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Scavenger Hunt anyone? (Read 25886 times)
Serious Thumper

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Scavenger Hunt anyone?
03/17/10 at 08:04:21
Since riding season is getting back into swing, I thought about something I saw on another site and wondered if anyone would be interested...  Someone pick something to find, and take a picture of it with YOUR BIKE INCLUDED.  Such as... going through a drive-thru window (can even specify at McDonalds or a Bank, or something)...  or a picture of your bike with a bridge in the background...  whatever.

We can make up our own rules.  The site I saw it on also required that the member/rider be included on the bike.  But whatever.  I think the bike has to be included to avoid finding pictures online and such.  Obviously, it can't be too specific, like a particular monument or building or whatever, but should be something that most everyone could have access to.
Winner gets bragging rights and has to pick the next one.


Challenges and Who posted pics:

************ March, 2010 ************

(1) pg1 "Fire" sign                                  Yonuh Adisi - pic on pg2 
(2) pg2 Historic sign                               Paladin.  pic on pg3  (2nd- doc5446 pics on pg4)
(3) pg3 Wooden Cigar Store Indian         babyhog - pics on pg4
(4) pg4 Baseball Field                             Midnightrider - pics on pg4
(5) pg5 old generation VW Bug                Serowbot - pics on pg6
(6) pg6 Double-Decker Bus                     Paladin.  - pic on pg7
(7) pg7 Fountain                                     Skatnbnc - pic on pg8
(8) pg9 "Local" Hardware Store (no Lowes,etc)    Paladin.  - pics on pg9
(9) pg9  One-pump gas station                 LostArtist - pics on pg10
(10) pg10 Weird Art                                 PBLover - pics on pg10
(11) pg11 Appliance in yard/Car on Blocks     MMRanch - pic on pg12
(12) pg12  Establishment with "Saloon" in name     drharveys - pic on pg12 (2nd - Serowbot-pics on pg13)
(13) pg13 "Obscure" memorial                      PBLover - pic on pg13
(14) pg13  Big Round Window                       Paladin. - pics on pg14
(15) pg14  A little dam without a road on it      Midnightrider - pics on pg15
(16) pg15 - Pre-1970 single engine private aircraft   Sandy Koocanusa - pics on pg15
(17) pg16 - Steam Locomotive                       Yonuh Adisi - pic on pg16  (2nd - bill67 - pic on pg16)
(18) pg16 - Working Wooden Water-Pumping Windmill       youzguyz - pics on pg18  (Honorable Mention - doc5446 - pics on pg17)
(19) pg18 - Animal near road (non-dog, non-cat)     LostArtist - pic on pg20
(20) pg20 - "Visible Gas" Pump                      babyhog - pic on pg21
(21) pg21 - Motorcycle Billboard                    prechermike - pic on pg22
(22) pg22 - Drawbridge                                 John_D-FSO - pics on pg25; more on pg68
(23) pg23 - Police Car                                 EJID - pic on pg24
(24) pg24 - Drive-in (still operating)              runwyrlph - pic on pg24
(25) pg24 - Tractor - International Farmall     doc5446 - pic on pg25
(26) pg25 - Covered Wagon                       youzguyz - pics on pg25
(27) pg26 - Utility Pole with GLASS insulators     jef.savage - pics on pg26 & pg27
(28) pg27 - House being painted                         Serowbot - cheating on pg28 ( Wink)
(29) pg28 - Sidewalk cafe`                           doc5446 - pic on pg29
(30) pg29 - FIRE                                          jef.savage - pic on pg29,  Paladin. pic on pg30
(31) pg30 - GIANT anything                          youzguyz - pic on pg31
(32) pg31 - weird navigation sign                  babyhog - pics on pg31
(33) pg32 - Fire Station                                Boule'tard - pic on pg33; jef.savage - pics on pg33
(34) pg33 - motorbike grave marker              jef.savage - pics on pg34
(35) pg34 - Brady Bunch named street sign    drharveys - pic on pg34; Paladin. - pics on pg34
(36) pg35 - Recycled house of worship            Paladin. - pics on pg36;  MMRanch-pics on pg35&36;  babyhog-pics on pg35
(37) pg36 - Stairs on ground                          babyhog - pics on pg37; Southpaw - pics on pg36
(38) pg37 - Clock on a post                           Boule'tard; jef.savage; Paladin; Southpaw - pics on pg38
(39) pg38 - Tethered blimp/Gorilla baloon       weracerc - pic pg40; jef.savage - pic pg39; Paladin - pic pg41
(40) pg41 - Residential military surplus           Paladin - pic pg43; jef.savage - pic pg42; Serowbot - pic pg 42
(41) pg43 - Road Kill                                    babyhog - pics pg44
(42) pg44 - "Welcome To" sign                      mpescatori - pics pg44
(43) pg45 - motorcycle policeman                 xxxxxxxxx
(44) pg46 - Halloween decorations                jef.savage - pic pg47
(45) pg47 - Weeping Willow Tree                    weracerc; Paladin. - pics pg47
(46) pg47 - Possee dressed for Halloween       xxxxxxxx
(47) pg48 - fruit tree                                   Mick - pic pg48
(48) pg49 - Rolls Royce or Bentley                weracerc - pic pg49
(49) pg50 - Anything "Exotic" OR Fast Food place       jef.savage - pics pg50
(50) pg50 - Two (or more) of anything above       Boule'tard - pic pg51
(51) pg51 - Alma Mater something        jef.savage - pic pg51
(52) pg51 - BIG pot hole                     Paladin. - pics pg51
(53) pg52 - "Detroit" something              jef.savage - pic pg53
(54) pg53 - SNOW                                      PBLover - pics pg54
additional "non-winning" snow pictures on page 53 & 54
(55) pg54 - "Boulevard" or "Savage" business     jef.savage - pic pg54
(56) pg54 - with a Turkey                              babyhog - pic pg55; Midnightrider - pic pg56; Paladin - pic pg56
(57) pg56 - Christmas decorations                  Midnightrider - pic pg56; Paladin-pics pgs56/57; Boule'tard-pics pg56
(58) pg56 - with Santa!                                youzguyz - pics pg57
(59) pg58 - State Flag/US Flag                     kimchris1 - pics pg58

