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Gas Tank Removal help (Read 1578 times)
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Gas Tank Removal help
03/19/10 at 09:41:31
I am trying to change the spark plug for the first time on my '97 Savage. I have the Clymer manual, but I am stuck on getting the gas tank off. This is one topic on the Technical Docs board that is a "broken link," so any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

According to the manual, there are just two bolts on the back of the tank to remove, which I have done. I have disconnected all the appropriate lines (fuel, vacuum, etc.). It says to slide the tank back and then pull up, but I can just barely get it to budge. I can move it back maybe an inch, and no more.

It sounds like it is catching on something. Is there another bolt I am missing somewhere? Is there a trick to "sliding it back" that I am doing wrong? Please help!
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« Last Edit: 12/08/12 at 13:00:47 by Oldfeller--FSO »  
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Kalashna Kitty, from

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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #1 - 03/19/10 at 09:46:39
I have taken the tank off a couple of times, as I recall you need to slide it back and lift up on the rear of the tank as well.  There are a couple of nubs that have rubber bumpers on them under the tank, on the sides of the frame.  Also, there are some connectors under the tank, the conections for the speedo lights, just a plug.  Sometimes the petcock gets hung up and you need to wiggle the tank around to get it off.

Basically, you are probably doing it right, just need a little wiggle in your walk! Wink
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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #2 - 03/19/10 at 09:54:16
Alright, thanks for the assurance. Yeah, I noticed the petcock is getting in the way. I just didn't want to break something by wiggling too hard. I'll try again tonight and see how it goes. Thanks!
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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #3 - 03/19/10 at 09:56:42
yep the stock petcock gets in the way    ive removed the tank once without removing it   the other times i chickened out and drained the tank
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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #4 - 03/19/10 at 10:10:45
I may do that. I don't see that in the manual. Without looking at the bike, it seems like it would be just as simple as turning the petcock to ON to drain it, then unbolting the petcock from the tank. Am I missing anything?
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Kalashna Kitty, from

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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #5 - 03/19/10 at 10:12:45
timhonse wrote on 03/19/10 at 10:10:45:
I may do that. I don't see that in the manual. Without looking at the bike, it seems like it would be just as simple as turning the petcock to ON to drain it, then unbolting the petcock from the tank. Am I missing anything?

That's right, run a hose into a tank or can to catch the gas though Wink  I changed my petcock to the raptor and don't have any trouble taking the tank off.
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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #6 - 03/19/10 at 10:16:17
yeah removing the tank gets kinda funny there, just keep working at.
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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #7 - 03/19/10 at 10:31:16
Did you disconnect the speedo cable? Cool
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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #8 - 03/19/10 at 10:36:09
To drain the tank, turn to prime.

lift the rear of the tank and wiggle to the left.

If you're the kind that can't bear to scratch your frame, take the petcock off.  Although, I thought that is a tuff route too.  I'd just slip a piece of cardboard in there if that was your inclination.

Otherwise wiggle it about, 1st time tuffest.

BTW, some tanks just won't and you might have to remove the petcock.
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« Last Edit: 11/23/10 at 22:39:18 by verslagen1 »  
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Igni Ferroque

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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #9 - 03/19/10 at 12:02:24
give in and remove the petcock. I had another forum member, BurnPgh, help me get the tank off the first time and we had to take the petcock off.

it is a pain, and takes forever to drain all the fuel out, but it is a lot easier to manage once you have.

besides, if you have to drain the tank, it gives you a good incentive to ride around and use gas so you have less to drain!
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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #10 - 03/19/10 at 15:13:19
I took mine off a couple of weeks ago and I had to tilt it sideways to the left(the petcock side).  It came off but was a pain.  It was almost as hard to get it back on.  Sad  
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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #11 - 03/19/10 at 16:40:06
OK, good news and bad news.

The good news is I took the petcock off without any trouble and within no time I had the gas tank off, spark plug changed and everything put back together. After seeing how it all fits together, I can't imagine getting it off without getting the petcock out of the way.

The bad news is a cold spell just returned to Kansas City so it's going to be a few more days before I get to take the new spark plug for a spin.

Also, I did learn one thing that might be useful for another Savage beginner out there: the Clymer manual says to use a 17mm spark plug wrench but neither the 17mm that I just bought, nor the standard 5/8in would work. So, I ran to the store for an 18mm socket which did the trick.
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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #12 - 03/30/10 at 08:51:09
you can get the tank off with out removing the petcock just take of the fuel lines loose hardware and jiggle it off... when you get the tank off the frame loosen the speedo cable and disconnect the electrical stuff and your good... i have manage to do this over and over. it just takes some finesse....
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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #13 - 03/30/10 at 14:28:53
Do the Head Cover Mod. No more gas tank hassles to get that plug out.
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Re: Gas Tank Removal help
Reply #14 - 03/30/10 at 20:04:17
head cover mod is awesome... works like a charm
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