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Off beat measurments and sizes (Read 2492 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Off beat measurments and sizes
Reply #30 - 01/22/20 at 13:52:19
Spoke torque  (as per Verslagen1)
3.5ft-lb (front and rear)
If your spoke torque wrench uses in-lb, then 42 of those
If it uses n-m, then 3.95 of those.

later years went to 3.7 ft-lb
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Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut between the seat and the handlebars. Make sure yours isn't too tight or too loose.
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Re: Off beat measurments and sizes
Reply #31 - 10/18/22 at 19:57:10
och wrote on 10/18/22 at 18:38:19:
Updating this thread in case anyone ever runs into the same trouble, since I myself discovered it 15 years after the original post.

For my 2013 S40 the hole in the housing and the starter insert are different sizes than the original posters, which isn't surprising. The Savage went through some revisions, including new gearbox, torque limiting gear for the starter, etc - so depending on the year the sizes of the o-rings may differ. But for my 2013 I ordered three different sizes of O-rings to experiment with.

35mm ID x 3mm x 41mm OD - McMaster part 9262K293
35mm ID x 3.5mm x 42mm OD - McMaster part 1302N604
35mm ID x 4mm x 43mm OD - McMaster part 9262K354

I started with the biggest one, the 43mm, and it was just too tight. Went down the size to 42mm, and it fit nicely, very snug - had to lightly tap the starter in with a hammer to get it to go.

These rings are sold in packages of 25pcs, so I still have 24 left, if anyone ever runs into the same problem, let me know and I'll mail you one.

The closes US size would be 1-3/8" ID x 1/8" x 1-5/8" OD

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Michael Moore
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Re: Off beat measurments and sizes
Reply #32 - 06/28/24 at 16:10:23
It looks like I did not get a SPACER, FRONT PULLEY  27531-24B00  in the various engine spares that I bought.  This is the one with an o-ring inside it that fits over the countershaft before the drive pulley is installed. I need the length of the spacer so I can determine the range of countershaft sprocket offsets possible (from the sprocket flat against the spacer to the sprocket spaced out to just under the nut).  I'm not ready to remove the pulley on the complete bike, so if someone has one of those spacers handy I'd appreciate  getting an overall length for it.  It seems like it should qualify as an off-beat measurement since many people would never have a need for it.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Off beat measurments and sizes
Reply #33 - 06/29/24 at 23:15:26
The OAL is .810".
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Michael Moore
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Re: Off beat measurments and sizes
Reply #34 - 06/30/24 at 15:25:56
Thanks, that gets me over that small hurdle.   .810" = 20.574mm.  20.5mm= .807", 20.6mm = .811".   With a .003" difference from 20.5mm  and only .001" from 20.6mm I'll presume that 20.6mm was the intended "ideal" length for the spacer.  

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YaBB Newbies

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Re: Off beat measurments and sizes
Reply #35 - Today at 12:30:04
Here's an on-beat measurement. Idle speed is specc'd at 1000 to 1200 rpm, so in the middle, 1100 rpm, a 4-stroke single should pop 550 beats per minute. Here's a 'metronome' at 550 bpm you can play on your phone while you adjust your idle:
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