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Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc (Read 5530 times)
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #345 - 03/18/16 at 11:13:44

I watched info movies on Tesla all along as he was recognized as inventor of radio, etc. etc.

Tesla got smeared by Edison all along the way, including after Edison actually predeceased him and GE continued to smear him as a company policy.    The scientific leadership smeared Tesla because Tesla paid them and their theories no mind whatsoever.   Showed them no respect, in other words.   Would rather have Marconi invent the radio, etc. as Tesla was persona non grata.

The New Yorker wasn't exactly poverty digs, you know.

"Penny less" actually suited Tesla, as he had no need for funds in his old age -- Westinghouse folks literally saw he got everything he wanted or needed.   He never left the hotel as he could get meals, haircuts, you name it right there -- including endless room service.

You see, Westinghouse the man was going broke early on in the electricity race and Westinghouse called Tesla into his office to tell him he wasn't going to make is payroll, pay his bills and pay Teslsa's royalties.    Tesla said to him "OK, I give it to you -- now pay your bills and pay your employees"  and Tesla went back to his drawing board to what he was working on.

Westinghouse never forgot about Tesla --- ever.    Westinghouse corp was founded on Telsa's engineering work and that holds true pretty much through now.
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #346 - 03/18/16 at 11:39:45

Read this and realize that Tesla had past contractual relationships with the US military, and it, being war time they came to collect any top secret info that might be contained in Tesla's papers.

And sure enough, everything having to do with the Philadelphia Experiment or the Death Ray got gone the very same day Tesla died.

Some of the classified things he shouldn't have been keeping paperwork in his room (in his safe) in the first place.

The vast majority of Tesla's papers were turned over to his heirs.

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #347 - 03/18/16 at 11:47:12

The Supreme Court would later overturn Marconi's radio patent, in 1943, and award it to Tesla. It didn't hurt Tesla that Marconi was suing the U.S. government for using his radio patents and, if Marconi didn't really have a patent, the government wouldn't have to pay him a dime. Nor did it hurt that Marconi was a recognized fascist while Tesla, born and raised in the Austrian Empire, had become an American citizen.

Politics comes and goes, comes and goes.
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #348 - 03/19/16 at 12:47:05




"Wendy March 19, 2016 at 2:23 AM
Dear Andrea Rossi,
A 1 MW plant made by the QuarkX Ecat would be smaller of the 1 MW E-Cat tested for one year ?
Thanks, Wendy

Andrea Rossi March 19, 2016 at 8:42 AM
Much smaller. I think it could be contained in a cubic meter.
Warm Regards, A.R."

This isn't a mouth burble, Rossi is building an E-Cat Quark X  RIGHT NOW to put into a customer's place of business starting next month.

This also goes a long way to explain the silence gap at the end of the big test in the containers -- the old E-Cat test used 4 LONG steam chambers (with six long cores each = 24 reactor cores in total) that together massed at least 12 times bigger than the E-Cat Quark X he is currently building to test starting next month.

Rossi, this last year alone went from 40 ft container to 20 ft container to 12 cubic meters, and now he is going to be doing it in a single cubic meter ?????

...... his tech is moving, very very quickly, with the generational improvements obsoleting what has just finished testing.

Industrial Heat may feel they don't need to rush to "announce" an obsoleted tech they don't ever plan to build.

Next, rumors have it that ABB, the robotics people are buying in with Rossi and Hydrofusion and will provide a Swedish plant ASAP built complete as their contribution to the new kitty.

Rossi's Leonardo, Hydrofusion and ABB sounds like a very strong technology pushing troika.   When the troika go into production providing units to the other distributors, then Industrial Heat and Woodford and the others will have something to sell with a normal markup margin.

.... or else mebbe Industrial Heat could combine all their old obsoleted IPs together and sell something of their own creation.
Klunky and big, but it could make some seriously cheap, long lasting industrial heat.    Godes at Brillouin has designs for such, and if the IP between E-Cat and Brillouin was shared by Industrial Heat (who holds both) -- then this combo could build a long lasting durable retro-fit technology for existing coal fired electrical generation plants starting like NOW.  Klunky and big and long lasting fits the retrofit coal power plant thing almost exactly ......  go Industrial Heat / Godes, go !!!!


