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Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga) (Read 3548 times)
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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #30 - 09/15/15 at 07:12:48

Windows 10 PC sales boost? Don't hold your breath, say analysts

"This according to analysts with ABI Research, who project that shipments will be flat compared to 2014. The entire portable market, which includes Chromebooks, ultraportables (such as the MacBook Air), netbooks, and conventional notebook PCs, is due to ship 165 million units over the course of the year.

Of those four categories, notebook PCs (most of which are Microsoft Windows notebooks) are expected to see an annual decrease of 7 per cent.

This despite Microsoft's release of Windows 10, the first major revision to the Microsoft OS since the 2012 launch of Windows 8. Many had hoped Windows 10 would fix the complaints around Windows 8 and, for ailing PC vendors, spur a wave of users buying new hardware to accompany the latest OS.

Since its launch, however, complaints have risen over the way Windows 10 handles the personal data of users. Reviewers have noted numerous privacy concerns about the amount of information Windows 10 sends back to Microsoft by default.

According to StatCounter, Windows 10 growth has already flattened out.

One area that will see a boost is Chromebooks. Notebook PCs sporting the web-reliant Google OS will get a 35 per cent rise in shipments over 2014 to a total of 7 million units. Education will be a strong Chromebook market this year, and ABI said it sees markets outside of North America warming up to Chromebooks both in 2015 and the coming five years, when it predicts 22 per cent annual growth rates."

And for the second time we hear people saying this little nugget, which is ominous for MS even if it only applies to business to business sales --- big business is a key market for MS after all, and for them to lose the leadership position, even for a few months,  is very ominous news indeed.
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« Last Edit: 09/15/15 at 13:34:02 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #31 - 09/15/15 at 12:19:45

The computing newscorps is NOT happy with Microsoft right now.   Take a look at the headlines on the current first page of a Google search of  "Windows 10 problems" and you see a litany of upset to downright angry articles.

You see pundits doing reversals of their recommendations to install Win 10 (its a bit late boys, the 30 days is up and the stuff actually works WORSE than it did on day 1)

You see semi-humorous attempts to make light of some pretty dire situations .....   this list is actually a pretty good summation of the first 40 days of Win 10's life.


In short, if MS hasn't offered to install the software yet on your machine -- count yourself lucky and stay away from it until later on in the year.    Everyone trusts MS will eventually get a handle on their trouble making (trouble multiplying) bandwidth cap eating update system that is driven even the hard core Windows fans (like Mary Jo Foley) back to their Macs.

MS is no longer predicted to do well with Windows 10 in the first installation year as the software installation has gone so badly it has turned boosters into boo'ers by the scads and droves.  

Hope exists that things will calm out later on this year and the advantages will show through again (hey, once they start working again).

Roll Eyes
However,  now that Mary Jo Foley and James Kendrick have declared that they are writing their deadline articles on their "alternate equipment" (a Mac and a Chromebook respectively) you can count on the smarter people to be considering their other alternatives this Christmas rather than buying a brand new Windows 10 machine.
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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #32 - 09/15/15 at 12:53:52

What if Windows 10 fails?

Read the first few paragraphs, and I think you will see a common assumption in everyone's mind that Win 7 will still be there to carry on the torch until Microsoft can cook up a new OS that pulls it all together.

But, by Borging all the consumer Win 7 and XP installations, Microsoft has intentionally "burned their ships" to make sure people CANNOT go back to old comfortable Windows 7 or XP and just stay there.    Win 10 is now do or die as the Borged Win 7 and XP installations share the same Win 10 type issues now.


Some say Chrome is too weak to pick up the load and Linux is too scattered to matter --- these viewpoints are being written by people who don't actually use those OS systems.

The people who DO use them say "James, what the fluck are you talking about???"  

Fact is there are alternatives to Windows that take about as much mental investment as hopping from XP to Win 7 to Win 8 to Win 8.1 to Win 10.  

Alternatives that WORK right, right now.  

Macs look good right now for wealthier people and Chromebooks look good for everybody else.

Techies like Linux and the various upscale Chromebooks (heck, using Crouton a good techie can have both running at the same time).

Windows 10 is currently too broken for MANY MANY people and until MS gets their head out of their butts and STARTS FIXING WIN 10 ASAP then people will start discussing "Where should we go next?"
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« Last Edit: 09/15/15 at 15:19:15 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #33 - 09/15/15 at 14:34:47

Whoooobaby, these tech writers are hot and after blood now.   Mary Jo has given them permission to beat the pet dog and by golly they went and got their baseball bats out and started to floggin' ....

