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Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc (Read 5530 times)
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #450 - 08/31/16 at 06:35:31

There is a LOT OF ACTIVITY right now on the Japanese methods of LENR, which are based on sending a low energy stream of neutrons into a mass of metal.   This is high tech, high investment LENR but it is well understood by nuclear physics as it exists right now.   Transformation of metals is taking place here, in significant but small amounts.   A lot of energy is being released, but it is not being used by anybody at this time.

It is acceptable, rational LENR that can be explained, while the Rossi effect is still mysterious and somewhat "alchemical" to the real scientists of the world.

There are HUNDREDS OF GROUPS NOW, some well funded, working away at LENR as hard as they can.   Many theories and approaches are being used.

E-Cat World and other web sites are clearing houses for what is discovered and a better picture of what is going on is slowly evolving.

Folks speak with some confidence that breakthroughs in other places not involving Rossi are taking place and progress is being made on "all the other ways to skin a Cat".


It is interesting that if you were boning to get yourself a Nobel Prize for Science, then maybe plunking your first commercial reactor down where the Nobel Committee members could day trip to visit it wouldn't be a bad plan,  don't you think?
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« Last Edit: 09/01/16 at 03:08:56 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #451 - 09/07/16 at 18:51:58

The wizz bangs in academia have futzed with, replicated, scaled up and down and vacuum chambered the reactionless space drive to the point they want to put one out into space and turn it on.

Once again, they still don't know how it works, so they got questions about if it will really work out in space (away from Earth's magnetic field) and indeed there is only one way to get it completely out of Earth's magnetic field.

They are really gonna launch one out into space, point it out at deep space and turn it on.

Just the drive, 4 small steering jets,  the power supply and a transponder radio and a large tinfoil radio/radar cone rig up so they can track it easily as it goes "that a way" at a constant low acceleration.

They will spend MILLIONS and millions of dollars to do this test, so it must be promising enough to get that kind of funding.
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« Last Edit: 09/16/16 at 13:10:10 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #452 - 09/15/16 at 15:31:20

Take a deep breath, and realize that folks have known a little about LENR for over a hundred years now, but because it was deemed "voodoo science" it was totally IGNORED as "non-existing" and "not real".  

And yes, both Tesla and Edison knew about this phenomena.

Helmet and hose underwater welders knew that two electrode "arc path" welding was always plagued by mysterious small explosions or "pops" that would blow the molten metal completely out of the arc pool and make you start over with adjusting the electrodes properly again since the explosion sprayed metal on the electrodes and/or moved them too far apart to maintain a proper arc.    

The shielded electrode single stick welder (the replacement for the open arc) would sometimes do this as well, but not as frequently, and since it required no adjustment beyond striking it again this "popping" caused no real work stoppage on a stick welder.

I mean, seriously, gas welders popped all the time, so why shouldn't an arc welder?

Next case was arc spot lights .....

On misty foggy rainy days, old style arc spotlights would "pop" sporadically and blow their arc out (and the foggier it was they more they would require even more frequent electrode readjustments and restarts) .......

OK, so a guy over 40 years ago was curious why this was, and he investigated and wrote up his results for publication in a print and paper scientific magazine of his time --- but his early results/explanations based on chemistry and "energy states" were immediately trash canned as non-science by academia and his research was banned from the scientific magazines as "voodoo science".    

Ditto for the guy who checked into it 20 years ago ....  publication was refused.    His "electron shell deformation" theory was too out there for science to even consider.

All perpetual motion machines and "energy from nowhere" items get tossed into this special locked file drawer, you see, the drawer gets closed and the info is forgotten forever.

Never mind that a twin electrode rig for an arc welder and a metal bucket of water was all that was needed for confirmation, the idea was so "out there" that it got actively ignored for decades and decades.    

Besides, all of the very few old school confirmation guys who did try it stopped the experiment as soon as the water boiled or splashed over in the bucket as it was making a "a heck of a mess on the lab floor" .....

New investigation says the arc does not need to be large at all nor does it need to be killing high voltage/amperage, it can actually be quite mild and small.    Also found recently was that if a mild lithium solution is used it will exhibit a COP of ~ 8 when the very small arc is heating up a bucket of water in a cobbled up calorimeter.    

Notice the tiny size of the capacitor driven electronic arc device,  so an arc welder is certainly over kill in this use model.

Reformat this idea as a NON-pressurized heavy walled water filled radiator sitting in my den ...... and I got my UL approved LENR room heater, finally.    

