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Advice/comments? (NBR) (Read 690 times)
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Advice/comments? (NBR)
01/04/11 at 10:01:53
Hi everyone … many of you, my friends and fellow Members here at, are aware that I’ve experienced significant upheaval in my personal life this past year … and since I seem to have hit an impasse, I thought I’d ask you all for your thoughts and kind advice?

First a bit of background … my wife and I met 25 years ago and will be married for 23 years this coming April. One natural daughter (age 20), both of us semi-professional career people, owned own home, good social life, no substance, physical or emotional abuse of any kind. I  thought that we had a pretty good relationship; never fought, rarely argued, still hung out together as “friends” and did the whole birthday, anniversary thing, etc., etc. We loved each other (or at least I did her). Last Feb., out of the blue, my wife gave me the; “I love you, but am no longer in love with you” speech. I immediately asked her what she wanted (freedom to be “alone”) and if there was anybody else involved (no) … That very day, she started to shut me out of her life and over the next 6 weeks it was a near total freeze-out with us occupying separate rooms in our home … practically zero communication, no discussion and no explanation from her. Those 6 weeks was pure torture for me, so in order to give her the “freedom” she said she wanted, I moved out … which saw me isolated from not only my home, but much of my life, including our daughter and most of our mutual network of friends. I even sold my S40 because my wife disliked motorcycles and I thought if she saw I was willing to make any sacrifice for her and our marriage that she would resume communication … Anyhow I lived alone in the “jail cell” apartment for the next 4 ½ months … my only human contact being my co-workers.

Then this past July, a pal from my old neighborhood approached me and said that I was missed in the social circle and that I should consider approaching my wife to suggest that I buy her share of our home from her and move back in. One day later a woman contacted me claiming that she had spent several months trying to find out whom I was and that my wife had been having an affair with her husband, behind my back, since January. This person also claimed that her estranged husband had just purchased a house in my subdivision and that my wife was planning on moving in with him! I contacted my wife with the information of the alleged affair (which she tried to deny) and also the request that I buy her out, to which she readily agreed claiming that she had already arranged “alternative living arrangements” … only to have her write me back one day later asking if I would consider her buying me out as her plans had “fallen thru” (apparently her “fling” suddenly called it off as I later discovered) … I declined, took on a $100K debt to buy her interests and moved back home at the end of August.

All was not rosy however … this was the home we built together and lived in as a family for nearly 23 years … now I was here completely alone (our daughter chose to move out to an apartment with her mother) with only the ghosts of my past and our old dog for company. I did see some of my pals every-now-and-again, but they are all family guys and so, frequently have other obligations and I am not one to impose myself or my problems on others. I have not seen much of my daughter these past several months (busy with college) … and in early November my old dog passed away.

Needless to say this Christmas was very lonely indeed … the first ever in 50 years of life that I spent mostly alone … which leads me to my point … I have had a lot of time to think and have come to the conclusion that I have not even begun to move on with my life … I have been in either a state of shock or in a “holding pattern” since last February. I have not received any admission or apology from my wife for the alleged affair, or any explanation for her decision to abandon me and our marriage. I have asked for an explanation, but she refuses to address the subject at all. Without reasons I can’t make sense of any of this … I have been devastated to tell you the truth and feel totally drained … as if my very being has been hollowed out. I recently bought another motorcycle (that I could ill afford given my present circumstances) in the hopes that come Spring it might help drag me out of the doldrums … but I’m not holding my breath … I feel lost and miss my wife, daughter, my life and the sense of comfort and purpose that that gave me …

I thank you all for bearing thru my post … I just felt a need to get it off my chest a little … sorry for being so long-winded ... all comments deeply appreciated ...
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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #1 - 01/04/11 at 10:35:43
Wow!  I felt cold chills when I read your post.  My wife and I have been married 43 years, almost all of our adult life.  If she came home and told me that it was over, I don't know what I would do, but I would probably do it very badly.

