in Michigan in 1927. It was committed with a bomb. By a mentally disturbed man.

How about trying something new for once?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #211 - 01/19/13 at 08:34:10
Very nice Webster ... but you forget 1 important aspect  - the fact that  gun nuts and NRA are against all background checks ...

And Yes Ann Coulter is articulate, intelligent etc etc ... but she is also very very very biased. You dont fit the data to match your hypothesis. You need to be very very intelligent to do that and very articulate and convincing to convince the people who are on the fence of your theory.
You can be a lot less articulate intelligent and convincing to look at all the data and let it suggest a hypothesis.

No one is asking single women to not buy a gun.

Being Psychotic is a civil right, but being psychotic in possession of a high capacity semi auto is what makes it $$$ and there fore we want bullet tax of $100 to pay for the damage caused to society and the security apparatus to pay for it..

We want whackos to not get guns, and since there is millions of guns out there and gun nuts will not lock em up, we want bullets to cost 100 a piece so they will lock up bullets ... so whackos dont get their hands on too many of em.

Quoting Ann Coulter is like Quoting thingy "I ran the country like a puppet master and the Idiot Bush took all the blame but, I shot my friend and got blamed for it the nerve of the librull media" Cheney.

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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #212 - 01/19/13 at 10:05:02
srinath wrote on 01/19/13 at 08:34:10:
Very nice Webster ... but you forget 1 important aspect  - the fact that  gun nuts and NRA are against all background checks ...

NOT true, NRA fully supports the laws currently in place regarding background checks and admonises the govt for not enforcing them.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #213 - 01/19/13 at 10:10:58
Went to the dollar store today with my rifle over my shoulder,First time in my life I ever felt safe.
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william h krumpen
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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #214 - 01/19/13 at 11:27:52
verslagen1 wrote on 01/19/13 at 10:05:02:
srinath wrote on 01/19/13 at 08:34:10:
Very nice Webster ... but you forget 1 important aspect  - the fact that  gun nuts and NRA are against all background checks ...

NOT true, NRA fully supports the laws currently in place regarding background checks and admonises the govt for not enforcing them.

The repugs are against funding anything like that ...
And the NRA wont let any extra screening occour ...

BTW first, we first need a full on gun owner registry. So if its sold, the owner needs to send in the information, like a car title with the bottom part the seller sends to dmv. That way private sales have been traced. Then there has to be a list of people who for one reason on another (and reason can be left un released, the ACLU cant object so the psycho's are just refused from the purchase)

But, The psycho's will try to buy guns in private sales after a few rejects. And straw purchases have to be seriously punished.

There we need to catch them @ the bullet sale. Cos being $100 no one will want to sell them more than a couple with a gun.
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Serious Thumper
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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #215 - 01/20/13 at 00:04:50
Every dictatorial tyrant of the past century began his reign by making every gun owner register their weapons, followed by confiscation, followed by mass inprisonments and then deaths on an insanely massive scale.
It is a very slippery slope.
Some believe it cannot happen here in this country... really ? ?
It is naive to think so.
The naive end up with a collar & leash.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #216 - 01/20/13 at 02:18:32
LANCER wrote on 01/20/13 at 00:04:50:
Every dictatorial tyrant of the past century began his reign by making every gun owner register their weapons, followed by confiscation, followed by mass inprisonments and then deaths on an insanely massive scale.
It is a very slippery slope.
Some believe it cannot happen here in this country... really ? ?
It is naive to think so.
The naive end up with a collar & leash.

Our govt is a little different from every tyrant there has been.
Every tyrant has had big guns and had to confiscate the people who had little guns so they wont hurt his people with the bigger guns. Saddam Hussein had tanks and ak47's He confiscated the ak47's from the people who were not his clan. That way he suffered less casualties when he there with AK47's. The US govt wont need to do that. You have an ak47 ... that is what they call a toy.

Our govt has weapons that can obliterate your state and mine and GA and FL just for being near us. Your guns will come in handy then, you can shoot your neighbor and eat him.

This argument is as hollow as all the rest. As soon as you get a few nuclear bombs and a few 100 predator drones let me know and we can talk about getting armed against a tyrannical govt.

