Serious Thumper
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 5349
Wowwww all those big words I no understand ...
I theeenk theeeesssseee acceeedddeeeentttts eees bad, but Theeey callll eeeeet aaaaacccceeeeeeddddeeeeeennnntttsss ffffoooorrr reeeeessssseeeen.
And ...
Can you imagine how big gubbamint is gonna be if we have to have a department of bucket regulation.
As soon as you expand govt and fund it by say 300%, we can regulate everything including buckets ...
Its accident, carelessness, and as soon as someone uses buckets to drown 27 people in a school, we can regulate it, that's my take.
Dont subvert the issue, people die for all sorts of reasons. With guns they get to die rather quickly all in one spot every other month.
And sorry, a moron does not know a moron ... a moron is cluless as to who else is a moron. Or worse yet, agrees with the aforementioned moron. That "Takes one to know one" is rather click sounding, however does not work to be true in most cases. That when applied to say, doctors and their patients mean, well, doctors are sick people, applied to cops and criminals, means cops are criminals, and so on.
Cool. Srinath.