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What happens when…. (Read 49 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 13524

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What happens when….
11/11/23 at 06:48:15
…..all the Hispanics the Democrats allowed to sneak into our country to steal a living from America citizens just so they’d vote for them, rally around some fictitious event the liberal media blows completely out of proportion (like George Floyd) and they start “peacefully protesting “?
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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28986
Tucson Az
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Re: What happens when….
Reply #1 - 11/11/23 at 09:51:33
Oh dear... who put this thought in your head?

Be afraid... be very afraid

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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: What happens when….
Reply #2 - 11/11/23 at 10:45:05
Serowbot wrote on 11/11/23 at 09:51:33:
.. who put this thought in your head?

That would be the reality,
of the observed happenings.

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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Re: What happens when….
Reply #3 - 11/12/23 at 04:56:20
Serowbot wrote on 11/11/23 at 09:51:33:
Oh dear... who put this thought in your head?

Be afraid... be very afraid

Are you saying you can’t conceive of a situation where that would happen?
Politicians of both parties create groups of people. Scratch that, not true. they don’t create groups of people, they point out people who self organize in their own groups. Then they use these groups their advantages. We all do the same thing just not as public.

You assign about 50% of the voting public into MAGA and assign all types of behavior conditions upon them. I group maybe 30% of the population into a group I refer to as leftist, of which you were clearly one. And I assign behavior traits to them.

There is a large group generally referred to as Hispanics. Some portion of that group are illegal. There could easily be a situation arise and dramatically publicize by the media that would cause this group to unite under this single cause. It could potentially be dangerous. It could also potentially be very helpful to the nation as a whole, as if they decided to unite under the American flag and historical civilized American society.

Unfortunately, it’s far more likely they will unite as we’re seeing with the pro-Palestinian, pro Hamas, kill all the Jews, group. In other words, modern-day US based Nazis. Real Nazis, not the ridiculous title people who were infected with TDS lumped on huge portions of the American public. No, actually, Nazis who want to kill one specific demographic. Awful.
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28986
Tucson Az
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Re: What happens when….
Reply #4 - 11/12/23 at 06:18:25
The same could be said of any group, anywhere, at any time

Why single out Hispanics?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: What happens when….
Reply #5 - 11/12/23 at 07:31:18
Not any group. My demographic wouldn’t resort to violent protesting (except if retirement savings were confiscated for tax revenue).

Here’s something interesting. We had a protest march not far from me down a major street in the suburbs of St. Louis the other day. Pro Palestinian, also known as, pro Hamas kill the Jews, March. The interesting thing is Muslims within a 5 mile radius of here, have a very high average income, live in nice houses, and have otherwise integrated into American society. Yet many came out marching, carrying ridiculous signs indicating they want to kill all Jews.

Do you think you illegals who snuck into a country and who are living in far less prosperous environments,  wouldn’t be easier to incite?
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28986
Tucson Az
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Re: What happens when….
Reply #6 - 11/12/23 at 09:58:37
WebsterMark wrote on 11/12/23 at 07:31:18:
Do you think you illegals who snuck into a country and who are living in far less prosperous environments,  wouldn’t be easier to incite?

Double negative question.

Yes,.. I do think Hispanics wouldn't be easier to incite.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: What happens when….
Reply #7 - 11/12/23 at 12:22:41
WM said: Do you think you illegals who snuck into a country and who are living in far less prosperous environments,  wouldn’t be easier to incite?

Serowbot said: Yes,.. I do think Hispanics wouldn't be easier to incite.

So Bot, you say, ALL Hispanic people, are Not, easy to incite.

So that includes ALL Hispanic people.
Ones that work hard, ones that are Lazy, ones that are rich, ones that are poor, ones that SNUCK into the Nation, ones that CRIED their way into this Nation, ones that are Citizens, Ones that are NOT, etc, etc, etc.

When the question was:
Do you believe, ILLEGALS, are, or are not, easier to incite ?
(ILLEGALS, which are a majority of ‘Hispanic’ decent)

I believe the majority of the Hispanic people from many Countries South of the boarder,  have crossed because they NOW KNOW they will get FREE, Food, Housing, Healthcare, and Transportation.
They will get a Job working for someone, for CASH, and NEVER pay any taxes.
They do NOT have to go through the Naturalization Process.
All they have to do is VOTE, for the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE, Socialist Democrat Candidate. (Where the USDFIFDPWOKE SOCIALISTS have ALLOWED NON CITIZENS to Vote)
   Because they have been TOLD to !!!!

I believe 5-15% of TERRORISTS that are coming in to this Nation, are totally unhindered, and ALLOWED to do what ever they want !

I also believe that both of those people,  by LYING, to ‘get in’,  will in a HEARTBEAT, raise up and, ‘Protest’.
Again, because they are TOLD to do it to keep there ‘free’ stuff.

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 13524

Gender: male
Re: What happens when….
Reply #8 - 11/12/23 at 14:10:14
So you think a group of people who have already broken a massive number of federal laws, and who potentially live with what we would generally call not much to lose or at the very least have far less invested in permanent homes, mortgages etc…would be harder to incite to violence?

Is Arizona a medical or maybe a recreational marijuana state? Just asking.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: What happens when….
Reply #9 - 11/12/23 at 14:22:18

Is Arizona a medical or maybe a recreational marijuana state? Just asking.

It's both.
Anybody, that is ANYBODY, can buy all sorts of MJ varieties !
All you need is a DR/ID !!!!!!!!!

for residents of Tucson,
explains a lot !

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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