************* 2011 ***************

(60) pg58 - Your Town/County signs            Boule'tard - pics pg58
(61) pg58 - with a Tax Waver                     youzguyz - pic pg59
(62) pg59 - Bike in winter tear-down mode     MotoBuddha - pics pg59
(63) pg59 - Critter in bike                          xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(64) pg60 - at a Car Wash                          weracerc - pic pg60
(65) pg60 - Blooming Flowers/landscaping       Paladin. - pics pg61; Southpaw - pics pg61
(66) pg61 - Cantonese Restaurant                  Serowbot - pic pg61
(67) pg61 - 3D Horse                                  Yonuh Adisi FSO - pic pg62
(68) pg62 - at a BBQ                             xxxxxxxxxxxxx
(69) pg63 - WalMart                                 Southpaw - pic pg63
(70) pg63 - Graduation sign                      weracerc - pics pg64
(71) pg64 - High performance automotive     jef.savage - pic pg64
(72) pg64 - Glass Bricks                           weracerc - pic pg64
(73) pg64 - Military office/sign/vehicle,etc.      jef.savage - pic pg64; EJID - pic pg64; babyhog - pics pg65
(74) pg65 - Beer Truck                                    weracerc - pics pg65
(75) pg65 - Pizza delivery                                Serowbot - pic pg66
(76) pg66 - Umbrella                                      jef.savage - pic pg66
(77) pg66 - Hot Dog Stand                              Paladin. - pics pg66
(78) pg66 - Barber pole                                   weracerc - pic pg66
(79) pg66 - Tattoo Parlor                                 jef.savage - pic pg67; Paladin. - pic pg67
(80) pg67 - A cupola                                       babyhog - pic pg68
(81) pg68 - Establishment w/day of week in name     jef.savage - pic pg68; Paladin. - pics pg68; weracerc - pic pg68
(82) pg68 - Building with columns                       weracerc - pics pg68; Paladin. - pics pg68
(83) pg68 - "Pain in your posterior"                   Paladin - pic pg69
(84) pg69 - With a Harley, outside a bar             weracerc - pic pg69
(85) pg69 - A sign with a Sun                            Paladin. - pic pg69
(86) pg69 - With a Harley, outside a church         joscswny - pics pg70
(87) pg70 - Fish                                              weracerc - pics pg71
(88) pg71 - Anything aquatic                           jef.savage - pics pg71; Boule'tard - pic pg71
(89) pg71 - Sign containing L,S,6,5 & 0              weracerc - pic pg71
(90) pg71 - Radio Controlled car, plane, boat...     Midnightrider - pic pg71
(91) pg71 - Sailboat                                        jef.savage - pics pg71
(92) pg71 - Airplane in the Air                       weracerc - pics pg72
(93) pg72 - Something from the garden           Serowbot - pic pg72; EJID - pic pg72
(94) pg72 - Movie location/building, etc.             babyhog - pics pg73
(95) pg73 - TV show location/building, etc.           jef.savage - pics pg73
(96) pg73 - A Round building                         Paladin. - pics pg73; Boule'tard - pics pg73
(97) pg73 - Building with an acute corner          weracerc - pic pg74
(98) pg74 - A Dog House                                jef.savage - pic pg74
(99) pg74 - Broken Window                            weracerc - pic pg74
(100) pg74 - Post Office                                 kimchris1 - pic pg74
(101) pg75 - Farmer's Market                         weracerc - pic pg75
(102) pg75 - Anything "cowboy"                     EJID - pic pg75
(103) pg75 - fall foliage                                 babyhog - pics pg75; jef.savage - pics pg76
(104) pg75 - Italian restaurant                       jef.savage - pic pg76
(105) pg76 - Christian Science reading room      weracerc - pic pg76
(106) pg76 - Pumpkins for Sale                      jef.savage - pic pg76
(107) pg76 - bike with a witch                       youzguyz - pic pg76
(108) pg76 - famous landmark replica            jef.savage - pic pg77
(109) pg77 - factory smokestacks               (Fish - pic pg77 (fail)) - weracerc - pic pg78
(110) pg78 - Huge Christmas display             EJID - pics pg78
(111) pg78 - You wearing a Santa hat            youzguyz - pics pg78
(112) pg79 - "No Motorcycles" sign                xxxxxxxxxx