After giving it a lot of thought, I would just like to suggest, that the most important thing for you is to realize that it is not about you.  It is about your wife.  You are the same person that you were before she came to you with her announcement.  Be the person that you are!  Move on with your life.  I know that sounds simple, but in reality it is.  I had a much loved uncle who survived Auschvitz.  I was seven when I first saw the number tattooed on his forearm and asked him about it.  Over the years, we had many discussions about how you get past something like that.  He had a wife, a good job, a daughter, and lots of friends.  He told me.  You let go of the past, and you get on with it.  

So, that is my lame advice.  Buy a new Savage.  Ride a lot.  Enjoy the beautiful world that you live in.  Become an active person, and see what happens.  Get on with it.
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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #2 - 01/04/11 at 10:59:22
Gerald pretty much said what I feel as well.
You have freedom, but you don't know how to use it.

Get out, get on with it.  Go riding and find people in your area that like to ride as well.
Please don't just sit there and be lonely.   Don't feel guilty about the situation either.
Sit back and ask yourself what you LIKE to do (or would like to do).  Hang out in places where those things are done and meet new people.
There are a lot of people in the world and all around you.
No reason to be lonely unless you want to be.
If you can, GET AWAY for a while.  Get out of that house. You don't have any responsibility there right now (except work).  Take a vacation if you can.
Not so much because you need to get away, but because you need to NOT be there!!
That is what I would do.. but, I'm not you either.

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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #3 - 01/04/11 at 11:16:52
You have my most sincere sympathy.  I realize these comments may seem like a trite pep-talk but, for what they're worth..  A couple of years from now it is very likely you will have a new relationship, and you will value that relationship far more than you valued the one with your wife toward the end of it.  Sure, the security is gone now, but soon you will have it again, plus the "magic" that is so natural in new relationships and hard to maintain in old ones.

I had a similar situation about 12 years ago.  A surprise ambush from my wife, then I moved out and made all sorts of concessions, to no avail.  Whatever I did, my wife would just ratchet up her demands and consider herself entitled to all prior concessions.  The magic was gone and there was NO WAY to get it back, and she soon pissed me off so bad with her lies and theft, that I didn't WANT it back.  I eventually took a small amount of cash for my interest in the house, and GTFO for good.  I don't think keeping a property that you held jointly is a good idea.  Those ghosts are there and that won't help you move on.  

Even getting out of that whole environment, I was still pretty upset.  No dating or doing anything except working on my new house for 2 years afterwards, and stuck in misogyny. Other than the work I got done on the house, it was a bitter waste of life.  

Now it seems like I dodged a bullet.  I would not trade any possible future with my 1st wife for the family I have now. It took forever for things to turn around, but eventually they DID turn around, much to my surprise.  Now the loss of the first relationship seems like an investment I never thought I'd see a return on, but then it paid back 100-fold.  Maybe the same will happen for you.  In the meantime, I'd start a project.  Restore an old bike, car, house or something.  While you're working on it, some things will probably gel in the back of your mind (sure did for me, to the point where I felt stupid for not realizing the "surprise" had been coming). Plus, the physical activity tends to have a healing effect.  Then after your subconscious works out exactly what happened, you'll never make the same mistakes again.  That is how it worked out for me, and I wish the same positive outcome for you.
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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #4 - 01/04/11 at 11:42:24 wrote on 01/04/11 at 10:35:43:
... the most important thing for you is to realize that it is not about you.  It is about your wife.  You are the same person that you were before she came to you with her announcement.  Be the person that you are!

+1... especially that bit...

You're still the same guy to me Perry...   Wink...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Riding "The

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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #5 - 01/04/11 at 11:43:19
Boule’tard wrote on 01/04/11 at 11:16:52:
I don't think keeping a property that you held jointly is a good idea.  Those ghosts are there and that won't help you move on.

