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L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroyed'. (Read 474 times)
eau de sauvage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 2565
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L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroyed'.
01/06/21 at 12:54:20

Lost the House in 2018
Lost the Presidency in 2020
Lost the Senate in 2021
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« Last Edit: 01/06/21 at 18:12:40 by eau de sauvage »  

MAGA! Make the Assholes Go Away
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1265
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #1 - 01/06/21 at 13:59:10
I live in europe in the netherlands, one of the richest countries in the world, and we have been looking for years with amazement at how corrupt your government is and that you do not see that.

 Admittedly, we think Trump is a strange precident, but we do see that he is right about the elections.

I see it differently myself. I see what's really going on in the world. That's because I'm lucky to have highly educated people in my immediate area. both on a scientific and on a spiritual level. I have people around me who have contacts with world leaders. so I hear a thing or two.

You cant imagine how inportent it is, that Trump stays precident.

Forget the so-called democracy, because that means nothing in your country. What you are trying to protect is a group of corrupt people who serve interests that have nothing to do with democracy.

You must fight with everything you have in you for your constitution and voters integrity, because that is the foundation of your well-being.

If you don't put an end to government corruption, your country will be taken from you.

China has you by the balls big time. And the media wont tell you that. They are also controlt by china. But you don,t know that.... yet.
But you will.
And Trump wil a can put an end to that.

He will go in history als the best precident ever....

It is good against evil. In the broadest sense of the word.

Pray for humanity.

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #2 - 01/06/21 at 19:27:49
A rare one,,, correct, Trump is the best we've seen,, these lefties pretend that Republicans against Trump are against Trump because Trump is wrong. No, they are against Trump because Trump is exactly right, and honorable and working to root out corruption. And the people against Trump ARE the corrupt.. That is why he's opposed by those who Should be his allies..
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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eau de sauvage
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Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #3 - 01/06/21 at 23:03:16
“He screwed his supporters, he screwed the country and now he’s screwed himself,” said a 2016 Trump campaign official, predicting his former boss would cease to remain a popular figure in GOP politics after Wednesday.

“Donald Trump caused this insurrection with lies and conspiracy theories about the election being rigged against him,” said Scott Jennings, a former aide to President George W. Bush who is close to the Trump White House. “The election was not stolen but this madness was fomented by the president and his top advisers.”

He has also screwed the GOP. He began with his "American Carnage" speech and he ended with actual American carnage. 4 dead, so far. He is the complete loser. He also screwed McConnell who is now the minority leader in the Senate. Meaning that Biden could appoint Merrick Garland as Attorney General, something that McConnell vowed to oppose.
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eau de sauvage
Serious Thumper

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Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #4 - 01/07/21 at 01:30:46
She died wrapped in a Trump flag. Her blood is directly on Trumps tiny hands. Trump supporters remind me of cult members, tell them the world will end and they will believe anything. I think what is so appealing to Trump about these people is that they are even more stupid than him.

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eau de sauvage
Serious Thumper

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Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #5 - 01/07/21 at 01:34:26
McConnell said of Obama that "I'll make him a one term president by not passing any bills" McConnell's plan was to use his Senate majority to screw the USA so Biden will look bad, that's why you didn't get any more stimulus cheques. Remember the GOP is very concerned about the deficit. Not when the GOP are in control only when the Democrats are in. Now that the Democrats have the Senate thanks to the eternal loser Trump, y'all will see for yourselves if 'socialism' destroys the America you love.

On behalf of the rest of the world, we thank the people of Georgia.

Australia averted the 2009 recession by providing the necessary stimulus. I hope you all get your $2000 cheques soon, I'm sure you'll do better for the economy than the tax cuts to business who simply used their windfall to buy back their own stock.
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MAGA! Make the Assholes Go Away
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1265
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #6 - 01/07/21 at 06:05:15
[quote author=4F5D494A5D5B593C0 link=1609966460/0#4 date=1610011846]She died wrapped in a Trump flag. Her blood is directly on Trumps tiny hands. Trump supporters remind me of cult members, tell them the world will end and they will believe anything. I think what is so appealing to Trump about these people is that they are even more stupid than him.

They are not stupid, they have an other opinion then you.

This woman's blood is on many hands, and probably yours and mine too.
She fought for her ideals and that is worth something. let us not misuse her for our ideals.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #7 - 01/07/21 at 15:31:41
eau de sauvage wrote on 01/06/21 at 12:54:20:

Lost the House in 2018
Lost the Presidency in 2020
Lost the Senate in 2021

Trump saved Lindsey Graham’s seat this last election and Graham dumped him.
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eau de sauvage
Serious Thumper

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Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #8 - 01/07/21 at 23:36:51
Results do not bear that out. Republicans did well all down the lower ticket, picked up about 10 seats, almost retook the House, whereas Trump lost by 7 million votes.

On the other hand Trump went all out for Perdue and Leoffler and even though Loeffler crawled up Trumps ass by declaring she'd vote against certifying, Trump came back and then said "I'm glad they lost, because they didn't do enough to  support me."

Everything is transactional for Trump and then in the end he screws everyone. Not only has he destroyed the GOP, this last bit of insurrection has just put himself in deep deep sh!t, he will not only not be able to pardon himself, but he won't be able to resign and have Pence pardon him either.