A COP of 8 is nothing to sneeze at, as it cuts your energy bill down to 12-15% of what it was to heat electrically before now.   This beats the cost of heating with gas and gets you down into the range of the very very best of the expensive high SEER heat pumps.

Since all the components are already UL approved, there are no barriers to a commercial product, just some product development costs.    The science is over 40 years old, so there are NO RESTRICTIVE PATENTS possible to get in the way either.  

Rest assured, Sue You Mills will still sue you, but I do not think he can win if you aren't using silver powder in your rig up.

More look/see stuff will take place soon since any of the LENR boys can handle this "mild arc welder" level of process very easily and they already own the gear needed to monitor it properly and would only need to make up some form of calorimetry enclosure to do a proper job of confirmation.

Mills LENR original patents may get tossed out by this "prior art" if it is confirmed, but his silver powder and water methodology and his process controls patents may stand up as they are things not envisioned by the folks 20 and 40 years ago.

Brilliant Light Company and Mr. Sue You Mills has prior art from 20 and 40 years ago --- imagine that.        Wink

Rossi is using an electric discharge frequency on solid powders to control his E-Cat X, so this explains why the list folks are doing historical research on the electric discharge methodology in general.  

And they are finding interesting historical stuff from back in the Tesla / Edison era of things .....    Roll Eyes
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« Last Edit: 09/16/16 at 09:51:16 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #453 - 09/30/16 at 23:55:21

Rossi is back with the E-Cat X, having worked through some materials and controls issues discovered as they attempted to design a realistic robotically assembled cell for ease of manufacturing.  

Current E-Cat X cell is around the size of a AAA to AA battery with this first size being output sized at "mild" 20 watts, ie possibly a multi-cell room heater type of product that will also output charging power for laptops and other modern low draw battery powered sorts of stuff.   Could also be a lamp/convection heater type of thing, depends on refinements down the road.

Industrially, Rossi will put lots of these little 100 to 200 watt cells into a megawatt boiler system to make up a 1 to 5 megawatt plant that has no potential entanglements with IH, period.   As he gets better at building them, the size and wattage will go back up to over 100 watts for each AAA to C cell sized reactor.    

A half or quarter megawatt small boiler plant built out of 100 watt AA sized cells may wind up being very compact and therefore relatively more affordable.

Rossi has begun consult actively with experts in certain fields, leveraging the knowledge gained in the fission industry concerning more durable heat and "conversion resistant" materials.   He is also consulting with electronics folks to get his control systems built both better and more cheaply.

Rossi Reports Recent “Tremendous Progress” with E-Cat QuarkX
Posted on September 30, 2016 by Frank Acland • 10 Comments
Andrea Rossi today responded to a question from a reader who asked him what the eventual model of the QuarkX reactor (Rossi’s most recent version of the E-Cat). He responded:

Andrea Rossi
September 30, 2016 at 4:00 PM

Yes, in these last days we made tremendous progress.
The modules will be real “quarkx”, they will have a power of 20 Watts each.
The dimensions will be very small and they will be able to be combined without limit of quantities.

The COP is very high, and the small power/module is necessary for safety reasons.
They can produce heat, light, electricity, but the main application will be to produce heat and eventually turn it into electricity by Carnot cycle. It is possible also production of light and direct electricity, but the highest efficiency is achieved making heat an eventually use the Carnot cycle for other energy forms.

We are very close to industrial applications, we are making important measurements and I am very happy of what is going on.
Ad majora,
Warm Regards,
A.R., from the bench of the QuarkX

Key points to me:      (E-Cat World editorial comments)

1. The QuarkX now is rated at 20W, whereas previously Rossi had said that the smallest unit would be 100W. So for some reason they have made a decision to go smaller. Perhaps this is for safety reasons. Rossi has said that they had been experiencing problems with the reactors overheating, and it makes me wonder if they have found the problem is lessened if the reactors are smaller.

2. While the QuarkX reactors can reportedly produce electricity and light directly, Rossi says that it will be more efficient to produce electricity from the heat of the QuarkX via the Carnot cycle; i.e. using the heat to turn steam turbines. If the COP really is ‘very high’ (Rossi has said recently that it is similar to the COP of the E-Cat plant in the one-year test which he claims was around 50), then efficiency of the electricity production would be very good.

3. Rossi saying they are ‘very close’ to industrial applications sounds encouraging; however, that is still indefinite. I try to temper my expectations in this area — we’ll see it if and when we see it.