And meanwhile, Rossi will be building a one megawatt plant (steam, heat and electricity) that is a little bigger than your washing machine, which is on the SAME ORDER OF SIZE as a gas-pack AC/Furnace rig out behind your house right now.

Yo, Reem and Lennox, where are you guys ?????    Cheesy

Yes, we gots of commercial and residential applications for a plant about half that size  ---  I gots me a concrete slab already sitting there waiting for it.
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« Last Edit: 03/20/16 at 04:54:06 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #349 - 03/19/16 at 13:18:48

  TWO obsoleted techs developed in 2014 & 2015 .......

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« Last Edit: 03/19/16 at 15:15:36 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #350 - 03/20/16 at 03:49:24

This is a write up of the "speed" diversion between Rossi and Industrial Heat.    Industrial Heat lives in the USA and sees pressure from APCO Worldwide and other "controlling organizations" to GO SLOWLY and let the monetary systems adjust for this new technology and NOT create any form of huge financial crisis over the LENR conversion process.

Rossi admits knowing about the pressures Industrial Heat is under, that E-Cat will only move in the USA if it is TOTALLY INTEGRATED into existing power generation systems.   If done right under these lights the only one hurt initially is the COAL industry as Industrial Heat moves into replacing COAL as a power source.   This is OK as COAL needs to go as the number one producer of CO2 emissions ......

Then, once COAL is correctly handled, the rise of electric cars will slowly reduce the demand for gasoline and other oil products.

Key word is SLOWLY -- markets must be given lots of time to adjust.

Rossi will have some sort of new, post Quark technology developed and tested in Sweden to move into smaller and smaller items by then.  Separating himself from Industrial Heat is a necessary step in that process.

I think Rossi goes back into personna non grata status in the USA scientific community during this separation from Industrial Heat.

He has no credibility now, nor shall he ever have any unless he gets something done CORRECTLY and well by his new troika based in Sweden.

The Swedes need their own North Shore oil to continue to flow as that is their major export item right now.   However, cheaply heating their homes and businesses is also something the Swedes need.   Britain has no oil industry to speak of, so disrupting oil hurts the brits the least of anybody.

Just think of Industrial Heat as a quiet control mechanism for APCO Worldwide and the US Federal Reserve system and you won't be too far off the beam.

Is Rossi disruptive?   Heck yes -- he invented three completely self-replacing technologies in 3-5 years and is working hard on a fourth.    If all four had been implemented some level of financial chaos would have ensued.

Industrial Heat has the BIG KLUNKY long lasting LENR tech it needs to replace COAL by retrofitting existing COAL power plants -- Industrial Heat should be about testing it out in a pilot plant and doing it.    

Coal can continue to fire the existing boiler systems while the new Industrial Heat team puts in the first LENR replacement boiler systems and tests them out.   Godes can be the head engineer of this retrofit effort as it has been his main dream (and Tom Darden's dream) all along.

Industrial Heat has a major role yet to play in getting rid of COAL air pollution.

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« Last Edit: 03/20/16 at 10:46:31 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #351 - 03/20/16 at 04:46:58

COP as a measuring tool is going to become less and less important.

Rossi has stuff running between 20 and 80 COP that was part of the 1 year long 1 megawatt  test just completed.

Brillouin (Godes) maxed out at 4-6 COP on the stuff he had developed.   Rossi tech is better than Godes tech, in other words.

Once you can generate electricity directly from a running cell, COP becomes meaningless as you could (but you would not actually loop your generated power back into your controllers, you would not hook it up this way for safety reasons) -- instead you will "balance sheet" your required input power against what you directly generated electrically while running the process to see if your LENR COP becomes "infinite".  

If total kW directly generated while running the reactors exceeds the kW to get it started and to monitor/run it, then your COP is indeed infinite on that particular system once you get it up and running.    Packaged nickel powder plus the secret sauce additives becomes your major input cost item, along with replacement and/or upgraded electronics control packages.

Rossi's old tech (licensed to IH) could be used to improve Godes tech (licensed to IH) and vice versa -- making up a very solid, long lasting BIG AND KLUNKY LENR replacement system for a coal fired power plant.    Industrial Heat can do this right now as they are the distributor for both systems in the Americas and in China.

