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(GASP) Guns & MJ (Read 218 times)
Serious Thumper

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(GASP) Guns & MJ
04/06/24 at 12:32:04
Again !!!!!
… those who use marijuana cannot legally own firearms, despite state laws legalizing recreational use…

AGAIN !!!!!
…”People who smoke weed or take marijuana edibles are "still federally defined as an 'unlawful user' of a controlled substance," and therefore are "prohibited from shipping, transporting, receiving, or possessing firearms or ammunition…

AGAIN !!!!!
…"Until marijuana is legalized federally, (Which will NEVER happen) firearms owners and possessors should be mindful that it remains federally illegal…

A, Anti Freedom POTUS like Mush For Brain Pudding Head,
Will confiscate ALL the records from ALL pot shops,
Then take ALL the guns, from people who’s names they have.

(Well unless it is Hunter, then Daddy will protect his baby, and send in the Secret Service to STEAL
the evidence)
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8051

Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #1 - 04/06/24 at 16:18:59
 I doubt it.

 The logistical nightmare of physically and forcefully extracting guns from the US populace would be so resource intensive and exhausting that the benefit is practically nothing.  

 The practicality of raiding homes is typically ignored when claiming the Government will come TAKE your guns.  Except for those ego-driven analysis types that say that they would never give up their guns without a fight, which somehow means others won't do that exact thing.  Or even simpler, just hide the guns, or hand them to a friend that doesn't use MJ.

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Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #2 - 04/07/24 at 03:49:41
It’s likely they will target ammunition through excessive taxes and regulations. The plan to force the transition to EV from gas and diesel to combat the hoax of climate change is through emission requirements so if they bankrupt ammunition manufacturers like they did tobacco, leftist will achieve their goal that. We can’t even use our military to stop illegal aliens from flooding into the country so do you honestly think we’re going to send her military to Bubba’s house in the backwoods of Alabama or Arkansas to dig up his cache of 20 AR, 15s shotguns, etc.? Hardly.

Although, since leftist, don’t consider conservatives people, it wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t float that idea around.
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Serious Thumper

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Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #3 - 04/07/24 at 11:19:42
Eegore wrote on 04/06/24 at 16:18:59:
"I doubt it ... ... hand them to a friend that doesn't use MJ."

LOLOL, can’t do that in MN now.
(Thanks to the UL, DFI, Socialist Gov)

Someone stops by, asks me to use a gun for hunting this coming weekend. Which my Grandfather had, which was given to my Dad, which was given to me.

It NOW, needs to be given to a FFL Licensed person/store, With both of us present, it goes into the books of that store, the person who wants to use it for a day, has to now fill out the 4473, then it needs to ‘background’ checked, (Wait up to 3 days for answer like Clinton  made the FFL’s do), then he/she can use it. After they are done the process has to be done again in reverse.

Cost 25-45, each time, Wait up to 3 days, each time, Drive to the store, time./gas ?

And if one of the two people, had a crazy DFI neighbor, who filed a False “Red Law”, report,  it will fall to one of the two people to clear their name.   Yep, Punishment of LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, to simply to appease a bunch of FDS.

And in the SAME Bill that passed:
     •      .,..Boost funding … raise salaries of judicial branch workers and legal aid programs…
(Perfect way to boost Productivity. Give more money to have less knowledge of the job and to do Less things !)

     •      …Expand youth intervention and restorative programs …
(Great, spend tax payer money to  build a place, so they can have a clean and Wonderful place to go to, to SELL drugs !)

     •      …Rework the pardons process so decisions of the three-person panel …won’t have to be unanimous…
(Wonderful, you don’t have to LIE and FOOL all of the board, just some)

     •      …Allow prison inmates to shave time off their incarceration by participating in rehabilitative, substance abuse…
(Really, so one can’t have/do, substance abuse in Prison, yet go to a class that says you can’t do substance abuse, then you will get time off for doing substance abuse ? Kinna like Floyd did. Is not PRISON, suppose to be a PUNISHMENT ? Who was that that often said, “Yea, Ya Don’t Like it, Don’t come back !"

     •       ...Limit the use of no-knock search warrants by police…
(Perfect, “Hey we are gonna raid the house at 123 Any street at 3.45 PM, THIS Thursday cause we KNOW you are making Crack their”)

     •      ..,. Fund police recruitment…
(Just like was done with Noir, who got 4 years in a Country Club prison for shooting and KILLING a UN Armed woman, in her PJ’s)

     •      …The law will also create the first in the nation Office of Missing and Murdered African American Women and Girls. …”
(So if your skin color is red, brown, yellow, white,  It is just tough SHIT)

So just keep thinking that the Fed’s will NOT, take/demand, the list of people that are buying MG.

And just keep thinking that nothing will ever done about it !!!!!