Now the MAINSTREAM PRESS are picking up on it -- and getting out the electroprods.

I expect the politicians to go off next, doing press conferences and demanding various regulatory arms to issue restrictions on these illegal behaviors.

Let's start with the Inquirer, as it goes straight for the neck .....

And for another seasoned reporters more rational read on Microsoft's latest faux pas ...

and for the very best 180o turn around award, that goes to Woody here who now wants to string 'em up by the balls with a piece of barbed wire.

Now why do I give the flip over award to Woody?   He wrote articles saying it just wasn't so, that Microsoft would NEVER do anything that stupid and people were just wearing tinfoil hats that said that sort of stuff about his precious MS.

"Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned", huh, Woody?  

Getting emotional for much there, buddy?

Hey Woody, I gotcha a spare pre-crinkled mostly comfortable aluminum foil hat should you want to stop all that crazy stuff from being beamed into your head at night ...... that way you can get you some sleep, finally.


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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #34 - 09/15/15 at 15:06:12

..... and here comes Network World smokin' hot about Microsoft literally stealing customers bandwidth .....

Microsoft: Stop stealing bandwidth!

"Microsoft's decision to deploy Windows 10 with a function enabled to deliver Microsoft content via a peer-to-peer back door to fellow consumers is an egregious case of a vendor stealing users' bandwidth. This is just the latest example of an ominous trend for software and content purveyors to treat users' Internet bandwidth as a resource to be exploited without users' knowledge or consent, rather than a resource to be shared by choice and conserved whenever possible. Responsible application purveyors should be as bandwidth-lean as possible and should provide information about how much bandwidth a user can expect an application to consume.

Although Microsoft's Windows 10-related behavior is especially appalling, the ever-growing resource needs of many applications have potentially bad consequences for a household's Internet connection performance, monthly Internet bill, and, in the case of Microsoft's peer-to-peer sharing, the impact on the Netflix movie being viewed on another device in the home."
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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #35 - 09/15/15 at 16:03:23

I just turned on my wife's Vista laptop and checked for any MS updates for the now abandoned OS which hasn't gotten an update in six months now.

22 Important Security updates sitting were in the cue -- recent updates with no particulars for what was in them showing up anywhere.  

Most were labeled Malicious Software Tool updates, some of which were listed as less than 3 megabytes but have taken in total more than an hour to download.

...... hhhhhhmmmmm ......     Huh

Smiley   Oh well, I think I may have just Borged my wife's computer so I can watch it all unfold first hand .....

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #36 - 09/15/15 at 21:17:02
Seeing MS bleed wouldn't make me cry. I hope Monsanto and archer, Daniels Midland all go tits up..
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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #37 - 09/16/15 at 00:22:07
I guess I'm Borgd, morgd, shorgd, torgd, horgd,rorgd, horgd, and forgd.
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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #38 - 09/16/15 at 06:33:35
Ohh, you poor, poor dear, horgd , twice.
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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #39 - 09/16/15 at 06:46:14

Let's talk Apple for a second.   Yes, lots of people are pissed about Microsoft right now and they are looking hard at alternatives to HAVING to go buy a Win 10 machine.   The time is ripe for a change since nobody likes having an antenna shoved up their butt all the time.

Apple has now started to move their ARM for laptops project forward, intending to capitalize on Microsoft's antenna distress issues.

The iPad Pro is a pilot fish for Apple's ARM Laptop

The latest iPad is a distinctly different creature than its predecessors, and Apple openly compared it to a laptop in specs. But is it a sign of even greater convergence?

ARMed and ready

"Ever since Apple began designing its A-series chips, we’ve heard rumors that the company is working on a laptop powered by an ARM chip. Certainly, Apple tests all kinds of ideas in locked-down labs. The iPad was built years before it finally shipped, and the iPhone actually came out of its development, not the other way around. Similarly, Apple had a group building OS X on Intel chips long before the PowerPC processor line was dropped.

And thus we can be sure that OS X is running on prototype ARM-based hardware somewhere at One or Two Infinite Loop. While Intel ticks away at producing faster and more efficient processors, Apple focuses on controlling its own destiny. It’s been this way since the return of Steve Jobs, and slowly reducing the need for Intel processors would be a reasonable path.

