Serious Thumper
What happened?
Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Tar snakes. I watched an old dude go down on a straight, dry road. The front tire climbed it, but the ribbon of tar was running at such an angle that the rear tire just slid along it, moving left, until the dude just lowsided at about forty MPH. I was in the other lane but had room, so, hopped the car over and hit the brakes. I didn't know if the driver in the other lane was awake, gonna mash him, help him, whatever, so, I did. When I got to him and asked if he was alright, all he said was What Happened? He dusted off and rode away. I respect those tar snakes. Don't trust them to Not bite. If they are across the road, okay, but if they are running down the road and Kinda across, beware.