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Body Slam Endorsement (Read 153 times)
T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Body Slam Endorsement
10/19/18 at 05:36:30
Well righties, your orange one has done it again.

Now, pay attention here, because I know you'll all try to spin this - but you can't.

Without question, trump praised violence against a reporter.

“Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of guy,”

Now, you all go ahead and state it some other way, but what he said, is what he said.

“Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of guy,”

You must all be so proud.  Tell me, how many times has Bernie said that?  How many times did Obama say that?

You can no longer say that the left is more violent.  You simply can't.

This pathetic excuse of a man just endorsed using violence.  Full stop.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #1 - 10/19/18 at 05:58:38
 I'm not sure it matters.  A guy I work with insists that Executive Orders are "not Trump".  Literally the only person on the planet that can issue an Executive Order from the President of the United States is Donald Trump.  But since the topic was how he cut the budget and froze his pay then it must have been someone else.

 Similarly I know people who don't acknowledge that Obama ordered mass-deportation even though we witnessed public damage bordering on riots in CA.  

 We see what we want to see sometimes, no amount of articles, I repeat: no amount of articles will change that.
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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #2 - 10/19/18 at 06:08:46
Eegore wrote on 10/19/18 at 05:58:38:
 I'm not sure it matters.  A guy I work with insists that Executive Orders are "not Trump".  Literally the only person on the planet that can issue an Executive Order from the President of the United States is Donald Trump.  But since the topic was how he cut the budget and froze his pay then it must have been someone else.

 Similarly I know people who don't acknowledge that Obama ordered mass-deportation even though we witnessed public damage bordering on riots in CA.  

 We see what we want to see sometimes, no amount of articles, I repeat: no amount of articles will change that.

I have to somewhat disagree with you there Eegor.  I feel that rational people who might be undecided can see something like this and make a sane decision.

Now his die-hard apologists/supporters?  No.  They refuse to believe anything negative.  No surprise there, but an incident like this can add fuel to the fire of showing his inability right to their face.

As for Obama, I've said many times that even though I supported him, I knew what he was (corporatist, not much of a "spine", etc.).  But never did he sink to the depths of trump.  Never did he show the nearly inhuman traits that trump has.  At his core was a decent man. Although I can only speak for myself, many that I knew felt the same way about him.

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #3 - 10/19/18 at 06:13:26
You can no longer say that the left is more violent.  You simply can't.

This pathetic excuse of a man just endorsed using violence.  Full stop.

Yea, okay…
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #4 - 10/19/18 at 07:09:56
I st