Please note that in last week’s keynote, Phil Schiller discussed iPad performance in a way Apple has previously avoided. The new tablet has a 64-bit chip that offers “desktop-class performance.” The iPad Pro’s CPU is 22 times faster than the original iPad’s chip, and twice as fast as the iPad Air 2’s processor. The new tablet also has twice as much memory—we know it’s 4GB thanks to an accidental disclosure by Adobe. Graphics performance is also 360 times faster than the original iPad.

Apple even noted the Pro has better performance than 80 percent of the laptops on the market right now.

Why praise the Pro in this context if it isn’t a test to see whether the market is waiting for something that combines attributes of a laptop and a tablet without the drawbacks of either?"

An iPad Pro that has the screen size of a laptop, one that uses touch, trackpad, mouse, keyboard and pen/screen input, that instantly separates the keyboard for tablet use, is lighter than an iPad Air and has a stronger processor than 80% of the laptops currently on the market?

Uh, what is not to like about that?    

The price, most likely -- the first Apple of a new generation or kind generally is a pretty pricey/snobby item, but we shall see what the two subsequent models next year do for some better pricing.

The key thing is that the ARM laptop is now out there, coming both from Google and from Apple.   This gives Google and Apple a price advantage that Microsoft doesn't have just yet, since an Intel chipped anything costs roughly a third to half more than the equivalent ARM chipped item does.  

But I also betcha Microsoft rolls out an ARM based PC before Q1 of next year (Qualcomm supposedly).   This may be the new phonePC format, if Microsoft should be so bold as to take the move that will kill off the PC completely.

Which brings up a point -- IF Microsoft already plans to make the PC obsolete, it explains why they don't care if they damage their image in the PC realm -- they will already own all of them through the Borging process and be able to use all "associated PC resources" freely to back whatever else they plan to do in the future.

In short, PC would just be a disposable resource, to be Borged and used while it is still available.


As Macbook Pros have been notoriously expensive things all along, perhaps these new equally large screen ARM processored iPad Pros offer Apple a venue to undercut Microsoft's Ultrabook pricing by offering a less expensive NON-antenna shoving product that uses ALL FORMS OF INPUT gracefully and that works 100% right, right now to be Christmas competition for this year.      

I'm looking at it as my wife has already given me the directive to buy her a Mac when her PC dies.

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« Last Edit: 09/16/15 at 07:47:38 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #40 - 09/16/15 at 08:09:17

Just how well are Chromebooks working right now?

It has been a while since I looked as once they got Linux Crouton'ed and all Android apps were able to be used I never really went into depth to see how much real usability that actually gave them -- I made an assumption since they could use Autocad on-line and Adobe Photoshop on-line and had Microsoft Office both on-line and actually sitting in the Google Chrome store as a native app that they had no real issues with productivity any more.  

This assumption needs checking I think.    More pointedly, if you got sick of your Win 10 PC butt antenna and with Microsoft blowing up your internet bandwidth bill each month, would a low cost Chromebook be a usable thing to use to replace it?

I wanted a current read off of the current crop of Chromebooks, and I found a journalist who uses more stuff than the normal person does who switched from a Mac to a Chromebook just recently and he had detailed his journey.  

This is PCMagazine talking here, so this is reputable enough stuff.,2817,2490239,00.asp

Why I Ditched My Mac for a Chromebook

and there is a follow up article by another PCMagazine writer that gets into all the recent improvements and tricks that Chrome has gotten in the last year alone.

12 Tips to Make You a Chromebook Pro

The gist of what I took away is that ChromeOS does most everything either by using Google's crop of built-in off-line capable softwares, or it uses on-line softwares from a wide variety of old mainschool suppliers who have moved on-line in the last year (so as to have a continuing existence).  

The rare holes that used somewhat strange journalism softwares are plugged using Android Apps or very very rarely a Linux version of the original strange software (sometimes using Wine and the original strange software).   This is the ragged fringe stuff for a commercial journalist, so I don't think this really applies to normal people.

What I see is that people who went Chrome either from a Windows background or a Mac background are quite happy now and don't plan to go back.  

