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Re: Verslavy Tensioner Assy (Read 21776 times)
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Re: Verslavy Tensioner Assy
05/26/07 at 12:07:39
Cam Chain Adjuster Check Procedure and install instructions
Cam Chain Adjuster Life

From this:

To this:

- The VerSlavyOT ------------------------------------------------

- The VerSlavyOT ------------------------------------------------

A modified plunger with 1 or 2 holes incorporating an Over Tension spring to prevent over-stressing the cam chain.

VerSlavyOT options (contact for availability)
a) Plunger only- Modified OT plunger, 1 hole version for $165
b) Complete Assy- Complete OT assy, 2 hole w/pin&slot version for $275
c) Upgrade existing VerSlavy for $105

- The VerSlavy ------------------------------------------------

VerSlavy mod (pin, slot and second hole) in a new adjuster for $235 by paypal
                                                                                          $230 by gift, money order or zelle

- The VerSlavy with your parts ----------------------------

VerSlavy mod (pin, slot and second hole) with your parts for $105 by paypal
                                                                                       $100 by gift, money order or zelle
Prepayment or Money Order sent with the parts advised for the fastest service.

- In a bind, need it now? ----------------------------
Talk to me (PM), I don't have parts in my pocket, but maybe able to overnite the next day.
When used parts are available, the deposit is $40 which will be refunded less excessive damage.

I'll buy your adjuster in useable condition for up to $40.

Upon receipt, I will appraise it's value and let you know.


Domestic shipping by USPS is included and unless you say otherwise, I assume you are.  
Don't tell me at the last minute that you're in Cantdeliverstan.  

International or overnight shipping will be extra and the paperwork is a b!tch.  

Most Intl shipping is $35 and up with options for speedier delivery.


So, you're asking yourself 'How do I order?'   Huh

I can't save your PM's, so it's best to communicate by email.
Hit the email button at the bottom, tell me:

your name,
your savage username,
your address,
and what are you interested in.  

And get back to you as soon as I can, usually later that night.   Smiley
If that button doesn't work for you, post a request and I'll contact you if your email button works.
1. What's the basic difference between a used or new adjuster? In terms of reliability or longevity?
A: It varies, can be none or adjuster can get damaged by letting the plunger go all the way out and it will oval the hole a bit.
When I pin these in, it holds the plunger in before the ovaling.  So a little bit of damage doesn't really affect it.  But some people like to not have damaged parts at all.  I started with a used one with 22k miles on it, and I've used it for nearly 100,000 miles since. There's a little bit of damage to the back of the housing where the guide rubs on it besides the initial ovaling.

2. how do you get used adjustors for your mod?
A: I buy new ones and pay for the old ones.  Most people can't wait for me to mod their parts, so I exchange them with ones that have been sent in before by other members.  If I mod your specific parts, it might take a month and I'd lose my mind trying to keep all the parts separate.  best I can do is exchange your plunger for one that's already been mod'd and mod your housing.  then build it with your springs.  When forewarned, I've gotten the parts Saturday morn and shipped them that afternoon.

3. Once I have your mod installed it's good for life of bike right? As in once I eventually need a new cam chain, I can just have the tensioner reset?
A: Yep, the adjuster doesn't wear out, the chain does.  Install a new chain, reset the plunger, put the bolt in the 1st hole and away you go.

4. My tensioner is at ~17mm w/ 11.7k mi. Approximately how many miles until I should change it?
A: That answer varies a lot.  You should change it when the plunger is at 19mm... at 22mm, the hole is ovaled and you're about to grenade your engine.  A conservative estimate is a 1000 miles for every 1mm.  I would guess that the plunger starts out in life at 6 to 9mm extended.  That would give you 11mm for a little more than 11k miles.  So that guess works out for you.

5. Is there any reason not to go with the used version? I assume they are rebuilt, and function equally well?
A: Yes, I check for function before I send them.  Some have a little ovaling, but the plunger once pinned won't go out as far to need the support of the ovaled part of the hole.

6. How does the rebate work?
A: Send the old tensioner assembly to me and I'll evaluate it.  Most get a full rebate.  A little ovaling in the housing is acceptable, grinding of the plunger depends of extent, bent/broken springs are not.  And the operation will be checked.

7.Do you have any ready to ship?
A: I'm making them all the time but they are made to order, so none are ready but can be ready soon depending on parts availability.

8. Do you take paypal?
A: yes, paypal and zelle, but money order is preferred.

9.What's your turn around time from sending you my chain tensioner to mod and return.
A: If I have the plungers in stock, they can be ready to ship in a couple of days from receipt.  Let me know if you are in a hurry and I'll do my best.

10.What's the best way to ship?
A: I use USPS. 1st class package w/insurance... $15 or so.  Please wipe off all excess oil and put in a zip lock bag with an address label or name tag for identification.

11.What do I send for the mod?

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« Last Edit: 06/23/24 at 21:52:11 by verslagen1 »  

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Re: Cam Chain Club Modified Tensioner Assy
Reply #1 - 06/16/07 at 21:56:44
trooper3 wrote on 12/31/69 at 16:00:06:
Thanks Verslagen!... just got the "original" style weld-on cam adjuster I ordered from you into my sister's Savage. The bike runs sweet, no more noise, way quieter. Looks like I have about 12mm before the spring pin gets to the end of the slot but because my chain is only about 10mm apart I figure I will hear something before it does.  Thanks again. Here is a picture.
Rick C.