Latest news the rioters at his rally like their Blue Lives Matter, bullsh!t yet 50 police were injured yesterday and one just died. This is apart from the four dead protesters. And also in spite of the police opening doors for them. The rioters bashed police with their own barricades.

What happened to 'when the looting starts the shooting starts? Oh that's right, they're only trashing the capitol building while the vice president and the Senate are cowering behind the benches with only the Senate ante room between the rioters and them.

Law and order, law and order, we are the party of law and order. The truth always comes out in the end. This is insane that everyone knew this was coming and you actually have these people easily ransack the Capitol building. Compare and contrast to the BLM demos.

This is white privellege in action. This is what racism in America looks like.

Any sympathy that any of the GOP had for Trump is gone and he is going to have a hurricane of lawsuits facing him. Can't wait for the attempted self pardon.

Can you imagine the Supreme Court allowing that? That would mean any future President can do anything, absolutely anything he/she wants with total and complete impunity. Can't see that being given a green light, can you?

Oh let's not forget how the Stock Market will crash if Biden is elected, after he was finally confirmed yesterday it immediately went to it's highest mark and that's because they know that there will be financial stimulus.

Also remember how no one will be talking about covid covid covid...etc, yet there's been over 4,000 deaths each day the past two days which is insanity.
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MAGA! Make the Assholes Go Away
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1265
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #9 - 01/08/21 at 03:55:28
Naturally, the figures on the stock markets go up.

The finance markets and the large corporations drive this country and determine everything that is done.
And that is why there is no democracy in your country.

And that process is now taking place in our country. The citizens have les and less to say.
Companys became way to powerful.

Consider what is happening in india under the guise of corona measures to protect the population.
Only the big companies benefit from the measures.

That is what is coing on.
It also happens in my country, where freedom is still very important. we are being restricted on all fronts

Democracy has become a show.
And tump got to know that show from the inside out, and didn't take it.

What more do you want as a voter?
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #10 - 01/08/21 at 04:22:31
You’re wrong. (And didn’t you actually confirm my point?....)
Graham believed his re-election was in serious doubt and Trump talked him up. Turned out, the pollsters lied and Graham won comfortably riding on Trump’s coattails.

The cowardly fxxks jumping ship with two weeks to go are pathetic.
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eau de sauvage
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Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #11 - 01/08/21 at 14:12:59
The cowardly fxxks jumping ship with two weeks to go are pathetic.

Lol. Pence licks Trump's boots every day for 5 years and is responsible for making him palatable to the evangelicals, then at the final moment he does what he has no choice not to do and counts the votes and Trump trashes him.

Trump debases the US for 5 years, and cheers on white supremecists the entire time, then after inciting and facilitating the storming, vandalising and terrorising of the Capitol bldg while giving obvious instructions to tone down the response, he then has no choice but to read from a script without deviating for the first time due to the serious sh!t that he done and says that those who broke the law will pay, and guess what...

Donald Trump fans cry betrayal as he rebukes Capitol violence
On Parler and 4chan Trumpists write of feeling ‘like puking’ as president says those who ‘broke law will pay’

Nevertheless they prompted an outpouring of anger, grief and denial from his hardline acolytes. “A punch in the gut,” said one. “A stab in the back,” another railed. From a third: “I feel like puking.”

A widely shared screengrab summed up the sentiment: “He says it’s going to be wild and when it gets wild he calls it a heinous attack and middle-fingers to his supporters he told to be there.”
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eau de sauvage
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Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #12 - 01/08/21 at 15:50:50
more lulz.

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eau de sauvage
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Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #13 - 01/09/21 at 18:25:52
Predictably Tucker Carlson and various other morons in the GOP immediately start to limply imply that the riot was started by radical Antifa operatives. LOL.

Oh yeah it's all antifa. How stupid are these people. This mob was all Trump's and this is the racist white nationalist dish!ts that he panders to.
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Re: L. Graham says the GOP deserve to get 'destroy
Reply #14 - 01/10/21 at 06:18:38
No they did not and you’re lying again. Were there antifa people there determined to start crap knowing full well the marketing arm of The Democratic Party would blame that on Trump? That’s a reasonable possibility. Did Tucker say they were to blame? No. In fact he said the opposite but that doesn’t. Like the fine people hoax in Charlottesville, all you have to do is have marketing repeat it through various outlets over and over, and enough believe it. You’re just a free conduit. You should at least send them a bill for your services.

I don’t blame anyone except the people who invaded the building. I don’t blame the cop for killing that woman. If you invade the US Capitol and try to climb through a broken out window when a cop on the other side is telling you to stop, you’ve willingly entered “the ring” and whatever happens, happens. Same with those 3 people shot in Kenosha.

It’s not Trump’s fault, it’s not Cruz’s fault and it’s not Hawley’s fault. It’s not the Capital police fault. Conservatives don’t riot like leftist scum so no one was prepared for this. It’s terribly disappointing that they did.

On that note, the nationwide manhunts for them and the upcoming legal consequences they’ll face is ridiculous. Antifa, BLM destroy anything and anyone in their path with virtual impunity.

Yes, we have a Civil War brewing. I see no escaping it now. I don’t know what form it will take, but it’s coming. Given the initial speeches from the illegitimate Harris/Biden administration on the topic, they’re pushing it closer.
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