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Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga) (Read 3548 times)
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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #45 - 09/17/15 at 05:13:35

Well, time for a recap, I think.    Yes, this is just my tinfoil hat opinion, but I think I have shown it unfold pretty clearly.

<put on tinfoil hat>

Win 10 was a must do, as MS was being faced with irrelevance as PC lost market share in high single to low double digits every year for the past 6 years.   MS has lost approximately 25%-30% of their maximum market share from 8 years ago.    Becoming irrelevant was more than MS could take.

So, Microsoft envisioned Win 10 as sweeping up all existing PCs into a large enough single mass to put Microsoft back into the game as a MAJOR Player, suitable to compete in the future against Apple (iOS) and Google (Android).  

This Uber OS was supposed to run seamlessly across all platforms and give MS a tool to dominate computing again.

It was staged very carefully with cherry picked Beta Testers (with known good hardware that MS could find drivers for) and the Beta Test program was run for 6-8  months while MS worked out their data mining and download P2P torrent tricks.    Quietly, MS also worked out a program to extend data mining and download P2P tricks to the unsupported XP and Vista users with no intention of ever giving them the benefits of Win 10, but intending to use their personal data and internet bandwidth anyway.

Then they polished everything up and did the big launch, but only to a selected subset of users who had the good hardware (similar to the cherry picked Beta testers).   It went well for two weeks, until other users began installing Win 10 early before MS was "ready" for them.   Flaws began to be seen.

In an attempt to do damage control, MS locked down the descriptors on the nightly KB updates to hide the fact they were supposedly just re-re-re-peats of what went out last week, but actually the repeats were carrying extra code inside them to fix issues AND DO OTHER UNRELATED THINGS.   The old KB was just a convenient carrying package with minimal traceability.   Pundits began to write how to back out the "damaging" KBs and turn the features OFF ---  and MS was reinstalling them again nightly and flipping the switches back on again.  

Finally MS began locking down the users ability to remove the offending KBs and took away their ability to disable the various features.

MS then moved down into the larger mass of existing machines, for which  they had spotty drivers for this and that.   Issues multiplied.   Frantic MS fixes for this and that began to fly around the internet every night, incidentally rendering Mary Jo Foley and James Kendrick's test machines (in Kendrick's case a Microsoft built Surface 3 with only MS products on it) both twitchy and unreliable.

Mary Jo Foley and James Kendrick and finally spoke up and in doing so gave the press corps permission to beat on the family dog (criticize MS) and the press corps began to enthusiastically do so.  Mary Jo went back to her Mac and James Kendrick went back to his Chromebook (their alternate article writing equipment).   They are not going to chase a twitchy, erratic, malfunctioning Win 10 any longer.  Call us when you get it fixed.

MS has now been directly challenged to regain ground lost in the last 5 weeks, to repair what had been working correctly before and only then to carry forward with their program of total world conquest.

More importantly, MS has lost the trust and good will of the press corps, which will make their lying about anything any further very contra-productive.   Issue becomes that MS's roll out plan involved MUCH carefully weasel worded EULA tricks and many really vaguely worded click it approvals to get MS's program rolling in the first place.  

Now however, at each un-announced stage of that program it will be instantly challenged on legal and other grounds as people are ANGRY about what MS has already been doing.

Stealing customers bandwidth and causing them to have to pay overage charges to their internet providers has now been called what it is -- stealing --.

Pending legal and executive actions in the EU and Russia have put MS's grand plan into jeopardy and we are now waiting to see how it will all play out.     Misleading consumers and false advertising is the very least of the offences MS is guilty of at this point.  

People should be able now choose to opt out of Win 10 and GO BACK TO AN UNPATCHED UNTWEEKED  WIN 7 OR WIN 8/8.1 SHOULD THAT BE WHAT THEY WANT.

<remove tinfoil hat>

Microsoft the ARROGANT still exists in Redmond, and if you wish these folks to CONTROL your computer and MONITOR your on-line activities, LIST the contents of your hard drive for watchdog groups and STEAL your internet bandwidth then by all means, have at it.

You will get "the operating system you deserve" by allowing all this sort of stuff to happen to your machine.