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Serious Thumper

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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #217 - 01/20/13 at 13:28:08
Sigh, here we go again with Lancer planning to fend off the government with his peashooters.

Two Words:

"Predator Drones"

The gummint's got those. If they actually want your peashooter guns, they can take them without breaking a sweat.

They won't, of course, but it makes your head swell to think the gummint wants your guns, which it doesn't, because the gummint has Predator drones and really big-ass guns, and they don't need your bitty little peashooters.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #218 - 01/21/13 at 05:17:34
Then why are they working so hard to take them away? Are yoiu really unaware of what Pelosi said? She WANTS to ban them all
Mr & mrs america, turn them all in,

That the People have insufficient arms to win in a war means what? Otta just turn them all in? Americans who have lost what Being American means make me sick.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #219 - 01/21/13 at 06:10:50
Starlifter wrote on 01/20/13 at 13:28:08:
Sigh, here we go again with Lancer planning to fend off the government with his peashooters.

Two Words:

"Predator Drones"

The gummint's got those. If they actually want your peashooter guns, they can take them without breaking a sweat.

They won't, of course, but it makes your head swell to think the gummint wants your guns, which it doesn't, because the gummint has Predator drones and really big-ass guns, and they don't need your bitty little peashooters.

Then you should have nothing to fear.
What soldier is going to act "I was under orders" and open fire on American citizens on American soil?
Do you think they are going to authorize a drone strike on, say, your next door neighbor and get away free and clear?

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Serious Thumper

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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #220 - 01/21/13 at 11:17:37
"What soldier is going to act "I was under orders" and open fire on American citizens on American soil?"

Well then why do YOU think these same folks are coming to take away your guns?

It seems the gun culture in this country lives in a society where they are frightened of their own shadows, and can't talk to another human being without being afraid.

So when all else fails, arm 'em! And if you feel thereatened (SYG), shoot first and ask questions later.

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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #221 - 01/21/13 at 11:22:19
"Then why are they working so hard to take them away? Are yoiu really unaware of what Pelosi said? She WANTS to ban them all."
Mr & mrs america, turn them all in.

That the People have insufficient arms to win in a war means what? Otta just turn them all in? Americans who have lost what Being American means make me sick." JOG 

...sigh, JOG please give me the source, and show me word for word where Pelosi said: "I WANT TO BAN THEM ALL - MR. & MRS. AMERICA, TURN THEM ALL IN".

You must stop parroting the unhinged rhetoric of the NRA.

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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #222 - 01/21/13 at 12:18:18
Paraquat wrote on 01/21/13 at 06:10:50:
Starlifter wrote on 01/20/13 at 13:28:08:
Sigh, here we go again with Lancer planning to fend off the government with his peashooters.

Two Words:

"Predator Drones"

The gummint's got those. If they actually want your peashooter guns, they can take them without breaking a sweat.

They won't, of course, but it makes your head swell to think the gummint wants your guns, which it doesn't, because the gummint has Predator drones and really big-ass guns, and they don't need your bitty little peashooters.

Then you should have nothing to fear.
What soldier is going to act "I was under orders" and open fire on American citizens on American soil?
Do you think they are going to authorize a drone strike on, say, your next door neighbor and get away free and clear?


That is why you having guns is futile. Try an armed uprising to "overthrow the tryannical US government" and see if your state isn't wiped off the map.

No soldier is going to fire on unarmed civilians. Sildiers may fire on armed civilians. However an armed uprising to overthrow the US govt will not be soldiers on 1 side vs you and a few 1000 of your neighbors with a gun on the other. It will be a few 1000 of you with guns, and a predator drone armed with a nuc or a some monster capacity bomb.


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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #223 - 01/21/13 at 14:15:44
You've never heard of Kent state have you.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I propose we define 'assault weapon'
Reply #224 - 01/21/13 at 15:59:21
verslagen1 wrote on 01/21/13 at 14:15:44:
You've never heard of Kent state have you.

Oh but I thought american soldiers will not fire on americans on american soil ?

Oh yea those protesting the war need to be armed.

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