4. Rossi reporting being ‘very happy’ about the current state of affairs might be significant. The fact that he says they have made ‘tremendous progress’ might signal that they have successfully dealt with overheating issue they have been experiencing. Incidentally, Rossi said that the specialist they had brought in from California to help them to deal with this problem was a “retired officer engineer of the US Navy.”

In other areas ....  Rossi is generally content with the progress in the IH lawsuit, as most of IH's various twittering objections for the sake of confusion have been summarily rejected by the judges.   Next, the entire crop of IH countersuit items have been reduced to just two, with the rest considered summarily rejected.    Court date is set for next year .....

Rossi's primary attorney and one ancillary attorney just got picked up by a much bigger law firm as Rossi's account seems to be considered "worthwhile business" since he is going to be using legal services quite a bit going forward as he one-by-one sues the folks who are using his IP that was ILLEGALLY transferred to them by IH.

This next level of legal action will take place in a different court, once the current judges (2) make the initial monetary judgements concerning IH violating the terms of their agreements with Rossi.
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #454 - 10/01/16 at 07:32:00
Ohhhh, how I want this to work.
Imagine what third world places would have.
And, can I put my name on the list to start chopping down those horrid wind turbines?
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #455 - 10/03/16 at 09:35:43

Rossi on Going Small: Thousands of 20 Watt QuarkX Reactors to Make Up Large Plants

Posted on October 3, 2016 by Frank Acland • 11 Comments

Andrea Rossi has been answering a number of new questions about the QuarkX reactor on the Journal of Nuclear Physics since he revealed that each reactor is now smaller than ever in terms of power output. The reason for its reduction from 100W to 20W is, according to Rossi, for safety reasons. He said:

“Safety is first. Making modules of 20 W of power, it is much easier to control them. Combining them, we can reach any power rate we want in small space. Like Quarks…

Gerard McEk asked some questions; here is the Q&A:

What worries me is that because of this development you may need to go again through a new full test cycle again for getting the 5 sigma on all aspects.
1. Is that true? no
2. Does each QuarkX need to be separately controlled? no
3. Does such a small unit not automatically mean more control complexity for big clusters? no, the contrary is true
4. The ability to recharge seems more difficult for such tiny units, is it still possible? yes, by substitution on the site of the Customers and recharge in our robotized line
5. If so, do you think of replaceable and recyclable units? yes
6. I assume that using the QuarkX in a jet engine is now one of your favorite applications, am I right? C.B.N.* ["Crystal Ball Needed]
7. When do you think you are able to produce a large cluster of QuarkX’s? soon

Bill Conley asked whether making so many small reactors would mean that refuling them prohibitively expensive or at least make maintenance significantly more expensive and if the QuarkXs were now considered disposable or swappable. Rossi’s response:

No, the maintenance is easy. The modules will be replaced and recharged in our factory. Imagine to substitute fuses in a control panel.

So what Rossi seems to be describing here are reactors that are easily swappable in and out of a plant as if you were changing fuses — nevertheless we’re talking about 50,000 fuses (if the plant was 1MW) which would be highly labor intensive and complicated if you were to install/replace each one individually (imagine how many you could drop or lose inside the plant!). So I would think that they must be planning for a way to have multiple QuarkX’s on some kind of circuit board that could be easily snapped in and out. If, as Rossi indicated above, each QuarkX does not need a separate control system this may be doable. It’s also interesting to me that he says that having many small QuarkX reactors require less control complexity than for large systems.

Rossi says that they will ‘soon’ be able to produce large clusters of QuarkX’s, which would require the manufacturing facility would need to be in place. On the JONP Nils Fryklund asked about this:

Are the plans on a factory together with ABB-robots in Sweden postponed due to security problems with Quark X? AR: No.

So plans for manufacturing seem to be going ahead, however he doesn’t actually say whether the factory is ready yet.

Rossi has mentioned organizing the round QuarkX AAA sorta battery like things into tubes of 5 for ease of replacement.   A long tube of 5 would be 100 watts of heat, and 10 long tubes would be 1,000 watts of heat.    

Yes, you could build a room radiator type heater off of these things, but the cost per QuarkX would have to be very low at the considerable quantities needed for replacement/recharge each year.

Rossi is driving towards a first saleable product, this first product may not be "optimal" but  as long as it actually is made and sold, then normal good 'ol human ingenuity will improve on it year on year on year (once people can buy design rights to design their own products using the Rossi tech, anyway).