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« Last Edit: 09/17/15 at 08:23:32 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #46 - 09/17/15 at 06:06:53

Windows 10 is shaping up to be the most unstable release since Millennium Edition (ME)

"Is Windows 10 unstable? That's the question that’s circulating through the blogosphere of late. With even veteran Windows watchers like Mary Jo Foley and Paul Thurrott now documenting their frustrations with the new OS, the perception that Microsoft released Windows 10 before it was ready is beginning to grow.

A quick perusal of peer-to-peer support sites like will give you a taste of just how widespread the malaise truly is. From buggy device drivers to "vanishing" modern apps, Windows 10 seems to have arrived with more than its fair share of rough edges.

SEE ALSO: How to fix Windows 10's worst problems

I’ve personally documented my own (as yet still unresolved) issues with Windows 10’s lack of video driver support for first generation Windows tablet PCs. The finger pointing between Intel, Microsoft and the various hardware OEMs who are affected by this bug continues to this day. And in the course of upgrading to Windows 10 on several other, seemingly compatible PCs, I’ve encountered more than my fair share of general weirdness, including:

Modern apps that simply won’t start. It often takes several taps/clicks on the corresponding Start Menu tile to get Modern apps to load. Tap once and nothing. Tap twice, again nothing. Finally, on the third or fourth try, the apps loads. My developer "spidey-sense" tells me it most likely has to do with a previous incarnation of the app’s process not fully shutting down. But whatever the source, it’s annoying as hell and makes Windows 10 feel less responsive than it should.

Modern apps that suddenly "vanish" from the screen. I’m sure the app has crashed somehow, but the lack of corresponding visual feedback makes it all the more alarming. A simple error dialog with a hint at what happened (and perhaps a lead on how to fix it) would be nice. Even an Event Log entry would give us a starting point for diagnosis, but nada.

Random freeze-ups upon resuming from sleep. On my Surface 3, if I leave the PC for a few minutes and it enters sleep mode, then resume it from sleep with a key press on the Touch Keyboard, I find I’m often frozen out for 10-15 seconds. This typically happens right after I’ve swiped away the lock screen. I then wait a bit and the system finally becomes responsive again. It’s almost as if the PC hung for a second (though the trackpad pointer is still active) and then somehow got unstuck. Needless to say, very alarming.

Random scrolling issues in Modern apps. I’ll be scrolling through a web page in Edge and suddenly it freezes. Not the browser window, or even the tab controls, just the "content" within the tab itself. And even then, I can still interact with the underlying page (e.g. hyperlinks and JavaScript still work) -- just not move it in any direction. Refreshing the page doesn’t fix it, but closing the tab (but not the browser itself), and then reloading the page into a new tab, fixes the issue -- until it happens again.

Interestingly, I’ve also encountered the scrolling issue in other Modern apps, most notably Mail and a Feedly-based RSS Reader app I use called Readiy (great app, BTW). Both exhibit similar behavior: Scrolling just stops dead until you close/reopen the app. I suspect that the problem may be linked to the trackpad on my Surface 3 (it mostly happens when scrolling in "desktop" mode), but it’s still quite disconcerting. More importantly, it’s the kind of random usability bug that makes Windows look bad when compared to iOS.

The sad thing is that I don’t remember encountering nearly as many issues when I first started using Windows 8. Yes, there were some video driver issues when I upgraded my Envy x2 to Windows 8.1. But these were quickly sorted out by a driver update from HP. However, I don’t recall having as many problems with Modern apps running under Windows 8.x (e.g. no sudden "poof" events with the Mail client or Modern IE), and I certainly never experienced the kind of random freezes/lockups I’m seeing with Windows 10.

To be fair, Microsoft is trying something new with Windows 10: A rolling update cycle in which the OS is never truly "finished" but instead keeps evolving over time. However, I can’t help but feel that the Windows team perhaps used this new development mantra as an excuse for cutting corners and releasing a remarkably unpolished (for a full release of Windows) product. Maybe this new approach will provide dividends in the future, but right now it’s leaving a sour initial taste, one that may prove extremely hard for Microsoft to mask down the road."

