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Reputation. (Read 86 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 1584
The Netherlands   Den Haag
10/30/23 at 02:07:45
There is a whole world outside of America
This world has been dominated by America for many years.
America shows its democracy and has the best interests of the world at heart.
The rest of the world sees it a little differently.

It has become clear that the war they have provoked in Ukraine can never be won and that Russia no longer intends to stop it. People all around the world are now seeing the evil role of America in this conflikt.

Now that America's role in Israel ensures that 2 million Palestinians are exterminated and that Amerika has no problem violating international treaties.
It has become painfully clear to the rest of the world that America is the axis of evil.

The reputation of the USA, or what was left of it, has collapsed like building seven.

With the troop build-up in the Asia-Pacific, it is clear to the rest of the world that Precident Biden is in to a world war.

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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 13669

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Re: Reputation.
Reply #1 - 10/30/23 at 04:16:32
America is the shining light on the hill. Your current lifestyle exists and is sustainable only because the US is involved in world affairs.

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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1584
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Reputation.
Reply #2 - 10/30/23 at 06:21:30
It's safe to say that half the American people are made up of perverted fascist mothercrappity smackers. And it is high time that Russia and China nuke the place. so the rest of the word can finely live in peace.

Your secret service the CIA is a proven mafia organization.

Your big corporations are throwing people into poverty all over the world.

Your government wipes its ass with international treaties and do not recognizes the court in The Hague.
If you did, you would have seen you entire government behind bars.

You are the axis of evil.

As soon as the pertol dollar falls you will be a 3 world country.
And honestly, that can't happen fast enough for me.

And I can assure you that not only the Arabs think this way about you, but the rest of the world too. Go crappity smack yourself.
And you're actually already crappity smacking yourself, with what you're doing in Israel.
Because now everyone sees what you are doing in Ukraine, and that you are the cause of that war.

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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 29107
Tucson Az
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Re: Reputation.
Reply #3 - 10/30/23 at 06:49:39
Wow... what happened to your swirled peas philosophy?  Huh
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1584
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Reputation.
Reply #4 - 10/30/23 at 07:06:01
I'm trying to wake you up and show you what the USA is really doing in the world. And apparently that doesn't work with philosophy.

You should see what happens when Europe sides with Russia and China. We are a lot more thorough than your weak snack.

Every crappity smacker here on this site wants to see the palestina,s die. But what if we start kicking your ass. See what only the Germans did and that the world almost lost. What do you think will happen if all of Europe turns against you?

The problem with you is that your country has never been exposed to war other than Pearl Harbor. But you don't realize that all your greatest enemies now have long range missiles with nuclear warheads.

You are now as vulnerable as the Palestinians.

But not only that. Now after Ukraine and this debacel in Israel everyone will direct their strategy against the USA.
Also Europe, because you have harmed Europe enormously with the war in Ukraine.
And this war will never end well if Europe does not stand up to America.
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« Last Edit: 10/30/23 at 08:33:06 by zevenenergie »  

Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper
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PGR rider  riding
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Grand Junction Colorado
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Re: Reputation.
Reply #5 - 10/30/23 at 08:11:34
zevenenergie wrote on 10/30/23 at 07:06:01:
I'm trying to wake you up and show you what the USA is really doing in the world. And apparently that doesn't work with philosophy.

You should see what happens when Europe sides with Russia and China. We are a lot more thorough than your weak snack.

Every crappity smacker her on this site wants to see the palestina,s die . But what if we start kicking your ass. See what only the Germans did and that the world almost lost. What do you think will happen if all of Europe turns against you?

The problem with you is that your country has never been exposed to war other than Pearl Harbor. But you don't realize that all your greatest enemies now have long range missiles with nuclear warheads.

You are now as vulnerable as the Palestinians.

But not only that. Now after Ukraine and this debacel in Israel everyone will direct their strategy against the USA.
Also Europe, because you have harmed Europe enormously with the war in Ukraine.
And this war will never end well if Europe does not stand up to America.

tulip rattling
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standing for those who stood for US

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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 29107
Tucson Az
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Re: Reputation.
Reply #6 - 10/30/23 at 08:20:59
thumperclone wrote on 10/30/23 at 08:11:34:
tulip rattling

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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1584
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Reputation.
Reply #7 - 10/30/23 at 09:34:40
Well it wont smell rosy...

Let's take a realistic look at what could happen in 2024 and beyond.

In 2024, during the elections that go seriously out of control, China invades Taiwan, mind you, I don't say attack, I say invade.
The  American army over there will have to caputulate by overwhelming Chinese force majeure.

Russia has occupied an even larger part of Ukraine and Ukraine no longer has access to the Black Sea. Russia wil block all munition transport from te west.
Putin will give the West one more opportunity to stop the war in Ukraine on his condition. The West will agree.

All countries outside Europe are forced by china to tackle the petrol dollar.
Amerika wil have no answer.

Europe will have a very hard time due to the collapse of their car industry and wil fal in a huge finacial crisis.

Then, in the years that follow.
All European countries will slowly free themselves from America's yoke.And folow compeetley diferent stratigies.

Amerika will suffer from major internal conflicts and a total collapse of its economy and international power.

NASA has disrupted even a bigger nature with its spacecraft and experiments,
and a comet will hit Kennedy Space Center, Florida,
and won't have time to say; Houston, we have a problem.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper
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PGR rider  riding
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Posts: 6600
Grand Junction Colorado
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Re: Reputation.
Reply #8 - 10/30/23 at 09:37:27
that sounds like a russian subversive
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standing for those who stood for US

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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1584
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Reputation.
Reply #9 - 10/30/23 at 09:49:28
Maby it is!  Cheesy

But It sounds to me more as a result of American subversiveness.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Reputation.
Reply #10 - 10/30/23 at 10:03:17
Whatever. You’re talking 9/11 building s7 and other nonsense. I’m out on this one.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1584
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Reputation.
Reply #11 - 10/30/23 at 10:12:34
You can,t get out of tis one because it is more than a topic. Wink

I forgot to predict that ammunition will become unaffordable....
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 29107
Tucson Az
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Re: Reputation.
Reply #12 - 10/30/23 at 12:23:56
zevenenergie wrote on 10/30/23 at 09:34:40:
NASA has disrupted even a bigger nature with its spacecraft and experiments,
and a comet will hit Kennedy Space Center, Florida,
and won't have time to say; Houston, we have a problem.

... and I'll either find religion or just pull the covers over my head and stay in bed
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1584
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Reputation.
Reply #13 - 10/30/23 at 13:26:37
I forgot to predict that too.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2054
Houston, Texas
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Re: Reputation.
Reply #14 - 11/28/23 at 11:11:42
I guess the Hash is pretty potent over there these day...  None of us are getting out alive, but the odds are better for Chinese and Indian people with 2.8+ billion people combined.
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