Senior Member

Savage model 417 (4 speed, 17mm)
Posts: 382
I can't give an accurate before & after, but I agree with Lancer. It's an easy job & I don't see any way it'll hurt your performance. I opened the port up to match the size of the header ID & I also took off that crazy "ledge" inside.
FWIW... I didn't ride the bike much before I tore it down so like I said, it's hard for me to give a good comparison. I can tell you though, it will absolutely scream when you open her up now so I don't think it hurt anything! I've been porting heads on various machines for years & this is one of the easiest to do. There's lots of material in there, so you don't have to worry about taking out too much...
Some of the best performing port jobs I've seen were also the ugliest!!