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S40 forks (Read 76 times)
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Posts: 179
Bergen County, New jersey
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S40 forks
02/06/16 at 18:06:34
Hello everyone, would anyone have an idea on how to remove the black plastic wind deflectors on the forks of a stock s40? I got some gaiters that are goin on soon.  Cool
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Kenny G
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Robson Ranch, Denton, Texas
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Re: S40 forks
Reply #1 - 02/06/16 at 20:59:53
Red Ryder,

If you are going to remove the fork tubes to put the gaiters on you can use a block of wood and a small hammer to tap the wind deflector loose and then just slide them up the fork tube and off.

I have spit gaiters because at the time I didn't want to drop the fork tubes.I used a block of wood and tapped the deflectors up and I then split the deflector with a sharp utility knife and slipped it off.

This split gaiter is not the best way to cover the forks if you ride in the rain frequently.

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Bergen County, New jersey
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Re: S40 forks
Reply #2 - 02/06/16 at 21:09:27
Thanks Kenny, yes I'm going to drop the forks and put on a set of daystars. Also, why do you have a fork brace and the fender? Does it increase rigidity?

Thanks, Dan
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Kenny G
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Robson Ranch, Denton, Texas
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Re: S40 forks
Reply #3 - 02/06/16 at 21:34:21

The fork brace certainly increases the rigidity of the whole front end. In North Texas the rural roads crack because there is no draining built under the roads.  When the cracks are patched, with hot asphalt, the ribbons are all over the place and the front wheel tries to follow them. The fork brace stiffens up the front end enough to minimize the front tire following the ribbons.

I highly recommend the fork brace. The brace is made by someone on the forum, Tkat is the name of the brace.

Kenny G
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: S40 forks
Reply #4 - 02/07/16 at 09:53:05
Tar snakes. I watched an old dude go down on a straight, dry road. The front tire climbed it, but the ribbon of tar was running at such an angle that the rear tire just slid along it, moving left, until the dude just lowsided at about forty MPH.  I was in the other lane but had room, so, hopped the car over and hit the brakes. I didn't know if the driver in the other lane was awake, gonna mash him, help him, whatever, so, I did. When I got to him and asked if he was alright, all he said was
What Happened? He dusted off and rode away. I respect those tar snakes. Don't trust them to Not bite. If they are across the road, okay, but if they are running down the road and Kinda across, beware.
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Kenny G
Serious Thumper
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Posts: 1754
Robson Ranch, Denton, Texas
Gender: male
Re: S40 forks
Reply #5 - 02/07/16 at 10:19:18

A rider has to live in Texas, or any other state, that uses hot asphalt to seal cracks to know how dangerous they are. I had a Honda crossed up on a tar snake when I first moved here and it scared the day lights out of me. The Tkat fork brace on the S40 has really helped me deal with rural roads. When the roads are wet the tar snakes are as slick as trolley tracks.

Kenny g
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Art Webb
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columbus, Texas
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Re: S40 forks
Reply #6 - 02/08/16 at 08:51:12
I treat tar snake like RR tracks, I try not to cross them nless it can be done at a near 90 degree angle
ride along one and you are asking for it
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