October 16, 2018: Person claimed ricin was in letter sent to Senator Collins home
October 16, 2018: Republican candidate Shane Mekeland punched in Minnesota restaurant
October 16, 2018: Gov. Cuomo (D-NY) Blames GOP for Antifa Attack on Manhattan Club
October 16, 2018: Republican State Rep. Sarah Anderson assaulted in Minnesota
October 16, 2018: DFL Employee Calls for Republicans to be Beheaded
October 12, 2018: Antifa Smash Windows, Deface Doors of Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan
October 11, 2018: Anti-Trump Protester Threatens to Rape Conservative Reporter
October 11, 2018: A truck with ‘Trump 2020’ bumper stickers was left at a bar overnight. Someone set it on fire.
October 10, 2018: Susan Rice’s Republican Son Assaulted at Pro-Kavanaugh Event
October 10, 2018: Eric Holder Tells Dem Activists: ‘When They Go Low, We Kick ‘Em’
October 10, 2018: CNN says mobs have “constitutional right” to chase Republicans out of restaurants
October 9, 2018: Hillary Clinton opposes “civility” with Republicans.
October 8, 2018: Raw Story’s Editor: Steve Scalise ‘Accomplice’ to His Attempted Murder
October 8, 2018: Leftist Teacher Tweets: “So Who’s Gonna Take One For the Team and Kill Kavanaugh?”
October 8, 2018: Antifa Takes Over Portland, Harasses Old Man for Disobeying
October 8, 2018: Rand Paul’s Wife: I Sleep with a Loaded Gun Thanks to Leftists’ Threats
October 7, 2018: Sen. Cory Gardner claims wife received a beheading video over Kavanaugh vote.
October 6, 2018: Kavanaugh Protesters Accost an Elderly Trump Supporter
October 6, 2018: Sen. Collins Flooded with Abusive Tweets Threatening Death, Violence
October 5, 2018: Protesters Chase Graham To His Car Saying They Will Remove Him From Office
October 4, 2018: Republican Senators Hit With Death Threats Amidst Kavanaugh Fight
October 3, 2018: Ricin and threatening letter sent to Trump
October 2, 2018: 2 hospitalized after exposure to powdery substance at Cruz’s Houston campaign office
October 2, 2018: GOP Congressman Andy Harris (R-MD) assaulted by protesters
October 2, 2018: Video: Leftist protester kicks pro-life woman
October 1, 2018: Vandals Hit IL GOP Headquarters With ‘RAPE’ Graffiti
October 1, 2018: Senator Mitch McConnell Badgered At Airport By Anti-Kavanaugh Activists
September 30, 2018: Georgetown prof: White GOP senators in Kavanaugh hearing ‘deserve miserable deaths’
September 27, 2018: Republican Senators doxxed by Democrat Congressional intern
September 25, 2018: CNN Defends harassment of Ted Cruz
September 25, 2018: Ted Cruz and Wife harassed out of DC restaurant
September 20, 2018: Brett Kavanaugh and family receive death threats
September 12, 2018: Resistance Makes Rape Threat to Susan Collins Staffer over Kavanaugh Vote
September 11, 2018: DC police investigate threat to commit mass shooting at a MAGA event in Trump International Hotel
September 11, 2018: Threats of Rape and Strangling’ Force Writer Into Hiding After Anti-Abortion Tweet
September 11, 2018: Trump Hater Attacks California GOP House Candidate wth Switchblade
September 10, 2018: Hispanic Immigrant says she was spit on in Santa Monica for Trump hat.
September 10,2018: Broadway Star Carole Cook on Trump: ‘Where’s John Wilkes Booth When you Need Him?
September 6, 2018: Media and Leftists Harass Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and His Family
September 6, 2018: Black Trump Fan Booted from Bar for Wearing Trump Hat
September 6, 2018: Arsonists hit Albany County GOP Headquarters in Laramie, WY.
September 5, 2018: TV Writer Hopes Kavanaugh Daughters ‘Go to School Without Being Shot’
August 31, 2018: Dem Rep. Ruben Gallego Threatens Immigration Officials
August 28, 2018: California student arrested for stealing MAGA hat from classmate, slapping teacher
August 19, 2018: Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Guy’s MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks. She Does It.
August 18, 2018: Trump supporter assaulted by aging punk rocker.
August 14, 2018: CNN’s Chris Cuomo justifies and encourages violence against Trump supporters.
August 12, 2018: TX Restaurant forced to close social media accounts over photo of Jeff Sessions
August 9, 2018: FBI announce arrest for contract killing threat of ICE agent via Twitter
August 9, 2018: Antifa blocks Infowars reporter’s access to park
August 8, 2018: Democrat protester harass GOP rep. “Shame on your Mexican wife!”
August 6, 2018: Infowars reported harassed by Antifa in Portland
August 6, 2018: FL: Vandals throw dead fish on Lee Co. Republican headquarters
August 4, 2018: Trump supporter’s car has all 4 tires slashed in Philly.
August 4, 2018: Left-wing terrorists Antifa follow and harass Candace Owens
August 3, 2018: Anarchy Breaks Out in Portland, With the Mayor’s Blessing
August 2, 2018: Man arrested for threatening Rep. SteveScalise
August 1, 2018: Woman charged with trying to hit man with her car over Trump sticker
July 26, 2018: KY: Fayette County GOP headquarters vandalized
July 26, 2018: Trump supporter punched in Hollywood
July 25, 2018: Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed … again.
July 25, 2018: Man arrested, indicted on charges after allegedly threatening Congresswoman Diane Black
July 24, 2018: Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) Says Brett Kavanaugh supporters are “complicit in evil”
July 23, 2018: Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed
July 23, 2018: Elizabeth Warren Supporter Shoves Challenger
July 20, 2018: Green-Haired “Gender Fluid” Guy Spits All Over Teen’s MAGA Hat
July 20, 2018: ‘Hang Trump’ Shirt Peddled on Facebook
July 19, 2018: ‘New Yorker’ Kills Trump
July 19, 2018: CA Anti-Trump Protesters Target Legal Immigrant’s Cafe Over Trump Support, Hurl Feces
July 17, 2018: Uber Driver Refuses to Serve Black Conservatives Over MAGA Hat
July 17, 2018: Gory Trump Throat-Cutting Art Decorates Portland Gallery
July 16, 2018: House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To ‘Stop Trump’
July 16, 2018: Mob chases pro-Trump group out of Los Angeles bar
July 15, 2018: Anti-Trump Paraglider Who Buzzed Trump Visit Arrested in Britain
July 15, 2018: Former Clinton WH Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting’ to Beat up Rand Paul