Thanks Rick!
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« Last Edit: 03/18/13 at 13:36:13 by verslagen1 »  
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Re: Cam Chain Club Modified Tensioner Assy
Reply #2 - 09/16/07 at 13:55:31
A bit of history...

slavy wrote on 12/31/69 at 16:00:02:
I made some mod. to my tensioner- just made the part that slides out longer /welded  about 1" extension/ and drilleed a new hole 12 mm ftom the old one . Now the cam chain tensioner is almost all the way IN. And No, I did not check how does it work, because the engine is still on the bench, waiting for a proper paper work for the bike where it will go.
If somebody wants a picture, just send me an e-mail and I'll send You back a picture.

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A savage from Sweden

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Re: Cam Chain Club Modified Tensioner Assy
Reply #3 - 10/01/07 at 09:41:10
Got my parts today (You did a splended job Verslagen) and put them in place. Now i have a whispering engine, and i will recomend all Savage ovners to buy a VerSlavy till there next oilchange. /Matti
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Re: Cam Chain Club Modified Tensioner Assy
Reply #4 - 11/15/07 at 06:39:20
Hi Verslagen, just had the mechanic replace cam chain and fit your tensioner.

The tensioner he returned me has a small spring-loaded catch and the piston is serrated on the top... is this the standard issue item or had it been reworked already (keep in mind my bike is 19 years old and I'm the 6th owner)

The old tensioner does look in fine shape, though, and has a looong spring inside, so when fully compressed it will push against the cam chain with quite some force...


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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
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Re: Cam Chain Club Modified Tensioner Assy
Reply #5 - 04/15/08 at 12:24:00
I just got it

Positive Feedback Rating 100%

Excellent machine work and fast turn around time.
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Fat Bastard
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Re: Cam Chain Club Modified Tensioner Assy
Reply #6 - 07/12/08 at 07:00:35
No problems installing the verslavy
it was time.

the verslavy in

the plastic thing still in

pulled it out

went for a test ride and no more rattle noise.
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Fat Bastard
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Re: Cam Chain Club Modified Tensioner Assy
Reply #7 - 07/12/08 at 08:20:33
47200 km = 29329 miles

I didn't measure how far out the plunger was.  I was so eager to put the other one in when the cover was off.  took only a few photos.  It was much easier than expected.  

I would recommend the verslavy to every savage owner. Just so that you don't have to think about the plunger popping out.  Mine was rattling and it was past due.

thanks again.
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Re: Cam Chain Club Modified Tensioner Assy
Reply #8 - 04/27/09 at 19:55:58
Hey verslagen1!  

I gots mail!

Yes, the verslavy arrived today safe and sound!  Thank you!  Grin
I also picked up my performance cam and jetset (thank you LANCER) today too!!  Woo hoo!   Grin

Wolf  Cheesy
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Re: Cam Chain Club Modified Tensioner Assy
Reply #9 - 06/30/09 at 21:36:14

If faced with a choice of which hole of the Verslavy to use, would you choose the one that yields more plunger extension or the one that yields less plunger extension?

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2001, Metallic Glacial Blue, Raptor Petcock, Verslavy (first hole) (otherwise, mechanically, the bike is stock), 13,xxx miles
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Re: Cam Chain Club Modified Tensioner Assy
Reply #10 - 06/30/09 at 23:17:38
Digger wrote on 06/30/09 at 21:36:14:
If faced with a choice of which hole of the Verslavy to use, would you choose the one that yields more plunger extension or the one that yields less plunger extension?

Use the 1st hole up until the pin bottoms out.  Then switch.  This will keep the spring tension to a minimum.
Or course if you're almost there, change it over if you want.
But I would tend not to want the plunger fully compressed.
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Re: Cam Chain Club Modified Tensioner Assy
Reply #11 - 09/27/10 at 19:45:21
got it. Its Awesome!
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Re: Cam Chain Club Modified Tensioner Assy
Reply #12 - 05/12/11 at 23:21:40
What is the advantage of going with this mod instead of the OEM part from BikeBandit?

If you stay with stock, you need to replace the chain, front and rear guides... NOT THE TENSIONER!!!

You only need to replace your tensioner if it looks like this...

And what's to prevent it happening again... nothing!
My mod pins the plunger to the housing, it will never fall out.
And with the 2nd hole you can extend the life of your chain to the full rated life of the chain.  
As it is, the plunger is ready to fall out at half the allowed stretch.

So do you want to pay over $200 every time or every other time your plunger is ready to fall out?
And count yourself lucky, half the time it falls out the cam gets out of time with the crank and piston meets valves.
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Re: Verslavy Tensioner Assy (in stock)
Reply #13 - 05/13/11 at 02:40:49
jdgronemeyer1s wrote on 05/12/11 at 22:52:58:
What is the advantage of going with this mod instead of the OEM part from BikeBandit?

Man, go with Verslagen's tensioner.  If you put a stock one back in it's only a matter of time (very short time at that) before it does the same thing again.  If you put a new stock tensioner in it will already be extended to the maximum and ready to fall out.  That's a very poor Suzuki design.  I'm going to order one before long myself.
If Verslagen will take my money  Smiley
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Re: Verslavy Tensioner Assy (no stock)
Reply #14 - 05/23/11 at 12:33:31
Received mine today, very fast shipping. Thank you!
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