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« Last Edit: 09/17/15 at 08:25:22 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #47 - 09/17/15 at 10:01:22     by Ed Bott

As we choke along the Windows 10 saga, we need to remember to look at the viewpoint of people like ED BOTT (widely acknowledged as the most "in their pocket person" that Microsoft has ever owned).

Ed has his annual full set of computing equipment GIVEN to him by Microsoft, a new set every year, so he can report on how wonderful it is as he writes his endless flow of gushy how to books.    

Even his peers consider Ed to be somewhat bought and paid for ..... and they make jokes about it.

Why read Ed's article?    Because he does say things need fixing without actually ever admitting how they were broken.   And since his stuff is proof read by MS employees, you can be assured that the places he sends you to are still there and the toggle switches mentioned will still let you actually change them.

And I find it totally amazing when he says  "Occasionally, the return on your troubleshooting investment simply isn't worth it. Rather than spend hours trying to track down some weird bug or software interaction, I use Windows 10's Reset option to perform the equivalent of a clean install. The process is quick and extremely robust, and the results allow you to get back to work much faster than the old-school "clean install from a Windows DVD" option."

Ed then goes through the 6 major areas where Win 10 is falling apart (carefully avoiding any of the real privacy or bandwidth stealing issues of course) and he keeps saying repeatedly to use the reset option.  


"If basic troubleshooting doesn't work, I strongly recommend the Reset option, which does the equivalent of a clean install without the hassles associated with that option in earlier Windows versions. I've seen this option turn troublesome systems into well-behaved PCs, and the process of restoring apps and data is relatively quick, especially if your primary storage is in the cloud.

And there's always the option to roll back to your previous OS and wait for a few months. Troubleshooting is all well and good, but sometimes being productive means allowing someone else to be the pioneer."

What Ed is saying is that MS has really really hacked your computer up by uncontrolled randomly patching it to death, so you should just go RESET it repeatedly until you happen to hit a RESET mixture that pleases your hardware mix.  

Kinda like a monkey with a typewriter, given enough time eventually the monkey will inevitably type you up some Shakespeare.  Luck of the draw will win out in the end.

And no, Ed, these poor souls cannot go back to their Win 7 because the 30 days is up and MS just now got around to screwing their machine all sideways.
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« Last Edit: 09/18/15 at 06:59:39 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #48 - 09/18/15 at 06:36:19

Everybody has alternate devices now.   We have Android and Apple tablets.   We all carry a cell phone.   MS and their brainchild can be stepped around if needed.

Making a habit out of stepping around Win 10 is going to lead to alternate buying decisions eventually.

Some are saying that there are MILLIONS and MILLIONS and MILLIONS of contented users who are having no issues with Win 10 -- and I am betting these are the same crowd who could use a Chromebook or an Android tablet with a keyboard and have no issues with that either as they simply do very very little with the machine.

And yes, if you own really good modern hardware from mainline suppliers I bet your experience has been better than the homemade boxes put together by hobbiests buying their components separately.   Drivers, you know, it is all in the drivers.

The people having the most issues in normal use are the professionals, the power users and the gamers, people who stretch their machine to its raggedy edges.

And I have to agree that Win 10 has the most torn up RAGGEDY edges of anything ever put out by MS to date.


Buckle down your broadband caps,  MS is planning on fixing the mess next month with some sort of rebuild summary which will come out in a big lump about the size of the Win 10 pre-send that cause such a fuss this past month.

They are forcing a form of Ed Bott style reset on you, sent at night while you are sleeping.

The internet will be busy that day, and so will your machine as it re-sends it on a dozen times or more.    

Remember, if you blow your data cap, keep that bill for the class actions.

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #49 - 09/18/15 at 07:30:18

Since Old_Rider has mentioned about MS Win 10 phones of late, I thought we might start discussing them also since they too have hit the news.  

I mean, it is all Windows 10, right?  Same stuff working on all platforms, right?

 hey, you need to click on this and read Gabe Aul's words -- it's worth the effort as the people he is writing to cannot even see his words on their bricked MS Windows phones that are totally borked, broken and NON_FUNCTIONAL.