Industrial Heat employes Fabrio and about half the original Rossi Team now along with other budding LENR scientists .....  these guys do understand how to do it.   Got a state of the art materials lab in Florida to make bits and pieces for PRODUCTION LEVEL DURABILITY and a LARGE manufacturing site in Cary NC / RTP area.   Go boys go.

Rossi's prototype E-Cat X / Quark line exists somewhere, the one he built all those E-Cat X prototypes on, testing them like popcorn at one point in time -- testing them all the way up to destruction just to see what they did when they popped.

This same line can make E-Cat style reactor rods of any length, easy peasy.

Industrial Heat needs them a freshly out of commission coal fired power plant to play with .......  they just decommissioned 200 coal plants just this past year, so a fresh one should not be hard to find.    Needs to have the large steam turbine generators still intact .......
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« Last Edit: 03/20/16 at 16:35:16 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #352 - 03/25/16 at 11:28:08

“Frank Acland March 25, 2016 at 7:18 AM
Dear Andrea,
You said recently that your problem is the multitude of your potential customers. I think this could be a major challenge, as when people realize what your E-Cats can do, the demand will be huge. You will essentially be starting from nothing, to where you need to be producing millions of units a year immediately to meet expectations. Can you realistically do it? Or should we be prepared for very long waiting lists for delivery of E-cat products?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland

“Andrea Rossi March 25, 2016 at 9:21 AM
Frank Acland:
Leonardo Corporation is prepared and ready.
The deliveries of all the robotized lines will be fast, Rossi added this phrase later [I already signed the MOU] the factory is already ready and I designed the E-Cat QuarkX in a way that will ease the manufacturing, because I have designed it together with the robot experts I am working with and the electronic engineers I am making with the prototypes.
Leonardo Corporation is ready, do not worry. We will be very fast with the distribution, because we want to burn out ALL our possible competitors, whose only strategy I can see is hope to be ready to copy our products, pretending they will have invented them. They will be beaten in two fronts: patent violation and price: Leonardo Corporation will start immediately with very low prices, due to the massive production they will not be ready to do. I have pretty good intelligence about all what is happening around, what really is behind the chatters and there is nobody ready with any structure necessary to compete with us, let alone a product. Leonardo Corporation will have warships, they will have paper ships, made of the same substance of my paper ships I used to make and test in the fountain of the zoo of Milan ( Milano, Italy ) when I was 4 years old.

Rossi added this sentence later:

This having been said, I must add that there is also some competitor that is working very seriously and upon technology really different from ours: but they don’t talk, as I did until 2011.

F8, F9.
Warm Regards, A.R.

Rossi is saying here that all the necessary preparations have been made. He has mentioned before that the robotics partner he has been working with is ABB Robotics who are one of the most advanced Robotics companies in the world with much experience in making fully automated manufacturing lines.

He seems confident that the low-cost/rapid distribution strategy will make it impossible for him to be matched by competitors. I wonder if he sees the other companies that are being supported by Industrial Heat/Lux Energy as his main competitors.

Next, if Rossi or Industrial Heat is now being supported by the US Air Force and NASA and the US Navy with TOP SECRET high priority clearance money, then perhaps it explains part of the current information gap and total silence that is going on right now.
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #353 - 03/25/16 at 11:41:58
If government gets it, will that keep it from being developed and made available to the public?
I know it's unfair to expect anyone to actually know, I'm just asking for your opinion.
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #354 - 03/25/16 at 16:15:27

If the gov contracted with IH that does not enjoin Leonardo Corp out of Sweden / Britain.

There is a certain amount of sense coming out of Rossi / IH / Woodford / Hydrofusion et al -- you cannot silence the whole lot of them.

Production will tell the tale.
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #355 - 03/27/16 at 06:44:27

This was in the normal news.

Rockefeller Trust is divesting itself from all oil holdings

Reason given was a "the heir's growing concern over global warming".

What does this really mean?

All of these oil stocks and any oil related funds or stocks are being manipulated to wind up in the general holdings of large corporate retirement funds all over America.

This way when the stocks go to zero value "the people in general" will take the hit, not the fat cats.

