Jerry Eichenberger
Serious Thumper
2006 S40. OEM windshield, saddle bags, Sportster
Posts: 2919
Columbus, Ohio
I'm not getting into the abortion argument here. I will some other time, but Lifter's question isn't about that.
What constitutes "better off"? Does it mean that you have more money, a more secure job, or is it that you may have lost some freedom, which can't be qantitatively measured? Or being in fear of the future rather than anticipating it?
We argued the health care change bill a couple of years ago until the cows came home. To me, I lost a little bit of freedom here.
The tax issue - the "Bush" tax cuts are inappropriately named because Congress passes tax laws, not any Pres. If Obama is successful in getting Congress to let them expire, the gov't will take a small bit more of my money, and yours too. All taxpayers saw a bit of relief with the Bush tax cuts. However, I would let them expire purely because we've got to start reducing the deficit.
And there, my friends, is one area where we're not better off. This Pres has exploded the deficit, and people who think with their heads rather than their stomachs can't help but see that this deficit will kill us, driving us off of that fiscal cliff. So, are we better off because we're facing eventual ruin unless we get the spending under control, and the only way to do that is cutting programs? For sure, we can't afford any new spending, such as Obamacare will generate.
I fear becoming what Greece, Portugal and Spain are now. So, just for that reason if for no other, I'm a long way from being better off now than I was 4 years ago.
As for wars, neither party has a cap on that one. Wars are sometimes needed, sometimes not. Even as a diehard Republican, I was against the invasion of Iraq, feeling as I did that Saddam was a stabilzing influence who kept his animals in check. We invaded the wrong place - the target should have been Iran.
The Israelis won't wait much longer - they will attack Iran, and they must. WE need to be ready to take out any and all who support Iran and their acquiring any sort of nuclear capability - you don't give a madman that kind of potential. Didn't we learn anything from the 1930s in Germany? Yet, fools would rather forget that those who ignore history are only bound to repeat it.
No one hates war any more than a career soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine. After wearing the uniform for 30 years, mostly in a reserve capacity, I can attest to that. But I wore it for a reason - be ready to act if necessary.