July 13, 2018: Anti-Israel protesters harass Jared and Ivanka with loud speakers outside their home
July 13, 2018: 76-year-old man assaulted by anti-Trump thugs in San Diego.
July 11, 2018: ABC’s Terry Moran shames Fox News’s Shannon Bream for feeling threatened at SCOTUS protest
July 10, 2018: Protesters arrested, accused of assaulting officer at Portland ICE office
July 10, 2018: Man threatens to ‘curb stomp’ Trump supporter at Disneyland
July 10, 2018: Fox News Reporter Harassed, Threatened And Forced To Leave Supreme Court By Leftist Mob
July 9, 2018: Far-left blog Talking Points Memo mocks Stephen Miller over report of confrontation with bartender.
July 9, 2018: Trump senior aide Stephen Miller harassed on street by angry bartender.
July 9, 2018: Motorists scream curse words at Sean Spicer in his yard.
July 9, 2018: Trump senior aide Kellyanne Conway harassed in grocery store
July 9, 2018: Anti-Trump activists vandalize New York DHS office
July 8, 2018: LISTEN: Idaho GOP Rep. Receives Threatening Voicemails, Emails Because of This Facebook Post
July 8, 2018: Longtime Hillary Clinton aide publishes contact information about bookstore owner who stopped the harassment of Steve Bannon, Reines’s  obvious goal is to see the bookstore owner harassed.
July 8, 2018: Far-left Daily Beast writer defends public harassment of Steve Bannon
July 7, 2018: Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) menaced outside restaurant. We know where you live!
July 7, 2018: Steve Bannon harassed at bookstore; police called
July 7, 2018: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists attack peaceful Tommy Robinson supporters in San Francisco
July 7, 2018: New York Times editorial calls for Dems to “take a page from The Godfather” to “go to the mattresses” to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
July 6, 2018: BLM activist calls for assassination of Supreme Court Justice
July 6, 2018: Brick Thrown Through Front Door Of Wheeling, IL, Township Republican Headquarters
July 6, 2018: CNN analyst justifies violence against Trump supporters
July 6, 2018:  Long Island Man Threatened to Kill Supporters of Republican Congressman, Trump: Police
July 6, 2018: Florida man attacked over Trump flag in yard.
July 6, 2018: Woman threatens to stab Alan Dershowitz in heart.
July 5, 2018: Founder of #WalkAway campaign refused service at camera store.
July 5, 2018: Trump supporter wearing Make America Great Again hat allegedly assaulted in burger joint (video at link).
July 4, 2018: Paul Begala Reportedly Sending Serial-Harasser Mike Stark To Harass Barbara Comstock July 4th
July 3, 2018: Left-wing Catholic calls for sending Trump supporters to the guillotine
July 3, 2018: Nebraska GOP office vandalized.
July 3, 2018: EPA head Scott Pruitt harassed at restaurant.
July 2, 2018: MAGA hat wearer harassed at seafood restaurant
July 2, 2018: Mother of cancer survivor harassed online for thanking Eric Trump for $16 million in St. Jude support
July 2, 2018: Cher accuses ICE of “Gestapo tactics.”
July 2, 2018: Man accused of threatening to kill Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and his family.
July 1, 2018: Washington Post reporter publicly calls on mobs to give Trump officials a “life sentence” of harassment.
July 1, 2018: Man wearing MAGA hat refused service in restaurant.
July 1, 2018: AntiFa terrorists attack Patriot Prayer rally in Portland.
June 30, 2018: Attorney Attacks Elderly Vet at “Keeping Families Together” March
June 29, 2018: Media falsely blame Trump for murder of five journalists in Maryland.
June 29, 2018: Hollywood actor calls on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to be harassed at “every meal.”
June 29, 2018: California man accused of threatening to kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s children.
June 28, 2018: Reuters editor says Trump has blood on his hands for murder of five journalists in Maryland. He still has a job.
June 28, 2018: Singer John Legend praises and agrees with Rep. Maxine Waters for calling on mobs to publicly harass Trump officials out of public spaces like restaurants.
June 28, 2018: Journalist lies about Maryland mass-shooter being a Trump supporter.
June 28, 2018: Co-Chair of Women for Trump Receives Death Threats After CNN Appearance
June 28, 2018: Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) calls on “angry” Latinos to oust Trump.
June 27, 2018: Media defend and champion Virginia restaurant owner who kicked White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out, and then reportedly harassed them as they ate at a nearby restaurant.
June 26, 2018: Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao harassed at home by protesters.
June 26, 2018: Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) blames President Trump for her intern yelling “crappity smack you!” at him through the halls of the U.S. Capitol. The intern was not fired.
June 26, 2018: Comedienne Kathy Griffin attacks the Trump administration as “pro-Nazi.” Obviously, once you describe someone as a Nazi, you are calling for violence against them.
June 26, 2018: Chicago bar refuses to serve Trump supporters.
June 26, 2018: Singer John Legend calls on Trump officials to be harassed until our immigration policies are weakened.
June 26, 2018: Late night comedians celebrate the harassment of Sarah Sanders and her family.
June 25, 2018: Burned animal carcass left on Trump staffer’s porch.
June 25, 2018: After refusing to serve Sarah Sanders and the family, we learn a restaurant owner then organized a mob to harass Sanders’ family at a nearby restaurant.
June 25, 2018: Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) calls on mobs to confront Trump officials over immigration policies.
June 25, 2018: CNN contributor attacks those on the right calling for civility.
June 25, 2018: CNN’s Jake Tapper dismisses harassment of Sarah Sanders as a political ploy on Sander’s part.
June 24, 2018: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) publicly calls on mobs to “turn on” Trump officials, to “harass” them, ensure they “they won’t be able to go to a restaurant, they won’t be able to stop at a gas station,
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12868

