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LS650 Parts that have changed '86 to Present (Read 1428 times)
Serious Thumper
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Re: Savage Parts that have changed '86 to '05
Reply #15 -
09/12/04 at 03:31:37
Kropatchek wrote
on 12/31/69 at 16:00:09:
Another difference:
The brake reservoir on the "pulled-back"and "straight" handle bar are different.
The pulled-back handle bar has the connection on the side , while the other one has the connection on the front.
Cool. I never noticed that and no one that has changed bars has mentioned it. Is it a functional thing or just a simple difference?
And let's not forget that you discovered that after 1996 the starter gears were changed too. Here's the pic, again.
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Re: Savage Parts that have changed '86 to '05
Reply #16 -
09/13/04 at 07:29:27
BTW the brake reservoir, difference only to run the brake line in a fluent maner, i think.
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Last Edit: 07/12/12 at 10:49:43 by Oldfeller--FSO
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'93 Sav in '96 ( yellow) looks
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Mr 650
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Re: Savage Parts that have changed '86 to '05
Reply #17 -
09/22/04 at 16:20:34
5C16 jet needle:
3 e-clip grooves (late model LS650)specs:
0.118"- in diameter from the c-clip to the start of the taper.
1.450"- length from start of taper to the smallest diameter-
0.100" - in dia. at the little end of taper (base of the cone that forms the point) and the point is about
.050" from the point back up to it's base.
2.269 overall lenght from tip to tip/
0.087-white spacer thickness
5C17 (1986 parts) needle jet specs
one e-clip groove
0.118"- in diameter from the c-clip to the start of the taper.
1.450"- length from start of taper to the smallest diameter-
0.100" - in dia. at the little end of taper (base of the cone that
After close inspection (under a magnifier and reading glasses),
The business end below the c-clip appears to be the same all the way to the tip. The only difference appears to be that the 5C16 has three grooves and the 5C17 only one. The center groove on the 5C16 is in the same location as the 5C17.
I have no means to check the i.d. of the X-6 or X-7 needle jets (emulsion tubes) but they appear to be the same piece.
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Re: Savage Parts that have changed '86 to '05
Reply #18 -
09/24/04 at 02:47:31
klx650sm2002 wrote
on 12/31/69 at 16:00:09:
Does anybody know if the primary drives are interchangable between 4 and 5 speed models.
Clive W
Yes. The '86 -'88 models had a Primary reduction ratio of 1.88 with the gears of 68 and 36. After that the ratio was changed to 1.81 with the gears 67 and 37.
Of course the transmission ratios were changed too.
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Serious Thumper
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Re: Savage Parts that have changed '86 to '05
Reply #19 -
10/12/04 at 03:09:40
I see another change (without going to the showroom).
The license plate lamp is black, and there is a Suzuki decal on what used to be a plain fender. I guess that since they removed the backrest, Suzuki wanted to put it "somewhere"
Also, notice that the reflector is gone, but it looks like the bracket is unchanged...holes. Why did they do that?
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Re: Savage Parts that have changed '86 to '05
Reply #20 -
10/13/04 at 08:41:57
Yea more bullet light shaped.
Not only are the bars different but the Riser is as well. Sort of a dull finished Aluminum. Appears clear coated over. I think taller riders are going to like these bars. They felt a tad to forward to me. But would have to ride it. Liked the looks of them.
And the switches have changed slightly. A passing switch on the right side is there and relocations of size and functions and graphics on them and such on the left.
The tank trim all appear stuck on surface. Not reset into the tanks surface and under the clear coat kinda decals like before. Chrome applicaide tank ones and like clear jewels stuck on the side covers. All look removable to me. Not certain.
There are some black plastic trim thingies on the front forks. I have not these on my 2001.
There is a small Suzuki symbol on the triple tree.
The seat looks a tad wider. Not certain if thats for certain or not.
It looks rather stunning in the Pearl White.
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Re: Savage Parts that have changed '86 to '05
Reply #21 -
10/15/04 at 18:23:49
cphilip wrote
on 12/31/69 at 16:00:10:
There are some black plastic trim thingies on the front forks. I have not these on my 2001.
It was told to me that these are lower fork seal shield. Designed to keep bugs and road grime/grit off the leading edge of those seals so they will not get dragged into the seal when the fork compresses and chew em up. Apparently a major cause of lower fork seal leaks. A simple plastic shroud is now there to help that issue and prevent seal damage.
Keep you fork tubes clean folks! Wipe em down after each run....
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Re: Savage Parts that have changed '86 to '05
Reply #22 -
03/02/05 at 07:16:04
Savage_Greg wrote
on 12/31/69 at 16:00:08:
Question. Did the '86-'88 Savages have a Decompression Solenoid for operating the decompression lever?
In looking through the schematics, I don't see this device until '95. There is a "starter solenoid controller" shown in the '87 schematics, but I wonder if there was a decompression lever on the early Savages. Anyone with an older bike know?
The original Savages have the decompression solenoid and lever
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Re: Savage Parts that have changed '86 to '05
Reply #23 -
03/08/05 at 07:07:42
Also the "Old style - pre 95" and the "new style-after 95" bikes have different el. components. Even if the color coding and the # of wires is the same, the plugs don't fit.
Yes, the pre95 bikes have decompressor solenoid. If You pish the starter button and You hear a knock and a second latter the bike cranks , the first thing You hear is the solenoid , retracting the decompressor cable.
Also all the 4 gear Suzukis, that I had and worked on, had a slipping clutch problem, so I had to change the plates and for the pease of mind to shim the springs/more preload/.
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Re: Savage Parts that have changed '86 to '05
Reply #24 -
04/02/05 at 15:41:57
The 1986 model has only 4 shock spring preload settings as opposed to the more common 5 settings.
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Re: Savage Parts that have changed '86 to '05
Reply #25 -
05/03/06 at 02:18:01
Savage_Greg wrote
on 12/31/69 at 16:00:09:
the starter gears were changed too. Here's the pic, again.
Is it possible to install the new startergears in an old crankcase?
I read somewhere that the kickback can damage not only the gears but also the crankcase (then the engine is total loss I suppose). As a preventive measure I would like to "upgrade" to the new gears (which seem to have some clutch mechanism to avoid overstress on the gears).
Has anybody done this? or even considered it?
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Serious Thumper
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Alphen a/d Rijn Netherlands
Re: Savage Parts that have changed '86 to '05
Reply #26 -
05/03/06 at 02:28:01
It has been done before. Check the German forum
. Search for "anti-klack".
What I recall is that the generator cover has a different partnumber. Check the illustrations at
When you use the "old" , pre 1996 generator cover it has to be reworked. One of the bosses that support the axle has to be made 13mm shorter.
I have installed an electronic device that operates the decompression solenoid at shut-off. Can sent you the wiringdiagram if you're interested .
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'93 Sav in '96 ( yellow) looks
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Re: LS650 Parts that have changed '86 to Present
Reply #27 -
06/15/06 at 18:39:49
The mirror rods from the old flat bar are longer/flatter than the mirror rods on the buckhorns I believe. The Savage on the front of the Clymer manual has the flat bar and the mirrors are way out towards the ends of the bars. I put my mirrors and mounts from my 96 on a stock flat bar and they are mostly up rather than out. I can hardly even see behind me.
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Re: LS650 Parts that have changed '86 to Present
Reply #28 -
03/14/12 at 12:38:25
What year did they introduce the quick cancling turn signial sw. ??
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Re: LS650 Parts that have changed '86 to Present
Reply #29 -
03/14/12 at 14:34:19
If you mean the push in to cancell feature... my '96 has it, my '88 doesn't.
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