It is also quite clear Rossi intends to supersede the tech that IH thinks that they own, pending getting a favorable court decision that IH did indeed forfeit all rights to Rossi's tech by welshing on that last 89m payment.   Unless Rossi gets a favorable decision from the court, then the old long welded up "low temperature" bar style of reactor core is PERMANENTLY last years news, likely forever.

Remember, that long welded stuff was COP of 50 (and quite amazing at the time) but people are now looking at COP over 100 out of what Rossi is doing right now, with the COP going over 200 when it decides it likes itself and starts up one of them "heat bump episodes" that Rossi is struggling to understand and control.   And at over 1,500o F so you need to get a good feel for just how HOT hot can be.

Let me bend your mind a bit about this tech being used inside my proposed small radiator style room heater.   You have a Rossi little AAA battery 5 cell set inside a tube inside a tube inside a tube inside the water filled radiator system.    Why?   The Rossi cells actually run at a blindingly bright white hot state and that  1) is a fire hazard and  2) that puts out a bright light of mixed frequencies you may not want to be looking at, ever.   Think of looking at an arc welder .....

AND, for some good paranoid radiation protection (and to put in a relatively inexpensive liquid that can stand the heat transfer duty being asked of it between the first shell and the second shell) is a fair thickness of LEAD which always melts in use and acts like a convection transfer fluid.   Rossi has used lead for this use all along, but it has never been needed it more since he now has a point source for the heat instead of a large flat area plate or long rectangular bar type heat source.

Second to third shell is filled with a fluid from the current nuclear transfer fluid list, which will convection transfer from the molten lead filled shell to the water in the radiator, something which can get quite hot but not be heat destroyed over time.  

So by this method you go from a super above white hot point source to a gentle room heating radiator, giving you ample thermal and radiation protection levels, naturally.

Lets talk about some of the odd "running effects" which are just now being mentioned at all.   There are apparently types of new non-radiation effects are NOT being documented and NOT discussed openly until shielding for the same is all worked out and PATENTED.   When Rossi says "safety" think of a unknown effect that requires shielding, shielding that is certainly patent-able and will delay things until the patents are actually granted.

Some of these running effects are things only seen at CERN before, things that question our current time/space model of matter and how it works normally.

It isn't radiation like we think of it today, but instead is listed as "some sort of Other effects".  Think of something akin to a residual magnetic field, but that has no detector developed yet apart from CERN labs and such that are just now seeing it .....

Rossi, you need to be careful old son -- remember Marie Curie, please.


There are 6 basically different methods of LENR that being investigated that we know about, plus 3-4 top secret military methods that are totally in the black at the moment.    Even if Rossi fails, somebody else will eventually succeed in making a commercially feasible method.
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« Last Edit: 10/06/16 at 20:17:29 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #456 - 10/19/16 at 18:46:05

Next issue is Rossi's current backers (ABB ???) are giving him requirements to meet that are industry standard requirements and that are well understood by certifying bodies.

We mentioned recently here that Andrea Rossi is focusing hard on obtaining a 5 Sigma rating for his Quark X reactor (5 Sigma in physics being a probability that an event happening the same way every time is 99.9999%). It seems that now that there is a very practical reason for striving to reach this goal: Rossi confirms that it has been set for him by a current partner.

October 19, 2016 at 4:05 PM

Dear Andrea,

Based on your comments here recently I am trying to get a clearer picture of what is going on at Leonardo Corp. currently, and what might be going on in the future.

1. You mention that your goal is to reach 5 sigma. Is this the focus of your work at the moment? AR: yes
2. Is 5 sigma a goal your partner has a requirement for, before a new level of support is provided? AR: yes
3. The demonstration/presentation you talk about: Will this only happen if 5 sigma is reached? AR: yes
4. Do you think reaching 5 sigma will trigger mass production of the QuarkX reactors? AR: yes
5. Is 5 sigma connected also with the low temperature E-Cat plants? AR: no

Thank you very much,

Frank Acland

This is also part and parcel of getting that Industrial Certification for full production, which any EU nation would require before investing to build a production facility.

So, Rossi is building the old tech at less than 5 sigma in Florida, while working hard to unlock his proposed E-CatX automated production facilities by overcoming the barriers to 5 sigma automated production methodologies.

One of the things he has done is to tune down the output level per cell from 100 watts down to 20 watts, which means the understressed individual cells can last over 2 years now instead of just one.   And his redundancy level has doubled naturally as well (along with his cell count).