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Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #5 - 10/19/18 at 07:14:08
I stopped at 200.

Look, you and Sew regularly refer to conservatives as Nazi's and Trump as Hitler. That's meant to dehumanized Republicans which is a tiny strp towards violence. Like I said YOU will turn violent in the coming years because you are unhinged, infected with a bad case of TDS.

It's a joke for you to toss out a charge of inciting violence.
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Serious Thumper

Younger than most
people my age.

Posts: 9023
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Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #6 - 10/19/18 at 07:21:59
"... June 26, 2018: Chicago bar refuses to serve Trump supporters..."

tt I didn't know YOU owned a Bar in Chicago

(This drive by brought to you by MN LLC, a subsidiary of BOT inc)

Just think what that list would have looked like, first week of Nov, and Dec, 2016. Their would probably be 10 pages !
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #7 - 10/19/18 at 07:48:29
WebsterMark wrote on 10/19/18 at 07:14:08:
I stopped at 200.

Look, you and Sew regularly refer to conservatives as Nazi's and Trump as Hitler. That's meant to dehumanized Republicans which is a tiny strp towards violence. Like I said YOU will turn violent in the coming years because you are unhinged, infected with a bad case of TDS.

It's a joke for you to toss out a charge of inciting violence.

“Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of guy,”
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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #8 - 10/19/18 at 07:49:47
WebsterMark wrote on 10/19/18 at 07:14:08:
I stopped at 200.

Look, you and Sew regularly refer to conservatives as Nazi's and Trump as Hitler. That's meant to dehumanized Republicans which is a tiny strp towards violence. Like I said YOU will turn violent in the coming years because you are unhinged, infected with a bad case of TDS.