*********** 2012 ****************

(113) pg79 - Inappropriate Riding Attire         EJID - pics pg79
(114) pg79 - show why you can't ride             babyhog - pic pg79
(115) pg79 - Grocery Store              xxxxxxxxxxx
(116) pg79 - "Anything"                              Boule'tard - pic pg80
(117) pg80 - Fan powered blow-up tube       weracerc - pic pg80
(118) pg80 - Anything with a propeller         xxxxxxxxxx
(119) pg80 - Sign with YOUR name on it        Boule'tard - pic pg80
(120) pg81 - Any previous challenge + something for next challenge                
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« Last Edit: 04/11/12 at 07:34:44 by babyhog »  

~ 2006 Black, Big Crank battery, HD Softail muffler, engine guard/o-ring pegs, Spitfite windshield, custom mounted Saddlemen bags, Mustang seat! ~ oh, and Hairdo by Helmet! ~
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Yonuh Adisi FSO
Serious Thumper

Savage Jedi (Knight)

Posts: 3622
Pilot Valley NV, aka Tatooine
Gender: male
Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #1 - 03/17/10 at 08:08:21
Sounds fun, I'm game. But you'll have to clarify the rules and what exactly are we looking for.
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Serious Thumper


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Sunny Southern California
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Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #2 - 03/17/10 at 08:17:53
I'm game.  (or gamey, not sure which.)

Is that *using* the drive through window, or actually going through the window?  All the ones I know of are a bit small....
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #3 - 03/17/10 at 08:24:31
the other site (VolusiaRiders) rules are:
- no photoshopped pics
- pics used only once, new pic for each target
- no old pics (past rallys, vacations, etc)
- you, your bike, and the target in the same pic.

But whatever anyone thinks is reasonable... to get participation...

they have done things like taking a picture with a policeman.... or with someone on roller skates.... whatever someone can come up with.
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~ 2006 Black, Big Crank battery, HD Softail muffler, engine guard/o-ring pegs, Spitfite windshield, custom mounted Saddlemen bags, Mustang seat! ~ oh, and Hairdo by Helmet! ~
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #4 - 03/17/10 at 08:26:57
Paladin. wrote on 03/17/10 at 08:17:53:
I'm game.  (or gamey, not sure which.)

Is that *using* the drive through window, or actually going through the window?  All the ones I know of are a bit small....

Oh, I guess we'll have to choose our words carefully too ...   Grin  Grin  Yes, "Using" would be a better term...  Maybe "Visiting"?  (just to snap a pic!)
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~ 2006 Black, Big Crank battery, HD Softail muffler, engine guard/o-ring pegs, Spitfite windshield, custom mounted Saddlemen bags, Mustang seat! ~ oh, and Hairdo by Helmet! ~
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Yonuh Adisi FSO
Serious Thumper

Savage Jedi (Knight)

Posts: 3622
Pilot Valley NV, aka Tatooine
Gender: male
Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #5 - 03/17/10 at 08:28:47
babyhog wrote on 03/17/10 at 08:24:31:
the other site (VolusiaRiders) rules are:
- no photoshopped pics
- pics used only once, new pic for each target
- no old pics (past rallys, vacations, etc)
- you, your bike, and the target in the same pic.

But whatever anyone thinks is reasonable... to get participation...

they have done things like taking a picture with a policeman.... or with someone on roller skates.... whatever someone can come up with.