Rossi is dancing to the tune called by his partners, and they want normal commercial statistical assurances of known good performance.

Issue is that brand new tech doesn't come with known good performance guarantees

Rossi is choking on having to downshift performance so durn much just to get a few extra sigma in reliability.

His stuff really isn't ready for 5 or 6 sigma, really, and Rossi's tech will wind up eventually moving over to a set of partners who will fund him at the 3-4 sigma level (normal old school performance standards) while running at higher output levels.

However, Rossi is getting some good education right now that will do him some good service later on.    

Plus he is getting good tech support in areas where he is weak right now.

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« Last Edit: 12/06/16 at 01:50:42 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #457 - 12/04/16 at 13:54:14

As has been mentioned, LENR first showed its face over 100 years ago in arc lights and in open arc welding.   It was NOT recognized by science as they could not explain it at all .....  so in true group think they ignored it.

Now, after both LENR and the EM Drive having been proven to be real, but NOT explained by science, some eyes have popped open and folks are openly discussing other "known anomalies".

Article: ‘Anomalous Heat detected in Lead Carbon Hydrogen Systems’ (Looking For Heat)

Posted on December 4, 2016 by Frank Acland • 4 Comments
Thanks to Alan Smith from Looking For Heat who has forwarded me a link to a new article published on the LFH website titled “Anomalous Heat detected in Lead Carbon Hydrogen Systems: Simple and Accessible, But is it LENR?” Authors are Alan Smith, Sam Hansson and Martin Moore.

The full text is available at:

Here’s the abstract:

While investigating the electrolytic activation of granular carbon for use as a catalyst for generating pure hydrogen from water and a metallic hydroxyl ion acceptor, members of a research group here and in the USA witnessed sudden and unexpected evolution of considerable amounts of thermal energy, and the release of what is probably Beta radiation. In all cases this resulted in (at least) the breaching of the electrolysis cell. We present a full account of the test methodology, a hypothesis for the origin of the heat element of this event, and offer assistance to researchers who would like to investigate this further.

This stuff would be dirt cheap to do, if they can figure out how to start it and stop it and control it in the in-between times.
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« Last Edit: 12/04/16 at 20:16:50 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #458 - 12/06/16 at 01:17:29

Parkhomov (the grandfatherly Russian with the cute niece) has pulled together a very nice scholarly documented slide presentation of the state of free and open source LENR progress.   It is a clear and relatively current statement of what works at the 2.8 COP small reactor level.    

My room heater could run off this stuff ......


Rossi Interview in Italian Elements Magazine (Update: English Translation — Rossi Claims COP of 200 or More)

Rossi grants an extensive interview with Italian science magazine.    Some of the things dropped by the magazine writer's questions about the Industrial Heat Lawsuit (things that Rossi said he couldn't answer during the trial period) paint a picture of duplicity on the part of Industrial Heat.    If these things were true and the trial went to a jury that could award damages beyond the suit amount, then the creation of IH as a cut out company for Cherokee Investments might be needed.

Rossi did respond again on the COP question, with a non-specific mostly positive answer when asked if his current 20 watt version had a COP over 200.    "Will each cell last more than a year", "it is very possible" was another Rossi vague answer.   Rossi isn't the king of clear and concise, but the master of the vague answer when asked about sensitive issues.

Rossi did say that the current 5 Sigma test was on track for February and that further commercialization is dependent on the test coming to a successful conclusion.

Mills at Brilliant Light has put on another very short run technical demo, showing that his stuff can run for a short while without burning up at this time ......

This LENR stuff is real and it is getting closer and closer to commercialization.
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« Last Edit: 12/08/16 at 18:34:08 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #459 - 12/12/16 at 03:52:07

Rossi: US Military Engineer Performing Third Party Testing on the QuarkX
Posted on December 9, 2016 by Frank Acland • 62 Comments

Andrea Rossi has been posting on the Journal of Nuclear Physics about some new testing that has been taking place at Leonardo laboratory. Here are some of the comments and Q&As from the JONP about the testing.

Q: Can you tell us more abut the test on course today with the QuarkX? AR: It is a measurement made by a third party: it is confirming our data so far.