It's a joke for you to toss out a charge of inciting violence.

Um, mark, you need to learn the difference between violence and protest.

Most of what you post is protest, not violence.

And remember:

“Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of guy,”
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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #9 - 10/19/18 at 07:55:37
Some examples of real violence from the right (not just protests):

Reston, Virginia, December 22, 2017. An accused white supremacist teenager (as a juvenile, his name is being withheld until/unless he is formally charged as an adult) is reported to have killed the parents of his girlfriend before shooting himself, reportedly because they had convinced their daughter to break up with him because of his ostensible white supremacist beliefs.

Aztec, New Mexico, December 14, 2017. White supremacist David Atchison disguised himself as a student in order to conduct a school shooting at a local high school, where he killed two students before killing himself.
New York City, October 31, 2017. An Islamic extremist, Sayfullo Saipov, is accused of driving a rental truck down a bike path in New York City, killing eight people and injuring 11 others before being shot and arrested by police. Saipov reportedly claimed allegiance to ISIS.
Greeley, Colorado, August 16, 2017. Kelly Raisley, believed to be a member or associate of the 211 Crew white supremacist gang, was arrested on first-degree murder charges for the murder of his uncle, Randy Gene Baker. Baker’s wife and sister were similarly arrested. The motive was apparently personal.

Charlottesville, Virginia, August 12, 2017. White supremacist James Alex Fields, Jr., from Maumee, Ohio, was charged with first-degree murder and other crimes for deliberately ramming his vehicle into a crowd of protesters opposing the white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally being held in the city that weekend, injuring 19 people and killing one, Heather Heyer.
Samish Island, Washington, July 14, 2017. An alt lite conspiracy theorist and vlogger, Lane Maurice Davis, allegedly murdered his father following an argument over Davis’s beliefs.

Century Correctional Institution, Florida, June 19, 2017. Robert Hunt, an inmate with white supremacist tattoos, some common to prison gangs, is accused of stabbing to death an African-American inmate, Jorge Slaughter.
Putnam County Georgia, June 13, 2017. Ricky Dubose, a member of the Ghostface Gangsters white supremacist prison gang, and another inmate, Donnie Russell Rowe, reportedly killed two corrections officers while trying to escape from a prison bus. They were later recaptured.
Portland, Oregon, May 26, 2017. Police charge right-wing extremist Jeremy Christian with stabbing to death two men and severely injuring a third who were coming to the defense of two teenaged girls, one African-American and the other wearing a hijab, whom Christian was reportedly harassing.
Tampa, Florida, May 19, 2017. White supremacist Devon Arthurs allegedly shot to death two of his roommates for making fun of his recent conversion to Islam. All three, and a fourth roommate, were members of Atomwaffen, a neo-Nazi group.

Broadwater County, Montana, May 16, 2017. Anti-government extremists Lloyd Barrus and Marshall Barrus are accused of killing a Broadwater County sheriff’s deputy as part of a “suicide mission.” Marshall Barrus was killed by police in a subsequent shootout and Lloyd Barrus was arrested.
Dallas, Texas, May 1, 2017. Black nationalist Derick Lamont Brown killed his godfather, with whom he shared a house, and wounded a neighbor and a paramedic before killing himself after police arrived.
Fresno, California, April 18, 2017. Kori Ali Muhammad, a black nationalist, allegedly killed a motel security guard then, several days later, embarked upon a shooting spree that killed three more people before police were able to arrest him.

New York City, New York, March 30, 2017. Maryland white supremacist James Harris Jackson travelled to New York City to attack African-American men in order to stop white women from engaging in interracial relationships. He is charged with fatally stabbing a homeless man before turning himself in to police.

North Judson, Indiana, March 3, 2017. Aryan Circle member Edward Blackburn allegedly shot and killed another man who was reportedly dating his ex-girlfriend.

Leadwood, Missouri, February 9, 2017. Frank Ancona, head of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, was shot to death; his wife and fellow Klan member, Malissa Ancona, and her son have been charged for the murder.