This is only something I have begun to realize ... all I wanted when my pal convinced me and when I bought out my wife's interest in our home was to get back some familiarity in my life ... to be where I thought I belonged ... reality though has been far different.
That said, selling and moving now is not an option ... I am too far in debt and selling the house right now would not help financially. The place does need a LOT of work (we were putting off necessary renos/repairs to finance our daughter's education) ... only thing I can see is that over next 5 years, gradually fix it up, try and pay down some of the debt and then see what a sale might do?
As for the Bike ... well, I have purchased an '07 Kawi ZZ-R250 and plan on Riding the snot out of it once Spring rolls around ... I just have to hope that I can maintain my freakin' sanity until then ...
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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #6 - 01/04/11 at 11:49:12
Yep, married 15, divorced 5.  2 kids, now 15.  They are my anchor, my parents and family also support.

My only advice is to forget her, any explanation she can offer will not justify your anguish.  Forgive yourself, she said you're boring.  Boring is an old shoe that you've worn for 23 years, warm and protected.  Exciting is a new pair, that pinches and blows out after a few months.  Except yourself for who you are.  No need to change.  Once you stop walking around as half a person, your friends will come back.  They are uncomfortable now because you carry a ghost with you.  Loose the ghost.  Yes you will miss your old shoes, and they were good when you had them, but you stepped in crap and it was time for them to go.

I miss my old house, yet because it's her's now, I am uncomfortable when I'm there.  I have a new house now, and something I couldn't have with her, a dog.  So go out and get a new one.

And give yourself some time.
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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #7 - 01/04/11 at 12:26:43
All I can add is that you are not responsible for your wife's behavior and/or feelings.  You didnt do anything wrong to cause this, she chose to betray you and end your marriage.  I dont think its in any way fair for a spouse to blame their unhappiness on the other, to me it is just a way to justify their cheating.  We are all responsible for our own happiness in life, though of couse the actions of others affect us.  You cant control what has happened to you, but you do have a choice about how you go on from here.  Some days its just going to be a matter of putting one foot in front of the other and getting through the day.  It will get better, but I think you need to accept that your life as it was is over.  There is no getting back to normal, everything has shifted and it will take  you some time to get past the hurt and start to heal.  Keep the lines of communication open with your daughter as much as you can, and even though she deserves it dont bad mouth your wife. It will just make your daughter want to defend her mom.  

There isnt any one way that will help you heal and move on, what works for one person doesnt work for another.  At first it will be trial and error, taking those baby steps forward.  Your life may never be the same, but that doesnt mean that it cant be good again.  But you can't move forward while you are looking behind you, well you can but you tend to run into alot of walls that way.  

Get another dog, start marking off the days on the calander until spring, and don't ever forget that you are not alone.  We got your back.   Smiley
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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #8 - 01/04/11 at 13:15:32
PerrydaSavage wrote on 01/04/11 at 11:43:19:
That said, selling and moving now is not an option ... I am too far in debt and selling the house right now would not help financially. The place does need a LOT of work (we were putting off necessary renos/repairs to finance our daughter's education) ... only thing I can see is that over next 5 years, gradually fix it up, try and pay down some of the debt and then see what a sale might do?
As for the Bike ... well, I have purchased an '07 Kawi ZZ-R250 and plan on Riding the snot out of it once Spring rolls around ... I just have to hope that I can maintain my freakin' sanity until then ...

If a new property is out of the question, you can still change the character of the one you have. Since it needs renovation anyway, maybe you can bust down a couple of walls and reduce the number of bedrooms so it seems like less of an "empty nest" and more of an awesome batchelor pad.

I also think taking a vacation and stepping up your riding is good advice.  There are tons of divorce stories on, some guys go nuts and hit the road with nothing but bike and gas money, others just enjoy the opportunity to do more riding without having to beg and feel guilty about it.  The comments on those threads are usually envious (albeit from guys with romantic beer goggles on) but the stories are still fun to read and can be inspiring.
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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #9 - 01/04/11 at 13:28:12
time for a road trip
see if reelthing can take you fishin in the gulf...
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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #10 - 01/04/11 at 13:29:42
Well, I agree with most of the comments so far.  I was on your wife's end of this kind of mess in my past life.  I was the one who left a wonderful man, after 11 years of marriage.  I still don't fully understand it myself, so I can tell you to accept the fact that your wife probably won't ever give you an answer either.  I "thought" that there was more was out there for me... blah, blah, blah.