Rest easy that the delay that is being shoved on Industrial Heat and Rossi will likely end once the oil stocks are all moved around some so Joe Normal takes the hit in his retirement funds.
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #356 - 03/27/16 at 06:49:07

How Do You Launch a Potentially World-Changing Energy Technology?

Posted on March 27, 2016 by Frank Acland • 7 Comments

It’s been over five years since Andrea Rossi first went public with his E-Cat. I don’t need to rehearse the twists and turns that have taken place since January 2011, when Rossi and Focardi held their first press conference in Bologna. In early 2011 Rossi was predicting that E-Cats would be on the market within a year, yet here we are, still waiting for the commercialization of LENR technology in a world filled with energy challenges.

To me it is sounding more and more likely that sometime in 2016 the E-Cat will be ready to go on sale for people to use. But how do you launch such a product?

However you do it, I don’t think it can be done painlessly, without upsetting someone or something. The fortunes of nations, businesses and individuals are tied in with energy production in one way or another. Even if you don’t work in the energy sector, billions of dollars of average people (maybe a good portion your retirement account) are invested in financial securities connected to the energy industry in some way.

Here are some possible approaches.

1. You launch a publicity campaign and say in effect: “Here it is, here’s what it can do, who wants to buy it? If you don’t believe me, here’s a report that shows how the E-Cat acted over a 1 year period”. You put products on the market, take orders, and trust the marketplace to take care of the disruptions that might occur.

2. A more low-key approach. You release a report with data verified by a third party and let people study it out for themselves, and invite them to contact you privately if they want to explore the technology further. Commercial development is done quietly under NDA.

3. A gradual and controlled introduction of the technology. You do all you can to soften the blow for people who will be adversely affected by a disruptive energy technology. You do all you can to keep information off the front pages but build support in private, making alliances and getting buy-in from a broad base of people in industry and government. You try to anticipate negative societal change ahead of time, and launch the product gradually in selected markets so as to keep the disruption to a minimum. You give governments time to prepare to introduce laws and regulations on how and where, and for how much this technology should be used and taxed, and how it can be prevented from being used for destructive and criminal purposes, hoping for social stability and providing compensation for parties that might be adversely affected.

4. You don’t launch it. After analysis and consultations you forsee too many serious social problems being caused by such a radical technology and decide it’s for the greater good to keep it from being released — for the time being at least — and somehow bury it.

I realized these are rather simplistic options — the real world is going to be much more complex than is outlined here, with lots of different variables to be taken into account. But the point here is that if the E-Cat works as Andrea Rossi claims, there has never been an energy product like it released into the world. It would be a truly revolutionary technology, and I can’t think of a precedent of how to deal with it. We might look at the launch of nuclear power, but that was rolled out by governments with strict supervision for safety purposes. The E-Cat is coming from the private sector, is vastly cheaper than nuclear fission, and the same safety concerns do not apply.

There’s no rule book in place on how this is to be done, so if this happens, however it is done it will be breaking new ground, and it will be very interesting to see what happens.
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #357 - 03/27/16 at 06:56:57

"A major university has replicated Rossi's work."

This is a rather idiotic press release -- they are now selling a $300 kit to let junior high school students replicate Rossi's dogbone work.    I count 7 universities that have small active LENR Departments inside their schools of Engineering / Physics at this time and entire classrooms of students have set up the old Focardi stainless pot full of nickel powder with hydrogen gas feed 1.5 COP experiment at this time.

What this is really?   It is the orchestrated gentle release of information that will allow society at large to digest this change without throwing people in a panic.
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #358 - 03/27/16 at 13:40:30

As a science teacher (if I was one), I would love to see the kids doing some experimenting with energy production and consumption ratios.

But as a principle (if I was one), I would be totally, NO!  after reading that LENR stood for Low Energy "Nuclear" Reaction... even though Lattice Enabled Nanoscale Reaction would probably be a better advertising Cheesy

We need to get the kids in on this... we need bigger and better science programs for schools. The generation coming up now cannot even locate all the States on the map of the USA if you gave them a puzzle with the pieces shaped correctly!
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Re: Update on E-Cat, state of oil markets, etc
Reply #359 - 03/27/16 at 14:09:19

What people should be screaming about right now is "GET ALL THAT OIL OUT OF MY RETIREMENT PLAN !!!!!"
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