Microsoft working on fix for phones borked by Windows 10 update

"When Microsoft released Windows 10 Mobile build 10536 to Insider users earlier this week, it probably didn't expect it to break user's phones. It did. Turns out,the update was only meant for certain devices, but a device check glitch allowed non-support devices to see, download and apply the new build. That's bad -- but Microsoft is trying to fix it."

Trying to fix it ---- what the heck does that mean?   How can Microsoft fix a BRICKED cell phone ?????
Send you a pre-paid UPS mailer, I guess.    Ship it off to a repair house.   Weeks with no phone, gee, don't cha jest love it?

"According to Microsoft's Gabriel Aul, installing the update on non-supported devices will essentially break the phone -- and the only way to fix it is to reflash back to the factory image, which most users probably don't have. There's no fix available for users who have already installed the mislabeled build, but Microsoft says it's on the case.

"We're working on repair options for the devices that were not supported but got the latest build," Aul said on Twitter. "This is a high priority for us to solve and have a team dedicated to it. We will let you know as soon as we have info on recovery."

Best course of action right now? Turn off Windows Insider updates, follow @GabeAul on Twitter, and wait."

Anyhow, an illustrious beginning for the Win 10 phone effort, huh?    It is good that MS gets the return for repair pre-paid mailer system all set up up front before the main roll outs begin, as if Win 10 PC is any indication they may well need it.
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« Last Edit: 09/18/15 at 10:02:17 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #50 - 09/18/15 at 07:59:05

Microsoft Working On Fix For Windows 10 Mobile Update That Breaks Phones

"According to Gabriel Aul, the corporate vice president of the Engineering Systems team in Microsoft's Windows and Devices Group, smartphones broken due to the installation of the Windows 10 Mobile build can only be fixed by reflashing the device back to its factory image, which is a process that most users are not knowledgeable of doing, in addition to factory images not being readily accessible."

Here is a website that shows the twitter feed that took place as the borking began and the first layers of bricks hit the mortar.

I think MS should give all the Blu phone users brand new high end Nokia phones for their trouble ......   (hee  hee)
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« Last Edit: 09/18/15 at 08:59:25 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #51 - 09/18/15 at 08:54:54

And you actually think I am a Microsoft basher?    Pulleese ..... let me introduce you to the real McCoy (so you can tell the difference between an amused watcher and a real hard core basher)

This is a windows insider .org that lists all changes made to Win 10.  The organizers want to document if MS EVER actually listens to and takes some of the suggestions they have been given by their Beta preview people.

This is for the Windows Faithful Windows lovers who want MS to at least listen to what users want instead of going their own merry way and saying "the users told us they wanted that" after the fact every time ......   they are documenting feedback given and ignored, in other words.

There is no hate like love gone rotten.
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« Last Edit: 09/18/15 at 09:56:08 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #52 - 09/18/15 at 15:13:51
Both of my laptops are still running fine....

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #53 - 09/18/15 at 19:27:34

Let's be clear -- of the ~80 million Windows 10 users only a quarter of them were originally having serious problems with the update system and/or drivers.    These problem folks generally use more than a handful of old style programs and a browser or two and they are the kind of hands on users that would try to customize their machine to suit themselves.

The remainder ~55 million or so hit it lucky on their hardware and already have adequate drivers and really can't understand what the fuss is all about.    The vast majority of users use their computer just to browse and hit social media sites and THAT'S IT.    They are happy as a clam with Win 10.

As time rolls on the ugly quarter has become more like an ugly third are that are having some unresolved issues of some sort  (generally with more modern app style softwares) with the increase coming from all the buggy "fixes" recently put out through the update system.    And from all the user attempts to cut off the objectionable stuff, etc. etc. etc. that MS is always having to turn back on all the time.

Microsoft, through all its tech sites and captive tech writers are all now saying the exact same stuff now -- please RESET your machine and reload everything fresh and let us start over fresh, please.    

Then PLEASE don't mess with it.

Issue I have is you having to reload all your software and set it all back up over again if you do it by the "you do it RESET method"  --   me, I'd wait until October when Microsoft is going to functionally reset it for you automatically and MS will preserve all your installed softwares and settings when they do it.