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8051

Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #4 - 04/07/24 at 11:29:48
 Yeah I'm sure when the Feds start going house to house, apartment complex by apartment complex breaking in doors holding people at gunpoint, hundreds of thousands of them nationwide, none of those people will hide their guns or hand them off to someone else.

So just keep thinking that the Fed’s will NOT, take/demand, the list of people that are buying MG.

And just keep thinking that nothing will ever done about it !!!!!

 I don't think they will go "TAKE" the guns.  It would be a logistical nightmare and a disaster.
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Serious Thumper

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Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #5 - 04/09/24 at 08:28:41
Eegore wrote on 04/07/24 at 11:29:48:
 "...  I don't think they will go "TAKE" the guns.  It would be a logistical nightmare and a disaster.  

Many MORE ways to, 'TAKE" a gun,
(Which has ALREADY been done,
  And more ways will continue !!!!!)

then to 'storm-trouper/knockdown' doors.

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8051

Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #6 - 04/10/24 at 14:38:48
 Then they didn't TAKE them in most cases. Most cases.  People typically, voluntarily give them up.

 If a human uses MJ and chooses to do it in a way that makes it illegal to own a gun, they can choose to give up the gun, give up the MJ, or do both and hope the Government never goes house to house knocking in doors.

 The real question is if you want to legally own firearms, why would you use MJ?
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Serious Thumper

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Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #7 - 04/12/24 at 13:53:28
Eegore wrote on 04/07/24 at 11:29:48:
 "...  I don't think they will go "TAKE" the guns. ..." 

 (Just a few ways,
which MJ is just one of them)

Red Laws, allowing civil gun seizure orders.

Connecticut, since 1999. Police departments  have carried out more than 1,500 of the seizure orders,

California’s gun violence restraining order law went into effect in 2016. That year, police and family members of gun owners successfully filed for 86 orders statewide. The number rose to 104 in 2017.

San Diego, more aggressive about seizing guns with these orders. It has launched an initiative to ensure that civil gun seizures orders are issued as frequently as possible.

Anybody, that is ANYBODY, can file a seizure warrant with a Judge,  (red law), which you’re not allowed to participate in, or make your views known.
If  the judge decides the firearms should be confiscated.
If the court approves the seizure.
(When was the last time a court did not enforce a Judges order)
Officers are dispatched to collect the weapons,

How many years ago was it that if someone said,
       ‘You are a Witch’,
you are deemed to be a Witch ?

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8051

Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #8 - 04/12/24 at 14:20:41
 The real question is if you want to legally own firearms, why would you use MJ?

If they "Then take ALL the guns, from people who’s names they have.
just for MJ, in only CO, that's millions of people to take ALL the guns from.

 I don't think it will happen.  It would be a massive use of force over decades to go "take ALL" the guns, just from MJ users in Denver CO alone.  The search process for just one apartment complex would take months.  How many MJ users will just hide, move or prepare to defend while that one single raid is going on?

 Red flags laws don't even come close to this number in any capacity.  The POTUS can go ahead and take ALL the MJ records - there's no way they will go take ALL those guns.  The problem, as usual, is the horrendous logistics of taking ALL guns from even a small section of the populace.

The only counter to this fact is the classic frog in boiling water defense, and its not even a good one.

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Serious Thumper

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The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #9 - 04/13/24 at 05:00:41
I also think that it is impossible, especially with the deteriorating social situation that is going on.
I understand that MJ is less harmful than alcohol, but it is known that many people who use it develop psychological complaints, especially if their foundation is already shaky. But for many people it is also an antidepressant or a remedy for pain or other complaints. Or a nice break from their brain every now and then.And a means to get cash.

The whole gun problem is a social problem.
You now also see this developing in my country. The poverty that spreads through bad policy and the enormous need for housing, and on top of that the disastrous asylum policy, has led to a high level of violence with knives and explosives in recent years.

The news is full of it every day. And that was very different 15 years ago. we were pretty much the safest country in the world. The bad thing is that it is children and young adults who go off the rails. They see drug dealing as a supplement to their salary.

The solution is not to take them away. We have a weapons ban, but people walk with machetes under their coats. They make their explosives from imported fireworks. And somehow hand grenades are easily available.

As I see every day, there are photos in the newspaper of blown-up front doors and windows. and I haven't even mentioned the threats yet. many entrepreneurs find hand grenades at their door.

There is a lively drug war going on in our small country, while the government has systematically cut back on police spending over the past 16 years.

The explosives, drugs and weapons are not the problem. It is the social climate that has arisen as a result of years of bad policy.
Young people are afraid of becoming homeless and use all means available.
There is no point in fighting the symptoms, it is not a cough.
You have to tackle the real problems.

It is no coincidence that they have allowed it to escalate so much, they will soon be brandishing a social control system. All they do now is change laws.More and more freedom is being sacrificed for safety.
I don't think I need to explain why.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

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Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #10 - 04/13/24 at 13:46:45
The solution is not to take them away. We have a weapons ban, but people walk with machetes under their coats. They make their explosives from imported fireworks. And somehow hand grenades are easily available.

