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Fitting stock exhaust back (Read 93 times)
Savage Filip
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 5

Fitting stock exhaust back
08/26/16 at 13:11:38
Hi everyone.
Got my license 1 month ago, and bought a 1999 Savage - great bike.
Only problem is that it had a slicecut exhaust fitted, and it rattles and leaks a lot.
So I want to replace it, with the stock exhaust that came with the bike.
But it just wont fit. No matter how hard i try, i just cant get it back on. The front pipe doesnt have any fittings in the midsection, so it should just be a slide on operation, right?
Has anyone else had any troubles like this? Do I need to grind the frontpipe fitting down?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Fitting stock exhaust back
Reply #1 - 08/26/16 at 13:42:08
Welcome to the forum.  You should post questions in Rubber Side Down.  You can repost there, or a moderator may come along and move it for you.

Regarding your issue, are you confident that you have the stock muffler?  Note that with many aftermarket slip-ons, we have to add a crush seal (soup can or other metal filler) to take up the gap between the diameter of the header pipe versus the larger diameter of the muffler since after market mufflers are usually slightly larger.  So, check to make sure that you don't have a crush seal of some sort (spacer?) crammed onto the header pipe.

In a normal situation, it should just slide right on.  Also note that if things are in a bind, loosening the header pipe makes a big difference.  Just be careful loosening the header bolts if they are crusted on there so you don't snap a seized bolt...and don't over tighten them. If you take them loose, put some anti-seize on them for easy future removal.

If you have pics to share with us, that always helps a lot.

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2008 | 152/52.5–Air Mix 3/4 | Rotella T4 | Seat Lift w/Sheepskin | Speedo Rattle | Rear Pulley Shim | 140/90-15 Rear | Kaw Front Pulley | Relocated Rear Signals

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Savage Filip
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 5

Re: Fitting stock exhaust back
Reply #2 - 08/26/16 at 13:50:10
Thanks mr. Mills
I cant seem to move this post to the Rubber- category.
Im pretty sure there isnt any seal on the header pipe. But i'll recheck tomorrow, to be a 100.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Fitting stock exhaust back
Reply #3 - 08/26/16 at 14:00:19
No "Mr"....we're all pretty informal here  Wink

If you can't move the post and it isn't moved by a moderator by the time you come back, just repost your question with a couple of pics in the Rubber Side Down and you'll get more help there.  I as well as many others swapped my stock pipe for the Harley Dyna, which you may want to consider if you can source one. It's a bit louder than stock and a bit lighter.

Here's the link to that guide:
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2008 | 152/52.5–Air Mix 3/4 | Rotella T4 | Seat Lift w/Sheepskin | Speedo Rattle | Rear Pulley Shim | 140/90-15 Rear | Kaw Front Pulley | Relocated Rear Signals

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Fitting stock exhaust back
Reply #4 - 08/26/16 at 14:06:39
Look closely and reach into the first 1 or 2 inches of the end of the header pipe and make sure there is not something in there.  If there was a crush seal from the previous install, good chance it is stuck in there when you pulled the old muffler out.
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2008 | 152/52.5–Air Mix 3/4 | Rotella T4 | Seat Lift w/Sheepskin | Speedo Rattle | Rear Pulley Shim | 140/90-15 Rear | Kaw Front Pulley | Relocated Rear Signals

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Savage Filip
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 5

Re: Fitting stock exhaust back
Reply #5 - 08/26/16 at 14:07:39
Great, thanks again.
I will try again tomorrow and see if there is something stuck on there.
But i noticed that on most stock pics of the savage, there is a midsection too? Mine only has a front pipe, and a rear muffler, nothing in between. Maybe I didnt get all the parts, when i bought the bike?

I would love to use a HD muffler. Will this one work?
Its in Danish but i its a Fatboy 45mm.
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Savage Filip
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 5

Re: Fitting stock exhaust back
Reply #6 - 08/26/16 at 14:08:35
Ahh, nevermind, i see its just a heatguard. No midsection there Smiley
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Serious Thumper

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Auburn, AL
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Re: Fitting stock exhaust back
Reply #7 - 08/26/16 at 14:14:22 you're note in the states?  I'm not too familiar with the international versions.

My suggestion would be to post that link in Rubber Side Down and note that you are in "XXX" country and are seeking advice for a muffler swap.  Ask if anyone else is familiar with that one.  We have a number of international members that might offer you good advice.

Oh, and yes, that mid section is just the heat shield. Our bikes are just a header pipe and a muffler, no mid-section.
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2008 | 152/52.5–Air Mix 3/4 | Rotella T4 | Seat Lift w/Sheepskin | Speedo Rattle | Rear Pulley Shim | 140/90-15 Rear | Kaw Front Pulley | Relocated Rear Signals

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Savage Filip
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 5

Re: Fitting stock exhaust back
Reply #8 - 09/09/16 at 02:31:45
I finally got the stock exhaust in. I had to grind down the first 3 cmm of the rear exhaust pipe, but its in, and working. Thanks for the help.
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