Wink     ...... yup, and they will do it with zero issues and no fall out, just like they do Windows 10 phone upgrades .....   Smiley

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #54 - 09/19/15 at 13:22:00
I am playing with a 15+ year old PC that had a Windows xp upgrade. LOL, finally got it to run, and loaded up drivers for my wireless-g PCI express card.

Right now I am in the anciently slow process of defragging so it might run faster in the future.

I will put the system specs here: when the defrag is done
SOYO Dragon motherboard (can't find the specs for the chip socket)
Radeon 9600 pro/w 128 meg ram
1 gig 266 DDR2 ram
Western Digital 7200 rpm 250gig hd
AMD Athalon XP2400 CPU  (2.00GHZ)
FUN STUFF! (posted this with the old dust bucket!)

I am going to leave auto updates off to test the theory that evil Microsoft will turn it back on without my consent. And take over my dust bucket.

After about two weeks I will turn the updates on and let them download ONLY if I approve. And see if evil Microsoft updates without my approval.

Lastly, I will open automatic updates and let Microsoft have its way with this crochety old piece of outdated tech. If they download win 10 on this thing I will bow to their expertise or sue them for destroying my connection to the world! (OK, well, to here anyway)  Cool

P.S. I will leave it running and turned on (it has a case off switch) and let it "sleep" for test purposes.
       Besides, the CMOS battery is dead, and I don't want to have to reset all the time!
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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #55 - 09/19/15 at 13:58:03

You are running what is now called a Windows honey-trap.

Many pundits and other people have done likewise, sitting up a place to check for Borg tracks each day.

Mine is my Wife's Vista Machine, on the theory they'll go after a Vista machine before they go after the XP machines.

We shall see, now won't we?

=========================================   Honey trap results so far

Verslagen has caught them pre-staging Win 10 on his Win 7 machine, as has at least one other list member.   This Borg Win 7 activity has been admitted to by MS, so this isn't news any more.

No Vista (other than suspicious resuming of a large chunk of security upgrades after no upgrades for a while)

No XP (other than Serowbot getting a large chunk of security upgrades after no security upgrades for a while)

The fact is that your Vista and your XP MIGHT be primed now for some future activity  is pretty meaningless until it is triggered and the activity actually takes place.

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« Last Edit: 09/19/15 at 18:36:23 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #56 - 09/19/15 at 14:06:45
Oh.... and i'm running IE 7.....

LOL, the task bar for suzukisavage page ends up in the middle of the screen most times.

Cheesy Grin

P.S. How do you check for attacks each day, when this thing barely runs? LOL.... i suppose i will have to find some outdated software to do that with.... IF IT WILL LOAD !

Went back to the old YABB style to get rid of the task bar glitch Sad

P.P.S.   Chrome dumped XP updates.... can no longer get or use it! But i can still use IE ! Tongue
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« Last Edit: 09/19/15 at 15:36:15 by old_rider »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #57 - 09/19/15 at 16:13:33
I haven't seen any action on any of my Window 7 machines at home.
Is there anything to look for besides that hidden folder off the root of the Windows drive?
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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #58 - 09/19/15 at 16:52:38

MS has gotten WAY TOO MUCH ATTENTION paid to their shenanigans of late and  seems to have calmed down a bunch lately on doing any more stupid things.

Who knows, they might be concentrating on fixing some already known problems ......

They are also starting to do the push into Windows Phone and THAT AIN'T GOING SMOOTHLY either.

I think they got their plate pretty full right now and aren't expanding their horizons so much any more.
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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #59 - 09/19/15 at 17:38:11
I am running XP 32 bit, even IE 9 won't run on this thing!  I believe this machine is now 100 percent safe!

Well, the browser isn't supported anymore (IE7) and the pages look like poop... but, well, 10 ain't gettin' IN!

Guess i'll try firefox or what was that old one? started with an O ... Opera! yeah... is that still around?

Loaded Firefox, works great.... went through settings and disabled all the prying eye software.
Went back to the new forum graphics... works great.... guess, i'll use this machine to do little stuff (cause its old and don't want to work)....

Still doing the experiment though.....

So XP is still supported by firefox....  I tried using my mint 16..... finally got the video settings working, but the internet didn't work. I will delete and reload it and see....
Does mint 17 work with a 32bit system? Maybe i'll go there too.

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