Luckily, he and I both moved on.  He is remarried with 2 more kids, and seems to be happy.  I never had any more children, but now have 3 step-children and a husband that I love with all my heart.  People speak of a mid-life crisis, and I guess that's what I had.  In reality, my life was fine.  But it is fine in a different way now.  Because as good people, we move on and make it fine.  I know you will too.  And as Angie said, we got your back if you need us.     
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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #11 - 01/04/11 at 13:41:23
No your not the same man perry. You've had a big part of your life yanked out from under you, an anchor of stability you might say. The 'anchor' pretty much stabbed you in the back and left you adrift.

You got two choices. Wallow in your self pity as you 'drift' through life or set yourself a new course and move on. The second choice is always the better choice but it's also the harder one. It's also the healthier one as well.
You got to dig in and move on, keep in touch with YOUR friends, do the things YOU like to do and restructure YOUR life to suit YOU!
Play with the house as you can, remodel it to YOUR taste. Ride when you can,GET OUT and DO THINGS! Keep your mind occupied. AVOID the bar scene and alcohol like the least untill your comfortable with things.

It's root hawg or die time, was'nt your fault and you can't dwell on the past. It's time to make a new future for yourself and move on.
As for your daughter she will come around. She's busy working on her life and this will of made her a lil afraid of takeing sides to much and she may well be a bit stand offish for awhile...but your still DAD.

Yeah it hurts, been there done that(divorce). When you make that turn and crack the throttle on your new road in life things will get infinitely better the farther you leave that big bump in the road behind.
It will take time but time eventualy heals all to speak.

Noone died, noone went to jail, you just went a different way then your partner. It's time to find a new path and quit looking back, history is history. Can't worry yourself to death over something you had no control over and can't change now.
You never know, she may realise what she had and come back in time. Then you got to make a REAL hard decision. Stay your own course or try to work things out.
He!!, i was divorced about 10 years and the ex has been back liveing with me for the last 14. Sometimes wish id run like he!! and other times kinda glad i took her back.
But in the end there's only two choices, lay down and die or move on.
Make YOUR choice.
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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #12 - 01/04/11 at 13:49:01
one day at a time, and something very important, find something, anything, a hobby, write a novel, anything that you like and get involved in it as best you can within your means, finding something that you love and getting involved with that is a great way to show yourself that there's something out there for you, and you'll meet people!  

and remember, it's okay to be down here and there, you've been through a lot, so you are normal. it's good
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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #13 - 01/04/11 at 14:25:08
I don't have much advice,But don't sell your house thats the house your kids grew up in and will always be home to them.
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Re: Advice/comments? (NBR)
Reply #14 - 01/04/11 at 15:02:47
Knowing that you all have my back humbles me greatly ... I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart ... your advice is sound too  and I thank you for that as well. No fears of me hittin' the booze ... I take a social drink, but have NO desire to go bottoms up ... have seen the destruction alcohol wrought on my youngest brother's life.
Babyhog ... your admissions and comments are honest and brave ... and I find them very interesting in light of the fact that I am trying to find some closure, some reasons for what happened so that I can make sense of things and move on. You are probably right in that my wife hasn't given me any explanation because she may not know the reasons herself? So, it is possible that I will end up having to accept that fact ...
The hurt I feel is mixed with a good dose of fear ... hurt because I was abandoned (notice I didn't use word betrayed) by the person who meant the most to me in the entire world ... something I would have NEVER done to her ... the fear comes from having to face the world alone at age 50 without my partner and best friend ...
All that said, I can hold my head up with the knowledge that I have done nothing wrong here ... even though it is hard not to blame oneself when you are looking for those elusive reasons ...
I cannot wait to get out on the Bike again ... to feel the road under my wheels and to seek out some new friends ...
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