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2023 (Read 884 times)
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Camp Springs, Kentucky
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Re: 2023
Reply #135 - 09/27/23 at 06:26:35
Winter is coming.....the daylight hours are growing noticeably shorter, the overnight temps are cool, and the leaves are beginning to fall.  For those of us in the north the riding days are starting to be numbered.

I would like to take another ride in the TN/NC area before the end of the season - but I cannot get away again until November.  The wife and I have trips scheduled for the first and last weekend in September, my neighbor and I are planning a riding trip to the Hazard, KY area the weekend of 13/14th, and I am going to a Tommy Emanuel concert on the 21st.

The November temperatures in the Robbinsville area range from the 30-40's at night, with daytime temps in the 60-70's in the daytime.  It appears to be one of the driest months in the area with rain being forecast for only 6 days the entire month.....however we all know that can change continually.  We likely would need to be somewhat flexible in the days we go.

Lodging likely is going to be limited to hotels, as the motorcycle campgrounds will all be closed for the season.  The Two Wheel Inn is a good choice as they have small garages for storing your bike at night, and they cost is very competitive with the big hotels.  A two bedroom unit is $85 plus tax with an extra $10 a night for more than 2 people in a room - they provide a fold out bed.

Stewmills and his brother Bailey and I did this late season ride one year.  The forecast was for daytime highs in the 60's and overnight temps in the 50's when we made plans 2 weeks in advance.  By the time the event arrived I got there on Thursday and rode in 37 degree rain/mist/snow the day before the others arrived.  The weather dried up after that but got colder........when we got up Sunday morning it was 23 degrees and we could see heavy frost on the hillside trees.  We waited for the sun to warm things up a bit and we rode the Cherohala Skyway when it was in the 30's!  We had to stop frequently to get our fingers warmed up!

I expect that only MMRanch and Stewmills and I are likely to go - however it anyone else wants to go and ride/shiver with us - let us know!  I am not planning on making any reservations in advance as the Two Wheel Inn will have plenty of space in November.  I will call a day or two in advance and let them know we are coming.  I could go down on a Wednesday or Thursday and/or stay after Sunday if the weather is good - Stew has a day job and likely will be coming Saturday/Sunday.

AND........we go to the mountains as the roads are fun - but the mountain weather can be colder and wetter than the lowlands.  Maybe there is a warmer place to ride in November that has interesting roads and good riding.  For me that would have to be somewhere I could drive in 12 hours or less (at least for this trip).
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« Last Edit: 09/27/23 at 09:48:30 by Dave »  

Someday I will be old......But not today!

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Serious Thumper

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Re: 2023
Reply #136 - 10/11/23 at 08:31:53
Thanks for the invite Dave .   Smiley

I'm not sure I can join in with ya.   Marcia had an idea to take a ride down the Natchez Trace for our next getaway.   I'm having doubts about that even panning out.  That would be a mild putt ,putt ride down the Trace the big half-way for day one , then on to Natchez for an afternoon walk-a-bout day two , then day three going up the Trace and getting back home day four .    There are some nice days in November , and the color show might still be going on too ?  

Every day when I get up there is something needs doing next door at Anders and Ella's house.  They are enjoying our spare room for now , and that's good .   Its like Anders went out and brought me home another daughter.  Smiley Smiley

I still do manage to get some kind of a short ride in most days .  If there's not somewhere I have to go , then  I use the excuse of "I need to go to Planet Fitness and tighten my gut a little."   It's working too , I've only lost 10 pounds but have gone down 2" in pants size.   (no Stew - I'm not getting SHORTER  Grin).  Now if I can slow down the habit of eating so fast and so much then my ridding years could go on into the 2050's  Wink
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Re: 2023
Reply #137 - 10/11/23 at 19:12:00
Versey is visiting for a little while and today we went to the worlds largest private collection of firearms in the world.
It was quite the place, and only a 90-120 minute ride away.
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YaBB Moderator

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Camp Springs, Kentucky
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Re: 2023
Reply #138 - 10/12/23 at 04:20:17
LANCER wrote on 10/11/23 at 19:12:00:
It was quite the place, and only a 90-120 minute ride away.

Which one of you got there in 90 minutes......and waited 30 minutes for the other to show up? Roll Eyes
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Someday I will be old......But not today!

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Re: 2023
Reply #139 - 10/12/23 at 05:55:03
We got there together but it was a great ride and we couldn’t remember when we started or when we got there.   Huh
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Re: 2023
Reply #140 - 10/12/23 at 10:42:16
Our guidance system told us the museum was 86 miles away, which should take about 90 minutes, but with many road construction zones along the way it was about 2 hours.  Weather was great for riding, only a long sleeved t-shirt needed.
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Camp Springs, Kentucky
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Re: 2023
Reply #141 - 10/12/23 at 18:38:12
I am leaving early tomorrow morning with my neighbor to ride down in southern Kentucky near Hazard and Whitesburg, Kentucky - and Wise and Norton, Virginia.  The area is about 4.5 hours from my home.......not really close - but it takes me 7 hours to get to Robinsville and 9 to get to Suches.