 This has been my observation.  Literally everywhere I've been where the general populace doesn't have guns, they blow sh!t up, or stab each other.

 MnSpring brings up a good point with the availability of MJ ID process, but the follow up of taking ALL their guns, and how it's pretty much impossible to do without decades of bloodshed, for pretty much no reason, is typically ignored by people that want to convince us (Us meaning all known humans) that the government is going after our guns by using MJ records.

 This Red Law thing is a perfect example, millions of MJ users versus a few thousand Red Law warrants.  When one Red Law is served at least 2 police go get the guns, usually more.  So if 3.7 million MJ users are in Denver alone, how many cops will you need, and how many years will that take?  Issue 3 warrants a day, that's  1,233,333 days, or 3,379 years given there are no days off.

 Just for Denver.
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Serious Thumper

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Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #11 - 04/15/24 at 10:16:57
Eegore wrote on 04/13/24 at 13:46:45:
"... but the follow up of taking ALL their guns, and how it's pretty much impossible ..."


Physically taking Guns, has become more regular.
And it will become even more !

Using the MJ records, (Background Check),will prevent a person from obtaining another gun, AND, Now, that person, is known to have a unlawful item.
The 'taking' will be more.

Then the 'law',
 (just like the Communist Gov in MN passed)
A person wanting to use another persons gun, HAS, to go to a FFL dealer, SURRENDER, that gun to the FFL. The FFL puts into the books, then immediately takes it out to the 2nd person. who fills out the 4473, and triggers a Background check !!!!!!!!!

Golly Gee Wally, why did MN just pass, "... Cannabis is now legal for adults 21 and older to use and possess in Minnesota..."

Wait till CO does that.
No need to knock on doors.
One will just take the gun to a FFL !!!!!

 (What is the % of that slop ?)

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8051

Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #12 - 04/15/24 at 11:07:38
Physically taking Guns, has become more regular.
And it will become even more !

 Millions of MJ users are in Denver alone.  They can start there and see how physically taking guns works in downtown on Colfax.  I bet after the first complex is raided the place would turn into a warzone.  It would take decades to go through one municipality.

A person wanting to use another persons gun, HAS, to go to a FFL dealer, SURRENDER, that gun to the FFL. The FFL puts into the books, then immediately takes it out to the 2nd person. who fills out the 4473, and triggers a Background check !!!!!!!!!

 Again, if you want to be a legal gun owner, why are you using MJ?  That's not taking ALL guns, it's people CHOOSING MJ over gun ownership.

Wait till CO does that.
No need to knock on doors.
One will just take the gun to a FFL !!!!!

 CO did, 10 years ago.  

 If a human wants to be a legal gun owner all they have to do is choose to not use MJ from a recreational/medical dealer.  

 The government can TAKE all the MJ records they want.  They aren't going to go march through downtown Denver, or any city confiscating guns.  Some humans will however choose MJ over gun ownership and surrender their weapons.  Most will use MJ and just keep their guns.  Because the government isn't coming with the SWAT team to millions of homes.
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Serious Thumper

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Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #13 - 04/15/24 at 11:48:40
Eegore wrote on 04/15/24 at 11:07:38:
"...  CO did, 10 years ago ..."

Really, I did not know that 10 years ago the State of CO, ushered in a law, that said:

' If you want to lend a gun to someone,
you MUST GIVE IT to a FFL dealer first,
than that dealer Must put it into the books,
then it will come out of the books
to the person receiving the gun,
which a background check will be made '

If MJ records are on file,
If the lender or receiver's name is their,
What would happen ?

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8051

Re:  (GASP) Guns & MJ
Reply #14 - 04/15/24 at 14:15:57
Really, I did not know that 10 years ago the State of CO, ushered in a law, that said:

' If you want to lend a gun to someone,
you MUST GIVE IT to a FFL dealer first,
than that dealer Must put it into the books,
then it will come out of the books
to the person receiving the gun,
which a background check will be made '

 I interpreted your statement as CO having legal MJ for humans over the age of 21 and unable to own a firearm.

 If MJ records are on file,
If the lender or receiver's name is their,
What would happen ?

 If there's tons of funding, if they have staff, if and more ifs, then law enforcement might issue a warrant.  None of this would result in taking ALL the guns.  There millions of MJ users, getting ALL those guns by means of humans literally volunteering to participate in gun-trade/loaning process will take forever.  

 And at that, the humans are still volunteering to use that system, like idiots, instead of just keeping the gun illegally in their possession.  The real question is if they want to legally own a gun, why are they using MJ?

 Why would a human that wants to legally own a gun, use MJ to begin with?  Why would they go to an FFL with guns?  A lot of this relies on criminals deciding to follow the law all the sudden.
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