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Are you better off then you were were 4 years ago? (Read 361 times)
Serious Thumper

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Are you better off then you were were 4 years ago?
09/10/12 at 22:03:37
Republicans are asking the question, "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?"

If you don't think we are better off then vote Republican because the Republicans are going to take you right back there.

But if you think that going back to Bush is a bad idea then vote for the Democrat and let the recovery continue.

The Republicans under Bush dug a very deep hole and it's going to take a very long time to undo the catastrophic damage they did to America.

I don't think you'll find anyone who will trade where we are now to go back to where we were 4 years ago.
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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #1 - 09/10/12 at 22:48:40
Its no secret we'll be right back in another war if Romney gets elected. I would vote for Forrest Gump if it meant not going to war again. I'm sick and tired of our kids coming home in caskets and the ones lucky enough to survive screwed up for life. Without the Christians the only ones belonging to the Republican Party would be the 5%. They mention the word abortion and the Chritians go apesh!t. I'm only for abortion in certain cases but I dont understand the Christians. Its a terminal sin to kill a child in the womb but its OK to bomb schools and hospitals in the Middle East. The God I worship considers a life a life, no matter if its in the womb or across the ocean. Sorry Star, didnt mean to ramble on your thread. Am I better off, cant honestly say I am but my family is back to work and for that I'm greatful and I think everyone knows who I'm voting for LOL
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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #2 - 09/10/12 at 23:06:07
It's funny how a person who is pro-war, pro-death penalty, pro-indiscriminate drone bombing, pro-guns, pro-hunting, pro-no health care, and pro-no meals for poor children....can still call themselves "Pro-Life"...ha ha, is that a knee slapper or what?

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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #3 - 09/10/12 at 23:18:42
4 more years aint goin to change much of anything no matter who gets the job..
we're still suffering from ronnies trickle down(piss on you)schemes..
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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #4 - 09/10/12 at 23:33:30
Rep's are pro-fetus... that's about as far as it goes...

Once you have a birth certificate... all bets are off... Grin...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #5 - 09/11/12 at 01:03:40
The real Republicans could care less about anyone but themselves and there offshore bank accounts. Do you really think anyone at Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan gives a sh!t if a poor Black or Latino getto girl has an abortion? This abortion thing is a scam to draw in old white gullible Christians who make up the majority of the party. Bot's right, once you stick your head out be careful, a Christian might blow it off. Star once again I apologise for derailing your thread. If I had the time I would love to write a book about how the Republican Party has totally decieved the Christians and the older generation into voting against their own self interest and going against their religion. The Republican Party have become masters of deceit, thats the only reason they are still here.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #6 - 09/11/12 at 01:21:28
Its not just abortion, according to what I've read Jesus hung out with the poor, the sick and elderly. We all know what the Republican Party wants to do with them. And a very large majority of the white Christians will vote for it. My favorite reading on the life of Jesus was the day he walked into the temple, saw the crooked money changers and priest cheating the poor. According to the Bible he jerked lampcords off the wall and swung them wildly over his head, kicked a$$ and cleaned house. If he ever comes back he's got his work cut out for him.
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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #7 - 09/11/12 at 13:00:50
Starlifter wrote on 09/10/12 at 23:06:07:
It's funny how a person who is pro-war, pro-death penalty, pro-indiscriminate drone bombing, pro-guns, pro-hunting, pro-no health care, and pro-no meals for poor children....can still call themselves "Pro-Life"...ha ha, is that a knee slapper or what?

Thank god my bike dont have internet ... cos if I read this while on my bike, I'd have a tank slapper ....  Grin

Never pass up an opportunity to make a bad joke I always say.

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #8 - 09/11/12 at 13:29:14
Starlifter wrote on 09/10/12 at 22:03:37:
Republicans are asking the question, "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?"

This is one more of those political Phallus-cies.

Why would you neccesarily be better off as a rule ... people age, you get more medical bills, you get worse ... unless you were under 10 @ that first instance ... 10-14 you usually improve ... you still are @ home, but you now have more rights, you can get a girl (or guy) friend, have more rights ...
I was 90 years old when Obama got elected, and look what has happened since, I got arthritis, hemmorroids, constipation, incontinence, diabetes, blindness, deafness, halitosis and my girl friend turned into dust ... that Obama is the devil. Devil I tell you. Devil.

Bogus question knowing that an aging population is going to be worse every 4 years and conveniently blaming Obama for it. Its like Blaming Obama for the passage of time.

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #9 - 09/11/12 at 22:09:25
Excellant posts here so far.

I am driving to New Jersey in the morning and will be back in a week to ten days...keep the pot boiling.

*Starlifter Cheesy
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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #10 - 09/11/12 at 22:16:25
Have a safe journey my friend.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #11 - 09/12/12 at 00:11:15
Starlifter wrote on 09/11/12 at 22:09:25:
Excellant posts here so far.

I am driving to New Jersey in the morning and will be back in a week to ten days...keep the pot boiling.

*Starlifter Cheesy

Excellant posts here so far.

Justa buncha mutual masturbation by a bunch of mutual admiration clowns..

Obomney, Rombama,, who cares,, screwed either way.l
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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #12 - 09/12/12 at 06:00:48

Justa buncha mutual masturbation by a bunch of mutual admiration clowns..

Obomney, Rombama,, who cares,, screwed either way.l

I agree with the first part JOG; funny stuff! The ultimate circle jerk....

but you are wrong about screwed either way. There is a clear difference. Might not be the difference you want, but the two are miles apart. One way we continue down the path to greater State control, the other way slows that path; doesn't eliminate it. I think that's much farther down the line.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #13 - 09/12/12 at 07:25:55
Web's been tootin on Rush's crack pipe again. You havent lost a single freedom during Obama's watch. You've forgotten a lot, but I havent forgotten the Patriot Act and who passed it. Now that's state control at its finest!
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Re: Are you better off then you were were 4 years
Reply #14 - 09/12/12 at 07:59:22
WebsterMark wrote on 09/12/12 at 06:00:48:
but you are wrong about screwed either way. There is a clear difference. Might not be the difference you want, but the two are miles apart. One way we continue down the path to greater State control, the other way slows that path; doesn't eliminate it. I think that's much farther down the line.

  Really? I guess the government is OK when it has its business in womens reproductive organs? Or can put women in jail who do not want to carry a rapists child to term? Or deny constitutional rights to a group of people because of sexual orientation? We can see now which party restricts freedom...
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