Denver, Colorado, February 1, 2017. Joshua Andrew Cummings reportedly shot and killed a transit security guard in Denver. Cummings, a convert to Islam described by people who knew him as possibly becoming radicalized, claimed after his arrest that he had pledged his allegiance to ISIS after three days of fasting behind bars but that the murder was not done on behalf of ISIS.

San Antonio, Texas, January 29, 2017. Ashton Lucas Lomas was charged with capital murder after allegedly robbing and shooting to death Martin Gonzales over an alleged dispute Gonzales had with another person. Lomas and others charged in the case appear to be members or associates of the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas.

Lafayette, Indiana, January 16, 2017. Wesley Andrew Hampton, a self-declared white supremacist, and another defendant allegedly robbed and murdered a man in a home invasion.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #10 - 10/19/18 at 08:03:57
New York City, October 31, 2017. An Islamic extremist, Sayfullo Saipov, is accused of driving a rental truck down a bike path in New York City, killing eight people and injuring 11 others before being shot and arrested by police. Saipov reportedly claimed allegiance to ISIS.

What the hell does this have to do with the right of the political spectrum?

Century Correctional Institution, Florida, June 19, 2017. Robert Hunt, an inmate with white supremacist tattoos, some common to prison gangs, is accused of stabbing to death an African-American inmate, Jorge Slaughter

So do i get to use every black on white killing where the black man at some point expressed a dislike of a white man?

North Judson, Indiana, March 3, 2017. Aryan Circle member Edward Blackburn allegedly shot and killed another man who was reportedly dating his ex-girlfriend.

Do you even read what you post? So a man kills someone for dating his girlfriend and you think this qualifies as politically motivated crime???

You've got squat. The left is violent. Own it.
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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #11 - 10/19/18 at 08:06:51
WebsterMark wrote on 10/19/18 at 07:14:08:
I stopped at 200.

LOL - yeah, your "rap sheet" from brieghtbart is hilarious.  

Look, you and Sew regularly refer to conservatives as Nazi's and Trump as Hitler. That's meant to dehumanized Republicans which is a tiny strp towards violence. Like I said YOU will turn violent in the coming years because you are unhinged, infected with a bad case of TDS.

It's a joke for you to toss out a charge of inciting violence.

The only joke here is that you consider statements like "Rand Paul’s Wife: I Sleep with a Loaded Gun Thanks to Leftists’ Threats" violence from the left.  

And your side calls lefties "snowflakes"?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #12 - 10/19/18 at 08:08:28

This will be you in a couple years. Caught up in your hatred.

this will also be you at the 40 sec mark.........!
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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #13 - 10/19/18 at 08:08:42
WebsterMark wrote on 10/19/18 at 08:03:57:
New York City, October 31, 2017. An Islamic extremist, Sayfullo Saipov, is accused of driving a rental truck down a bike path in New York City, killing eight people and injuring 11 others before being shot and arrested by police. Saipov reportedly claimed allegiance to ISIS.

What the hell does this have to do with the right of the political spectrum?

Century Correctional Institution, Florida, June 19, 2017. Robert Hunt, an inmate with white supremacist tattoos, some common to prison gangs, is accused of stabbing to death an African-American inmate, Jorge Slaughter

So do i get to use every black on white killing where the black man at some point expressed a dislike of a white man?

North Judson, Indiana, March 3, 2017. Aryan Circle member Edward Blackburn allegedly shot and killed another man who was reportedly dating his ex-girlfriend.

Do you even read what you post? So a man kills someone for dating his girlfriend and you think this qualifies as politically motivated crime???

You've got squat. The left is violent. Own it.

LOL - no mark.  The fact is, you've got squat.  The right is far more violent than the left.

The left is simply more vocal.  The right can't control itself and actually commits acts of violence.

“Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of guy,”
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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Body Slam Endorsement
Reply #14 - 10/19/18 at 08:10:01
WebsterMark wrote on 10/19/18 at 08:08:28:

This will be you in a couple years. Caught up in your hatred.

this will also be you at the 40 sec mark.........!

Nope, not even close.  You only wish it was.  It's only in your head.  It's not real life.

Remember what your orange saviour said - “Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of guy,”
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