Well, since not everyone is able to take a self picture of themselves with their bike, I think just the bike in the pic with the target would work. we have all seen pictures of most of our bikes so it would be just as good for identification as a self pic. That would be the only change I think is needed.
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Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #6 - 03/17/10 at 09:18:01
I think we all could identify Yonuh's bike parked at a adult beverage store while doing 70 on the superslab.  But many are still stock to point that no one's going to be able to tell them apart.

Those w/o unique bikes will need to be identifiable.  consider helmets, placards or mascots either temp or permantly screaming.
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Mr. Hyde
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Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #7 - 03/17/10 at 09:23:18
If you're a solo rider like me any suggestions on how to get all 3 in the photo at the same time. I can't see me lugging around a tripod and a Nikon DSLR.
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FREE RIDER - Whatever blows your hair back.
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Yonuh Adisi FSO
Serious Thumper

Savage Jedi (Knight)

Posts: 3622
Pilot Valley NV, aka Tatooine
Gender: male
Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #8 - 03/17/10 at 10:59:44
Good question, I am lucky that my camera has a remote so self pictures are easy for me. I reckon you can always flag a passer by down and ask them to take a shot of you or if your camera has a timer maybe try to park the bike somewhere close to a cage or something so you can set the camera down on a hood pointing towards you.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #9 - 03/17/10 at 10:59:54
Maby a clue as to which state?


a cordadance or map grid. to start with.?
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Yonuh Adisi FSO
Serious Thumper

Savage Jedi (Knight)

Posts: 3622
Pilot Valley NV, aka Tatooine
Gender: male
Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #10 - 03/17/10 at 11:04:13
verslagen1 wrote on 03/17/10 at 09:18:01:
I think we all could identify Yonuh's bike parked at a adult beverage store while doing 70 on the superslab.  But many are still stock to point that no one's going to be able to tell them apart.

Those w/o unique bikes will need to be identifiable.  consider helmets, placards or mascots either temp or permantly screaming.

Very good point Versy, not all of our bikes are so easily identifiable. But not all of us wear helmets either, so maybe, like for instance piglet can have here little piglet toy sitting on the seat when she takes her snapshot, and others can do the same, something that would identify with them. Yes, the mascot deal I think would work best.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #11 - 03/17/10 at 11:27:49
Yonuh Adisi FSO wrote on 03/17/10 at 11:04:13:
verslagen1 wrote on 03/17/10 at 09:18:01:
I think we all could identify Yonuh's bike parked at a adult beverage store while doing 70 on the superslab.  But many are still stock to point that no one's going to be able to tell them apart.

Those w/o unique bikes will need to be identifiable.  consider helmets, placards or mascots either temp or permantly screaming.

Very good point Versy, not all of our bikes are so easily identifiable. But not all of us wear helmets either, so maybe, like for instance piglet can have here little piglet toy sitting on the seat when she takes her snapshot, and others can do the same, something that would identify with them. Yes, the mascot deal I think would work best.

Ok, everybody go out and buy stuffed Piglets...  LOL

Or maybe even a piece of paper/index card with your user ID or "" written on it?  Something to show that the pic was taken for this hunt ??
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~ 2006 Black, Big Crank battery, HD Softail muffler, engine guard/o-ring pegs, Spitfite windshield, custom mounted Saddlemen bags, Mustang seat! ~ oh, and Hairdo by Helmet! ~
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Yonuh Adisi FSO
Serious Thumper

Savage Jedi (Knight)

Posts: 3622
Pilot Valley NV, aka Tatooine
Gender: male
Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #12 - 03/17/10 at 11:42:12
Since this is your idea, what is our first task piglet? I'm about to go out for a ride because it is too nice out to spend my last day off cooped up in the house on the computer.
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Serious Thumper

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Breast Cancer!

Posts: 3802
Gender: female
Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #13 - 03/17/10 at 11:52:51
Ok, just to get us rolling.... Let's see if you can take a picture of your bike with [beside/behind/on/under/near] a sign with the word "FIRE" in it.  
** NOT a homemade sign, it must be an actual street sign, store sign, etc...... and we must be able to see the bike and the word "FIRE".     
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~ 2006 Black, Big Crank battery, HD Softail muffler, engine guard/o-ring pegs, Spitfite windshield, custom mounted Saddlemen bags, Mustang seat! ~ oh, and Hairdo by Helmet! ~
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Yonuh Adisi FSO
Serious Thumper

Savage Jedi (Knight)

Posts: 3622
Pilot Valley NV, aka Tatooine
Gender: male
Re: Scavenger Hunt anyone?
Reply #14 - 03/17/10 at 11:56:35
You're on.
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