Serious Thumper
Younger than most people my age.
Posts: 9667
WM said: Do you think you illegals who snuck into a country and who are living in far less prosperous environments, wouldn’t be easier to incite?
Serowbot said: Yes,.. I do think Hispanics wouldn't be easier to incite.
So Bot, you say, ALL Hispanic people, are Not, easy to incite.
So that includes ALL Hispanic people. Ones that work hard, ones that are Lazy, ones that are rich, ones that are poor, ones that SNUCK into the Nation, ones that CRIED their way into this Nation, ones that are Citizens, Ones that are NOT, etc, etc, etc.
When the question was: Do you believe, ILLEGALS, are, or are not, easier to incite ? (ILLEGALS, which are a majority of ‘Hispanic’ decent)
I believe the majority of the Hispanic people from many Countries South of the boarder, have crossed because they NOW KNOW they will get FREE, Food, Housing, Healthcare, and Transportation. They will get a Job working for someone, for CASH, and NEVER pay any taxes. They do NOT have to go through the Naturalization Process. All they have to do is VOTE, for the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE, Socialist Democrat Candidate. (Where the USDFIFDPWOKE SOCIALISTS have ALLOWED NON CITIZENS to Vote) Because they have been TOLD to !!!!
I believe 5-15% of TERRORISTS that are coming in to this Nation, are totally unhindered, and ALLOWED to do what ever they want !
I also believe that both of those people, by LYING, to ‘get in’, will in a HEARTBEAT, raise up and, ‘Protest’. Again, because they are TOLD to do it to keep there ‘free’ stuff.