It is close enough that leaving at 5 AM should get us on the road riding by 11AM....we will stay overnight in Wise at the Best Western and then ride again on Saturday.  The weather forecast is promising with a wonderful Friday and a chance of rain early Saturday morning and then clearing up as the day goes on.  At the end of the ride on Friday we will decide if we are staying for Saturday or just going home.....we might have so much fun we even stay until Sunday!

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Someday I will be old......But not today!

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Serious Thumper

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Re: 2023
Reply #142 - 10/12/23 at 20:17:57
 It is close enough that leaving at 5 AM should get us on the road riding by 11AM


So , ya'll taking the truck with the bikes in the back ?


How-ever , I hope the weather is good for ya !   Smiley
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I see and feel the Holy Spirit in the world , as does anybody who has eyes to see.
WWW MMRanch MMRanch   IP Logged
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Camp Springs, Kentucky
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Re: 2023
Reply #143 - 10/13/23 at 01:28:36
We are taking my neighbors truck and the 6x10 trailer that we own together.  I went halves on the trailer with him so we had a trailer that can haul 2 bikes.

Looking at the weather I doubt we will stay until Sunday.  Friday high will be 75, Saturday high is 63.......Sunday high is 45! Shocked
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Someday I will be old......But not today!

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Serious Thumper

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Re: 2023
Reply #144 - 10/13/23 at 07:21:38
I'm in the same boat there ,  the after church ride is looking chilly !  

Sometimes we just have to take what we can get ... still hope for the best for both of us .  Smiley

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I see and feel the Holy Spirit in the world , as does anybody who has eyes to see.
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Re: 2023
Reply #145 - 10/15/23 at 17:49:22
My Sunday afternoon ride got sprinkled out  !   Sad

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I see and feel the Holy Spirit in the world , as does anybody who has eyes to see.
WWW MMRanch MMRanch   IP Logged
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Camp Springs, Kentucky
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Re: 2023
Reply #146 - 10/16/23 at 03:58:27
We had a good Friday ride.  We left home at 5AM as planned, and arrived at the Best Western in Wise, VA around 10AM.  We got our room reserved and unloaded the bikes and were on the road as quickly as possible.  The roads were really nice and some were very much like the Tail of the Dragon.  The pavement was in good shape, traffic was incredibly light, the town were small and quick to get through.  The weather was absolutely perfect with cloudless blue skies, no wind and temperatures starting out at 60 and up to 75....the temps would change 10 degrees as you went from the valleys to the mountain tops and you could get near 80 when you were in the towns.  The leaves were turning colors and they a few were falling onto the roadway - the Walnut trees scattered a few nuts onto the roadway and they were generally easy to see and steer around.  We rode until dark to get as much riding in as possible.

Saturday morning was a misty rain, and the weather radar showed that when this rain stopped there would be a few hours of dry weather and then another band of showers would come through.  We elected not to ride and headed home.....the wet leaves on the pavement would have made the riding slow and a bit scary.  

We went through Lynch, Kentucky on the way home - it was a coal mining town until the mines closed down in 1963.  This was the kind of place where everything in town was owned and operated by the store, company theater, company police, company hospital.  It turns out the mine was owned/operated by International Harvester.....the refrigerators in the museum that were sold in the company store had International Harvester name badges on them!  The mine buildings were made from limestone and they were really cool buildings.  We tried to take the mine tour - however it was sold out until 3 hours later and we didn't want to wait that long and headed home.

The trip to the area was a bit slow driving for us, as there just aren't any big highways that connect the the civilized world!  The roads were a pleasant drive and it was relaxing - it just wasn't quick.

It is certainly and area worth going to when you want to ride and explore for a few days.  The scenery is really good - you do have to accept that there are a lot of run down or abandoned houses and business buildings............the area is poor and what mining and logging exists are not enough to keep everyone gainfully employed.  There are some small mines that are still digging coal and limestone, and you will see logging trucks on the roads occasionally.  The lumber is generally White Oak that will be made into barrels for Whiskey/Bourbon production.

There may be a few random warm days to go riding this year - but the onset of fall weather has begun and we will not get above 60 for a week or so in this area.
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Someday I will be old......But not today!

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Camp Springs, Kentucky
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Re: 2023
Reply #147 - 10/16/23 at 05:20:13
Lynch, Kentucky.......Portal 31 mine tour.  This is the entrance to the mine, the lamp shed, and the shower building.
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Someday I will be old......But not today!

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Serious Thumper

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Re: 2023
Reply #148 - 10/17/23 at 20:43:22
It's hard for me to picture a lot of Coal under all those nice looking rolling green hills !   It looks like a nice place for a ride !   Smiley

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Re: 2023
Reply #149 - 12/14/23 at 16:35:26
I can sleep on a cot if need be  , they weigh 21 pounds each .

I'm ridding with Lancer ... so ... I could put two of them on the bike since I'm not bring a tent .    Then Lancer's truck don't care if we have cots or not ?

Two cots on rear seat , Duffle bag and Sleeping bag on top of them.   Not too aerodynamic but it could work .  

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I see and feel the Holy Spirit in the world , as does anybody who has eyes to see.
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