1. Is this third party a potential customer or partner? AR: no, he is an engineer from a military concern of the USA.

2. What was tested, and how long did the test take? AR: is on course a three days test of the COP and the stability, which means reliability

3. What has been their response to what they have witnessed? AR: so far so good ( hoping this is not a case in analogy with the guy arrived at the height of the 3rd floor after falling from the 10th floor )

4. What do you think will be impact on commercialization of your technology? AR: substantial

Q: Dr. Rossi, some people might have concerns about being involved with the military, clearly you do not feel this way. Obviously they can contribute enormously to the development of your reactors, though they might introduce complexities such as secrecy. What is your opinion on working with the military? Do you see them as simply customers like any other? AR: The engineer who is working with us is not a customer, he is a very skilled man from whom I am learning and that is making a fantastic job with the measurements. I prefer military engineers, because their preparation is superior in average.

Q: I hope that the military will not seek to have exclusive access to your products. Do you think that is a possibility? AR: no

1 – Do you trust this third party individual implicitly and whole heartedly? AR: yes

2 – Will this individual witness the construction of the Quark (s) that are too be tested? AR: yes

3 – Will a control or “dummy” Quark be utilized in the testing as a real time comparison? AR: useless: every system with a COP = 1 or less is comparable

4 – Will he be informed as to the fuel composition of the Quark? AR: no

5 – Will he only be testing for thermal output or also electrical? AR: thermal

6 – Will the test be recorded from start to finish on video? AR: no

7 – Will he be writing a paper about the results of the test, positive or negative? AR: no: internal

Q: Is the military engineer the same person who came to see you previously, and who helped you solve the problem with the QuarkX reactors overheating? I recall he was from California. AR: No, this one is another and I work with both of them.

As usual, we have only the report from Rossi here, and we should make of this what we will. This third party testing is apparently only for internal purposes, so we are unlikely to ever see a report come out of this. An internal third-party test from a military engineer could be useful for Leonardo to have on hand for marketing purposes, even if it was made available on an NDA basis.

OK, Rossi is checking off all his pre-production boxes, getting all ready to present a CONFIRMATION TESTED device that has a credible military expert witness who has just conducted a 3 day confirmation run.  

By February Rossi will have also completed a EU 5 Sigma Certification process run as well.   Rossi has learned a lot from the IH mess, and he is doing things somewhat differently this time around.
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« Last Edit: 12/12/16 at 05:20:29 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #460 - 12/13/16 at 04:16:11

Take what follows with a grain of salt -- this BEV group is supposedly being chaired by Bill Gates himself --- using his own money, not the Gates Foundation's money.

The Breakthrough Energy Coalition (BEC) is launching a new fund that will invest in innovative companies to deliver the next generation of reliable, affordable, and emissions-free energy, agriculture, and goods to people around the world.

SEATTLE – Today, members of the Breakthrough Energy Coalition (BEC) have committed to invest more than $1 billion in Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV), an investor-led fund that will finance emerging energy breakthroughs to deliver affordable and reliable energy with the goal of reducing global greenhouse gas emissions to near-zero.

“It is extremely exciting for us to launch this fund as the next step in the commitment made by the Breakthrough Energy Coalition last year,” said BEV Chairman Bill Gates. “I am honored to work along with these investors to build on the powerful foundation of public investment in basic research. Our goal is to build companies that will help deliver the next generation of reliable, affordable, and emissions-free energy to the world.”

What this does signal is that LENR is going to be going commercial soon, and this is the only real vehicle seen so far to get in on the ground floor investment-wise.

Gates is a money-grubbing "IP sharer" from way way back, so if Bill comes 'a knocking make sure you know where all your IP is before you let him in  ......
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #461 - 12/13/16 at 07:47:10
I don't have sufficiently negative words to explain how I see Bill and Melinda Gates. Rossi needs to steer clear.
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #462 - 12/13/16 at 23:12:00

It's worse,

"Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma other investors worth $170 billion are launching a clean-energy fund"

It's the Rich Dudes Club, in other words .....   good news is that the military or the court system can't slow or stop these guys -- way way way too much power for a gov agency to do anything about.   They would simply step out overseas if somebody tried to get in their way.

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Hobby is now

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #463 - 12/15/16 at 18:54:00

Just pull it up and LOOK at it --- all choked with final pre-commercialization tests, "expert" 3rd party measurement audits, and the formation of advisory boards and the building of multi-billion $$$ stock fund consortiums.

Might you think something's getting ready to fly ?????     Roll Eyes        

'Ol steely eyes up above intends to own a chunk of it, too.
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« Last Edit: 12/18/16 at 22:24:04 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #464 - 12/17/16 at 15:33:31
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