The most money they had to spend in the change was involved in buying a cloud ready printer, but I kind of discount that now-a-days as ALL printers come cloud ready out of the box and it is just another replacement for a printer that crapped out on you naturally.   You may already own a cloud ready printer, actually.   For example, retrofit drivers exist from HP for most all fairly recent printers (that you can get from HP automatically as you install the Chromebook).
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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #41 - 09/16/15 at 08:31:17

If you want to get shed of Win 10 (and Microsoft's antenna fetish)  the order of cost goes sorta like this:

Go Linux Mint Mate 17.2    COST = $0.00

Most of you guys would need help from a relative to do this, not because it is hard (it isn't) but because you are just too timid to do it on your own.

Cost is practically nothing and it uses your existing printer and other items.  (yeah, if you hit an exception I am sure you will tell me all about it, but that's OK)

Go Chromebook    COST =  $250

Once again, the help from a relative may be needed, not because it is too hard but because most of you are both non-technical, inflexible and somewhat timid.   The mindset you have isn't very flexible and the level of NEW is more than you can take by yourself.   Help from a younger relative (who uses this stuff at school all the time) may be needed.

Go Android tablet with attached keyboard    COST = $300

If you have an Android Phone this will seem familiar enough to you.

Go Amazon tablet      COST = $350+

  yep, a 12" unit is on the way

The current crop of 10" and 10"+ Amazon tablets with associated input devices look to be headed towards being fully usable computing devices, but will be more expensive than a plain jane Android device of the same size.

Go Android Phone/PC      COST = $500

This isn't fully cooked yet, but it is up and coming later on this year

Keep Win 10 and just pay for the bandwidth overages each month   TOTAL COST < $1,000

Go Mac/iPad Pro   Cost = $2,000

Unless you already love the Mac this isn't a cost efficient option.
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« Last Edit: 09/16/15 at 09:49:01 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #42 - 09/16/15 at 08:42:24
Oldfeller--FSO wrote on 09/16/15 at 08:31:17:
If you want to get shed of Win 10 (and Microsoft's antenna fetish)  the order of cost goes sorta like this:

Keep Win 10 and just pay for the bandwidth overages each month   COST = $1,000

Really Old Feller??  Where you get those costs from?  Updates do NOT cost on a windows phone, they are coded so as not to cost the customer overages on their bill, ask your provider. If they say anything other than that... get a new phone.... or tablet....

And why would Microsoft do that and lose a customer base of MILLIONS?....

I think thou borderest on aluminum foil hat wearing fear monger side of tech.....
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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #43 - 09/16/15 at 08:50:48

Yep, I do wear the hat, as do most of us who do not love MS.   More tech journalists are putting on the hat as time goes by ......  (just read it)

Seriously -- cost was a swag based upon paying broadband bandwidth overages each month (paying for MS pushing updates around) and for whatever service plan costs MS finally comes up with times 48 months which is the life span of a current computing device.

But then again, you like wearing your antenna where it is, but I prefer mine coming from where Uncle Martin wore his, coming out from the top of his pre-crinkled aluminum foil hat.  

Wink    Much easier to sit down that way.    Plus, I can take my aluminum foil hat off when I want to and the antenna goes with the hat.

?????   When did MS Win 10 phone creep into the conversation --- they ain't got one quite yet I don't think, do they?   I was talking existing broadband cap overages people are seeing off their PCs each month, including some of our very own members.

When Stewmills or one of the others here on the list can give us a real dollar cost for their broadband overage we can multiply it by 48 and have a more real figure.  

Until then, I fixed it by saying TOTAL COST <  $1,000

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« Last Edit: 09/16/15 at 19:46:29 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft forcing Windows 10 on UNWILLING peop
Reply #44 - 09/16/15 at 19:27:01

NINE OUT OF 11 Tech News Sources say  Microsoft is STEALING BANDWIDTH

Look at the search results and read down through the first dozen or so -- since it is a live search the actual numbers will change daily, but lately have been headed upwards to a peak of 9 out of 11 tech sources say STEALING is going on.

Certainly people who have not clicked on any sign ups to get Win 10 at all (but got it shoved on their machines anyway) and are having to pay any data overage charges for that shoving (and having to paying overage yet again to push it out to other people) are due compensation from Microsoft.

Watch this one for class action suits and lawyers lining up for getting you to sign up for their particular class action suit.   Keep up with your bandwidth overage charges if you want to try to get compensation back from MS.

The EU is lining up a case against MS over this particular little ugly, so Satya, you might want to tell the boys to quit doing it ASAP and you go public and humbly apologize very sincerely for the "unfortunate mistake".

Roll Eyes
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